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  1. MEMRIBLOGIranian Paper: Iran Will Build Nuclear Facilities „Far From Eyes Of IAEA“ 
    In an editorial, the Iranian daily Kayhan, which is affiliated with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, emphasized that following a reduction in Iranian cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran would be erecting new nuclear facilities far from the eyes of the agency and of the West, and would announce their existence only 180 days after their activation.
    Source: Kayhan, Iran, June 20, 2006

  2. MEMRIBLOGIranian MPs Call On Islamic Countries To Scale Back Relations With Britain 
    In a letter read out in the Majlis on June 20, over 200 Iranian lawmakers condemned the awarding of a knighthood to Salman Rushdie, and called on Islamic governments to revise their relations with Britain.
    Source: Tehran Times, Iran, June 20, 2007

  3. BBCIran ‚unable to take Australians‘
    Iranian naval forces in the Gulf tried to capture an Australian Navy boarding team but were vigorously repelled, the BBC has learned.
    The incident took place before Iran successfully seized 15 British sailors and Marines in March.
    The lessons from the earlier attempt do not appear to have been applied in time by British maritime patrols…

  4. HA’ARETZ Iran envoy: Sanctions could derail nuclear program talks
    EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said latest talks with Iran’s top nuclear envoy were ‚constructive‘

  5. Spiegel Online Iran will schon 100 Kilo Uran angereichert haben
    Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad gab unterdessen grünes Licht für eine massive Zinssenkung, die die Inflation in der Islamischen Republik weiter anheizen …

  6. YAHOO! – Iranischer Geistlicher betont Bestand der Fatwa gegen Rushdie
    Teheran/London (AP) Der Aufruf des früheren iranischen Revolutionsfü hrers Ajatollah Ruhollah Chomeini zur Tötung des Schriftstellers Salman Rushdie hat nach den Worten eines führenden iranschen Geistlichen weiter Bestand. Dieses Urteil könne auch nicht zurückgenommen werden, betonte Ajatollah Ahmad Chatami mit Blick auf die Vergabe eines britischen Adelstitels an Rushdie beim Freitagsgebet in Teheran. Tausende Gläubige riefen dabei: «Tod den Engländern».

    1. Philadelphia Daily News Iran Cleric: Rushdie Fatwa Still Stands
      AP Kashmiri Muslim protesters shout slogans against Britain and author Salman Rushdie during a demonstration in Srinagar, India, Friday, June 22, 2007.
  7. haGalil onLine Iran für Hamas-Machtergreifu ng verantwortlich
    1979 wurden die Beziehungen zwischen beiden Staaten abgebrochen, nachdem Ägypten mit Israel Frieden geschlossen und dem nach der islamischen Revolution …

  8. Die Presse Israel: Trainiert Luftwaffe für Iran-Angriff?
    Die Vereinigten Staaten und Israel stünden wegen des umstrittenen iranischen Atomprogramms in engem Kontakt. Anfang Jänner hatte Israel einen Bericht der …

  9. HAGALIL Die Paten: Die iranische Strategie
    Israel hat bereits die zweite größere Schlacht in diesem Jahr verloren, ohne auch nur einen Schuss abgefeuert zu haben. Die Gewinner heißen Iran und Sy­rien. Ohne die Unterstützung des Iran und Syriens könnten weder die Milizen der Fatah al-Islam im Libanon wochenlang gegen die libanesische Armee ausharren noch die Hamas sich in Gaza an die Macht putschen…
    Von Thomas von der Osten-Sacken
    Jungle World 25 vom 20. Juni 2007

    Die Strategie ist so einfach wie wirkungsvoll: Nun hat es Israel mit zwei islamistischen Gebilden zu tun, mit dem Südlibanon, der von der Hizbollah kontrolliert wird, im Norden und Gaza im Süden. Beide Gebiete geraten zunehmend in finanzielle, logistische und militärische Abhängigkeit vom Iran. Die dort lebenden Menschen sind Geiseln einer Politik, deren Hauptziel der Heilige Krieg gegen Israel und die USA ist.

  10. YNET Iran told Hamas to use violence in Gaza – Abbas aide
    An aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Monday Iran had encouraged the Islamist group Hamas to use violence to take control of the Gaza Strip. „Iran supports non-democratic groups in Palestine, Lebanon and in Iraq and we hold Iran responsible for encouraging
    Hamas to carry out its coup in Gaza,“ Senior Palestinian official Yasser Abed Rabbo said.

  11. Iran-Geschäft Scharfe US-Drohung gegen OMV
    Die USA drohen Österreich und der OMV mit der erstmaligen Anwendung des „Iran Sanctions Act“. Das geplante Erdgasgeschäft würde die Iran-Strategie der USA …

  12. NewsBlaze Ongoing Resistance in Iran Not Driven by The West
    Akbar Mohammadi was a student and was arrested along with his brother in the landmark student demonstration of 1999 – in which the demonstration was …

  13. NYSUN Iranian Dissidents Gather To Discuss Regime Change
    PARIS — Regime change for Iran may be a dead letter in the loftiest councils of world affairs, but as a prime goal, it is very much alive in the plans of some 200 exiled Iranian dissidents who gathered here in a basement conference hall these past three days to launch a movement they are calling „Solidarity Iran.“
    Inspired by the Polish Solidarity union movement that helped bring down communist rule in the 1980s, the aim of this new Solidarity is to give a more coherent shape and identity to the diverse and often fractious Iranian dissident diaspora. Brought together by about half a dozen organizers of various political stripes, the participants are seeking to devise more and better-coordinated ways of boosting efforts by people within Iran itself to replace the country’s terrorist-sponsorin g and brutal Islamic regime with secular, democratic rule.

  14. Newsday New Jersey targets Iran investments
    The New Jersey bill mirrors one passed last year that prohibited investing state pension funds in companies doing business in Sudan to protest what the …

  15. Independent Online Iran’s ex-president denies touching women
    Meanwhile, Etemad newspaper said several ultra-conservatives staged a protest against Khatami in the holy northeastern city of Mashhad and handed over a …

  16. MEYDAANIran: Amnesty International appeals against planned executions by stoning Date: 06/20/2007  
    Amnesty International today made an urgent appeal to the Head of the Judiciary, Ayatollah Shahroudi, to prevent the executions of two people due to be publicly stoned to death tomorrow, 21 June 2007. The two – Mokarrameh Ebrahimi (f) and an unnamed man – are scheduled to be killed in a cemetery in the town of Takestan, Qazvin province.   
    According to activists involved in the ‘Stop Stoning Forever‘ campaign in Iran, (which can be viewed in Persian at http://www.meydaan. com/news. aspx?nid= 391) Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and the unnamed man were sentenced to death after conviction of adultery.  Under article 83 of Iran’s Penal Code, execution by stoning is prescribed for adultery committed by a married man or a married woman. Under Iranian law, adultery can only be proved by the testimony of eyewitnesses (the number required varying for different types of adultery), a confession by the defendant (repeated four times), or the judge’s „knowledge“ that the adultery has taken place. In this case, the basis for the conviction of adultery was the judge’s „knowledge“, apparently on the basis that they had a child together.

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