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  1. BERLINONLINE Bush droht/ Krieg gegen Iran Angriff in den nächsten Monaten?
    US-Präsident Bush nimmt den Iran ins Visier.
    US-Präsident Bush nimmt den Iran ins Visier.
    Washington – US-Präsident George W. Bush ist offenbar entschlossen, auch mit dem Iran Krieg zu führen.  
    In einer Rede vor Veteranen sagte er: „Das aktive Streben des Irans nach Technologie, die zu Atomwaffen führen könnte, droht eine ohnehin schon für Instabilität und Gewalt bekannte Region in den Schatten eines nuklearen Holocausts zu stellen.“ Und das will Bush auf jeden Fall verhindern. „Wir werden gegen diese Gefahr angehen, bevor es zu spät ist.“ Bush rief alle Verbündeten auf, „Irans Regime zu isolieren und Wirtschaftssanktion en zu verhängen“. Irans Präsident und Mullah-Hitler Mahmoud Ahmadinedschad lässt sich davon nicht einschüchtern. Jetzt drohte er sogar den USA, nach deren Abzug aus dem Irak werde der Iran die Kontrolle dort übernehmen. 
    So pokern beide Präsidenten hoch. Der Preis ist allerdings der Weltfrieden. US-Experten erkennen bereits verschiedene Indizien für einen Angriff in den nächsten sechs Monaten.

  2. YNET Iran: Bush trying to divert attention from his unpopular administration
    Published:  08.31.07, 00:07 / Israel News 
    Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki criticized US President George W. Bush’s statement according to which Iran may lead the Middle East to a nuclear crisis.
    „Bush’s comments were aimed at keeping the American forces in Iraq and diverting public discourse from his administration‘ s lack of popularity,“ Mottaki said. „This shows that the American policy is based on false information. (Dudi Cohen)

  3. Junge Welt Bush droht Teheran mit Krieg
    Und der einzige Staat in der Nahost-Region, der fähig und gegebenenfalls auch willens wäre, seine Feindnationen atomar auszulöschen, ist Israel, …

  4. IranMania News Weapons smuggled via Iraq into Iran: Hosseini
    Hosseini said Iran reserves the right to protest over the US courts? illegal action, which has tarnished the prestige of the US justice system.

  5. New York Times US Releases Group of Iranians Held in Baghdad
    In Tehran, Iran on Wednesday summoned a diplomat from Switzerland, the country that represents the United State’s interests in Iran, to protest the arrests, …

  6. TOWNHALL More On Iran
    Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 10:01 AM
    I am off to Texas today to broadcast tomorrow from the state GOP convention.  Dean will be sitting in today.  Before I go, a quartet of pointers.
    First, Dr. Barnett posts more on our exchange from Tuesday here at his blog.  I will invite him back for an extended conversation next week as his analysis is usually valuable and often unique and perhaps I am missing it, which is what Dr. Barnett clearly believes.  I put what I thought was a fair summary of key parts of his views to three other professionals yesterday –General Simmons, Christopher Hitchens and Dr. Kimberly Kagan.  Their responses:
    From Major General James E. Simmons, Deputy Commander for Support of Multi-National Forces, Iraq:


  7. CHRISFLOYDTick-Tock, Tick-Tock: Countdown to Midnight in Persia     
    Written by Chris Floyd    
    Thursday, 30 August 2007 
    Day after day, almost hour by hour, fresh confirmation comes of the impending American attack on Iran. Yet the same surreal malaise that hung over public affairs before the war of aggression against Iraq has descended again. Everyone knows the war is coming and nothing will stop it, but the strange, ludicrous shadow play of sham „debate“ goes on, as if there were some kind of political or diplomatic maneuver out there that could deflect the Bush-Cheney junta from its long-chosen course. But nothing will stop them, just as nothing — not even 10 million people in the streets around the world, the largest protest in human history — stopped them from the rape of Iraq. It’s what they want to do — and they will do it.
    The latest confirmation arrives from Juan Cole’s new spin-off blog, „Global Affairs,“ where Barnett Rubin writes:

  8. ACHGUT – Herz aus Stein   31.08.2007   07:24   +Feedback
    Eine 31-jährige lesbische Iranerin soll einem endgültigen Gerichtsbeschluss zufolge aus Deutschland ausgewiesen werden. Die derzeit in Berlin lebende Jasmin K. erklärte gegenüber Medien, dass sie in ihrer Heimat die Hinrichtung durch Steinigung erwarte. Ihre Anwältin Eva Lindemeier legte zudem ein Urteil vor, nach dem ein iranisches Gericht die Frau bereits im vergangenen Jahr zum Tode verurteilt habe – in deren Abwesenheit.

    1. PINKNEWSEuro-Parliament takes up the case of Iranian lesbian facing deportation
      Gemma Pritchard
      European Parliament President Hans Gert Pöettering has said he will write a letter to Prime Minister Gordon Brown regarding the fate of Pegah Emambakhsh, the Iranian lesbian woman who risks expulsion from Great Britain to Iran.
      His actions follow proposals by Italian MEP Giusto Catania (PRC), representing the European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) Group in the European Parliament during today’s Conference of Presidents, and Graham Watson, President of the Parliament’s Liberal Group.
      Pegah Emambakhsh, 40, who fled to Britain from Iran in 2005 after her partner was arrested and tortured, is due to be expelled this week after her bid for residency was rejected, according to a British advocacy group.

  9. honestlyconcernedShirin Ebadi fordert die Kontrolle durch die UNO
    Shirin Ebadi, Juristin, Menschenrechtlerin und Friedensnobelpreist rägerin, hat Louis Arbour, Hochkommissarin für Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen, aufgefordert sich um die Lage der Frauen in Iran zu kümmern.
    Der 27. August war der Jahrestag der Gründung der Kampagne „Eine Million Unterschriften zur Änderung der diskriminierenden Gesetze“.[1]
    Vor diesem Hintergrund warf Shirin Ebadi der iranischen Regierung und den staatlichen Instanzen des Iran vor, die Aktivistinnen der iranischen Frauenbewegung, die sich für die Menschenrechte der Frauen einsetzen, permanent zu verhaften. Ebadi zufolge sind in den letzten Monaten über 50 Aktivistinnen der Frauenbewegung inhaftiert worden. Manchen von ihnen warf man sogar „Aktivitäten gegen die nationale Sicherheit“ vor.
    Ebadi forderte in einem Schreiben an Louis Arbour, UNO-Hochkommissarin für Menschenrechte, die Einrichtung einer Untersuchungskommis sion, die die Situation der Frauen im Iran untersucht. Ebadi meint, dass eine spezifisch auf die Lage der Frauen sich konzentrierende UNO-Berichterstatte rin in den Iran geschickt werden müsse.

  10. OMEDIA Iran’s Progress Towards Enrichment: Slower than Expected
    Diplomats in the International Atomic Energy Agency: It is unclear whether the delays are technical or due to fears of further sanctions. Iran’s response: The nuclear program continues
    Ran Porat (8/28/2007)
    Diplomats in Vienna, home to the IAEA headquarters, today estimated that Iran seem not to have made much progress this summer in enriching large amounts of uranium. A senior diplomat, who is well informed on the findings of the IAEA inspectors in the uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, could not say for certain whether the delays were for technical reasons or due to Iranian concerns over possible political measures, especially further UN Security Council sanctions.
    With the new IAEA report in mind regarding the Iranian nuclear program to be submitted to the UN Security Council on Wednesday (August 29), the diplomat explained that the Iranians still seem a long way from industrial production of enriched uranium. According to the source and in contrast to Iran’s claims—that it has managed to stabilize 3,000 centrifuges for enriching uranium—it seems that in Natanz there are only 2,000 centrifuges working in cascades of 164 units each

  11. OMEDIA Behind the Curtain 
    Political prisoners are being executed in Iran. Iranians are wondering why the US is doing nothing about it
    Ghazal Omid (8/29/2007)
    The writer is an Iranian political activist in exile and the author of Living in Hell
    Last week Mr. Lee H. Hamilton achieved the goal of the diplomatic efforts he has been working so hard on for nearly four months – the release of Ms. Haleh Esfandari from an Iranian prison. As an Iranian and human rights activist, I am both relieved and saddened. Trite as it may be, sometimes the ends do not justify the means. On one hand I am delighted to see an innocent woman, an Iranian-American scholar from the Woodrow Wilson Center, freed without further delay. I was asked to help her and would have gladly done so had I been needed. On the other hand, the price Mr. Hamilton bargained for this release seems very high to me. He went on the MSNBC Nightly News program, hosted by Brian Williams, saying after he wrote a letter to Ayatollah Khamenei, appealing on religious grounds, he received a reply within three and half months and that this was the first time the Ayatollah has responded to such an appeal.

  12. KOTV Iran Summons Swiss Diplomat To Protest US Detention Of Iranians
    … Iran (AP) _ Iran on Wednesday summoned a Swiss diplomat who represents American interests here to protest the US forces‘ detention of eight Iranians, …

  13. MEMRIBLOGIran-India-Pakistan Gas Pipeline Deal In Doubt
    The reformist Persian daily Rooz has reported that the future of an Iran-India-Pakistan gas pipeline deal is being clouded by Iran’s replacement of its negotiating team for the third time in 18 months, as well as by U.S. pressure on India.

  14. MEMRIBLOGIranian Revolutionary Guards Weekly: Hizbullah Striving Towards World Islamic RuleIn an article, the Iranian weekly Sobh-e Sadeq, the mouthpiece of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei circulated among the Revolutionary Guards, has stated that Hizbullah sees itself as part of an Islamic movement striving towards Islamic rule of the world – not just as a Lebanese organization. 

  15. MEMRIBLOGSenior Iranian Cleric Ayatollah Kashani: Iran’s Justice-Seeking Nature Worries West 

    Tehran substitute Friday prayer leader Ayatollah Mohammad Emami-Kashani told a large crowd of worshippers at Tehran University that Iran’s justice-seeking nature and efforts were the root cause of „antagonistic moves“ against Iran by „the world arrogance, especially the U.S.“
    Kashani underlined Iran’s justice-seeking and spiritual and divine nature, and reiterated that that West was striving to battle these aspects in various ways. He said, „The Islamic Republic of Iran has now turned into a power,“ and „Of course, economic and military might is not the source of this power… Its power comes from that fact that it is a divine system relying on justice-seeking and spirituality. „
    Kashani said that Iran’s power and might was now an established fact prevailing in the world of Islam and even in the West, and stated, „That’s why they strive to destroy the elements of Iran’s power.“
    Source: Fars, Iran, August 30, 2007
    Click Here to view the MEMRI TV page for Ayatollah Mohammad Emami-Kashani.

  16. MEMRIBLOG„Al-Sharq Al-Awsat“ Cartoon On Iran’s Nuclear Hourglass

    On glass: „Iran.“
    Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, August 31, 2007

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