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  1. EJP Jewish group deplores invitation of Iranian official by Council of Europe
    CRIF, the umbrella group of French Jewish organizations, deplored Tuesday that the president of the Iranian Parliament, Golhamali Haddad Adel, was invited to address the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

  2. “NETT”…
    Mittlerweile sind einige Wochen seit der letzten antisemitischen Karikatur vergangen. Die Pause scheint jetzt ein Ende zu haben. Neu bei Kayhan….
    Unter der Karikatur steht das Wort “Terrorismus

    Ahmadinedschad erfüllt alle Erwartungen

  4. IKG Iran ruft Muslime zu Demonstrationen für ‘Befreiung’ Jerusalems auf – Am kommenden Freitag wird “Al-Quds-Tag” begangenen – Khamenei: Ahmadinejads USA-Reise “Grund zum Stolz”
    Teheran/Wien (APA) – Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden (Pasdaran) haben die Muslime im Iran und in aller Welt zur Teilnahme am so genannten Al-Quds-Tag am kommenden Freitag aufgerufen. Die organisierten Massendemonstration en für die “Befreiung” Jerusalems (arabisch: “al-Quds”) finden seit der iranischen Revolution immer am letzten Freitag im Fastenmonat Ramadan statt, den der verstorbene Revolutionsfü hrer Ayatollah Khomeini zum Gedenktag für die Palästinenser erklärt hatte.
    In einem von der amtlichen Nachrichtenagentur IRNA verbreiteten Kommunique riefen die Revolutionsgarden “die edlen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, insbesondere das iranische Volk” zur Teilnahme an den Kundgebungen auf. Der “Al-Quds-Tag” sei ein “Tag der Trauer für die Feinde des Islam und des unterdrückten palästinensischen Volkes”….


    1. IRNA IranPalestineUnity  – Iran’s Charge d’Affaires to Syria Mir-Masoud Hosseinian said here Sunday that the International Qods Day should create solidarity among all Palestinian groups.
      Hosseinian said that all Palestinian parties should know that their enemies wanted to sow discord among Palestinians, therefore, they should hold talks to patch up their differences.
      He added that on this day, the Islamic world will stage protest rallies with an aim of liberating Palestine and declaring their solidarity with Palestinians’ lofty goals.

  5. ACHGUT Islamic Bigotry: The Slaughter of 4,000 Gays
    At Columbia University on Monday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared: “We don’t have homosexuals like in your country. We don’t have that in our country. We don’t have this phenomenon; I don’t know who’s told you we have it.”
    If there were any truth to this – and there is none – it would be because because the Islamic regime in Iran had killed them, since homosexuality can be a capital crime in that country.
    http://www.frontpag Articles/ Read.aspx? GUID=FBC2142D- 4A38-4B4C- 9C0B-4B0AA4CF382 2  

  6.  AFP – Iran MPs warn over Benetton stores
    TEHRAN  — A group of prominent MPs have warned over the presence of Italian clothing retailer Benetton in Iran, saying its fashions are a bad influence on female consumers, newspapers said on Monday.
    The reformist Etemad-e Melli said the five MPs — four members of parliament’s cultural commission and a member of its legal commission — had issued their warning in a written protest to parliament.
    The protest comes amid a crackdown by Iranian police on dress deemed to be un-Islamic, which has already seen warnings handed out to over 100,000 women.
    “The MPs on Sunday made a warning about preventing the influence of the Benetton investor in fashion and women’s clothing design,” the newspaper said.
    It added that parliament speaker Gholam Ali Hadad-Adel received their protest by himself protesting that Benetton was not using Farsi language or script on its shop signs in the Islamic republic.
    “The two shops that I have seen did not use Farsi inscriptions and all signs were in English, this must be prevented in line with the law,” the newspaper quoted him as saying.

    1. PRESSTV – Pro Iran rally held in Vienna 

    2. IKG Protest gegen das iranische Atomprogramm in Wien
      Wien (APA) – “Keine Geschäfte mit den iranischen Mullahs” haben die Israelitische Kultusgemeinde und die Gruppe “Cafe Critique” bei einer Kundgebung am Sonntag in Wien gefordert. Gemeinsam mit weiteren jüdischen sowie anti-faschistischen Organisationen protestierten sie auf dem Stephansplatz gegen Unternehmen, die mit ihren Investitionen den Iran und dessen Politik unterstützen würden. Hintergrund der Demonstration: der Streit um das umstrittene Atomprogramm der Islamischen Republik.

  7. PRESSTV – Iran, Austria discuss mutual ties    Austrian firms are taking part in Iran’s projects.
    Iran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has met his Austrian counterpart, Ursula Plassnik on the sidelines of UN Summit in New York.
    Mottaki and Plassnik discussed important bilateral and international issues in their meeting.
    Mottaki reiterated on the necessity for enhancement of Tehran-Vienna ties given the long history of relations between two countries.
    Referring to the recent agreement between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), he said that European countries should be watchful for mischievous efforts of certain western countries to ruin Iran-IAEA agreement.

    1. Boston Globe Iran’s role in Iraq too complex for academic shorthand
      Protesters massing outside Ahmadinejad’ s speech at Columbia University compared him to Adolf Hitler. The demonization of Ahmadinejad was similar to that of …

  8. SPIEGEL ONLINE Iran bietet USA Hilfe im Irak an
    Propaganda-Rhetorik oder ernst gemeinter Vorstoß? Iran hat den USA Hilfe im Irak angeboten, falls Washington einen Abzugsplan für seine Truppen vorlegt – dies kündigte Regierungsvertreter Laridschani in einem Zeitungsinterview an.
    Teheran/London – Es ist ein großzügiges Versprechen aus Teheran: Iran hat angekündigt, den USA bei der Stabilisierung des Irak zu helfen, sollte Washington einen konkreten Plan für den Abzug seines Militärs aus dem Land vorlegen. Wenn die USA “einen klar definierten Zeitplan haben, werden wir ihnen helfen, den umzusetzen”, sagte Irans Atom-Unterhändler Ali Laridschani der “Financial Times”. “Wenn die USA aber ihre Fehler fortsetzen, sollten sie uns nicht um Hilfe fragen”, fügte Laridschani hinzu.
    Die US-Regierung lehnt einen konkreten Abzugsplan mit der Begründung ab, er würde den Aufständischen im Irak in die Hände spielen und sie ermutigen.
    Laridschani wies zudem Vorwürfe Washingtons zurück, Iran unterstütze Aufständische im Irak mit Waffen. Derartige Vorwürfe seien Lügen, sagte Laridschani. Teheran habe Washington aufgefordert, Namen von iranischen Revolutionsgarden zu nennen, die nach US-amerikanischer Darstellung Extremisten im Irak unterstützen sollen – die USA hätten aber keine Antwort geliefert.

    1. Baltimore Sun My dinner with Ahmadinejad: He believes what he says
      But is Mr. Ahmadinejad another Hitler, as some neoconservatives charge? When asked what he thought of the German dictator, the Iranian replied: “His image …

    2. Justice (subscription) – OP-ED: Giving Hitler a chance to speak
      According to Dean of International and Public Affairs John Coatsworth, “If Hitler were in the United States and wanted a platform from which to speak, …

    3. TOWNONLINE The Iranian irony   By Shimon Soferr
      Beverly – In New York City…a Columbia University undergraduate shouted: “We’re gonna ship you back, and you aren’t gonna like it! No more booze. No more Big Macs. No more rock music. No more television. No more sex. You’re gonna get on that plane at Kennedy, and when you get off in Tehran, you’re gonna be back in the 13th century. How you gonna like that?” The Iranians, who stared back glumly, did not respond.
      The story above did not happen in the last few days but in 1979. It was reported in the “Nation” section of Time magazine from Nov. 19, 1979, after a demonstration in the wake of the hostage taking at the American Embassy in Tehran. Less than a month later, on Dec. 3, 1979, Time magazine had this to report:
       “This is not a struggle between the United States and Iran,” Khomeini declared. “It is a struggle between Islam and the infidels.” He repeatedly threatened that the 49 American hostages held in the captured U.S. embassy in Tehran would be tried as spies, and possibly executed, if the U.S. does not send back the deposed Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi from the hospital in New York City.
      What we so tragically and practically misunderstand in this picture is that, while the students at Columbia University have become much more “civilized” in the past 28 years, the legacy of the Ayatollah Khomeini has not.

    4. SPIEGEL ONLINEA MEETING OF CLUELESS LEADERS  The UN Gets a Bad Case of the Flu  –  By Klaus Brinkbäumer
      Iranian President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad served as the star of a New York week that was otherwise filled with ego massages and fights between leaders of the international community. The UN General Assembly underscored the fact that the global community is ailing.
      Protesters at New York's Columbia University:
      Protesters at New York’s Columbia University: “A narrow-minded dictator” 
      The absurd events that
      took place last Monday at Columbia University were a prime example of how things can go badly wrong even when people are actually determined to talk to one another.

  9. Bloomberg Ahmadinejad Dinner’s Main Course Is All Image
    When asked about comparisons some make of him to Adolf Hitler, he showed he was also a politician who could learn what works with which audience.

  10. Scotsman Iranian viewers tune in to story of their own Oskar Schindler
    The Holocaust is rarely mentioned in Iran’s state media and is not discussed in school books. But the series, Zero Degree Turn, was produced by the …

    1. Die Presse “Angriff auf Iran wäre wie seine Hand in Bienenkorb zu stecken”
      Der iranische Atom-Unterhändler Larijani warnt vor einem US-Angriff auf sein Land. Im Fall eines US-Abzugs würde der Iran für einen “stabilen” Irak sorgen, so Larijani.
      Atom-Unterhändler Ali Larijani, der auch Sekretär des Obersten iranischen Sicherheitsrates ist, warnt die USA vor einem Angriff auf sein Land. Ihr Scheitern im Irak sollte die USA davon abschrecken, ähnliche Interventionen zu wiederholen, sagte er der “Financial Times” in einem am Montag veröffentlichten Interview. Ein Angriff auf den Iran wäre gleichbedeutend damit, “seine Hand in einen Bienenkorb zu stecken”.
      US-Drohungen nur “psychologische Kriegsführung” ?
      Ein Angriff auf den Iran wäre gleichbedeutend damit, “seine Hand in einen Bienenkorb zu stecken”. Die regierungsnahe iranische Zeitung “Kayhan” schrieb laut …

    2. derStandard. at “Neocon” Podhoretz drängt Bush zu Iran-Angriff
      Die regierungsnahe iranische Zeitung “Kayhan” schrieb laut “Sunday Times” in einem Leitartikel unter dem Titel “Warum es keinen Krieg geben wird”, .. 

    3. AFP – US-Regierung haben angeblich neue Strategie für Iran-Angriff
      Washington (AFP) — Die US-Regierung hat laut einem Pressebericht einen Strategiewechsel hinsichtlich eines möglichen Angriffs auf den Iran vorgenommen. Die Regierung von Präsident George W. Bush plane inzwischen eher Angriffe auf die iranischen Revolutionswä chter, die Pasdaran, als auf Atomanlagen in dem Land, berichtet der angesehene US-Enthüllungsjourna list Seymour Hersh in einem Artikel für das Magazin “The New Yorker”. Die USA werfen den Pasdaran die Unterstützung von Aufständischen im Irak vor.
      Laut Hersh erfolgt der angebliche Strategiewechsel zu einem Zeitpunkt, da Bush und seine Berater den Irak-Krieg zunehmend als “strategische Schlacht zwischen den USA und dem Iran” bezeichnen. In diesem Sommer habe Bush bei einer Videokonferenz mit dem US-Botschafter im Irak, Ryan Crocker, gesagt, er erwäge, iranische Ziele auf der anderen Seite der Grenze anzugreifen. Die Briten seien sich darin mit ihm einig, habe Bush gesagt.

    4. YNET After the bomb  In 10 years we may feel Ahmadinejad should have been detained in NY
      Uri Orbach Published:  09.30.07, 14:02 / Israel Opinion 
      In five or 10 years, maybe in 15 years, when those of us who have survived completely lose their hair as a result of the radioactive fallout left in the wake of the Iranian bomb, we may think differently.
      A little before that, say in five to seven years, when all of Tel Aviv disappears in one giant flame and the survivors are able to find refuge in the Negev desert, perhaps we will come to have a different view regarding Ahmadinejad’ s freedom of speech.
      Until that time, we are in favor of granting the Iranian guy rights. He is a national leader, and even if we disagree with his view that Israel has no right to exist, we are willing to die for his right to say it. This is the basis of freedom of speech.
      We are certainly unwilling to prevent him from speaking. Let him speak. As long as he is merely preparing and building his nuclear bomb, we won’t be the ones to stand in his way by silencing him.

  11. ‘plans air strikes on Iran’
    A MAN set himself on fire to protest against a summit being held between North and South Korea. Australia one of the most generous nations for family …


  12. YNET Ahmadinejad’ s American friends   Iran leader’s sermons beginning to affect America’s progressive intelligentsia
    Published:  10.01.07, 13:54 / Israel Opinion 
    For 95 percent of Americans, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’ s visit to the US was unnecessary, ridiculous and humiliating.
    It was unnecessary because his public appearances took place during the lowest viewing times and were summed up in a minute or two during
    news broadcasts. Ridiculous, because the Iranian president was tardy, he cancelled interviews, was evasive (the interview on CNN was stopped after four-and-a-half minutes) and he stuttered (Karnit Goldwasser – the wife of abducted IDF soldier Ehud – made him look like a fool at the UN). Humiliating, because he was forced to swallow the abusive welcome by the president of Columbia University.
    So there’s nothing to worry about? Ahmadinejad didn’t conquer America.
    But there is reason for concern. Ahmadinejad concocted his messages slyly, weaving a web of lies, half truths and truths that part of the American elite and Bush’s opponents can identify with.

  13. MEMRIBLOG Cartoon In Kuwaiti Paper: “Ahmadinejad: Case Closed On Iran’s Nuclear Program” 

    On tablet in Ahmadinejad’ s left hand: “Nuclear Program.”
    Source: Al-Jarida, Kuwait, September 28, 2007

  14. MEMRIBLOG – Iranian Guardian Council Sec’y Praises Ahmadinejad In NY
    At central Friday prayers in Tehran, Iranian Guardian Council secretary Ahmad Jannati declared that on his recent visit to the U.S., Iranian President Ahmadinejad cast dishonor on the U.S. and on Israel.
    He said that the trip was extraordinary, and that Ahmadinejad’ s speech at the U.N. General Assembly was like a star breaking forth.
    Jannati also praised Ahmadinejad for not becoming angry at the attack on him by Columbia University President Lee Bollinger.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, September 28, 2007

  15. MEMRI Activists Tell of Iranian Authorities’ Persecution of Arab Population in Iran’s Al-Ahwaz Province
    The following are excerpts from a debate on the Arabs of Iran’s Al-Ahwaz province, which aired on ANB TV on September 7, 2007.
    To view the clip visit
    http://www.memritv. org/clip/ en/1567.htm
    Musa Al-Sharifi of the Al-Ahwaz Democratic Solidarity Party: “With regard to our Arab region of Al-Ahwaz, the [Iranian] government’s policy is to expropriate lands, to deport the indigenous Arab inhabitants to other regions, and to replace them with people from the Persian provinces of central Iran.”
    Interviewer: “How is this done? The Arabs own the lands, which are expropriated by government decree, or what?”
    Musa Al-Sharifi: “Yes, this process began in the days of the Shah with the sugar cane projects and so on. They would take the lands from the Arab farmers and establish on them camps for the army or the security agencies, or fictitious economic projects and so on. This process began in the time of the Shah, and intensified in the Islamic Republic.”
    Mansour Al-Ahwazi, political activist: “Various methods are used in the ethnic cleansing. We did not claim that there were killings… There are killings, indiscriminate executions, and all that, but not like what happened in Yugoslavia and other places. They are trying to finish off our existence

  16. MEMRIBLOG – Khamenei’s Representative In Basij: We Are Willing To Establish Basij Branches In Other Countries
    In a speech at a ceremony of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in the Basij paramilitary organization, Mahdi ‘Ebadi, declared that the Basij was willing to establish branches in other countries, “as a response to their demand to establish Basij forces on their soil and in order to spread the culture of the Basij.”
    Source: Rooz, Iran, October 1, 2007

  17. MEMRIBLOG – Senior Iranian Judiciary Official: We Won’t Stop Stonings
    International affairs advisor to Iran’s judicial authority Mohammad Javad Larijani, who is also secretary of the human rights apparatus in the judicial authority, has stated that “punishment by stoning is not torture, and is not an unfit punishment.”
    He clarified that despite protests by various elements in the West, Iran would not stop the stonings, since the punishment was anchored in the religious precepts.
    Source: Rooz, Iran, October 2, 2007

  18. MEMRIBLOG – Iranian Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi: The Iranian Regime Treats Human Rights Organizations With Suspicion
    In an interview, Iranian Nobel laureate and human rights activist Shirin Ebadi told the online daily Rooz that although three months had passed since the arrest of Kurdish human rights activist and journalist Sadiq Kaboudvand, she had still not been permitted to examine his dossier or to meet him.
    Ebadi added that the Iranian regime treats human rights organization with anger and suspicion, and that the threats by security forces to Kaboudvand’s family and friends multiplied the severity of the injustice.
    Source: Rooz, Iran, October 2, 2007

  19. MEMRIBLOG – In Iran, Criticism Of Ahmadinejad Over Statements During U.S. Visit
    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has come under criticism in Iran for statements he made during his recent trip to the U.S.
    The Iranian student movement published an open letter of harsh protest against Ahmadinejad, for his statements in the U.S. on “the complete freedom in Iran’s universities. ” The letter noted that Ahmadinejad’ s statements were in stark contrast to the suppression, arrest, and persecution of students in Iran, and to the punitive measures against journalists, women, teachers, and workers who dared to criticize Ahmadinejad.
    Also, Mohammad ‘Atryanfar, a member of the Kargozaran party which supports Hashemi Rafsanjani, said that it was Ahmadinejad’ s statements and radical policy that had evoked the insults by Columbia University president Lee Bollinger prior to Ahmadinejad’ s speech there.
    He added that this would never have happened to Iran’s previous president Mohammad Khatami, or to Rafsanjani.
    Source: Rooz, Iran, October 2, 2007

  20. ACHGUT Hajos fliegender Funke   02.10.2007   08:42   +Feedback
    Ein deutscher Politikwissenschaft ler weiss gebau, was der iranische Präsident will.
    http://lizaswelt. blogspot. com/2007/ 10/berspringende r-funke.html

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