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  1. YNET ‘IAEA foiling anti-Iran front’
    IAEA chief, Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei (Photo: AP)
    Foreign Ministry head launches unprecedented attack on UN nuclear watchdog for ‘acting as an obstructive element, whose opinions serve as an excuse for countries to refrain from joining the efforts against Tehran’s nuclear plan’
    Full Story . . . 

    1. JPForeign Ministry: IAEA chief playing into Iranian hands
      Foreign Ministry’s director-general: ElBaradei’s lax UN reports providing excuses for states which prefer not support Iran sanctions.

    2. JCPAWhy Are the IAEA and Dr. Mohammed El-Baradei Protecting Iran– Gerald M. Steinberg
      The evidence that Iran is making progress towards acquiring nuclear weapons is staring everyone in the face – the banks of centrifuges from A.Q. Khan’s proliferation supermarket (used by Pakistan for its bomb) and other technology inappropriate for a civil power program; the subterfuge that kept these and other activities from the IAEA inspectors for many years; the import of components and evidence of facilities for testing weapons design.
      For over three years, the quarterly IAEA reports on Iran contained the details of violations, obstruction of inspector’s visits, important inconsistencies between official claims and the results of tests from samples taken from various facilities, and other forms of non-compliance. But the final assessment in each report, signed by the director-general, absurdly concluded that this evidence did not demonstrate that Iran was seeking nuclear weapons.
      El-Baradei may have chosen what he sees as the path of least resistance by acquiescing to Iran’s aspirations to become a nuclear power. This was also the dominant view in Europe, at least until the rise of Ahmadinejad and the realization that stable deterrence based on the U.S.-Soviet Cold War model was not applicable to a nuclear-armed Iran.
      El-Baradei’s complicity in the Iranian effort to acquire nuclear weapons is counterproductive. The further that Iran advances, the higher the probability of confrontation and military action in the next two to four years.
      Instead, if the IAEA and El-Baradei were to join in the effort to warn and deter the Iranian regime, it might still be possible to halt the uranium enrichment and similar activities, without needing to use force.

  2. FAZ Verhandlungen mit Iran/ Wo sind all die Friedensaktivisten?   Von Timothy Garton Ash 
    Der Sicherheitsrat hat den Druck auf Teheran erhöht
    04. November 2007   Europa schlittert in ein weiteres außenpolitisches Desaster, das jenem im Irak in nichts nachsteht. Der Name der Katastrophe ist Iran. Zwei Szenarien sind denkbar. Das erste: Die Vereinigten Staaten bombardieren das Land, bevor George W. Bush im Januar 2009 das Weiße Haus verlässt. Das zweite: Iran verschafft sich eine Atombombe. Die meisten Europäer sind überaus scharfsichtig, was die erstgenannte Gefahr betrifft, und blind im Angesicht der zweiten. 
    Doch vor einem Vierteljahrhundert gingen in Bonn, London und Rom Millionen von Menschen auf die Straße, um gegen die Stationierung amerikanischer Atomwaffen zu protestieren. Nun jedoch nähert sich ein labiles und zunehmend militarisiertes islamisches Regime, dessen Präsident dazu aufgerufen hat, Israel von der Landkarte zu tilgen, planvoll jener Schwelle, von der aus es nur noch ein kleiner Schritt zum Besitz einer Nuklearwaffe wäre. Eine der wahrscheinlichen Folgen einer solchen Entwicklung wäre ein Rüstungswettlauf im Mittleren Osten, weil sunnitische Mächte wie Saudi-Arabien der Meinung wären, sie bräuchten ihre eigene Bombe.

  3. HA’ARETZIran gives in on Interpol vote on Argentina Jewish center attack
    Tehran clears way for vote on whether to add five Iranians to most wanted list for 1994 bombing that killed 85.

  4. openDemocracy Iran: prepared for the worst  By Omid Memarian
    The resignation of Ali Larijani, secretary of Iran’s national-security council and top nuclear negotiator, on 20 October [1] has provoked been much discussion about what it might reveal of Tehran’s complex intra-regime politics. What has been less remarked is that this was the second key personnel change among Iran’s governing elite in the past two months. This sequence of events, reflecting the key arguments [2] and calculations of Iran’s top leaders, signifies the emergence of a revised political strategy designed to cope with with the heightened threat of United States military action.
    The moderate conservative Larijani [3]was replaced by deputy foreign minister for European and American affairs Saeed Jalili [4](who may have a lower profile in the west than Larijani, but has the advantage of being a close advisor of both President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s closest advisors). The move was a surprise – it took place only days before the meeting between Iranian and international representatives over Iran’s nuclear programme on 23 October [5] in Rome (which Larijani still attended in his national-security council capacity). What gives it added significance is that it follows the replacement with effect from 1 September of General Rahim Safavi [6] as commander-in- chief of the Revolutionary Guards by General Mohammad Ali Jafari, [7] who has a poor reputation among Iranian civil-society activists for his role in suppressing social movements in the late 1990s. 

  5. WELT Krieg für den Frieden  – Enttäuschung über Putins großrussische Hybris und Misstrauen gegenüber den eigenen Diensten lassen US-Präsident George W. Bush wieder zu einer aggressiven Sicherheitsdoktrin neigen
    Es gibt Tragik in der Geschichte, sagt Henry Kissinger. Sie besteht im Fall Iran darin, dass sich im Weißen Haus neues Misstrauen gegen die CIA mit alten Instinkten paart und dass George W. Bush Wladimir Putin nicht mehr für einen ehrlichen Partner zu halten scheint. Beides zusammen führte zur kalkulierten Warnung vor einem “dritten Weltkrieg”.
    Das Weiße Haus misstraut der CIA, weil sie den womöglich von Nordkorea mitgebauten syrischen Reaktor übersah. Die Warnung aus Israel zu dem Vorhaben hat Bush ebenso wie Dick Cheney kalt erwischt. Die Reaktorhülle war fast vollendet. Der Bau begann anscheinend 2001. Hat die CIA das übersehen oder ist einem Verdacht nicht gründlich genug nachgegangen? Der Hinweis eines anonymen “hohen Geheimdienstbeamten ” lässt Letzteres vermuten. Er sagte der “New York Times”, die CIA habe die Anlage seit Jahren überwacht. “Wir hatten sie im Blick, unschlüssig, was wir davon halten sollten. Wir haben uns das immer wieder angesehen, aber der Bau hatte für uns keine hohe Priorität. Man sieht so etwas, markiert es, legt es auf Wiedervorlage: Mal abwarten, wie sich das weiter entwickelt.” Das klang reichlich defensiv, und Dick Cheney hat vermutlich grimmig gelacht. Diese Sprache ist ihm zuwider: Abwarten, sehen, wie sich das Bild so entwickelt. Das hat der Geheimdienst in seinen Augen schon zu oft getan. Deshalb drängte er 2002 so sehr auf den Sturz Saddams. Damals kannte Cheney schon vier Fälle, in denen die CIA heimliche Atompläne übersehen hatte. 

  6. WELT Iran: Die iranischen Grünen melden sich zu Wort   von Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, Kolumnist für WELT DEBATTE
    Dr. Kazem Mousawisadeh ist ein Sprecher der iranischen Grünen Partei im Exil. Die iranischen Grünen sind mit ihren Themen erstaunlich nah am Puls der Zeit, wenn sie in Erinnerung rufen: „Der Hauptfeind unserer Zeit ist weder Imperialismus noch Zionismus, sondern Fundamentalismus und das religiös-faschistisc he System.”
    Atombombe und Antisemitismus
    Während die islamische Regierung im Iran seit 28 Jahren die Zerstörung Israels fordert, beginnen iranische Exilorganisationen damit, ihre Position zu Israel neu zu definieren. Nicht nur Royalisten, die traditionell Beziehungen zu Israel und USA begrüßen, sondern auch die iranischen Grünen preschen nun mit neuen Ansätzen vor.
    Der Vertreter der iranischen Grünen ist der festen Überzeugung, ist der festen Überzeugung, dass das „Schicksal des Iran mit dem Schicksal der Juden und Israels untrennbar und direkt verbunden sei.” In der staatlichen Ideologie des Iran würden Antisemitismus, Menschenrechtsverle tzungen und eine kriegerische Expansion eine „untrennbare Einheit bilden.” Zudem sei die Atombombe für das Überleben eines solchen politischen Systems notwendig, mahnt er. Die Atombombe werde aber auch zur Beschleunigung der ideologisch- politischen Ziele benötigt.
    Fakt ist, dass das iranische Regime gegenwärtig nicht daran denkt, die Urananreicherung zu stoppen. 

  7. Berliner Literaturkritik Alltag im Iran – fanatischer Gottesstaat und iPods
    Alltag im Iran des Ahmadinedschad” schreibt die österreichische Reporterin Antonia Rados über den Alltag der rund 70 Millionen Iraner – über geschiedene …

  8. AFP Court to rule on death of Iranian-Canadian: lawyer

    Zahra Kazemi
    TEHRAN  – Iran’s supreme court will soon issue its verdict in the case of Iranian-Canadian photographer Zahra Kazemi who died in a Tehran prison four years ago, the ISNA news agency reported on Saturday.
    “At a meeting with the judges reviewing the case they said they will issue the verdict by the end of this week” on Friday, the lawyer for Kazemi’s family, Mohammad Seifzadeh, was quoted as saying.

    By Judith A. Klinghoffer (bio)
    I like nothing better than highlighting Muslim profiles in courage but I almost missed this story. I found it by chance on The Afghan Women’s Network. It reprinted a posting of mine. I am delighted that the National Secular Society recognized and rewarded her. I am not an atheist or a Communist but in the struggle against Islamist oppression of women we should join forces. Unfortunately, it is a battle the leftist feminists all too often shun. So go Mina, go!

  10. JAVNOIranian Teenager Escapes Execution
    An Iranian teenager sentenced to death for killing a drug dealer when he was 16 has escaped execution.
    Reuters illustrative photo An Iranian teenager sentenced to death for killing a drug dealer when he was 16 has escaped execution after the parents of the victim accepted 1.5 billion rials ($160,000) in “blood money,” his lawyer said on Monday.
    But in another case that has put the spotlight on the Islamic Republic’s human rights record, lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh said a higher court had upheld a sentence of two and a half years in jail and 10 lashes for a women’s rights activist.
    Sotoudeh is representing both Sina Paymard, a musician who was initially scheduled to be put to death last year, and Delaram Ali, who was convicted in July for attending a banned rally in favour of female rights.
    Western rights groups say Iran discriminates against women and also criticise it for executing people for crimes committed when they were under 18. Iran says it does not violate human rights and that it follows sharia, Islamic law.

  11. AFRICASIAIranians celebrate US embassy seizure
    Thousands of young Iranians proclaimed “Death to America” on Sunday as they celebrated the 28th anniversary of the storming of the US embassy in Tehran by student radicals.
    A massive crowd, composed mainly of schoolchildren bussed in to central Tehran, gathered outside the site of the former US embassy, known locally as the “Den of Spies.”
    “Death to America! Death to Israel!” the young people shouted, wearing bibs that depicted the burning of the US and Israeli flags.

  12. JURIST – Canadian-based filmmaker facing secret trial in Iran
    Patrick Porter at 2:55 PM ET
     A Canadian-based filmmaker accused of intending to spread propaganda will face a secret trial in Iran on November 17, the Toronto Globe and Mail reported Saturday. Mehrnoushe Solouki holds dual French and Iranian nationality and is currently a doctoral student at the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM) [university website]. She has been in Iran since December 2006 with the permission of Iranian authorities and was making a film about events following the 1988 ceasefire in the Iran-Iraq war. Authorities detained her in February, confiscating her notes and footage and charging her with intending to spread propaganda. She was released in March after her family paid 100 million toumen (80,000 euros) in bail but was barred from leaving the country. In a September Internet posting [text, in French] Solouki said she is not a “militant” but an independent and impartial filmmaker, describing her film project in detail. Reporters Without Borders [advocacy website] has been calling for her release [press release] and has asked the French foreign ministry to intervene. The Globe & Mail has more. Quebec University’s Journal L’UQAM has local coverage [in French].

  13. The Observer Now is the time for clarity over Iran
    Conflict isn’t inevitable, it’s not even likely … yet. It is still possible to build alliances to wean Tehran from the bomb and America from an attack
    Mary Riddell
    The drums of war are beating. In America, talk of a strike against Iran grows louder. In Israel, hardliners claim Tehran is close to getting the bomb. In Bahrain, host to the US Fifth Fleet, the state’s foreign minister imagines doomsday. ‘We don’t want to wake up and see our skies dark, our sirens blaring,’ he says.
    Last summer, the prospect of attack was negligible. Now a leading London risk analyst puts the likelihood at 30 per cent, and others think that estimate conservative. A security specialist at Chatham House tells me he ‘cannot imagine George W Bush not doing something’ if he thinks Iran is close to acquiring a nuclear weapon.

    1. Reuters Iran students hold protest against arrests: ISNA
      ISNA, the students’ news agency, said the three were held during a small demonstration at another university in the Iranian capital last Tuesday, …

  14. Iran Focus 3 detained students transferred to Iran’s notorious Evin Prison
    Tehran, Iran, Nov. 03 – Three students who were detained in the course of an anti-government protest earlier this week at Tehran’s Allameh University have …

  15. WIENER Christian Ortner am Samstag  Lieber Krieg oder Krieg?
    Aus Gründen, die niemand so recht versteht, bemüht sich die österreichische Außenpolitik bekanntlich derzeit ernsthaft darum, ab 2009 einen (temporären) Sitz im Weltsicherheitsrat zu ergattern; in einem Gremium, das seine Hilflosigkeit angesichts von Kriegen, ethnischen Säuberungen und anderen Unerfreulichkeiten nicht erst einmal unter Beweis stellen konnte.
    Sind die Wiener Ambitionen erfolgreich – was gut möglich ist –, könnte Österreich freilich zu einem höchst delikaten Zeitpunkt Mitglied dieses erlauchten Kreises werden. Gut denkbar ist nämlich, dass in etwa zwei Jahren, kurz nach dem Beginn der Post-Bush-Ära in den USA, der Iran sein Atomwaffenprogramm so weit vorangetrieben haben wird, dass die Welt endgültig entscheiden muss, wie sie mit den nuklearen Ambitionen der Islamofaschisten in Teheran umzugehen gedenkt.
    Absehbarer Weise wird der Weltsicherheitsrat diese Frage zwar nicht entscheiden, aber das höchste UNO-Gremium wird trotzdem eine gewisse Rolle spielen. Österreich würde dann, wenn auch ohne echte Entscheidungsbefugn isse, im New Yorker Zentrum des Geschehens mit einem unerfreulichen Dilemma konfrontiert: Soll die Welt zulassen, dass der Iran zur Atommacht wird – mit allen dramatischen Folgen, die das haben wird? Oder soll sie einen Krieg riskieren, um genau das zu verhindern? Eine dritte Option wird es eher nicht geben.

  16. IRANIAN Who were the Winners and Losers of the Caspian Summit in Tehran?
    Nov 2, 2007  – Bahman Aghai Diba, PhD International Law of the Sea – Persian Journal
    The Summit of Caspian littoral states (Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan) was convened in Tehran on 16th of October 2007. The Islamic Republic of Iran has claimed that the summit was great success. (1) However, it seems that from different points of view, the summit had different winners and losers.
    The summit in Tehran was originally arranged to find a formula for the new legal regime of the Caspian Sea which has remained unsolved since the collapse of the USSR. The old regime which is still valid and it will be so until the concerned states find a new one to replace it was based on the 1921 and 1940 treaties of Iran and the USSR. Those documents refer to the Caspian as the common property of Iran and the USSR without going into exact legal meaning of this concept.

    1. Reuters Iran marks US embassy seizure, brushes off threats
      TEHRAN (Reuters) – Thousands of Iranians chanted “Death to America” and vowed not to yield to US pressure over Iran’s nuclear program at a demonstration on ..
    2. IRNA – Envoy condemns U.S. unilateral, illegal sanctions against Iran
      NEW YORK  –Iran’s permanent representative to the United Nations Mohammad Khazaie sent a letter of protest to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon condemning the U.S. unilateral and illegal sanctions against Iran.
      In the letter, Khazaie wrote that unilateral measures against certain Iranian nationals and military, financial and other institutions including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are illegal.
      He noted that undoubtedly, labeling baseless allegations against sovereign nations is considered contrary to the fundamental provisions of international law and basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

    3. IRAN PRESSTV Anti-arrogance rallies across Iran
      Sun, 04 Nov 2007 11:58:13
      Rallies marking the National Day against the Global Arrogance have started in various Iranian cities as well as the capital Tehran.
      Tens of thousands of people from all walks of life and many political persuasions have staged a rally at the site of the former US embassy in Tehran, better known in Iranian history as the ‘Den of Spies’.
      The ralliers carried placards expressing their hatred of the bullying of arrogant powers, the US in particular. They chanted slogans against the United States and the Zionist regime.

    4. United Press International Iranians protest at former US embassy
      during Sunday’s “Day of National Confrontation Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi told the crowd to resist US attempts to derail Iran’s …
  17. IRNA Rallies marking November 4 kick off Tehran, Nov 4,
    Iran-Rallies- Nov 4  Rallies marking this year’s National Day Against Global Arrogance, an Iranian tradition since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, started here Sunday from different parts of the capital.
    People from all walks of life converged at the site of the former US embassy in Tehran, better known in Iranian history as the “Den of Spies.”
    November 4 holds great significance in Iranian history because of three decisive events: the take-over of the former US embassy in Tehran by Muslim students following the Imam’s line (1979), the exile of the late Founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini by the ex-shah (1964) and the declaration of the day as Students Day (in remembrance of several students martyred in 1978 while taking part in a protest rally against the former shah).
    Ralliers, including groups of school and university students, shouted slogans against the occupying regime of Qods and the United States as they marched through Tehran’s streets.

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