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  1. Jerusalem Post Bush nudges Putin on Iranian nukes
    Both nations signed onto arms reduction and nonproliferation cooperation on Tuesday, in a further demonstration of positive developments between the former …

  2. RIA Novosti – Israels Botschafterin warnt vor Iran als echte Gefahr
    MOSKAU, O4. Juli . In Israel hält sich die Meinung, dass die von Iran ausgehende Gefahr nicht hypothetisch ist.
    Das sagte die israelische Botschafterin in Russland, Anna Azari, am Mittwoch auf einer Pressekonferenz in Moskau.
    Wie sie betonte, wollen die USA zum Schutz gegen iranische Raketen Abwehrbasen in Osteuropa stationieren. Moskau bezeichne diese Gefahren, so die Botschafterin, als hypothetisch und verweise darauf, dass Iran in absehbarer Zeit keine Raketen haben werde, die die USA erreichen können.
    Azari teilte auch mit, dass Israel auf Beilegung des Atomstreits mit Iran hoffe.
    „Für uns war es interessant, den Gipfel der Präsidenten der USA und Russlands zu verfolgen. Wir verfolgten aufmerksam die Worte des russischen Präsidenten zum Iran-Problem. Wir hoffen, dass die globale Zusammenarbeit zu Iran fortgesetzt wird, und begrüßen sie“, sagte die Botschafterin.

  3. KURIER Hugo Chávez in Teheran
    Der venezulanische Präsident ist am Wochenende mit den geistlichen und weltlichen Herrschern des Irans zusammengetroffen.
     Hugo Chávez und Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sind sich einig Am Samstagabend traf Chávez an der Spitze einer Delegation aus Vertretern von Regierung und Industrie in Teheran ein. Vorher besuchten die Delegierten Russland und Weißrussland. Die Reise der Südamerikaner steht ganz im Zeichen des Erdöls. So konnten in Russland eine Reihe von Handelsvorhaben und Projekten im Energie- und Militärsektor eingeleitet werden.

  4. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Ahmadinedschads vertane Chance
    Statt über den großen Satan zu schwadronieren, hätte er sich die DVDs des Castro- wie des Arafat-Films genauer ansehen und mit seinen Imageberatern …

  5. Peninsula On-line Sanctions hurting oil industry: Iran
    TEHRAN * Iran admitted yesterday that international sanctions imposed over its controversial nuclear programme were harming its ability to invest in oil …

  6. Vancouver Sun Women’s rights activist gets three years
    About 100 women had gathered to protest against what they called Iran’s discriminatory laws against women. Some men also took part.

  7. TAGBLATT Abwehrkampf eines Extremisten – Wirtschaftliche Krisen, interne Konflikte und internationale Isolation prägen die Politik Irans unter Präsident Ahmadinejad
    Iran, der viertgrösste Erdölproduzent, hat vergangene Woche das Benzin rationiert und damit wütende Proteste ausgelöst. Ein Symbol für die politische Negativ-Bilanz Präsident Ahmadinejads. Ein Machtwechsel steht deshalb aber noch nicht auf der Tagesordnung.
    Walter Brehm
    Widerstand gegen das Regime hat es in Iran seit der islamischen Revolution immer wieder gegeben. Bisher waren es aber zumeist einzelne Gruppen, die partielle Interessen vertraten. Mit der Benzinrationierung hat die Regierung erstmals praktisch eine Mehrheit der Bevölkerung gegen sich aufgebracht. Die Rationierung ist sichtbare Folge verfehlter Politik. Das schnelle Abflauen der Proteste zeigt aber auch, dass Wut von Konsumenten allein noch keine Perspektive für einen politischen Wechsel gebiert.

  8. JEWISHCOMMENTThe Islamic Republic of Iran’s Vile Cartoons
    Contributed by : Carol Gould
    Notwithstanding the pronouncements of Western-based Imams and Islamic scholars that Islam is the faith of peace and understanding, the idea that a Muslim nation can sponsor a competition for the best lampoon of the Nazi Holocaust is beyond the stretches of human decency.
    The malevolent President of Iran, who espouses the idea that the Holocaust is a myth and that even if it did happen Israeli Jews should be resettled elsewhere, and who calls for the annihilation of the Jewish State, has now given prizes to international cartoonists who offered the best parody of the Nazi genocide of six million Jews. For those who need a brush-up on recent history, Adolf Hitler convened the Wannsee Conference to arrange the ‚Final Solution‘ (mass extermination) when far too few countries absorbed Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe.

  9. HANDELSBLATTTiefe Wirtschaftskrise im Iran
    Ahmadinedschads Stern sinkt
    Von Mathias Brüggmann
    Die tiefe Wirtschaftskrise des Iran beschädigt das Ansehen von Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad. Seine Entscheidung der Benzinrationierung löste heftige Proteste bei Parlamentariern und der Bevölkerung aus. Dem mächtigsten Mann des Landes laufen scharenweise die Anhäger weg.

  10. MEMRIBLOGFrom MEMRI TV: Iranian Version of U.S. History in an Animated Movie 

    Click Here to View Clip From MEMRI TV

  11. MEMRIBLOGOliver Stone to Make a Film on Ahmadinejad?
    Early this week Mehr news agency reported that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denied a request by American filmmaker Oliver Stone to make a documentary about the himself. Mehdi Kalhor, the Iranian President’s media advisor, stated that Stone is „part of the Great Satan.“ In response to the Kalhor’s negative response to Stone, Kalhor stated, „…much effort was made to change the circumstances in favor of the filmmaker.“ In response to these efforts, Kalhor noted that Ahmadinejad‘ s decision could change if U.S. President George Bush allows an Iranian filmmaker to make a documentary on Bush.
    Source: Mehr News Agency, July 1, 2007; Mehr News Agency, Iran, July 2, 2007

  12. MEMRIBLOGMichael Moore Will Be Invited to Tehran Film Festival for „Sicko“ Screening
    On July 2, 2007, the Iranian news agency Mehr, reported that Michael Moore will be invited to Iran by the Documentary and Experimental Film Center for a screening of his new film „Sicko“ at an Iranian festival for documentary films called Reality Cinema. The festival is set to take place in Tehran from October 15-19.
    Source: Mehr News Agency, Iran, July 2, 2007
  13. MEMRIBLOGCartoons – „Gasoline Rationing in Iran“

    Source: Al-Watan, Qatar, July 2, 2007; Akhbar Al-Arab, UAE, July 2, 2007

  14. MEMRIBLOGReformist Iranian Daily Closed Down
    An Iranian court ordered the closure of the daily of the reformist Mosharekat party, and fined the paper’s editor, Mohammad Reza Khatami, who is the brother of former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami and one of the leaders of the reformist camp in Iran. The daily was charged with spreading propaganda against the regime, spreading lies in an attempt to incite public opinion, and insulting senior clerics and leaders of the regime, among other charges.
    Source: Rooz, Iran, July 3, 2007

  15. MEMRIBLOGIranian Daily: Russia Made a Strategic Mistake
    The Iranian conservative daily Resalat stated that the refusal of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to meet with Hamas leaders during his recent visit to the Middle East had been a „strategic mistake.“ This decision, said the daily, was part of the passive policy displayed by Russia during the recent war in Lebanon – a policy that allows the U.S. political freedom of action in the Middle East and in the world.
    Source: Resalat, Iran, July 2, 2007

  16. MEMRIBLOGAhmadinejad: Iran Plans to Ration Electricity in Addition to Gasoline
    A week after introducing gasoline rations – a move which sparked extensive public protest in the country – Iranian president Ahmadinejad has announced his intention to ration electricity as well.
    Source: Etemad-e Meli, Iran, July 3, 2007

  17. MEMRIBLOG – 70-80% of Iranians Live Under the Poverty Line
    A sociologist in the Iranian Ministry of Welfare, Sa’id Madani, believes that over the past three decades the level of poverty in Iranian society has widened greatly. According to Madani, 50% of Iranians lived under the poverty line in the 1980s, but since then this level has continued to rise, reaching 70-80% in recent years.
    In a newspaper article, Madani wrote that the Iranian national income per capita at fixed price (excluding inflation) was lower in 2003 and 2004 than in 1977 and 1978 (before the Islamic revolution). .
    He warned that the persistence of the current situation in Iran could lead to social breakdown.
    Source: Elaph, July 3, 2007

  18. MEMRIBLOG – Iran and Venezuela Collaborate on a Joint Venture
    Presidents Chavez and Ahamadinejad, of Venezuela and Iran, respectively, celebrated in Tehran yesterday laying the foundation of a new petrochemical plant that will cost $700 million and produce 1.65 million tons of methanols upon completion in 4 years.
    Ahmadinejad called it „a great day.“ The Venezuelan president replied in Arabic „Inshallah.“ [God willing].
    Source: Al-Watan, Kuwait, July 3, 2007

  19. MEMRIBLOG – Iran Issues $3.3 Billion Worth of Foreign Investment Permits
    An official at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance said that the ministry has issued 25 foreign investment permits valued at $3.3 billion within the first quarter of current Iranian year (started March 21, 2007).
    The official added that despite the sanctions imposed on Iran, the country witnessed satisfactory foreign investments during the past year.
    He announced that Iran has recently enrolled in the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), which is a World Bank group member, which was established to promote foreign direct investment in developing countries.
    Source: Mehr News Agency, July 3, 2007

  20. MEMRIBLOG – Gas Pipeline From Iran to India
    Iran has invited the prime ministers of India and Pakistan to a tripartite meeting in Tehran at the end of August for the signing of an agreement to supply natural gas to India via a pipeline that traverses Pakistan.
    The pipeline will be 2,600 km long (1,620 miles) and will cost $7 billion. It will initially carry 2.2 billion cu.ft of natural gas daily, divided equally between Pakistan and India. The pipeline’s full capacity will be 5.5 cu. ft. daily.
    India and Pakistan have yet to agree on the transit fee that Pakistan will charge for the gas that will be carried through its territory to India.
    Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, June 30, 2007

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