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  1. FORBESAustrian PM rejects reports German govt intervened against OMV’s Iran dealings
    VIENNA (Thomson Financial) – German chancellor Angela Merkel has not intervened with the Austrian government to protest OMV AG’s pursuit of business dealings with Iran, Austrian chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer said in an interview with the Viennese daily Der Standard.
    Gusenbauer said that German and Israeli media reports that such an intervention occurred were ‚complete nonsense and misinformation‘ and added that Merkel did not discuss the issue with him.
    According to Gusenbauer, the Austrian government will not exercise any influence on OMV with regard to its dealings with Iran other than to ensure the company complies with all relevant laws and UN resolutions.

  2. THE JERUSALEM POST Berlin parley warns against ‚appeasing‘ Iran
    Benjamin Weinthal , THE JERUSALEM POST  Jan. 28, 2008
    While German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Germany’s Federal Parliament commemorated the victims of the Nazi regime on Holocaust Remembrance Day, and an expert international forum debated ways of combating anti-Semitism, a non-governmental German organization shone an uncomfortable spotlight on German-Iranian relations during a two-day conference last weekend at Humboldt University in Berlin entitled „The West and the Iranian War Against Israel.“
    The Coalition Against Appeasement argues that Germany in particular, and Europe in general, are contributing to a dangerously „cooperative approach to the mullahs“ at the expense of the security of Israel and the entire Middle East.
    „We want to make a point that Iran remains a threat. Iran has already set in motion its war against Israel and the West through its support for Hamas and Hizbullah. The publication of the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) report does not diminish the threat,“ Tobias Ebbrecht, a spokesman for the coalition, told The Jerusalem Post.

  3. MORGENPOSTKritik an Peymanns Iran-Gastspiel
    Demonstranten haben im Berliner Ensemble (BE) das geplante Gastspiel des von Claus Peymann geleiteten Hauses im Iran kritisiert. Mit der Reise werde ein antisemitisches Regime unterstützt. Am 11. Februar will das Ensemble in Teheran Brechts Stück „Mutter Courage und Ihre Kinder“ aufführen. Eine Sprecherin des BE sagte, dass die geplante Aufführung „ein Zeichen der Solidarität mit den Künstlern im Iran“ sei.

    1. lizasweltBrechts Erben bei den Mullahs
      Das Berliner Ensemble wird ab dem 11. Februar an drei aufeinander folgenden Abenden Bertolt Brechts Stück Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder bei einem Theaterfestival im Iran aufführen. Der Intendant der Hauptstadtbühne, Claus Peymann, will dieses Unternehmen als Zeichen gegen die vermeintlichen Kriegspläne der USA verstanden wissen: „Man sollte Teheran besuchen, bevor es zerbombt ist.“ Etwa 50 Demonstranten protestierten am vergangenen Samstag gegen das anstehende Gastspiel bei den Mullahs: Sie verteilten Flugblätter im Theater am Schiffbauerdamm, der Spielstätte des Ensembles.
      Man kann wohl davon ausgehen, dass Peymann (Foto) und seine Truppe nach ihrem Auftritt ein ähnlich zufriedenes Resümee ziehen werden wie die Osnabrücker Symphoniker, die im vergangenen Sommer ebenfalls in der iranischen Kapitale auftraten: „Ich schaue in die erste Reihe. Dort sitzen die kulturellen Vertreter des Landes. Sie haben ein Lächeln im Gesicht“, schrieb einer ihrer Musiker in seinem „Teheraner Tagebuch“, das seinerzeit täglich in der Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung erschien. „Wir spüren, wie sehr Musik in der Lage ist, die Herzen der Menschen zu erreichen. Wir feiern bis drei Uhr früh. Das Osnabrücker Symphonieorchester ist jetzt vielleicht das glücklichste Orchester der Welt.“ Sie strahlten damals mit den Repräsentanten des iranischen Regimes um die Wette, die Kulturschaffenden aus der niedersächsischen Friedensstadt, denen nicht nur kein Sterbenswörtchen der Kritik an den Mullahs über die Lippen kam, sondern die im Gegenteil noch peinlich genau darauf achteten, dass die Kopftücher ihrer Musikerinnen nur ja akkurat sitzen.

    1. RIA NovostiTeheran und Kairo vor Wiederaufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen
      Iran verweigert dem israelischen Staat die offizielle Anerkennung. Im selben Jahr gewährte Kairo dem nach dem Sieg der islamischen Revolution aus Iran …

    2. offers aid to Egypt over Gaza crisis
      Links between Iran and Egypt were severed in 1980, a year after the revolution that turned Iran into an Islamic republic, in protest at Egypt’s recognition …

    3. ReutersIran offers to help Egypt deal with chaos at Gaza Strip border
      Iran on Sunday offered to help Egypt deal with growing chaos on its breached border with Gaza, Egypt’s Foreign Ministry said.
      The offer came during a rare visit to Cairo by a top Iranian diplomat, Ali Asghar Mohammadi, who serves as the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s
      director-general for Arab, Middle East and North African affairs. He met
      Sunday with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit.
      Egypt and Iran have had no formal ties in nearly three decades, but government ministers from the two countries have met frequently in the past two months. Last week, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad telephoned his Egyptian counterpart, Hosni Mubarak, for the first time to discuss the Gaza border crisis.

    4. China DailyIran ‚on the verge‘ of normalizing ties with Egypt
      Iran and Egypt currently only have interest sections in each other country after Iran cut the ties in 1980 in protest against Egypt’s recognition of Israel.
  4. ACHGUTAppeasements hoher Preis: Iran und die Destabilisierung Ägyptens   25.01.2008   18:55   +Feedback
    It has been an uncomfortable few days for President Husni Mubarak, watching anxiously as the crisis in Gaza spilled over onto his territory, focusing intense and unwelcome attention – both at home and abroad – on Egypt’s role in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. In Egypt, as elsewhere, all politics is ultimately local, and one serious problem for Mubarak is the link between the Brotherhood and Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist movement that won the 2006 elections and has been running Gaza since last summer’s coup, while keeping up (or failing to stop) daily salvoes of Qassam rockets being fired across the border into Israel.

  5. AFP Israel urges Davos business chiefs to boycott Iran
    DAVOS —Israel Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni appealed to the global political and business elite gathered in Davos on Thursday to make the personal decision to pull out of Iran and isolate the Islamic republic.
    „Iran is a global threat. And Iran can be stopped by you. You can make the change,“ Livni told the corporate chiefs and politicians attending the World Economic Forum.
    „Tremendous power is gathered in this room. The importance of wealth is not only to mingle and engage in social interaction, but for policy making,“ she said.
    Arguing that Iran’s nuclear ambitions threatened „the entire global community,“ she appealed to the delegates‘ personal sense of responsibility.

  6. jnewswireIsraeli military leader – Iran building nuclear warheads  By Stan Goodenough
    While the world, thanks to a US intelligence assessment, is slacking its efforts to pressure Iran into ending its pursuit of nuclear power, Israeli Defense Minister and former Prime Minister Ehud Barak believes that Tehran is „probably already working on nuclear warheads for ground-to-ground missiles“ that can reach not only Israeli but also European, and even American, targets.
    The Iranian program was „quite advanced, much beyond the level of the Manhattan Project“ Barak said in an interview published Saturday in the Washington Post.

    1. EarthtimesSix nations meet in Berlin on Iranian nuclear programme – Summary  
      Around 100 Iranian activists held a demonstration against the Tehran government in central Berlin. „Sanctions against the mullahs,“ a spokesman shouted into …
    2. FTDVetomächte wollen Iran-Sanktionen verschärfen
      Im Streit um das iranische Atomprogramm haben sich die fünf Vetomächte im Sicherheitsrat und Deutschland auf eine moderate Verschärfung der Sanktionen gegenüber dem Iran geeinigt.  
    3. Die PresseSanktionen: Iran fordert Zurückhaltung
      Nach iranischen Angaben soll der Meiler spätestens Ende des Jahres ans Netz gehen. Israel ist davon überzeugt, dass der Iran mit der heimlichen Entwicklung …

  7. FRUN will Iran engere Daumenschrauben anlegen
    Die Vetomächte der Vereinten Nationen und Deutschland wollen die Sanktionen gegen den Iran weiter verschärfen. Die Außenminister der sechs Länder verständigten sich am Dienstag in Berlin auf einen Entwurf für eine neue UN-Resolution.
    Bundesaußenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) forderte Teheran nach dem zweistündigen Treffen eindringlich auf, den Forderungen der internationalen Atomenergiebehörde IAEO und des Sicherheitsrats nachzukommen. „Teheran hat es in der Hand, den Weg der Kooperation und des Ausgleichs zu suchen“, sagte er. 

  8. Epoch Times DeutschlandAhmadinedschad hält an iranischem Atomprogramm fest
    Teheran/Brüssel – Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hat sich am Mittwoch unbeeindruckt von einer angedrohten weiteren Resolution des …

  9. RIA Novosti – Iran sieht seine Gaskooperation mit Europa nicht gegen Drittländer gerichtet
    TEHERAN, 28. Januar . Die Zusammenarbeit Irans mit Europa im Gassektor ist laut Außenminister Manouchehr Mottaki nicht gegen Drittstaaten gerichtet.
    „Iran will seine Zusammenarbeit mit Europa, insbesondere im Öl- und Gassektor ausbauen“, sagte Mottaki am Montag in Teheran. Der Bau einer Gasleitung von Iran nach Europa stehe seit langem auf der Tagesordnung der iranischen Führung, kommentierte Mottaki seine frühere Äußerung, dass Iran bereit sei, sein Erdgas durch die geplante Nabucco-Pipeline, die aus Mittelasien nach Europa unter Umgehung von Russland gebaut werden soll, zu exportieren. Dabei betonte er, dass diese Zusammenarbeit gegen keinerlei Drittländer gerichtet wäre.

  10. RIA NovostiIran: Ahmadineschad will den Irak besuchen
    Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad wird vor Ende März den Irak besuchen. Es handelt sich um den ersten offiziellen Irak-Besuch eines iranischen …

    1. NCR-Iran.orgIran: SSF crackdown on Tehran University students
      Soon the event turned into an anti-government demonstration by the students gathering on the campus. They shouted slogans aimed at the clerical regime’s …

    2. Daily TimesIranian university students protest food quality
      TEHRAN: Around 150 Iranian university students held a protest on Sunday chanting political slogans and demanding the resignation of university officials, …

    3. – Iran: Tehran University students protest continues for the second day
      It was the first time since the spring of 2003 that a student protest spilled over to nearby streets. The SSF and security guards had made it impossible for …

    4. NCR-Iran.orgIran: Second day of protests by Tehran University students
      … Units of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) reinforced the regular campus security guards to contain the demonstration by using water canons.

  11. Nationaler Widerstandsrat IranSSF gegen Teheraner Universitätsstudenten
    Sie skandierten Slogans in denen sie die klerikalen Regimevertreter und Mahmoud Ahmadinejad anklagt. Die Sicherheitsgarden an der Universität unterstützten … 

    1. Islamic Republic News AgencyStudents protest Israeli crimes in Gaza
      Hundreds of students members of Basij (volunteer forces) gathered at Palestine square, Tehran, on Monday to protest against the Zionist crimes in the Gaza …


    2. Islamic Republic News AgencyStudents protest Gaza disaster in front of Palestine embassy
      A large number of university students after Friday prayers gathered in front of Palestine embassy here in Tehran and protested against barbaric acts and …

    3. Islamic Republic News AgencyDoctors protest to UN against Israeli crimes
      „Iran is ready to extend relief aid to the people in Gaza, anyhow“, Deputy Health Minister Bahman Einollahi said. The protesters were carrying the placards …

    4. Mathaba.NetIran MPs protest Israeli atrocities in Gaza
      Majlis women deputies on Wednesday protested atrocities perpetrated by the Zionist regime against defenseless women and children in Gaza Strip since last …
  12. PRESS TVIran holds anti-Israel demonstration
    The rally follows a demonstration which was held in front of the United Nations building in Tehran on Thursday. The Zionist regime has toughened embargoes … 

  13. Independent OnlineIran in tit-for-tat spat with Norway
    In July, Oslo summoned the Iranian ambassador to protest against the stoning to death of a man convicted of adultery in northwestern Iran.

  14. Iran Press ServiceIran’s New Purge Slapping the „Moderates“
    We will protest, but won’t make a big noise.“ Aref, Rafsanjani, Khatami: These are the guys that Rice, hoodwinked by her advisers, seems to be banking on to …

  15. OMEDIAAmerica’s Deadly Tango with Iran
    Unless we in the West (the U.S. State Department included) continue to keep applying serious pressure on all fronts against the Tehran mullocracy, the IRI will continue on the offensive.
    Professor Rabbi Daniel M. Zucker (1/25/2008)
    In the convoluted world of Middle East politics and diplomacy, the American relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) remains one of the most difficult to fathom. However, of late, the dense fog that emanates from the Persian Gulf and also swirls so frequently along the shores of the Potomac River that the area is known locally as „Foggy Bottom“—that veil of fog has lifted, and for once a relatively clear view is possible for those willing to look. Islamic Iran’s policies on the ground, particularly in Iraq, are directly related to America’s own forcefulness or timidity towards the mullah regime. It has been noted that the Iranian supply of the EFPs (Explosively Formed Penetrators) that have been so deadly to Multi-Force troops (and have been the single largest cause of fatalities for Coalition troops) dropped in the final several months of 2007.[1] However, General David H. Petraeus reports that during the first two weeks of 2008, the trend has reversed and Iranian supply of EFPs is definitely once again significantly on the rise.

  16. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Kayhan Editor Close To Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei: ‚America and Its European Supporters Must Know… That the Price of Supporting [Israel] Will Cost Them the Property and Lives of Their Citizens… If the Heads of Some Islamic States Prevent the Muslim Peoples from Attacking the Zionists… They Can Be Toppled‘
    In a January 26 op-ed in the Iranian daily Kayhan, the paper’s editor, Hossein Shariatmadari, who is close to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, called on Muslims to unite in a retaliatory attack on American, European, and Israeli „sensitive centers“ because of „the war crimes that these countries are committing in the Gaza Strip“ and because of their support for Israel.
    In his op-ed, Shar’iatmadari stressed that American and European civilians must be harmed in these attacks, so as to make the U.S. and the European countries change their policy towards Israel. He further called for harming Israelis worldwide, and explained that Islamic regimes that prevent an Islamic attack on Israel must be toppled, because they are defending the enemy.
    Following are excerpts from Sharatmadari’s op-ed, which was titled „The Defenders of the Enemy“:

  17. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Senior Iranian Officials Visiting Egypt
    Iranian Parliamentary National Security and Foreign Policy Committee rapporteur Kazem Jalali arrived in Egypt on January 25 to promote cooperation between the two countries.
    Also, Iranian parliamentary speaker Hadad ‚Adel arrived in Egypt to participate in a conference of parliamentary speakers of Islamic countries that is to begin January 30,.

  18. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Al-Azhar Confiscates Books By Islamic Thinker Gamal Al-Bana
    Elements in the Al-Azhar establishment have confiscated books by Egyptian Islamic thinker Gamal Al-Bana, and have refused to give them back to the shipping company that was supposed to transport them to Kuwait. Al-Bana, who is considered an Islamic modernist, responded with a lawsuit against the Al-Azhar sheikh, in which he demanded an end to Al-Azhar oversight on the publication of religious books.

  19. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Senior Iranian Official: Despite Pressures, We Are Operating 3,000 Centrifuges
    In a speech to officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) political bureau, Supreme National Security Council deputy secretary Javad Vaeedi said that Iran had so far produced over 300 tons of UF6 (gas used in the uranium-enrichment process) at Isfahan, and that despite Western pressure, it was currently operating 3,000 centrifuges. Vaeedi added that even though Russia had begun shipping nuclear fuel to Bushehr, relations with it were not those of eternal friendship. He said that Iran had no eternal friends, and no eternal enemies except for Israel.

  20. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran, Egypt Discuss Keeping Gaza Supply Route Open
    Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has said that Iran and Egypt are currently discussing keeping the Egypt-Gaza border point open for relief aid supplies. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak ordered the easing of restrictions at the Rafah border point so that Palestinians living in Gaza can receive medical and food supplies.

  21. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran’s Reformist Camp Protests Disqualification Of Its Candidates
    The sweeping disqualifications of reformist candidates for the upcoming Majlis (parliament) elections in Iran has increased the rage in the reformist camp. The elections are planned for March. Mojahedeen-e Inqilab-e Eslami party spokesman Mohsen Armin said that if candidates‘ qualifications were determined in accordance with how much damage they caused to the country, then „[Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad would be the first one eliminated because of the tremendous damage his policy has caused Iran.“

  22. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Student Basij at Tehran U: Stop Oil Exports To Force End To Gaza Siege
    In a communiqué, the Student Basij at Tehran University has called on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to stop exporting oil so as to force the removal of the siege on Gaza, and as a sign of solidarity with the Palestinians „who are being mercilessly murdered.“

  23. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Conflict Over Lebanon At Arab League Meeting
    The Lebanese daily Al-Nahar reports that Syria has expressed reservations regarding the report by Arab League secretary-general Amr Moussa at the meeting of Arab foreign ministers, and has claimed that Moussa was biased in favor of the March 14 Forces. Lebanese MP from Hizbullah Hussein Al-Haj Hassan supported the statement. A diplomatic source present at the Arab foreign ministers‘ conference in Cairo told the Lebanese paper Al-Mustaqbal that Moussa had blamed Syria and Iran for hindering the finding of a solution to the Lebanon crisis. Lebanese Minster for Social Affairs Nayla Mo’awad told Radio Liban Libre that Syria and Iran were wasting time on the Lebanese crisis so as to keep the presidency vacant. She added that Syria had a strategic plan to eliminate all the foundations of the Lebanese state.

  24. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Russia Completes Nuclear Fuel Delivery To Iran  
    The eighth and last Russian shipment of nuclear fuel to the Bushehr nuclear power plant arrived in Iran Monday morning. Iran’s Atomic Energy Production and Development Company announced that the last shipment has also been forwarded to the Bushehr nuclear power plant. The company said that it had received a total of 82 tons of fuel for the primary stage of commissioning the Bushehr nuclear power plant, along with auxiliary equipment from Russia. The first nuclear fuel shipment from Russia arrived on December 17, 2007.

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