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  1. WELT – Afghanistan zwischen Iran und dem Westen
    Wahied Wahdat-Hagh von Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, Kolumnist für WELT DEBATTE 17.08.2007 – 13.37 Uhr
    Auf dem Weg nach Schanghai besuchte der iranische Präsident die afghanische Hauptstadt Kabul. Die wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit beider Länder soll vertieft werden. Der Iran versucht seinen Einfluss in Afghanistan zu stärken und die westliche Position zu schwächen.
    Wie die afghanische Nachrichtenagentur Pajhwok berichtete, haben der iranische Präsident Ahmadinejad und der afghanische Präsident Karzai ein 6 Punkte Memorandum unterzeichnet. Die iranische Regierung will den Afghanen beim Aufbau von afghanischen Institutionen in der Landwirtschaft und bei der Ausbildung von Veterinärmedizinern helfen. Zudem wird der Iran beim Bau einer Straße von 110 km Länge helfen. Weiterhin will der Iran u.a. in Wasseraufbereitungs anlagen investieren und beim Aufbau der medizinischen Fakultät der
    Kabuler Universität helfen. 
    Iran hat nackte wirtschaftliche Interessen am afghanischen Markt. Präsident Ahmadinejad knüpft an die außenpolitische Initiative seines Vorgängers, Mohammad Khatami, an und setzt auf regionale Verbündete und iranische Exportvorteile. Die deutsche Bundesagentur für Außenwirtschaft, bfai, meldete schon im April diesen Jahres, dass der Iran vorhat, Afghanistan verstärkt beim Wiederaufbau zu unterstützen. Iran lieferte allein zwischen März 2005 bis März 2006 Waren im Wert von 232 Mio. US-Dollar
    nach Afghanistan. Der iranische Ölexport ist in diesem Betrag nicht enthalten. IRNA meldete, dass die iranischen Exporte nach Afghanistan im letzten Jahr um 300 Mio. Dollar betragen haben, dagegen betragen die Importe aus Afghanistan lediglich drei Mio. Dollar. 

  2. RIA Novosti Ahmadinedschad nimmt Einladung für Irak-Besuch an
    Der irakische Premier Nuri Al-Maliki hatte dem iranischen Präsidenten Mahmud Ahmadinedschad Anfang August in Teheran vorgeschlagen, Irak zu besuchen.

  3. Teheran – Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hat sich abermals abfällig über Israel geäußert. 

  4. Teheran (AP) Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hat sich abermals abfällig über Israel geäußert. 

  5. Iran: Nuclear Work Non-Stop Ahead of IAEA Talks
    Iran’s atomic work is continuing “non-stop”, an Iranian official said on Sunday, on the eve of a new round of talks with the UN nuclear watchdog aimed at … 

    1. Malaysia StarIran says nuclear work non-stop ahead of IAEA talks
      Iran, under UN pressure to suspend activities the West suspects are aimed at assembling atom bombs, agreed in June to draft an “action plan” within 60 days … 
    2. RIA Novosti UN nuclear monitors arrive in Iran’s capital for new talks round
      After the July talks, Iran granted IAEA inspectors access to its Arak reactor, two months after having banned monitors, in protest against UN sanctions. 
  6. MidEastYouth. com Mullahs Do Not Care When Iranians are humiliated
    The two previous articles evoke my surprising that neither IRI’s authorities nor their factions or related media react with the least protest against Mr. …
  7. Guardian UnlimitedKurds flee homes as Iran shells villages in Iraq
    Analysts believe PJAK is the fastest growing armed resistance group in Iran. As well as the 3000 or so members under arms in the mountains, it also claims …

  8. (Pressemitteilung) – Ahmadinedschad weist Vorwürfe der Waffenlieferung an Taliban zurück
    Kabul (AP) Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hat Vorwürfe des Westens zurückgewiesen, Teheran unterstütze die Taliban mit Waffen. 

    1. Neues VolksblattIrans Präsident Ahmadinejad besucht Afghanistan
      Der iranische Präsident Ahmadinejad reist am Dienstag zu einem eintägigen Besuch in die afghanische Hauptstadt Kabul. Er soll dort nach Angaben des Kabuler … 
    2. Reuters Deutschland Ahmadinedschad in Kabul: Versorgen Taliban nicht mit Waffen
      Kabul (Reuters) – Irans Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hat Vorwürfe der USA zurückgewiesen, sein Land vorsorge Taliban-Rebellen in Afghanistan mit Waffen.  


    3. Ahmadinedschad: Keine Unterstützung für Taliban
      Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hat heute amerikanische Vorwürfe über eine angebliche Unterstützung seiner Regierung für die Taliban in … 
  9. BBC Analysis: Bush’s Iranian headache – By Roger Hardy  BBC Middle East analyst 
    President Ahmadinejad has been gaining influence in the region
    What to do about Iran? The question has haunted US policy-makers since George W Bush entered the White House in 2000.
    Now, frustrated by Iran’s muscle-flexing in the Middle East and aware of the drawbacks of military action, the administration seems to have settled on a policy of containment.
    “It is a dangerous regime,” says Peter Rodman, a strong advocate of containment who was until recently a senior Pentagon official, “and we have to stand up to it.”
    A veteran of the Reagan administration and a protege of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Mr Rodman uses the word “containment” with explicit echoes of America’s Cold War confrontation with the Soviet Union.
    He sees Iran as an essentially ideological threat, and puts little faith in diplomacy as a solution.
    Achilles heel?

  10. CANADA – U.S. ‘ups ante’ against Iran
    Declares country’s Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization
    Sheldon Alberts, CanWest News Service

     WASHINGTON – A U.S. decision to designate Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as a foreign terrorist organization fuelled speculation Wednesday the White House is laying the groundwork for air strikes against the hardline Islamic nation before President George W. Bush leaves office. 
    Foreign policy analysts were surprised Wednesday by the reported White House decision, which would mark the first time in history that the U.S. has formally declared the armed forces of a sovereign nation to be terrorists.
    “The United States has chosen to up the ante against Iran. This is a warning, or an indicator, that a major policy shift is unfolding within the Bush administration, ” said retired U.S. air force colonel Sam Gardiner, an Iran policy specialist and former war games planner at the National War College. 
  11. The Observer Hanging crackdown in Iran
    Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, the relatively moderate judiciary chief, has made an apparent protest by openly criticising Ahmadinejad’ s government on …

  12. FrontPageMagazine The Sopranos of Iran
    By Kenneth R. Timmerman
    Some have described them as the Corps of Engineers of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
    If so, the Rev. Guards’ Khatam-ol-Anbia conglomerate is more akin to the Corps of Engineers run by the Sopranos.
    An estimated 1/3 of the Rev. Guards 120,000 troops work for Khatam-ol-Anbia, digging underground bunkers, hiding away nuclear materials, building roads and schools (and more underground bunkers) in South Lebanon.
    Increasingly, they also getting into the banking business in northern Iraq, and are horning into major construction and development projects such as the Tehran metro and the South Pars natural gas field development project.
    It is because of these last activities that the Bush administration decision to designate the IRGC as a “global terrorist” entity, as leaked to the Washington Post this week, could have a tremendous impact on Iran’s ability to lure Western companies into its embrace.
    While the immediate financial impact of designating the IRGC under Executive Order 13224 will be little or nothing because the IRGC has no holdings in the US, the political impact could be immense, says former Treasury Department analyst Jonathan Schanzer.
    “By designating the IRGC we are sending a message to the world that we are looking at an arm of the Iranian government and saying it is a terrorist entity. That is significant,” Schanzer tells me.
    “The goal of this type of step is to scare off the foreign oil companies, send them a clear signal that they have to get out now, jump immediately, pull their funds out,” he believes.
  13. MEMRIBLOG –  Iranian Reformist Paper On Ahmadinejad’ s Missed Opportunity In Bishkek
    In an editorial, the Iranian reformist daily Aftab-e Yazd criticized Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for not meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the August 16 Shanghai Alliance conference in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
    The paper noted that Ahmadinejad had thus missed his last chance to influence Russia’s stance before the resumption of U.N. Security Council talks on Iran’s nuclear dossier.
    Source: Aftab-e Yazd, Iran, August 18, 2007

  14. MEMRIBLOG Rafsanjani: No Peace Without Palestinian Return
    At a meeting with the Palestinian ambassador to Iran, Iranian Expediency Council Chairman Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said that until millions of Palestinian refugees return to their homes, “there is no use in Palestinian- Israeli talks, and armed struggle is the natural right of the Palestinian people.”
    Source: Jomhouri-ye Eslami, Iran, August 20, 2007

  15. MEMRIBLOG – Iran Releases Chinese Detainees On Bail
    Two Chinese citizens arrested in early August have been released on bail.
    The two, whom Iranian authorities say were photographing military facilities at Arak, are banned from leaving Iran until the end of the investigation against them.
    Source: Rooz, Iran, August 20, 2007

  16. MEMRIBLOG – Iranian Revolutionary Guards Cmdr: America Will Be Harmed More Than We Will
    In response to the addition of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards to the U.S.’s list of terror organizations, guards commander Yahyah Rahim Safavi said in a speech in Esfahan, “America will in future receive heavier blows than the Revolutionary Guards… We will not be silent in the face of America’s pressure [on us]; rather, we will use its own means of pressure against it.”
    He added that the Persian Gulf would become a “hell” for the U.S. were it to attack Iran.
    Source: Kayhan, Iran, August 18, 2007; Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, August 20, 2007

  17. MEMRIBLOG – Ahmadinejad To Clerics: Invite All Humanity To Islam
    In a speech at a Tehran conference promoting Islamic studies and culture, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that “America is facing a dangerous future” and that “the Great Satan” (i.e. the U.S.) will lose the battle.
    He called on Muslim clerics to invite all humanity to the true religion, Islam.
    He added that “[the Zionist regime] is waving the banner of Satan.”
    Also participating in the conference were Ahmadinejad’ s spiritual mentor Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah-e Yazdi, Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander Yahyah Rahim Safavi, Hizbullah Deputy Secretary-General Na’im Qasim, and other senior officials.
    Source: Kayhan, Iran, August 19, August 20, 2007

  18. MEMRIBLOG – Iranian TV Correspondent Reveals Censored Parts Of Nasrallah Interview
    The Lebanese news agency Al-Markaziya has reported that Iranian television correspondent Bijan Nobaveh has revealed that parts of his August 11 interview with Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah had been censored.
    He said that the censored parts included Nasrallah saying, “We are willing to turn into body parts so that Iran will be strong, since when Iran is strong we too are strong” and calling himself “a small soldier of the Imam Khamenei.”
    Source: Al-Markaziya, Lebanon, August 17, 2007

  19. MEMRIBLOG – Persian Translation Of Fake “Harry Potter” Hits Iran’s Bookstores

    A Persian translation of a counterfeit version of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has appeared in Iran’s bookstores.Accordin g to the Persian ISNA news agency, the counterfeit version, which was posted a few days before the book’s worldwide release, was translated by Sakineh (Mehri) Kharrazi and published by Neyestan-e Jam Publications.
    Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance’s book and book reading office says that the book, which was published with the ministry’s permission “bears the label ‘Internet version’ on its cover, and we are not concerned whether or not its contents are fake.”
    Source: Mehr, Iran, August 15, 2007

  20. MEMRIBLOG – Friday Sermon In Iran: U.S. Decision To Include Iranian Revolutionary Guards On Terror List Makes Us Proud

    The provisional Friday prayer leader for Tehran, Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami, said in his sermon today that the U.S. decision to include Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) on its list of international terrorist organizations was “another golden page in the IRGC’s history.”
    In his sermon, Khatami said, “The IRGC has truly shined well during the 28-year history of the Islamic Republic of Iran… The late founder of the Islamic Republic [Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini said that] he was pleased with the IRGC, and that he would never think negatively about them.”
    He added, “Therefore, the U.S. State Department’s decision to include the IRGC in its list of world terror organs is merely another golden point in the records of IRGC pride.”
    Source: IRNA, Iran, August 17, 2007

  21. MEMRIBLOG – Iranian Filmmaker: Oliver Stone Seeks To Make Film On Ahmadinejad To “Counter Negative Propaganda” Against Islam
    U.S. filmmaker Oliver Stone has again proposed making a documentary about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian producer and filmmaker Alireza Sajjadpur said August 16.
    Sajjadpur, who is also secretary of Iran’s Islamic Society of Artists, said that Stone’s publicist had emailed the request to Ahmadinejad’ s office, and added that in the email, the publicist “referred to the bad image that the U.S. media has given to Islam and Islamic countries and said that the documentary could assist in countering such negative propaganda.”
    Ahmadinejad’ s art advisor, Javad Shamaqdari, has stated that the president has not yet responded to this request.
    Stone’s first request to make the documentary was announced by Sajjadpur on June 28, but Ahmadinejad’ s media advisor Mehdi Kalhor rejected it and called Stone a part of “the Great Satan” (i.e. the U.S.).
    Source: Mehr, Iran, August 17, 2007

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