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Hamas's leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, lost contact with fellow terror leaders "weeks ago," KAN News reported on Thursday, and was not involved in Hamas's response to the hostage deal and ceasefire proposal.
Israeli forces are "peeling back" Hamas infrastructure in Khan Yunis, more than two months after entering the Gaza Strip's main southern city, and believe the terror group's Gaza chief is hiding there, a senior military officer told Reuters on Thursday.

Israel has begun the process of replacing the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told reporters on Wednesday night as he spoke of the organization, which services 5.9 million Palestinian refugees.
“We will have to replace UNRWA. I directed that this process be started, and I informed US Secretary of State Antony Blinken about it today,” he said.

One scenario that is not being publicly discussed, but which former top Israeli officials are aware of, is the possibility that at some point Israel may request a global alliance to finish destroying Hamas’s tunnel in Gaza, the Jerusalem Post has learned.
The reason for such a scenario, though ideally, Israel would prefer to destroy all of the tunnels itself, is simply that it may run out of time to do so before a point at which it can no longer operate standing forces deep within Gazan cities and towns.

Hamas has been regularly accused of manipulating the death count in Gaza throughout the war, but with independent verification being nearly impossible, such accusations have been hard to prove.
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy released a report at the end of January that attempted to show the discrepancies in the official fatality report's figures, and that such discrepancies were most likely caused by manipulations.

Einen würdigen Nachruf auf einen Menschen zu verfassen, ist generell schon sehr schwer. Wenn es sich bei diesem Menschen um jemanden handelt, den man als engen Freund, Kollegen und Mitarbeiter…

Jerusalem (dpa) - Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Kai Wegner hat am Dienstag während seiner zweitägigen Reise nach Israel die Holocaust-Gedenkstätte Yad Vashem besucht. Es brauche dringend Worte und vor allem Taten, um sich gegen Antisemitismus, Hass und Gewalt zu stellen, zitierte ihn die Berliner Senatskanzlei. "Berlin wird niemals vergessen - Berlin bleibt wachsam. Nie wieder!", fügte er hinzu. Mit dem Besuch in Israel wolle er seine Solidarität mit dem von der islamistischen Hamas angegriffenen Land ausdrücken, hatte er im Vorfeld der Reise erklärt.

The “Palestinian Nelson Mandela” (Associated Press).
A “political prisoner” (Times of London).
The man most likely to serve “as a credible negotiator of a Palestinian state” (former Human Rights Watch chief Ken Roth).
These are just some of the terms that have been used to describe Marwan Barghouti in both traditional media and social media ever since it was revealed that, as part of its negotiations with Israel, Hamas is demanding Barghouti’s release from prison.

After the horrific events of October 7, what we face today are, basically, two completely different worlds. One is exemplified by Hamas—a fundamentalist Islamic movement with genocidal intentions. The other is the Jewish State. To be sure, Israel is a democratic country, but one riddled with internal conflict and controversy. There is a segment of the Jewish public and certain institutions, including a few under state auspices, which are fanatically religious, but they and their Jewish brethren of varying degrees of religiosity do not aspire to spread the Jewish religion globally as Hamas does with Islam. As a result, there can be no overarching common platform on which to conduct a dialogue. Hamas seeks the destruction of the Jewish State and the elimination of its society basically by annihilating those who do not convert to its credo. Israel is, as we well know, a very complicated society, but in that sense it is hardly unique; most—perhaps all—democratic societies are.
IDF Arabic spokesperson Avichay Adraee posted on Monday photos of a booklet of religious rulings by Hamas-affiliated clerics found by IDF soldiers in the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis which justifies the killing of all Jews – men, women and children.
The booklet, issued by the Shura Council, the institution advising the Islamist terrorist organization on religious matters, was signed by Ahmad Bahar, the chairman of the council who was killed in an IDF strike. The contents of the booklet, distributed among Hamas terrorists, unequivocally contradict the narrative the terror organization itself seeks to promote.
The Palestinian Authority is so anxious to reward the 6,540 new Palestinian terrorists with monthly salaries, known as pay-for-slay payments, that it has decided to bypass standard PA procedures. According to PA “Regulation of Payment,” the Red Cross must visit imprisoned Palestinian terrorists to confirm their eligibility for salary rewards. The following is the official PA regulation:


Last week, TikTok CEO Shou Zi breathed a sigh of relief for the first time in months after the U.S. District Court for the District of Montana blocked a ban on the popular social media platform.
The bill, the first of its kind in the U.S., was passed last May and would have banned the app within Montana state lines starting in January. Montana Governor Greg Gianforte said that the law was essential to safeguard Montanans' personal data "from the Chinese Communist Party."

Israel's Diaspora Affairs Ministry sent personal letters to about 20 European leaders, signed by Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli, which included evidence of the terrorist activity of Hamas activists and operatives of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in major cities across the continent.
"Weeks have passed since the barbarism that Hamas committed against infants, children, the elderly, and thousands of Israeli citizens. This is not the time for ambiguity. I want to clarify this unequivocally. Hamas has proven that their goal is to kill Jews everywhere," Chikli wrote.

A broadcast from Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip illustrates the kind of children’s games young Palestinian children are taught. Two young girls are seen playing and chanting a song with an antisemitic theme, degrading Jews to “our dogs,” and calling for “death to Israel”:

Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus Deutschland haben sich in einem offenen Brief gegen antisemitische Anfeindungen als Reaktion auf den Nahostkonflikt ausgesprochen. „Wir wenden uns entschieden dagegen, den Terror der Hamas mit dem Leid der Menschen im Gazastreifen zu relativieren und Israel das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung abzusprechen“, heißt es in dem Schreiben, das am 9. November, dem Jahrestag der Reichspogromnacht, veröffentlicht wurde.

Ein 31 Jahre alter Mann steht wegen gefährlicher Körperverletzung und tätlichen Angriffs auf Vollstreckungsbeamte in Bremen vor Gericht. Ein sich einmischender 63-Jähriger erlitt im Zuge der Auseinandersetzung einen Schlaganfall.

Ein Licht in dunklen Zeiten: Viktoria Ladyshenski erhält für ihr außergewöhnliches Engagement rund um das jüdische Leben in Schleswig-Holstein das Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande. Verliehen bekommt sie es in Berlin von Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Ein besonderer Gast begleitet sie.

Die Channuka- / Weihnachtszeit ist ein wichtiger Zeitpunkt um ein Zeichen für die Geiseln zu setzen! Laden Sie unsere DIY-Dreidel-Datei herunter, bauen Sie sie zusammen und teilen Sie Ihre Kreationen…

(December 4, 2023 / JNS) - The American Jewish Committee has expanded its Translate Hate glossary of antisemitic terminology to include an expanded collection of hateful symbols across ideologies, many of which have emerged in recent years.

Where is the explosion of antisemitism coming from and how can we defeat it? What will be the effect on terrorism worldwide if Israel doesn't defeat Hamas?
In this week’s episode of Top Story, JNS editor-in-chief Jonathan Tobin is joined by legal expert and author Alan Dershowitz, who has written a new book about the current conflict, War Against the Jews: How to End Hamas Barbarism.
They discuss
- how anti-Israel professors and DEI programs have contributed to the rise of antisemitism
- how the recent Hamas/Israel hostage deal threatens to have terrible repercussions across the globe
- the future of the democratic party and how some "moderate" Democrats are more dangerous than those to the far-left.