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  1. WELTSollen sich deutsche Firmen am Bau einer Transrapidstrecke im Iran beteiligen?
    Im Iran könnte mithilfe deutscher Unternehmer die längste Transrapid-Strecke der Welt gebaut werden. Der Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland hat eine mögliche Kooperation als ein fatales politisches Signal bezeichnet. Sollen sich deutsche Ingenieure am Bau beteiligen?
    Aktueller Meinungsstand :
    Neutral: Ich enthalte mich der Meinung (37%)
    Pro: Ja, man sollte eine Kooperation in Wirtschaftsfragen nicht mit moralischen Erwägungen belasten. (60%)
    Kontra: Nein, auf keinen Fall. Denn Präsident Ahmadinedschad ist eine Gefahr für den Weltfrieden. (3%)

  2. AFTENPOSTENJagland regrets Parliament’s trip to Iran
    He wasn’t along on the trip, but the president of Norway’s Parliament, Thorbjørn Jagland, now thinks the parliament’s foreign affairs committee should not have visited Iran last month.
    Jagland’s criticism is surprising, not least because the committee is headed by a fellow Labour Party politician, Olav Akselsen. Jagland also criticized Norway’s foreign policy towards Iran, even though that’s guided by another Labour Party politician, Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

  3. JPUnleash the Iranian opposition 
    The rogue oil state regime it opposes terrifies one half the West and tempts the other.

  4. IRNAWomen education necessary for the upliftment of society
    New Delhi, July 12,
    India-Iran-Women- Education
    Without educating women it is not possible for any society to progress, said Dr. Sughra Mehdi, Vice Chairperson of Muslim Women’s Forum of India.
    Addressing the one-day symposium on ‘The Status of Women Education in Religions’ held at Iranian Culture House in New Delhi, she said “the birth anniversary of Hazrat Zahra (SA) (daughter of Prophet Mohammad (SAW)) is only commemorated in Iran as Women’s Day shows Iranians’ great respect and value for women in the society.” Referring Dr. Ali Shariati’s remarks about Hazrat Zahra (SA) Dr.
    Sughra said Islam respects women and hold them in high esteem.


  5. MEMRI The Crisis in Iranian-Russian Relations over Iran’s Nuclear Project(2)
    By: Y. Mansharof
    The current crisis in Iranian-Russian relations focuses on two areas: a) the delay in the construction and activation of the nuclear reactor at Bushehr; and b) Iran’s missile project.
    Russia’s suspicions regarding Iran’s intentions have reached new heights, with Russian government representatives publicly accusing Iran of carrying out covert nuclear activity and of striving to obtain the capability to construct nuclear weapons.
    In Iran, on the other hand, there are increasing calls to regard Bushehr as a litmus test for Iranian-Russian relations, alongside calls to complete the construction of the Bushehr reactor with the assistance of countries other than Russia – or, alternatively, to rely on Iran’s independent capabilities.

  6. JUNGLEWORLD Hugo geht shoppen ­
    Chávez will die wirtschaftliche Kooperation mit dem Iran und Russland verstärken. von thilo f. papacek
    Sie scheinen einander wirklich lieb zu haben. Venezuelas Präsident Hugo Chávez Frías und sein iranischer Amtskollege Mahmoud Ahmadinejad haben lange Zeit Händchen gehalten, als sie am Montag vergangener Woche eine petrochemische Anlage in Assaluyeh an der iranischen Golfküste einweihten, berichtete die BBC.
    Chávez ist erneut auf Tour, und seine Route führte ihn zu den Ländern, die er in seiner kruden außenpolitischen Weltsicht auf seiner Seite wähnt. Wie bereits im vergangenen Jahr besuchte er Staatschefs in Russland, Weißrussland und Iran, die, wie er selbst auch, eine gespannte oder feindselige Beziehung zur US-amerikanischen Regierung haben. Mit ihnen will Chávez wirtschaftlich kooperieren, um gegenüber den USA an Stärke zu gewinnen. »Der gemeinsame Aufbau von Unternehmen wird es uns ermöglichen, das Monopol der Supermächte zu brechen«, sagte er in Teheran.

  7. YNET ‘Israel recognition possible’
    Iran (Archive photo: AP)
    Poll: Most Iranians willing to recognize Israel in framework of agreement to restore ties with US 


  8. Reporters without borders (press release) – Regime accused of staging “creeping coup” against the press
    He had been arrested two years ago while covering a peaceful demonstration. Iran’s Supreme Guide, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and the Islamic Republic’s …

  9. Boston Globe In a region of turmoil, Lebanon at a crossroads
    How would any news consumer distinguish among the images emerging from the West Bank, Gaza, Iraq, and Lebanon — as well as neighboring Syria and Iran?

  10. Hendon & Finchley Times Residents join protest for Iran
    There have been more than 2000 demonstrations in Iran this year, including the setting alight of 50 petrol stations in protest against petrol rationing.

  11. RFE/RL – Iran: Radio Farda — Union Leader’s Abduction Highlights Crackdown On Labor Protests
    By Golnaz Esfandiari
    Police in Tehran at a workers’ demonstration (file photo)
    July 12, 2007  — There is growing concern about the fate of Mansur Osanlu, a prominent Iranian union leader who was recently abducted in Tehran.
    Mansur Osanlu was pulled from a bus in Tehran two days ago by unidentified men who yelled at the passengers to stay away and called him a “thug.” They then forced him into a car and drove away.
    Eyewitnesses say Osanlu — the director of the Syndicate Workers of the Tehran Bus Company — was beaten severely and that his attackers continued to beat him after they stuffed him into the car.
    In recent months dozens of workers and union activists who participated in protest actions have been harassed, detained, summoned to court, and even jailed.

  12. MEMRIBLOGIran’s Nuclear Struggle – Now In Kids’ Video Game 
    The first nuclear-energy video game is due to be released on the Iranian market July 16.
    The game, designed by Iranian students, lets players attempt to penetrate various countries to free two Iranian nuclear experts kidnapped by U.S. forces in Iraq and transferred to a secret location.
    In order to carry out the mission, players must use Iranian special security and intelligence forces.
    At a later stage, the player can free other prisoners being held in Iraq.
    Source: Jomhouri-ye Eslami, Iran, July 11, 2007

  13. MEMRIBLOGIranian Website: Improve Relations With Europe 
    According to an article on the Iranian website Alef, Iran’s policy of steadfastness over its right to go nuclear has led it to risk being isolated by Arab and Western countries, which is likely to harm its strategic goals.
    The website Alef is affiliated with MP Ahmad Tavakoli, director of the Strategic Majlis Research Center.
    The article states that Iran must improve its relations with Europe in order to rebuild trust with it and to prevent it from joining the position of the U.S. in the crisis over Iran’s nuclear program.
    Source: Alef, Iran, July 12, 2007

  14. MEMRIBLOGIranian MP: Government Stopped From Using Gas Rationing As Tool For Political Advancement 
    Iranian Parliamentary Committee for Energy Affairs member Hassan Moradi said that Iranian MPs will prevent a group close to the government from acting to increase gas rations prior to holidays in late September.
    The group is attempting to increase its chances in the parliamentary elections in March 2008.
    The Baztab website, which is affiliated with Iranian Expediency Council secretary Mohsen Rezai, reported that the government intends to increase gas rations in September so as to promote the group’s election to parliament.
    Sources: Aftab, Baztab, Iran, July 9, 2007

  15. MEMRIBLOGAhmadinejad: No Slowing In Uranium Enrichment
    At a press conference he called yesterday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected statements by International Atomic Energy Agency director Mohamed ElBaradei that there has recently been a slowdown in uranium enrichment at the Natanz facility.
    Ahmadinejad said that ther ehas been no change in Iran’s nuclear policy, and that no one should expect Iran to stop uranium enrichment.
    Source: ISNA, Iran, July 12, 2007

  16. MEMRIBLOGAhmadinejad Acknowledges Failure To Slow Inflation 
    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad acknowledged at a press conference that Iran’s inflation this year had reached 13.6%, and that efforts to slow the pace to a single figure had failed.
    Several hours previously, the president of Iran’s central bank, who is also an aide to Ahmadinejad, had said that country’s inflation rate was 14.2%.
    The Rooz daily noted that according to the Economist weekly, Iran’s annual inflation rate was 17%, which is the highest inflation rate this decade.
    Source: ISNA, Iran, July 11, 2007; Rooz, Iran, July 12, 2007

  17. MEMRIBLOGIn Iran, Protest Against Repression Of Civil Society
    Women’s movements and reformist organizations in Iran have released a communiqué condemning the repression of civil society in Iran.
    The communiqué notes that the increase in repression is aimed at weakening the elements critical of the government’s policy, in advance of the nuclear negotiations with the West.
    The wave of repression has been manifested by the closure of two reformist dailies and of the ILNA news agency; by the arrest of student movement members and the closure of movement offices; by the arrest of a trade union leader; and by the expulsion of lecturers from universities.
    Source: Rooz, Iran, July 12, 2007

  18. MEMRIBLOGIran To Charge American-Iranian Academics Esfandiari, Tajbakhsh With Spying 
    Iranian Judiciary Authority spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi has said that Haleh Esfandiari and Kian Tajbakhsh – American academics of Iranian origin arrested a few months ago in Iran – are to be charged with espionage and with activity against state security.
    Source: Fars, Iran, July 10, 2007

  19. MEMRIBLOGIran To Launch First Satellite 
    Iranian Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar has declared that the first Iranian satellite will soon be launched into space.
    The satellite is the fruit of Iran’s security industries.
    Source: Kayhan, Iran, July 11, 2007

  20. MEMRIBLOGIranian Paper Predicts Postponement Of Ratification Of Sanctions Against Iran 
    The Iranian daily Kayhan, which is affiliated with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, claimed in an article that the visit by an IAEA delegation to Iran that began today, and the expected late July meeting between E.U. foreign policy chief Javier Solana and Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Larijani, will lead to a postponement of ratification of the U.N. Security Council sanctions against Iran of at least six weeks.
    Source: Kayhan, Iran, July 11, 2007

  21. MEMRIBLOGIran To Execute More Criminals 
    Iranian Judiciary spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi told a press conference that, in addition to last weekend’s execution by stoning of Jaafar Kiani, the regime was planning to execute another 20 criminals soon.
    Source: Fars, Iran, July 10, 2007

  22. MEMRIBLOGIranian Authorities Arrest Iranian Student Leaders
    On July 10, Iranian security forces burst into offices of the Iranian student movement in Tehran, shooting into the air and beating and arresting 11 leaders and other movement members.
    The detainees are being held at Evin prison.
    The raid came on the eighth anniversary of the 1999 unrest, when security forces attacked students in dormitories.
    Iran’s Judiciary spokesman said yesterday that the individuals arrested had participated in illegal activities, and that they weren’t students.
    The Mosharekat reformist party condemned the arrests and warned that current regime operations against journalists, women, and students were a run-up to a military regime in the country.
    Sources: Rooz, Iran, July 10 and 11, 2007; Norooz News, Iran, July 11, 2007

  23. MEMRIBLOG – Iranian Trade Union Leader Arrested, Beaten
    Iranian security forces yesterday arrested trade union leader Mansour Osanlou in Tehran, beating him and taking him to an unknown location.
    In June, Osanlou, who was released from prison in March after being detained for a number of months, attended international trade union conferences in London and Brussels, where he described the difficulties of workers in Iran and Iranian authorities’ efforts to prevent the establishment of labor organizations, and asked international labor and human rights organizations to intervene to help Iranian workers.
    Source: Rooz, Iran, July 11, 2007

  24. MEMRIBLOG – Iranian Official: Investment Shortfall Threatens Iran Oil Output 
    Iran’s oil production capacity will fall by about 5% a year unless much-needed investment can be found, the managing director of the state-run Pars Oil and Gas Company, was quoted as saying in the Shargh newspaper.
    “Recently, some restrictions have been created by some European banks regarding financing some of the projects here,” he added.
    Last week, Iran’s oil minister said that U.N. sanctions were harming Iran’s ability to invest in oil infrastructure. He added that the government had decided to use its own resources from high global oil prices in recent years, to make up for the lack of foreign investment.
    Source: Baztab, Iran, July 10, 2007

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