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  1. Radio-Utopie Afghanistan: angeblich “Experten” aus dem Iran bei “Taliban”
    Die Regierung in Teheran unter Präsident Ahmadinejad hatte jede Verwicklung bestritten. Die Provinz Helmand liegt an der Grenze zu Pakistan.  …

  2. Basler Zeitung Iran und Aserbaidschan zum US-Raketenabwehrsys tem
    Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad ist am Dienstag zu einem zweitägigen Besuch im Nachbarland Aserbaidschan eingetroffen.

  3. PRESS TV Iran protests US General’s allegations
    Iran described Lynch’s comments as ‘baseless’.
    Iran’s Foreign Ministry has lodged a protest with the Swiss Embassy in Tehran, slamming the recent remarks by a US military commander in Iraq.
    A letter of protest was handed to the charge d’affaires of the Swiss Embassy in Tehran, which has been representing US interests in Iran since the two countries severed diplomatic ties in November 1979.
    The Iranian government has dismissed Major General Rick Lynch’s allegations as ‘baseless’ and ‘against the current relations between Iran and Iraq’.

  4. OÖNachrichten Iran: US-Wissenschafterin aus Haft entlassen
    Die Nahost-Expertin war wegen Spionagevorwü rfen seit Mai im Iran inhaftiert. Eine aus dem Iran stammende US-Wissenschaftleri n, die wegen Spionagevorwü rfen …

  5. trendaz Unsuccessful Results of Discussions with IAEA Threatens Iran with Application of 3rd Resolution: Iranian Politician 
    Azerbaijan, Baku /corr. Trend D.Khatinoglu / Today the third stage of talks took place between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Iran. Unsuccessful results of the two-month discussions with IAEA threatens Iran with the application of the 3rd resolution, said the Chairman of the Association of the Iranian Investigators, Prof., Huseyn Ladjavardi, who operates in Iran.
    The IRNA agency reports that the Chairman of the Security Council of Iran, Ali Laridjani, stated that if the USA does not cease its pressure policy and threats with regards to Iran, official Tehran will stop cooperating with the IAEA and refuse to take positive steps. “We tried to cooperate with the IAEA as transparent as possible,” Laridjani said. He considers that the international community does not protest against Iran’s production of atomic energy. According to the Chairman of the Association, the international community is possibly afraid that Iran may acquire nuclear weapons.

  6. DWKommentar: Durchbruch ausgeschlossen
     Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  
    Der Iran und die internationale Energiebehörde zeigen sich mit dem ausgehandelten Zeitplan zufrieden. Doch die Ergebnisse der Gespräche stellen eine absehbare Einigung dar, meint Peter Philipp in seinem Kommentar.
    Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  Peter Philipp
    Es gehört nun einmal zur Diplomatie, die Dinge möglichst positiv darzustellen, selbst wenn die Beteiligten eigentlich anderer Meinung sind. Denn man will ja keine Brücken abbrechen, sondern möglichst immer noch einen Weg offen halten. Bezeichnungen wie “gut und konstruktiv” sind aber so ziemlich die niedrigste Stufe diplomatischer Verklausulierung, wenn man damit eine eben abgeschlossene Verhandlungsrunde charakterisiert – so wie jetzt die Verhandlungen zwischen dem Iran und der Wiener Atomenergie- Behörde IAEA.
    Keine Differenzierung
    Nach zwei Tagen zeigten sich beide Seiten zufrieden, gelöst aber haben sie die Probleme nicht: Man ist sich näher gekommen in der Definition der nächsten Schritte, hat offenbar neue Kontrollen der iranischen Atomanlagen vereinbart und weitere Gespräche. In der Kernfrage aber gab es keinen Durchbruch.

  7. WELTAtomprogramm
    Wie weit der Iran mit der Bombe ist
    Der Iran arbeitet intensiv an seinen Nuklearanlagen. Die Mullahs betreiben ein Programm, das viele Fragen aufwirft. Die USA warnen vehement vor einer iranischen Atombombe. WELT ONLINE sprach mit dem Physiker und Rüstungsexperten Götz Neuneck darüber, welches Potenzial das Atomprogramm der Mullahs hat.

  8. JPIranian-US academic released on bail
    Esfandiari was jailed in Teheran on charges of acting against nat’l security.

  9. Middle East Quarterly Dissident Watch: Shadi Sadr and Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh
    by Caroline Sevier
    On March 4, 2007, Shadi Sadr and Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh were among nearly three-dozen Iranian women detained after they participated in a peaceful demonstration in protest of the trial of several women’s rights activists arrested nine months before.[1] Family members and supporters gathered outside Tehran’s Evin prison to protest the detentions.[ 2]
    Both Sadr and Abbasgholizadeh are feminist activists. Sadr, a lawyer, established Zanan-i Iran (Women of Iran),[3] the first website forum dedicated to women’s rights issues, and also serves as director of Raahi, a legal resource center for women. She has provided pro bono legal counsel to pro-democracy activists and journalists and succeeded in overturning the convictions of several women sentenced to execution. In 2004, Sadr won the Ida B. Well Award for Bravery in Journalism.[ 4] Abbasgholizadeh, founder of a civil society training and capacity building center for nongovernmental organizations in Tehran, also edits the quarterly journal Zanan (Women)[5] and contributes frequently to reformist websites.
    Both women are involved in the “Stop Stoning Forever” campaign to abolish legislation condoning the practice of stoning adulterers to death and also a drive to gather one million signatures to demand changes to Iranian laws that discriminate against women.

  10. THE JERUSALEM POST  Civil Fights: Bumps under the rug
    Evelyn Gordon , Aug. 15, 2007
    There is often more truth about the Arab-Israeli conflict in articles on unrelated subjects than in articles about the conflict itself.
    Consider, for instance, an item on mapmaking that appeared in the International Herald Tribune two weeks ago. In it, the owner of an Italian company that makes globes discussed issues such as whether Cyprus should be drawn divided or united (most countries do not recognize the island’s de-facto division) and whether the gulf between Iran and Saudi Arabia should be named the Arabian or the Persian Gulf.
    Then, in one throwaway sentence, the article hit on the real cause of our conflict: “And in much of the Arab world, Israel is nonexistent. ” Arab governments and educational institutions insist that their maps and globes eschew all mention of a country called Israel, and mapmakers obediently comply.

  11. MEMRIThe Heavy Metal Music Scene in Tehran
    The following are excerpts from a TV report on the heavy metal music scene in Tehran. The report aired on Channel 2 of Iranian TV on August 12, 2007.
    To view this clip visit:
    http://www.memritv. org/clip/ en/1537.htm.
    “See How Trendy it is Here”
    Iranian youth: “This is the symbol of the devil worshippers. “
    Iranian youth: “I don’t know foreign languages.”
    Iranian youth: “You should hang out here and see how trendy it is here.”
    Reporter: “How did you do that?”
    Iranian youth: “With a razor blade.”
    Reporter: “A razor blade?”
    Iranian youth: “Yes.”
    Reporter: “What did you write there?”
    Iranian youth: “2Pac.”
    Reporter: “What does 2Pac mean?”
    Iranian youth: “It’s the name of an American singer.”

  12. MEMTI TV #1529 – Young Iranians Pick Up Girls on the Streets of Tehran

    Iran Ch.1 –
    July 18, 2007 – 00:04:19

  13. MEMTI TV #1536 – Viewer Discretion Advised – Footage of Hangings in Iranian TV Broadcast Calling upon Iranians Not to Take Law into Own Hands

    Iran Ch.

  14. MEMTI TV #1537 – The Heavy Metal Scene in Tehran

    Iran Ch.2 –
    August 12, 2007 – 00:03:06

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