- YAHOO! – USA und Iran setzen Sicherheitsausschus s für Irak ein
Zweites Treffen auf Botschafterebene in Bagdad – Teheran weist Vorwurf der Unterstützung von Milizen zurück.
- YAHOO! – USA und Iran beraten über Lage im Irak
Neue Gespräche am Dienstag – Fast 40 Tote bei Anschlägen - YAHOO! – Delegationen der USA und des Irans in Bagdad zusammengetroffen
Gespräche über Zukunft des Iraks – Mehr als 20 Tote bei Selbstmordanschlag
- YAHOO! – USA und Iran beraten über Lage im Irak
- NCR – USA behauptet, dass der Iran von den Waffen für die Taliban wissen muss
Kabul- Agenturen – Iranische Waffen kommen zu den afghanischen Taliban in solch einer Qualität und einem Umfang, dass es der Teheraner Regierung bekannt sein muss, sagte der US Botschafter in Kabul am Dienstag.
Die Anschuldigung lautet ähnlich wie die, des US Sekretärs für Verteidigung Robert Gates vor einem Monat, die von Teheran als “haltlos und unlogisch” zurückgewiesen wurde.
Am Dienstag jedoch signalisierte der Iran eine “hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit” , dass er zu einer zweiten Gesprächsrunde mit den Vereinigten Staaten über die Sicherheit im Irak in “naher Zukunft” bereit sei.
“Es ist eindeutig, dass einige Munition aus dem Iran in die Hände der Talibans gelangen”, sagte der Botschafter William Wood. - Congressional Quarterly – Hard-Liners in Congress Push for Tougher Sanctions Against Iran
That law was enacted in 2003 to protest the country’s anti-democratic regime, the State Peace and Development Council. The Senate Finance Committee voted … - Reuters – IAEA to revisit Iranian nuclear site next week
By Mark Heinrich
VIENNA – Iran agreed on Tuesday to let inspectors from the United Nation’s nuclear watchdog revisit its heavy-water reactor site early next week in a push by the U.N. for more transparency in Iran’s disputed nuclear program.
Diplomats said the accord, which came in a second round of negotiations between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency to clarify the scope of Iran’s atomic activities, was a bid by Tehran to head off more painful U.N. sanctions.
Olli Heinonen, the IAEA’s deputy director in charge of nuclear safeguards, said Iran agreed to let inspectors return to the Arak heavy-water complex, which is under construction, on Monday or Tuesday — four months after Iran cut off IAEA access there in protest at existing sanctions. - RIA Novosti – Irans Präsident Ahmadinedschad reist im August zum SOZ-Gipfel nach Kirgisien
TEHERAN, 24. Juli . Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad will am bevorstehenden Gipfel der Schanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit (SOZ) am 16. August in Kirgisiens Hauptstadt Bischkek teilnehmen.
Das teilte der iranische Vizeaußenminister Mehdi Safari am Dienstag mit. „Nach unserer Information werden an dem Treffen in Bischkek neben den SOZ-Staatschefs auch der mongolische Präsident und die Außenminister von Indien und Pakistan teilnehmen”, sagte der Diplomat nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur „Mehr”. Außerdem habe der kirgisische Präsident als Gastgeber die Präsidenten von Afghanistan und Turkmenien sowie UN-Generalsekretä r Ban Ki Moon eingeladen.
Iran besitzt bei der SOZ einen Beobachterstatus. Laut Safari beantragte Iran in diesem April die vollständige Mitgliedschaft bei dieser regionalen Organisation. „Wir erwarten die Entscheidung der Teilnehmerstaaten, mit denen wir bereits ernsthafte Konsultationen durchgeführt haben”, teilte der iranische Diplomat mit. - ACHGUT – Welcome to the Islamic Republic of Iran! Get stoned!
Henryk M. Broder 23.07.2007
A top Iranian official Sunday defended the use of execution by stoning after a sentence was carried out on an adulterer, saying the punishment was legal and in line with Iran’s rights commitments.
Mohammad Javad Larijani, the head of the Iranian judiciary’s human rights committee, said the judiciary supported the principle of stoning after confirmation last week of the stoning sparked international condemnation.
“Stoning is based on Islamic Sharia law and it is not contrary to any of our international obligations,” Larijani was quoted as saying by state television’s Web site.
“We have signed four important treaties on human rights. None of them has any opposition to stoning.
http://www.metimes. com/storyview. php?StoryID= 20070715- 083918-7128r - SEGYE – Chilling Iranian stories
In the background of new reports about Iran’s ability to produce its own nuclear centrifuges and while Olli Heinonen, the International Atomic Energy Agency’s No. 2 is making his way to Tehran in order to observe the “transparency” of its nuclear program, Iran’s security forces appear busy with more pressing matters.
The regime’s agents broke up a sit-in marking last week’s anniversary of the mass student protest that started on July 9, 1999. Loyal to the Iranian tradition, the police responded to the demonstrations by breaking into a university dormitory and storming the offices of a pro-democracy student group, killing one person and injuring 20. A day earlier, Iran’s judiciary confirmed that a man convicted of adultery has been stoned to death in the province of Qazvin.
- YNET – Evengelicals up Iran rhetoric
(VIDEO) During tour of Knesset, Christian leader slams US for ‘Chamberlain approach’
Yaakov Lappin Published: 07.23.07, 16:45 / Israel Activism
VIDEO – The American Christian Evangelical movement, acting in the name of tens of millions of followers, has begun lobbying the American government to abandon its “Chamberlain approach” to the Iranian threat to Israel, an Evangelical leader told Ynetnews during a tour of the Knesset on Sunday.
- MEMRI – U.S., Canadian Citizens Imprisoned in Iran ‘Confess’ on Iranian TV
The following are excerpts from interviews with two U.S. citizens of Iranian origin, academics Dr. Haleh Esfandiari, Dr. Kian Tajbaksh, who were arrested in May 2007 in Iran, and Iranian-Canadian academic Ramin Jahanbaglou, who was arrested in May 2006 in Iran. The interviews were aired on Iranian Channel 1 on July 18 and 19, 2007.
TO VIEW THIS CLIP: http://www.memritv. org/search. asp?ACT=S9&P1=1517
Haleh Esfandiari: “My name is Haleh Esfandiari. I was born in Iran, and I am 67 years old. I live in America, in Washington D.C. I studied in Austria, and I received my degree in journalism and art history 44 years ago, from the University of Vienna. Two months before the Revolution, I left Iran for London. I stayed there for a year and a half, but did not work. In 1980, I went to America, to Princeton, New Jersey, and I taught Farsi at Princeton University for 14 years. In 1996, I received a research scholarship from the Wilson Center in Washington, in order to complete a book about women in Iran – a book I had begun writing earlier. - MEMRIBLOG – Today’s Editorial From the MEMRI Economic Blog: Profligate Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Economy
Visit the MEMRI Economic Blog: www.memrieconomicbl og.org
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is in the habit of promising vast amounts of money, often impulsively, either to fulfill his own populist instincts for the country or to stoke the fires of conflicts regionally. Recently, 50 Iranian economists published a report criticizing the economic policies of Ahmadinejad, arguing that these policies “lack scientific basis.” The Iranian president is quintessentially profligate.
Criticism of police brutality in enforcing the Islamic dress code by Iranian talk show host Farzad Hasani has enraged the conservative newspapers in the country.
Following Hasani’s statements, the producers of his program estimated that he would soon be fired from his post. - MEMRIBLOG – Iran Praises Hamas’s Implementation Of Shari’a In Gaza
The London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat wrote that the meeting between Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hamas political bureau head Khaled Mash’al is aimed at transferring additional monetary aid from Iran to Hamas and for Iran’s expressing appreciation for Hamas’s implementation of shari’a law in Gaza (see Hamas Establishes Alternative Body For Handling Judicial Affairs). - MEMRIBLOG – Iranian Talk Show Host May Face Firing For Police Brutality Comments
Criticism of police brutality in enforcing the Islamic dress code by Iranian talk show host Farzad Hasani has enraged the conservative newspapers in the country.
Following Hasani’s statements, the producers of his program estimated that he would soon be fired from his post.
Source: Rooz, Iran, July 24, 2007
- 25.07.2007
- Honestly Concerned.info
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