- wirtschaftsblatt – Nabucco in zehn Jahren auch mit iranischem Gas
In einem Interview mit dem “Handelsblatt” schließt Nabucco-Geschä ftsführer Reinhard Mitschek nicht aus, dass in Zukunft auch iranisches Gas in die geplante Pipeline eingespeist werden wird. Außerdem zeigt er sich russischem Gas gegenüber offen.
Die unter Federführung der OMV geplante Gaspipeline “Nabucco” könnte ab 2017 auch Gas aus dem Iran nach Europa bringen. Das hat der Geschäftsführer des Nabucco-Konsortiums , Reinhard Mitschek, bekräftigt.
“Für die ersten Lieferungen ab 2012 setzen wir auf Aserbaidschan” , sagte Mitschek in einem Interview mit dem Handelsblatt (Donnerstagsausgabe ). Später könnte Gas aus den zentralasiatischen Ländern Turkmenistan und Kasachstan hinzukommen. Danach seien “in einem nächsten Schritt um 2017 Lieferungen aus Iran, Irak und Ägypten nicht auszuschließen”. - Reuters Deutschland – Merkel warnt vor nachlassendem Druck auf Iran wegen Atomprogramm
Berlin (Reuters) – Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat vor nachlassendem Druck auf den Iran im Streit um dessen Atomprogramm gewarnt. - JNEWSWIRE– Settling the Land – Fearful Iranian Jews furious about news of immigration to Israel – By Stan Goodenough
Jewish community leaders in the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed outrage Wednesday at the “lying” report that tens of Iranian Jews had secretly made aliyah (immigrated) to Israel.
The vehement denials came after Israeli media earlier in the day trumpeted the news that 40 Jews had secretly made their way from Iran to the Jewish state, probably via a third, anonymous country.
Iran’s leaders have repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel while working feverishly to develop the nuclear weapons with which to accomplish their goal.
Nevertheless, the Jewish leaders that responded so strongly to Wednesday’s aliyah news were adamant that the country’s 25,000-strong Jewish community lives free of fear and experiences little if any antisemitism.- JP – Why announce Iranian aliya?
Decision intended to send message to Iran’s Jews that they are wanted here. -
FOXNEWS – 40 Iranian Jews Make Exodus from Iran, Arrive in Israel to Escape Dangers
TEL AVIV, Israel — Greeted by joyous relatives and a crowd of Israeli TV reporters, about 40 Iranian Jews landed in Israel Tuesday, leaving behind their lives in an increasingly bellicose Islamic regime for new homes in the Jewish state.
The new immigrants took a covert route, facilitated by the Israeli government and backed with funding from American evangelical Christians who see their efforts as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
Relatives screamed in delight and threw candy at the newcomers as they emerged into the airport reception hall after a long bureaucratic procedure.
Two brothers, Yosef and Michael, said they were glad to be in Israel. They declined to give their family name in order to protect relatives.
“I feel so good,” said Yosef, 16. “I just saw all of my family. You can’t put that into words.”
Michael, 15, said he told all his friends where he was going, and they wanted to come along. “I was scared in Iran as a Jew,” he said. “I would never be able to wear a skullcap in the streets there.” Others said they felt safe in Iran, discounting warnings that Jews could become targets.
The brothers arrived with their parents and a sister and were greeted by their grandparents, whom they had not seen since the grandparents left for Israel six years ago.
- MORGENPOST – Juden fliehen aus dem Iran/ Die größte Gruppe seit 1979 erreicht Israel – Neue Gespräche mit Palästinensern über Siedlungsstrei
Ankunft der Einwanderer am Flughafen in Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv – Tränenreiche Ankunft in Israel: In Israel ist am Dienstagabend eine Gruppe jüdischer Einwanderer aus dem Iran eingetroffen. Die 40 Personen waren die größte Gruppe seit dem Sturz des Schah-Regimes und der islamischen Revolution 1979. Da es zwischen Israel und dem Iran keine Flugverbindungen gibt, mussten die 40 Einwanderer über ein geheim gehaltenes Drittland ausfliegen. “Im Iran war ich dreimal im Gefängnis unter der Anschuldigung, ein Spion zu sein. Ich bin deshalb mit meiner Ehefrau geflohen”, erklärte der 53-jährige Abraham Dajan, der von seinem Sohn abgeholt wurde, den er elf Jahre nicht gesehen hatte.
- TAZ – Iranische Juden in Israel/ Vom Schurkenstaat ins Gelobte Land
In Israel treffen 40 iranische Juden ein – die größte Gruppe seit der Islamischen Revolution. Trotz Ahmadinedschads judenfeindlicher Rhetorik fühlen sich Juden im Iran relativ sicher. VON SILKE MERTINS
Bei ihrer Ankunft wurden die jüdischen Einwanderer euphorisch begrüßt. Foto: dpa
JERUSALEM taz Mit Freudenschreien und Süßigkeiten sind am Dienstag 40 jüdische Einwanderer aus Iran am israelischen Flughafen Ben Gurion in Tel Aviv von ihren Verwandten begrüßt worden. Es ist die größte Gruppe von Immigranten seit der Islamischen Revolution in 1979. Die Frauen, Männer und Kinder sind ohne ihr Hab und Gut über ein Drittland – wahrscheinlich die Türkei oder Jordanien – ins Heilige Land eingereist. Da zionistische Aktivitäten verboten sind, konnten sie nur das mitnehmen, was für eine normale Urlaubsreise üblich ist. Internationale jüdische Organisation wollen sie deshalb mit einem Startkapital von umgerechnet 6.950 Euro pro Familie unterstützen. - derStandard. at – “Juden im Iran träumen davon, nach Israel zu ziehen”
Seit Jahresanfang sind nach offiziellen israelischen Angaben insgesamt rund 200 iranische Juden nach Israel umgezogen, dreimal so viele wie 2006. (APA)
- JP – Why announce Iranian aliya?
- Haaretz – Argentine Jews slam Maradona for praising Iran, Ahmadinejad
By Haaretz Service and Reuters
Argentine Jewish newspaper Iton Gadol has received hundreds of emails slamming soccer legend Diego Maradona for his comments in praise of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Agentine Jewish news service reported Wednesday.
According to the report, the newspaper asked readers to write in with their responses after Maradona, 47, expressed a desire to meet the Iranian leader, and declared himself a supporter of the “Iranian people, with all my heart.”
“I have already met [Venezualan President Hugo] Chavez and [Cuban dictator] Fidel [Castro]. Now I only have to meet your president. I want to meet Ahmadinejad, ” he told Iran’s top diplomat in Argentina, Mohsen Baharvand, in a video broadcast by local media on Monday.
The former soccer star gave the diplomat a signed soccer shirt, after a game Saturday in the televised Showbol tournament of mini-matches.
Maradona is an admirer of Castro and he said this month he wanted a tattoo of Chavez. - Radio Vatikan – Weihnachstgrüße von Ahmadinejad
Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinejad hat Papst Benedikt zu Weihnachten und Neujahr die besten Wünsche gesandt. So die Agenturen Ansa und Irna. - EUROSPORT – Neururer Trainerkandidat für Irans Nationalteam
Teheran (dpa) – Peter Neururer ist einer der Kandidaten für das Amt des iranischen Fußballnationaltrainer s.
Der kommissarische Leiter des iranischen Fußball-Verbandes FFI sagte im iranischen Fernsehen, Neururer gehöre zur engeren Auswahl und sei sogar bereit sei, für weitere Verhandlungen nach Teheran zu kommen. Laut Mohsen Safei-Farahani stehen außer dem ehemaligen Bundesligatrainer auch der Franzose Jacques Santini und der Portugiese Artur Jorge zur Debatte. Die Verhandlungen mit Winfried Schäfer für den Job haben offenbar zu keinem Ergebnis geführt.
Iran ist die einzige Mannschaft in Asien, die noch keinen Nationaltrainer hat, obwohl im nächsten Monat bereits das erste WM-Qualifikationssp iel gegen Syrien ansteht. Grund dafür sind Querelen mit der FIFA, die jegliche politische Einmischung in die Fußballangelegenheiten des Landes verbietet. Im Iran ist der Leiter der Sportorganisation auch gleichzeitig Vizepräsident. - RIA Novosti – Iran führt mit China keine Verhandlungen über Kauf von Kampfjets
Vor zwei Monaten teilte eine israelische Zeitung mit, dass Iran angeblich mit China einen Vertrag über die Lieferung von zwei Staffeln der Kampfjets Jian-10 … - Kommersant – Iran Shields Its Nuclear Activities by Russian Missiles
But Moscow walked out of the talks in January 2006 to protest Tehran’s course on its nuclear program. Russia was hoping to sell these S-300PMU-1 complexes …- YNET – Report: Russia to supply Iran with new air defense system
Iranian defense minister says Moscow to deliver state-of-the- art air defense missile system capable of intercepting ballistic missile warheads at range of over 90 miles
Associated Press Published: 12.26.07, 17:44 / Israel News
Russia is to supply Iran with new S-300 air defense systems, Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said Wednesday, a sign of growing military cooperation between Moscow and Tehran.
“The S-300 air defense system will be delivered to Iran on the basis of a contract signed with Russia in the past,” state television quoted Najjar as saying.
Najjar didn’t say when or how many of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile defense systems would be shipped to Iran.
Earlier this year, Russia delivered 29 Tor-M1 air defense missile systems to Iran under a $700 million contract signed in December 2005. - JP – Iran announces arms deal with Russia
Russia is to supply Iran with new S-300 air defense systems, Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said Wednesday, a sign of growing military cooperation between Moscow and Teheran.
“The S-300 air defense system will be delivered to Iran on the basis of a contract signed with Russia in the past,” state television quoted Najjar as saying.
Najjar didn’t say when or how many of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile defense systems would be shipped to Iran. The S-300s will reportedly be the first such shipment to the Persian country.
The S-300 anti-aircraft missile defense system is capable of shooting down aircraft, cruise missiles and ballistic missile warheads at ranges of over 90 miles and at altitudes of about 90,000 feet. Russian military officials boast that its capabilities outstrip the US Patriot missile system.
Earlier this year, Russia delivered 29 Tor-M1 to Iran under a $700 million contract signed in December 2005.
Najjar said S-300 missile was one of the most sophisticated weapons in the world, with a longer range than the Tor-M1 surface-to-air missiles.
- YNET – Report: Russia to supply Iran with new air defense system
- Khaleej Times – Iran’ Larijani urges Egypt not to rush renewal of ties
Diplomatic relations between Iran and Egypt were broken 27 years ago in 1980 following the Islamic revolution in protest at Cairo’s recognition of Israel … - Foreign Policy In Focus – Iran Hawks Find New Supporters Against the NIE
Among officially designated foreign terrorist organizations, MEK is the only one that can obtain street demonstration permits in Washington through its … - Tribune – Experts: Strike against Iran a last resort for Israel
By Joel Greenberg | Tribune foreign correspondent
JERUSALEM – Israel’s freedom of action to strike at Iran’s nuclear program has been curtailed after a recent American intelligence assessment that Tehran stopped its work on nuclear weapons, but force remains an option of last resort should Israel eventually conclude that the weapons threshold is about to be crossed, according to Israeli experts and former intelligence officials.
The U.S. National Intelligence Estimate released earlier this month, which judged “with high confidence” that Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003, has been met with skepticism among Israeli officials and experts, who say there are ample grounds to conclude that covert nuclear weapons development continues.
Aharon Zeevi Farkash, who was chief of Israeli military intelligence from 2001 to early 2006, said in an interview that continued uranium enrichment by Iran, acknowledged in the NIE, along with Tehran’s development of long-range ballistic missiles, is a strong indicator that it is still working to acquire nuclear weapons. - Haaretz – News / Experts: Iran has new supercomputer for encryption
In this edition:
Experts confirm Iran has obtained a new supercomputer for information encryption.
An abducted soldier’s mother lashes out at rightist politicians.
40 new immigrants arrive in Israel from Iran.
Police evacuate some 70 residents from a Tel Aviv neighborhood where their families have lived since 1949 - MEMRI IRANIAN BLOG – Russian Defense Ministry Source: S-300 Systems To Iran In Early 2008
The Iranian news agency Aftab reported that a knowledgeable Russian Defense Ministry source has told the Russian media that the S-300 air defense system it is selling to Iran will be supplied in early 2008, as stipulated in the agreement (see “Russia To Sell S-300 Missile System to Iran”).
The commander of the Russian air force said that Russia had trained, on its territory, dozens of Iranian officers in operating the TOR M1 defense system, over several months in 2006 (see “Russian Experts To Provide Guidance For Operation Of Iran Air Defense System”).
Under the Iran-Russia arms deal, Russia is to supply Iran with 29 TOR M1 air defense systems.
Sources: Aftab, IRNA, Iran, December 26, 2007 - MEMRI IRANIAN BLOG – Iran, Egypt Ready To Boost Scientific Cooperation
Ali Larijani, the representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, said yesterday, December 26, that Iran’s religious and cultural centers are ready to cooperate with Al-Azhar University and other scientific centers in Egypt.
Ali Larijani proposed the cooperation during a Cairo meeting with the Al-Azhar University head and several Al-Azhar professors.
He said that Al-Azhar’s role in promoting closeness among followers of major Islamic schools of thought has always been significant.
Source: IRIBnews.ir, Iran, December 27, 2007 - MEMRI IRANIAN BLOG – Bail Posted For Three Iranian Students Sentenced For Defaming Sanctity Of Islam – But They’re Still In Prison
The student newspaper at Amir Kabir University in Iran wrote that senior Evin prison officials are preventing the release of three students who have been detained for over eight months for defaming the sanctity of Islam, even though an $85,000 bond for the release was posted for several days ago. (see “Rooz: Trial Of Jailed Iranian Students Delayed Due To Visible Signs Of Torture”, “Hundreds Of Students Demonstrate In Tehran Against Gov’t”)
A court recently cleared the three of defaming the sanctity of Islam, and determined that they would be tried for propagandizing against the regime and on security violations.
Also, the families of some 40 students from Tehran and Shiraz who have been detained since December 7 demonstrated in front of the Majlis and the U.N. offices in Tehran to demand their release.
Source: Rooz, Iran, December 24, 2007; Autnews, Iran, December 26, 2007
- 27.12.2007
- Honestly Concerned.info
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