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  1. WORLDTRIBUNE50 German firms under investigation for helping Iran’s nuke program
    LONDON — Germany is investigating scores of companies suspected of aiding Iran’s nuclear program. Officials said 50 German companies may have been involved in the sale dual-use systems and material required for Iran’s nuclear project. They said Berlin has determined that the shipments were being used to complete Iran’s nuclear energy plant at Bushehr.
    “The equipment was ordered by Russia and diverted to Iran,” an official said.
    On July 12, Germany prosecutor Christoph Lange identified one of the companies. Lange said the Berlin-based company Vero was suspected of shipping nuclear material to Moscow via Poland. From there, he said, the material was exported to Iran.

  2. JPBritain does not rule out military strike on Teheran
    Brown says that although he believes economic sanctions work, the possibility of an offensive to end Iran’s nuclear program still exists.

  3. APUSA und Iran beraten über Lage im Irak
    Neue Gespräche am Dienstag – Fast 40 Tote bei Anschlägen

  4.  RIA Novosti – Washington neigt zu einem Schlag gegen Iran noch während Bushs Amtszeit – „Moskowskije Nowosti”
    MOSKAU, 23. Juli . Ein militärischer Schlag der USA gegen Iran ist wieder aktuell geworden. Davon zeugt unter anderem eine Sonderberatung im Juni im Pentagon.
    Auch US-Vizepräsident Dick Cheney besteht darauf, dass Präsident George Bush dieses Problem noch vor dem Ablauf seiner Amtszeit lösen sollte. Nach seiner Ansicht würde Amerika nicht aus dem irakischen Labyrinth herauskommen können, wenn das Iran-Problem nicht gelöst sei, schreibt die Wochenzeitung „Moskowskije Nowosti” in ihrer jüngsten Ausgabe.
    US-Medien schreiben derzeit immer häufiger davon, dass eine Gewaltaktion gegen Iran praktisch eine beschlossene Sache sei. Wie dabei behauptet wird, soll Israel beim Angriff auf Iran die Hauptrolle zugewiesen werden. Immerhin hat es 1981 Saddams Nuklearforschungsze ntrum erfolgreich zerbombt. Die USA würden den Angriff lediglich unterstützen. Wie UPI unter Berufung auf die israelischen Zeitungen „Jerusalem Post” und „Maariv” berichtet, trainieren israelische Kampfflugzeuge bereits einen Angriff auf die iranischen Nuklearobjekte.

    1. ONLINEKOSTENIranische Gamer sollen auf Israelis schießen
      Dem tristen grauen Alltag entfliehen und gemeinsam in eine virtuelle Welt abtauchen. Das ist für viele Gamer die Grundidee eines spannenden, unterhaltsamen oder auch lustigen Computerspiels. Und das alles möglichst stilecht und realitätsnah. Doch in letzter Zeit kommen immer mehr Spiele auf den Markt, die in bedrückender und teils schockierender Art und Weise den Computer in einen Austragungsort von politischen Auseinandersetzunge n verwandeln.
      Kriegsschauplatz Computer
    2. MEMRI New Iranian Computer Game – Releasing Nuclear Scientists Kidnapped by American Forces in Iraq  
      #1514 –
      Windows Media Player 
      Al-Manar TV (Lebanon) – 7/17/2007 – 00:02:08
      Windows Media Player   Permission Request   Transcript 


  5. FAZ Computerspiele / Iran präsentiert politischen „Ego-Shooter”
    Die islamische Republik Iran hat ihr erstes selbstentwickeltes Computerspiel präsentiert. In dem „Egoshooter” sollen vier von Israel entführte iranische Diplomaten befreit werden. Mit dem Spiel will der Entwickler die Werte Tapferkeit und Hingabe vermitteln.


  6. HAARETZ Report: Iran to pay $1b for Syria to procure weapons
    By Yoav Stern
    Iran will lay out $1 billion to procure for Syria advanced weapons and assist it in nuclear research and the development of chemical weapons, according to a report published yesterday in the London-based daily Al-Shark al-Awsat.
    The reports says the strategic cooperation agreement between Damascus and Tehran was signed during the visit late last week by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Syria. The report describes the cooperation between the countries as including military, economic, scientific and technical aspects.
    The military cooperation includes Iranian funding for the procurement from Russia of MiG-31 fighter planes, Sukhoi-24 attack aircraft, helicopters and T-72 tanks. Iran will also provide Syria with technical assistance in nuclear research and the development of chemical weapons.
    Relations between the two countries have become increasingly close since the coming of Bashar Assad to power in 2000.
  7. Israelnetz.deIran dementiert “Deal” mit Syrien
    Im Gegenzug hätten sich die Syrer verpflichtet, keine Friedensverhandlung en mit Israel zu führen. Dies sei bei einem Treffen der Präsidenten Mahmud …

  8. PRESSTVIranian president back from Syria
    President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has wound up his official day-long visit to Syria and arrived back in Tehran.
    Ahmadinejad and his accompanying delegation were welcomed at Tehran Mehrabad International Airport by the First Vice-President Parviz Davoudi, IRNA reported.
    The Iranian president, heading a top-ranking politico-economic delegation, arrived in Damascus on Thursday upon an official invitation by his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad.

  9. MNA – Iran says Saudis can curb divisive religious statements
    TEHRAN, July 22  – Iran announced on Sunday that the Saudi Arabian government has the ability to counter those deviant Salafi and Wahabbi clerics who have called for the demolition of Shia shrines.
    Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini said such statements will cause a “schism in the Islamic world.”
    Such statements are far from the declared position of Saudi officials, and Iran is certain that Saudi officials have the power to prevent such statements from being disseminated, Hosseini told reporters at his weekly press briefing.
    Some Saudi Wahabbi clerics have stated that the Shia shrines in Iraq are a manifestation of polytheism and should be destroyed.

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  11. Reuters More Iran sanctions not before September: diplomats
    It also agreed to let inspectors revisit a heavy-water reactor building site before the end of July, four months after halting such access in protest at …

  12. MEMRIIran Determined to Continue Nuclear Program Despite International Pressures
    By: A. Savyon and Y. Mindsharof
    Iran is continuing to invest every effort in developing its nuclear program, despite the expiration, on May 24, 2007, of the ultimatum set in Security Council Resolution 1747. As Iranian officials declare at every opportunity, Iran refuses to suspend its nuclear activities, and on the contrary, is expanding its uranium enrichment efforts.
    In a June 4, 2007 speech on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Ayatollah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic regime in Iran, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei compared Iran’s efforts to develop nuclear technology to the struggles of Khomeini, whose steadfastness, said Khamenei, and had been rewarded by God. Khamenei added that “it is not the custom of the free and independent Iranian people to plead with the bullying powers [i.e. the West] and ask them for permission to obtain nuclear energy and the rest of its rights… The Iranian people will obtain all its rights through clear-headed steadfastness. ..

  13. HAARETZIran dismisses reported accord with Syria on military and nuclear aid
    By Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondent and DPA
    Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman on Sunday dismissed as a media game recent reports of a secret arms deal with Syria allegedly made in return for an agreement that Damascus would not hold peace talks with Israel.
    Mohammad Ali Hosseini refused to provide confirmation of the deal and questioned how the media would know about it if it was confidential.
    “This is a media game,” said Hosseini during his weekly news briefing. “It is not confirmed.”
    The London-based Arabic-language newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat reported Saturday that Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had pledged to help Syria conduct nuclear research during a visit to Damascus earlier this week. According to the report, Iran also pledged to provide Syria with $1 billion in military aid to purchase arms from Russia and North Korea.

  14. inn – Iran: “Militärische Hilfe für Syrien, wenn keine Verhandlungen mit Israel
    DAMASKUS / TEHERAN  – Der Iran hat Syrien militärische Unterstützung zugesichert – im Gegenzug verzichten die Syrer auf Friedensverhandlung en mit Israel. Das berichtet die arabische Zeitung “A-Schark al-Awsat” (London) am Samstag unter Berufung auf eine iranische Quelle.
    Dem Bericht zufolge trafen der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad und sein syrischer Kollege Baschar al-Assad am Donnerstag eine entsprechende Vereinbarung, als sie in Damaskus zusammenkamen. Laut dem Abkommen wird der Iran den Syrern zukünftige Waffengeschäfte mit Russland und Nordkorea finanzieren. Dafür werde er eine Milliarde Dollar an Syrien übermitteln. Das Geld sei für 400 russische Panzer, 18 Kampfflugzeuge, acht Düsenjäger und acht Hubschrauber bestimmt.

  15. IRNA – Cleric says US seeks velvet revolution
    Friday prayers leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami has said that the US seeks to spark velvet revolution not only in Iran but in all countries.
    “This US policy has been successful in certain countries but it failed in Iran like all the other US conspiracies failed in Iran,” Khatami said during his Friday prayers sermon in Tehran.
    “The US has always taken velvet revolution into consideration by promoting Western culture in the society and by causing strife between people and the government through propaganda, organizing certain individuals, psychological warfare and making intentional use of media, intellectual circles, university student’s establishments and feminism movements in order to implement its interfering policies,” he added.
    The US spends millions of dollars towards its policies, he said, adding that the confessions made by those arrested who intended to implement US policies in Iran brought anger to the US statesmen and the US media and has forced them to reciprocate.

  16. WELT DEBATTE Iran: Wirtschaftspolitik à la Ahmadinejad   von Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, Kolumnist für WELT DEBATTE 21.07.2007 – 05.32 Uhr
    Iranische Wirtschaftsexperten kritisierten am letzten Samstag bei einem Treffen mit dem Präsidenten Ahmadinejad die starke Staatsintervention. Ahmadinejad rief dennoch zur „Woche der Steuerkultur” auf.
    Ahmadinejad will „Steuergerechtigkeit” erreichen. Auf einem Treffen mit fünfzig der 57 Wirtschaftskritiker , die ihn schon mehrfach vor den katastrophalen Folgen seiner Wirtschaftspolitik gewarnt haben, betonte Ahmadinejad, dass er zwei Optionen sehe.
    Die erste Option, die er als eine falsche Lösungsstrategie bezeichnete, gehe davon aus, dass der Staat alle Naturressourcen des Landes aufbrauche, indem diese teilweise exportiert und teilweise konsumiert werden. Der richtige Weg sei jedoch, dass sich jeder Iraner entsprechend seiner Möglichkeiten an den allgemeinen gesellschaftlichen Kosten beteilige. Dies funktioniere nur durch höhere Steuereinnahmen.
    Von den 20 Millionen arbeitenden Iraner würden ca. 15 Mio. Steuern zahlen. Drei Mio. seien Bauern und müssten keine Steuern zahlen. Rund zwei Millionen Iraner würden keine Steuern zahlen, was der Präsident scharf kritisierte. Die Losung des Präsidenten: Steuern statt Ressourcenverbrauch . Die Feinde des Iran wollten, dass „wir alle unsere Ressourcen verkaufen und aufbrauchen, damit wir keinen Fortschritt machen.
    Ein Kommentator der reformislamistische n Zeitung Sharq begrüßte das Treffen, obwohl kein Ergebnis erzielt worden sei.

  17. Men’s News Daily Iran: Government Steps Up Crackdown On Opposition
    July 17, 2007 (RFE/RL) — Iran has recently intensified its harassment of critics and people it deems threatening to the government.

  18. uk Unions rally to free Iran’s ‘Lech Walesa’
    By Colin Freeman, Sunday Telegraph Iran has sparked a storm of protest from trade unionists around the world after imprisoning a bus driver known as the …


    1. Gulf News Trade unions rally to free Iran’s imprisoned ‘Lech Walesa’
      Tehran: Iran has sparked a storm of protest from trade unionists around the world after imprisoning a bus driver known as the Lech Walesa of the Islamic … 
  19. honestlyconcernedUnterdrückung und Widerstand
    Parvin Ardalan ist eine der bekanntesten in Iran lebenden Frauenrechtlerinnen . Im folgenden Artikel gibt sie ein Bild des Widerstandes gegen die Willkürherrschaft wieder.
    Der Artikel ist zunächst in der Frauenweblogg Sanestan und dann in der Exilzeitung Rooz erschienen.
    „Der permanente Widerstand fordert die permanente Unterdrückung heraus”
    Von Parvin Ardalan
    „Am Morgen des 9. Juli 2007  erschüttert die aufständische Kreativität erneut den Körper unserer verwirrten Gesellschaft. Sehr schnell verbreitete sich die Nachricht der Verhaftung der Mitglieder des ‚Zentralkomitees des Büros zur Festigung der Einheit‘, Bahare Hedayat, Mohammad Hashemi, Ali Nikounesbati, Mehdi Arabshahi, Hanif Yasdani, Ali Waqfi. Sie sitzen auf dem Boden und sprechen mit uns, durch die eingerahmten Bilder, die sie hochhalten. Der Sitzstreik und das Bild des Sitzstreiks dieser sechs Personen vor dem Gebäude der Amirkabir-Universitä t ist die kreative Wiederbelebung der Ereignisse von 1999 auf dem Universitätscampus, besonders für die Vergeßlichen. Sie [Studenten] sind es dieses Mal, die anders als die Pressuregroups [Bassiji-Gruppen] uns überfallen und uns auffordern gegen die ansteckende Verwirrung der Zeit kreativ Widerstand zu leisten. Sie zwingen uns die Ereignisse auf dem Universitätscampus vom 9. Juli nicht zu vergessen, sie zwingen uns, den Kampf für die Freilassung der acht Studenten der Amirkabir-Universitä t nicht zu vergessen. Sie haben ihren Sitzstreik nicht vorher öffentlich angekündigt, aber ihre Präsenz war öffentlich, damit sie den Ängslichen und den Wohlgesinnten etwas entgegen setzen. Der Preis dieser Präsenz ist ihre Verhaftung  und die Verhaftung von zehn weiteren Mitgliedern des Büros zur Festigung der Einheit.

  20. OMEDIA The Iranian Threat  The Return of the Nuclear Inspectors: A Weakness or a Ploy?
    Iran’s consent to restore supervision over its nuclear installations may be a subterfuge. The removal of the nuclear threat must only be a stage leading to the overthrow of the regime
    Ziv Maor (7/19/2007)
    Recent weeks have brought about a significant political change in Iranian nuclear policy and the furtiveness surrounding it. According to reports, negotiations between the deputy chairman of the international atomic energy agency, Olli Heinonen, and Iranian representatives led to an agreement regarding the opening of heavy-water installations as well as the uranium enrichment plant at Natanz to International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors.

  21. JUEDISCHE Eine Milliarde Dollar gegen den Frieden mit Israel   Ayelet Himmelfarb  
    Iran möchte Syrien gegen Israel aufrüsten 
    Der Bericht der in London erscheinenden Zeitung A-Schark al-Awsat, wonach der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad Syriens Präsident Bashar Assad eine Verinbarung vorgeschlagen, die mit dem Verzicht auf Friedensverhandlung en mit Israel verknüpft ist.
    Iran soll dabei Syrien bei der Entwicklung eines Atomforschungsprogr ammes beraten und die Ausrüstung Syriens bei biologischen Waffen verbessern.
    Hauptbestandteil des Vertrages sind jedoch 400 Panzer russischer Erzeugung und 18 Kampfjets sowie acht Helikopter. Offiziere der Luftwaffe und der Marine Syriens werden im Iran trainieren, eine gemeinsame Produktion für Mittelstreckenraket en aufgebaut werden.

  22. Persian Journal What is “Islamo-fascism“?
    Bahman Aghai Diba –
    Islamo-fascism is a new name but the concept has a long history. It is clearly a combination between the ways of looking at Islam, with the policies of the fascist regimes of the twentieth century in Europe. (1) Although there are serious discussions about the exact meaning and extent of fascism (2), and the roots of the term (3) most of the sources agree that some characteristics are common in all fascist regimes such as:
    1- Love of war and the acute need of the foreign enemies that can be accused of all shortcomings
    2- Military rule.
    3- Lack of tolerance and respect to other ideologies
    4- Disrespect of human rights
    5- Authoritarian or totalitarian regime
    6- Demagogic tactics to rally the support of people
    7- Using zealots and paid lackeys for putting pressure and even elimination of opponents.
    8- Feeling of having a divine mission
    9- The arrogance of believing in the superiority of one particular ideology (their own) over all others.
    We can find all of these characteristics in the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran:
  23. MEMRIBLOG – Today’s Editorial From the MEMRI Economic Blog: Profligate Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Economy 
    Visit the MEMRI Economic Blog:
    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is in the habit of promising vast amounts of money, often impulsively, either to fulfill his own populist instincts for the country or to stoke the fires of conflicts regionally. Recently, 50 Iranian economists published a report criticizing the economic policies of Ahmadinejad, arguing that these policies “lack scientific basis.” The Iranian president is quintessentially profligate.
    Within the course of last week, two distinguished publications have underscored the performance of the Iranian economy under Ahmadinejad. Writing about “The Iranian Model,” in the Egyptian Al-Ahram Weekly (July 19-25 2007), Abdel-Moneim Said, director of Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, places Iran squarely into the category of “totalitarian regimes.” As typical of all such regimes, “the state is the main entrepreneur, the main teacher, and the sole source of information. The government,” he continues, “is a labyrinth of immense power, capable of strangulating society and the individual.”

  24. MEMRIBLOG – Iran Praises Hamas’s Implementation Of Shari’a In Gaza
    The London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat wrote that the meeting between Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hamas political bureau head Khaled Mash’al is aimed at transferring additional monetary aid from Iran to Hamas and for Iran’s expressing appreciation for Hamas’s implementation of shari’a law in Gaza (see Hamas Establishes Alternative Body For Handling Judicial Affairs).
    Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, July 22, 2007

  25. MEMRIBLOG – PLO Official: Hamas Submitting To Iran At Prisoners’ Expense 
    Palestinian Broadcasting Authority senior official Yousef Al-Qazaz has criticized Hamas for obeying the dictates of Iran and not freeing Israeli soldier Gilead Shalit, even though this means not freeing Palestinian prisoners.
    Al-Qazaz said that he sees a direct connection between this action and other moves by Hamas, including harm to freedom of expression, the Hamas Executive Force’s replacement of the Gaza prosecutor-general (see
    Hamas Establishes Alternative Body For Handling Judicial Affairs), and the crashing of a wedding party on the pretext of searching for illegal weapons.
    Source: Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Palestinian Authority, July 23, 2007

  26. MEMRIBLOG – Iranian Revolutionary Guards Officers Resign – For Parliamentary Bid 
    Over 50 senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards officers seeking to run in the March 2008 parliamentary elections have submitted their resignations.
    The move aroused controversy in the Revolutionary Guards, primarily because of the officers’ closeness to Iranian Deputy Interior Minister and former Revolutionary Guards deputy commander Mohammad Baqer Zolqadr, a supporter of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
    Iranian Supreme Leader ‘Ali Khamenei’s representative in the Revolutionary Guards, ‘Ali Saeedi, opposed accepting the resignations.
    According to the Iranian reformist daily Rooz, Saeedi is apprehensive about an increase of Ahmadinejad’ s power in the parliament.
    Source: Rooz, Iran, July 23, 2007

  27. MEMRIBLOG – Iranian Reformist Paper Criticizes Ahmadinejad’ s Economic Policy 
    In an editorial, the reformist Iranian daily Etamad-e Meli referred to the economic policy of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and stated that in spite of the growth in oil revenues due to high oil prices – $73 per barrel – the situation of Iran’s citizens has not improved and remains as it has been since 1997, when oil was $9/barrel.
    Source: Etamad-e Meli, Iran, July 22, 2007

  28. MEMRIBLOG – Iran Approves Over $2 Billion In Effort To Develop Own Oil Refining 
    At the request of the Iranian Oil Ministry, the Iranian authorities have approved some 2,000 billion Iranian tuman (approximately $2,150,000,000) for developing oil refineries in Iran.
    The Iranian daily Kayhan noted that the goal was to increase the country’s oil refining capabilities, and in particular the production of gasoline.
    Source: Kayhan, Rooz, Iran, July 22, 2007; IRNA, July 22, 2007

  29. MEMRIBLOG – Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Reports On Iranian Aid to Syria Agreement, Iranians React 
    The London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat has reported that during Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’ s visit to Damascus, an agreement was signed under which Iran would arm Syria and would support Syria’s stance in Lebanon in exchange for Syria not entering into a peace process with Israel
    According to the report, the agreement includes $1 billion in Iranian funds for deals to acquire Russian, Belarussian, and North Korean arms; the establishment of medium-range missile and missile launcher manufacturing plants in Syria; supplying armored vehicles and C801 and C802 missiles to the Syrian military; training of Syrian navy and air force officers in Iran; and providing aid to Syria in its nuclear and chemical affairs.
    The conservative Iranian newspaper Kayhan, which is affiliated with Iranian Supreme Leader ‘Ali Khamenei, harshly attacked the report, stating that Al-Sharq Al-Awsat was defending U.S. policy in the Middle East.
    Iranian Deputy Interior Minister Mojtaba Hashemi-Samareh, senior advisor to Ahmadinejad, rejected the report, saying that “the publishing of such lies will not help the Zionists live any longer.”
    Sources: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, July 21, 2007; Kayhan, Iran, July 22, 2007

  30. MEMRIBLOG – Iranian Rapists, Drug Dealers Executed In Iran

    The above photo of convicted rapists and drug dealers about to be executed was aired on Iranian Channel 1, on July 22, 2007.

  31. MEMRIBLOG – Debate In Iran Over Detention Of Iranian-American Academics 
    During Friday prayers in Tehran, cleric and Assembly of Experts member Ahmad Khatami declared that the confessions of the Iranian-American academics Drs. Haleh Esfandiari and Kian Tajbakhsh indicated an attempt to carry out a velvet coup in Iran.
    Editor of the Iranian daily Kayhan, who is close to Iranian Supreme Leader ‘Ali Khamenei, stated in an editorial that the academics are spies in the service of the U.S. and Israel and members of a network that is still active in Iran.
    In contrast, Iranian human rights activists Mehrangiz Kar stated that the Esfandiari’s and Tajbakhsh’s confessions, which were televised against their wishes and in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and of shari’a law, were not credible, lacked validity, and were not available to be listened to.
    Iranian Nobel Prize Laureate Shirin ‘Ebadi, Esfandiari’s attorney, told the reformist daily Rooz that her client’s rights had been stripped from her and that she had not yet been permitted to meet with her, although over two and a half months had passed since her arrest. According to ‘Ebadi, Esfandiari’s confession was invalid because it was extracted using emotional and psychological pressure.
    (For more on the confessions, see
    “Iranian TV Airs Confessions Of U.S. Academics”)
    Sources: Baztab, Iran, July 21, 2007; Kayhan, Iran, July 21, 2007; Rooz, Iran, July 22-23, 2007

  32. MEMRIBLOG – Ahmadinejad’ s Security Advisor Quits 
    Ruhollah Housseinian, security advisor to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has left his post, less than three months after being appointed by Ahmadinejad.
    It appeared that disagreements between the two had become stronger over the past month.
    A day after his appointment, Housseinian denied that he was a member of the Council for Setting Policy and Oversight for Disseminating Traditions and Thoughts of Ahmadinejad.
    Sources: Rooz, Iran, July 22, 2007; Baztab, Iran, July 21, 2007

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