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  1. Reuters Deutscher Diplomat musste Iran verlassen
    Berlin  – Möglicherweise als Reaktion auf die Ausweisung eines iranischen Diplomaten aus Deutschland hat nun auch ein deutscher Botschaftsmitarbeiter den Iran verlassen müssen.
    Eine Sprecherin des Auswärtigen Amtes in Berlin wollte sich zu den Hintergründen nicht äußern und bestätigte lediglich, dass ein deutscher Diplomat das Land verlassen habe. Die Bundesregierung hatte nach einem Bericht des „Spiegel“ vom Dezember bereits im Juli einen Konsulats-Attache ausgewiesen, der versucht haben soll, in Deutschland Komponenten für die Urananreicherung zu kaufen.
    Der Diplomat habe Kontakt zu einem bayerischen Spezialunternehmen aufgenommen, um vermutlich ein Bauteil zu kaufen, das auch bei der Urananreicherung benötigt wird. Das Auswärtige Amt hatte dazu eine Stellungnahme abgelehnt.

    1. AP Berlin will mit Teheran über Diplomatenausweisung sprechen
      Berlin (AP) Das Auswärtige Amt will mit dem Iran über die Auswirkungen der Ausweisung eines deutschen Diplomaten sprechen.

    2. AP Zurückhaltung bei Teheraner Diplomatenausweisung erbost FDP
      Hoyer fordert Steinmeier zu öffentlicher Stellungnahme auf

    3. AFP Iran bestätigt Ausweisung eines deutschen Diplomaten
      Die iranische Regierung hat die Ausweisung eines deutschen Diplomaten aus dem Land bestätigt. Mehr »

    4. AP Iran weist deutschen Diplomaten aus
      Möglicherweise Reaktion auf Berliner Entscheidung im Sommer Mehr »

    5. YNET German diplomat told to leave Iran in apparent expulsion
      Published:  01.05.08, 17:55 / Israel News
      A German diplomat has been ordered to leave Iran, a German news agency said on Saturday, in what may be retaliation for the expulsion of an Iranian diplomat from Germany in July.

    6. Reuters Deutschland Iran weist deutschen Diplomaten aus
      Eine Sprecherin des Auswärtigen Amtes in Berlin hatte am Samstag lediglich bestätigt, dass ein deutscher Diplomat den Iran verlassen habe.

    1. AP Iraner provozieren laut US-Angaben amerikanische Kriegsschiffe
      Schusswechsel in letzter Minute abgewendet – Weißes Haus verurteilt Manöver – Teheran spricht von Routinezwischenfall
      Mehr »

    2. AFP Iranische Boote bedrohten US-Kriegsschiffe
      Iranische Schnellboote haben am Samstag nach US-Angaben in der Meerenge von Hormus im Persischen Golf drei US-Kriegsschiffe bedroht. Mehr »

    3. HA’ARETZ U.S. Navy comes within seconds of opening fire on Iranian boats

    4. JP – Iranian boats harass US Navy ships in Strait of Hormuz
      Pentagon official: Boats threatened US vessels, confrontation narrowly averted; „serious provocation“ worst yet; Iran brushes off incident.

  2. YNET ‚Iranian boats provoked US ships‘
    US ships (Photo: Reuters)

  3. Sollen sie noch möglichst lange Zeit haben, sich Gedanken darüber zu machen, ob man wirklich unbedingt im Iran ein Freundschaftsspiel wahrnehmen mußte…
    Schnee-Chaos: Hansa steckt weiter im Iran fest
    Fußball-Bundesligist FC Hansa Rostock steckt weiter im Iran fest.
    Siehe auch:
    dpaSchnee-Chaos: Hansa Rostock steckt im Iran fest

    1. Das nenne ich vorbildlich!!!!!!!!!!!
      State of New Jersey bans investments in companies that do business in Iran
      By TOM HESTER Jr. | Associated Press Writer
      size:TRENTON, N.J. – New Jersey announced Friday it will prohibit state pension money from being invested in companies that do business in Iran.
      Most American companies are already barred from doing business in the country, but Democratic Gov. Jon S. Corzine signed a measure restricting the state from buying stock in international companies that do business with Iran. Florida and California have similar laws.
      The move is designed to protest the country’s links to terrorism and its nuclear ambitions.
      „I continue to support using economic means, not military means, to bring about policy changes in Iran,“ Corzine said recently when discussing the bill signed privately on Friday.
      Florida’s law also banned investments in Sudan, and the board governing Florida’s public employee retirement fund authorized it to divest nearly $1.3 billion invested with 21 companies doing business in the two nations.

  4. NYTIMESFor New Jersey Pension Fund, No Iran-Linked Investments
    TRENTON (AP) —
    New Jersey on Friday became one of the few states to prohibit state pension money from being invested in companies that do business in Iran. 
    Most American companies are already banned from doing business in the country, but Gov.
    Jon S. Corzine, a Democrat, signed a measure restricting the state from buying stock in international companies that do business with Iran. 
    The move was intended to protest the country’s links to terrorism and its nuclear ambitions. 

  5. THE JERUSALEM POST Bush: ‚US won’t leave Israel to combat Iranian threat alone‘
    The US won’t leave Israel to combat the Iranian threat alone, said US President George W. Bush ahead of his upcoming trip to the Middle East.
    In excerpts of an interview with Channel 2 aired on Saturday night, Bush said that if he was an Israel citizen, he would take Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s threats seriously, and as the US president, he too takes them very seriously.
    Bush reiterated that an Iranian attack on Israel would lead to „World War III.“
    He said that the US was always considering a military option to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue since the must effective diplomacy is conducted when all the options are on the table.

  6. Voice of America Iran’s Political Prisoners
    He was arrested in April 2007 for organizing a peaceful demonstration on May Day 2004 and for his trade union activities. Mr. Salehi was sentenced to one …

  7. Guardian Unlimited Saeed Kamali Dehgan on censorship in Iran
    As a literary journalist in Iran, I have often wondered why the country’s greed for literature abruptly ended when President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took office …

  8. RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty Iran: Authorities Release From Prison Two Women’s Rights Activists
    At least 33 women were arrested in March this year for taking part in a peaceful protest. They were subsequently released. The signature campaign says it is …

  9. Middle East Quarterly Delhi: Between Tehran and Washington  by P. R. Kumaraswamy
    As the U.S.-Iranian dispute escalates, both Washington and Tehran seek friends and allies. New Delhi is caught in the middle. While the U.S.-Indian partnership has grown closer in recent years, New Delhi’s approach toward Iran’s suspected nuclear program causes concern in Washington. Overshadowing the debate is India’s own nuclear program. With the July 2005 U.S.-Indian civilian nuclear deal yet to win U.S. Senate ratification, is India seeking to strengthen its energy security through Iran? Or is New Delhi pursuing the civilian nuclear deal without being sensitive to Washington’s concerns vis-à-vis Iran?
    Background: A Slow Renaissance
    Indo-Iranian ties extend beyond the energy portfolio although it would be an exaggeration to claim New Delhi and Tehran’s rapprochement equates to the formation of a new axis.[1] Western observers have argued that the increasing ties between Iran and India have much more to do with Indian great power aspirations and a concomitant Indian expansive agenda for Central Asia.

  10. Jerusalem Post Bush to propose ME plan to combat Iran
    On Friday, before leaving Israel, Bush will meet with Quartet special Middle East envoy Tony Blair and visit Yad Vashem. He will then travel to Kuwait, …

  11. MNA – Another conspiracy to tarnish Iran’s reputation
    TEHRAN, Jan. 06 — A few Indonesian teenagers held a rally in front of the Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry in Jakarta on Thursday.
    The protestors who claimed to be worker union activists chanted slogans against Iran.
    Demonstrators who were obviously too young voiced their protest against the imprisonment of Mansour Osanlou, president of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company.
    Indonesia’s worker union did not approve the move and only some of its members who were supported by foreign organizations made a desperate effort to hold the rally.
    The action seems to be plotted by Western powers and their intelligence services to preempt an official visit to Iran of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono next week.

  12. Khomeini’s erster Schritt zur Errichtung seines islamischen Weltreiches    
    Samstag, 05 Januar 2008
    Teil VI    
    Kosar und Mobin Fronteinheiten der Qoudsarmee im Irak
    Von: Reza Shafa
    Die Kosar Organisation wurde aufgebaut, um die wahren Absichten der Mullahs in dem Land zu verschleiern. Seit den frühen 80ern und dem überraschenden Auftauchen einer abscheulichen Methode zur Verbreitung des von der Regierung in Teheran neuerdings errichteten islamischen Fundamentalismus wurden die gleichen Taktiken, die in der Vergangenheit positiv getestet wurden, die Tagesordnung für die Qoudsarmee im Irak.
    Seit Anfang September 2003 begann die Qoudsarmee eine großflächig angelegte Kampagne zur Verbreitung ihres Terrornetzwerkes unter dem Mantel humanitärer Hilfe für die Armen und Bedürftigen im Irak.
    Parallel zu den Aktivitäten der Kosar und unter völliger Anerkennung der von ihr diktierten Richtlinien gibt es andere Frontorganisationen, wie die Shahid Foundation, das Salvation Kommittee Khomeinis und den Roten Halbmond. Diese Einrichtungen scheinen von außen gesehen unabhängig, sind es aber überhaupt nicht. Eine gründliche Überprüfung würde enthüllen, dass alle diese Organisationen Verbindungen zur Qoudsarmee haben. Brigadegeneral Haj Mansour Haqiqat-Parvar leitet die Kosar Organisation im Irak. Die Stiftung hat mehrere Zweigstellen in einer Reihe von irakischen Städten eröffnet.

  13. Experte nimmt an, dass der Iran Bhuttos Tod ausnutzt     
    Sonntag, 06 Januar 2008 – Der Iran verurteilte die Ermordung von Benazir Bhutto aus Pakistan „scharf“. Allerdings warnte eine führender Kritiker aus Teheran, dass das Regime wahrscheinlich versuchen wird, die Lage seines nuklear bewaffneten Nachbarn ausnutzt, der in Schwierigkeiten steckt. „Diejenigen, die solche Anschläge ausbrüten, sind die gemeinsamen Feinde Pakistans und anderer Staaten in der Region.“
    Das iranische staatliche Fernsehen zitierte den Sprecher des Außenministeriums Mohammad Ali Hosseini, der die Regierung Pakistans aufforderte, „alle Anstrengungen zu unternehmen, um die Terrorgruppe zu identifizieren, die diesen Vorfall verursacht hat und sie zu bestrafen.“
    Ein Schütze schoss auf Bhutto in Rawalpindi, in der Nähe von Islamabad und verwundete sie schwer, bevor eine Bombe detonierte, die mindestens 20 weitere Menschen tötete. Die ehemalige Premierministerin, die das Amt zweimal inne hatte, war im Namen ihr Pakistanischen Volkspartei für die Parlamentswahlen am 8. Januar auf Wahlkampftour und wurde von vielen als die wahrscheinlich zukünftige Premierministerin unter Präsident Musharraf angesehen.

  14. nytimes Caught in the Ayatollah’s Web   By SARAH WILDMAN
    A Memoir.
    By Marina Nemat.
    306 pp. Free Press. $26.
    By Zarah Ghahramani with Robert Hillman.
    242 pp. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $23.
    How many men and women have been brutalized in Evin, Tehran’s notorious political prison? Built by the shah, the prison became a ghoulish instrument of the ayatollah after the Iranian revolution in 1979. Although Evin remains the repressive arm of the state, we rarely hear about its victims. (One notable exception is the Iranian-born Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi, who made headlines after she died under interrogation there in 2003.)
    Two women, Marina Nemat and Zarah Ghahramani, both safely ensconced in the West, have now come forward with memoirs of their imprisonment at Evin. Their testimonies, recounting experiences separated by more than 20 years, illuminate Iran’s human rights abuses and speak to the moral dismemberment of a society based in fear and repression.

  15. theaustralianNobel winner slams rising execution count
    Font Size: Decrease Increase Print Page: Print From correspondents in Tehran | January 06, 2008
    NOBEL peace prize winner Shirin Ebadi’s rights group slammed the rising number of executions in Iran, including the hanging of a young mother who murdered her husband.
    „The Defenders of Human Rights Centre denounces the nationwide executions and their upward trend,“ the group of human rights lawyers led by Ms Ebadi said.
    They pointed to the execution in Tehran’s Evin prison of Raheleh Zamani, 27, who had been found guilty of murdering her husband and was hanged despite her lawyers‘ efforts to spare her the gallows.
    „Judicial officials had agreed to delay her execution for a month… but she was hanged suddenly,“ the group said. „n the evening of January 1 they informed her of the execution and then, after just 12 hours, they hanged her.

  16. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Tehran Friday Sermon: Beware Of Enemy Plots, Save Energy, Vote Responsibly  
    In today’s Friday sermon, Tehran Interim Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Emami Kashani warned a large crowd of worshippers that Muslims must always beware of their enemies‘ plots, and reminded them that „the arrogant powers“ see disagreements among Islamic communities as a „ray of hope“ for committing more crimes in Islamic countries. He said, „The emergence of internal crises and disputes within Islamic societies is quite perilous, since the oppressor world will take full disadvantage of them.“
    Kashani also told worshipers not to waste the country’s heavily subsidized energy supplies, and added that the Iranian government and parliament should devise more plans and make the needed arrangements to boost Iran’s energy exports.
    Referring to the upcoming eighth Majlis (parliamentary) elections, he said, „Candidates should nominate themselves to carry out their responsibility, and the nation should elect them responsibly,“ adding that „candidates must work for the sake of God.“ He said, „The eighth parliament membership hopefuls should enter the election campaign scene for God’s sake and aimed at serving God’s servants as a duty.“
    He also referred to the upcoming Muharram month of mourning, and underlined that the mourning must be performed in a manner that will introduce to the whole world the philosophy of mourning for the one (i.e. Imam Hussein) who sacrificed himself and all he owned.
    To view the MEMRI TV page for Ayatollah Emami-Kashani, click

  17. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Army Air Force Cmdr: We Are Producing Plane Undetectable By Radar  
    Iranian Army Air Force Commander Brig.-Gen. Ahmad Miqani has said that the Iranian army will soon manufacture a fourth and fifth generation of the Al-Sa’aqe fighter plane, and that these planes cannot be detected by radar.
    He added that the third generation of the Al-Sa’aqe is expected to be put into service this year, and that „air force experts have succeeded in developing a radar system capable of tracking a number of fighter planes and all types of satellites.“

  18. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Larijani Meets With Amal, Hizbullah Reps In Damascus
    Ali Larijani, the representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, met today in Damascus with representatives of the Lebanese movements Amal and Hizbullah to discuss Lebanese issues.
    The three sides discussed cooperation with the Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa within the framework of a recent statement from an extraordinary meeting of the Arab states in Cairo.
    At the meeting, Hizbullah was represented by Haj Hossein Khalil, political affairs deputy to Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, and Amal was represented by Ali Khalil, deputy to Amal leader Nabih Berri.
    Larijani, who is on an informal visit to Syria, also met with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to discuss ways of helping the Lebanese groups achieve a durable deal and pave the way for national reconciliation.

  19. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Ahmadinejad to Pilgrims In Saudi Arabia: We See The Mahdi’s Running Of The World
    The online reformist daily Rooz has reported that in a speech that was not widely covered by the Iranian media, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a conference of pilgrims in Saudi Arabia: „God is witnessing that in this difficult battle everyone stands fast on one side, and the Iranian nation stands on the other. They [i.e. the West and the U.S. leadership] planned to bring us into a deep crisis. All paths are dead ends, there is danger, there are sanctions, there is war – but I say to you, do not worry. Is it conceivable that God would abandon us at a dead end? Is it conceivable that the Mahdi would leave us on our own? We see on a daily basis the Mahdi’s running of the world…“

  20. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Supreme Leader: Martyrs „Source of Pride“ For Iran, Mankind
    Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said today in Yazd, Iran that „martyrs are source of pride“ both for the Iranian nation and for today’s generation worldwide.
    He said, „The immense and historical event of Islam’s renaissance and awakening of the Muslim ummah are due to the blessed movement of the Iranian people and the devotion of the martyrs‘ families. [Islam’s] progress in the three decades [following Iran’s Islamic Revolution] is equal to [the revival of Islam] in 100 years,“
    He added, „Thanks to the Iranian nation’s Islamic Revolution, there is today a growing tendency worldwide towards religion and spirituality.“

  21. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Supreme Leader: „Peace-Loving Iranians Will Humiliate Any Aggressor“; Iranian Armed Forces Should „Increase Strength“  
    Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei warned against any act of aggression against the Islamic Republic, telling army commanders in the city of Yazd today, „No one can trace the slightest sign of warmonger tendencies in this nation… yet this peace loving nation will humiliate any aggressor, regardless of its size and level, so that it will not even think of aggression again.“
    He also expressed his satisfaction with „the solidarity and high-level discipline seen in our entire armed forces,“ adding that „the Iranian nation and the armed forces should increase their strength and alertness as a sign of their vigilance.“
    Sources: IRNA, Mehr, Iran, January 4, 2008 

  22. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Will Iran Move Capital From Tehran?
    Iranian Interior Minister Mustafa Pour-Mohammadi said that his ministry is examining the possibility of selecting another city as the country’s capital instead of Tehran.
    He said that the motive for doing so would be to streamline administrative work of the state’s institutions.
    Source: Mehr, Iran, January 2, 2008

  23. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Khamenei: We Don’t Need Relations With U.S.; Iran Should Have Produced Nuclear Energy Decades Ago  
    In a speech in the Yazd province, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that Iran „does not now need relations with the U.S…. at the same time, if relations with the U.S. will serve Iran’s interest, I would be the first to approve of them.“
    He added that Iran should have been producing nuclear energy several decades ago.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, January 3, 2008

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