Email eines UNO-Beobachters wirft neue Fragen auf

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Die Email eines kanadischen UNO-Beobachters, einer der vier am Dienstag getöteten UNIFIL-Mitarbeiter, könnte neues Licht auf den Vorfall in der Nähe der südlibanesischen Stadt Khiyam werfen. Hisbollah-Kämpfer hätten „um den gesamten“ UNO-Posten Stellung bezogen, teilte er seinem früheren Kommandeur in Kanada, General-Major Lewis MacKenzie, in einer Nachricht wenige Tage zuvor mit. Nicht die UNO-Beobachter, sondern die Hisbollah-Kämpfer seien das Ziel der israelischen Luftwaffe, schrieb der unbewaffnete UNO-Beobachter in seiner Email:

Annan’s Claims On Casualties May Unravel
By BENNY AVNI – Staff Reporter of the Sun
July 27, 2006:

In einem Radio-Interview mit CBC Toronto radio sagte der pensionierte General-Major Lewis MacKenzie am Mittwoch:

„…the tragic loss of a soldier yesterday who I happen to know and I think probably is from my Regiment. We’ve received e-mails from him a few days ago and he described the fact that he was taking within – in one case – three meters of his position „for tactical necessity – not being targeted“. Now that’s veiled speech in the military and what he was telling us was Hizbullah fighters were all over his position and the IDF were (sic) targeting them and that’s a favorite trick by people who don’t have representation in the UN. They use the UN as shields knowing that they can’t be punished for it.“

(IMRA/CBC RADIO – Canadian killed from UN force complained his position shielding Hizbullah
Retired Canadian Major General Lewis MacKenzie interviewed on CBC Toronto radio 26 July 2006)

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