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    To view Dr. Matthias Kuentzel’s Lecture on “Anti-Semitism, Holocaust Denial and Cult of Sacrifice: The Iranian Holy War” at Columbia University on March 6, 2008,
    click here.

    1. Al-Bawaba Iran: Israel should take Nasrallah threats seriously
      The Israeli official said that Iran and its nuclear program remain the main threat seen by Israel, while rocket fire from Hamas-run Gaza is the most active …

    2. TACHLESVerhandlungsstillstand und Aufrüstung
      Während US-Präsident Bush sich optimistisch hinsichtlich der Erzielung eines Nahostfriedens gibt, gewann seine Aussenministerin Condoleezza Rice differenziertere Eindrücke bei ihren Gesprächen in der Region. Inzwischen laufen nicht nur die Rüstungsbemühungen der Hamas auf Hochtouren, sondern auch jene der Hizbollah im Norden.
      In dem für ihn so typischen, unergründlichen Optimismus meinte US-Präsident George W. Bush am Dienstag, es gebe noch «viel Zeit», um eine friedliche Regelung im Nahen Osten zu erzielen, bevor er das Weisse Haus am 20. Januar 2009 verlasse. Es handle sich um ein «Prozess, der immer aus zwei Schritten vorwärts und einem Schritt rückwärts besteht», meinte er nach einem Treffen mit dem jordanischen König Abdullah II. in Washington. «Wir müssen nur sicherstellen, dass es jeweils nicht mehr als ein Schritt rückwärts ist.»

  2. RIA Novosti – UN-Generalsekretär verurteilt Waffenlieferungen an Hezbollah durch Syrien und Iran
    UNO / NEW YORK, 10. März . UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-Moon hat Syrien und Iran vorgeworfen, Waffen an die libanesische Bewegung Hezbollah zu liefern und damit gegen ein entsprechendes Embargo des UN-Sicherheitsrates zu verstoßen.
    „Weiterhin beunruhigend sind die Berichte und die öffentlichen Erklärungen von Hezbollah, die von Verstößen gegen das Waffenembargo zeugen, was eine ernsthafte Verletzung der Resolution 1701 ist”, heißt es in einem Bericht des UN-Generalsekretärs an den Sicherheitsrat. „Die Hauptverantwortung dafür tragen alle Staaten der Region, unter anderem Syrien und Iran.”

    1. TIMESONLINE Palestinian group Hamas admits that its fighters are trained in Iran
      Marie Colvin, Gaza City
      THE Palestinian group Hamas, blamed for last week’s massacre of eight students at a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem, has revealed that hundreds of its fighters have been trained in Iran.
      A senior commander interviewed by The Sunday Times said 300 of the group’s “best brains” had been secretly sent to Tehran.
      Half are still being trained by Revolutionary Guards. They are learning how to make explosives from everyday items and produce deadlier rockets.
      The rest have already returned from a Revolutionary Guard base in Tehran. Some have been trained as snipers. Others have learnt to use tunnels in attacks on Israeli forces.  

    2. Hamas-Befehlshaber: Wir sind Stellvertreter des Iran
      honestreporting Media BackSpin, 9. März 2008
      Ein Hamas-Kommandant bestätigte Reporterin Marie Colvin von der Sunday Times, dass die Gruppe im Auftrag des Iran handelt:

  3. The Sunday Times Hamas admits that its fighters are trained in Iran  Palestinian group Hamas admits that its fighters are trained in Iran
    THE Palestinian group Hamas, blamed for last week’s massacre of eight students at a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem, has revealed that hundreds of its fighters have been trained in Iran.
    A senior commander interviewed by The Sunday Times said 300 of the group’s “best brains” had been secretly sent to Tehran.Half are still being trained by Revolutionary Guards. They are learning how to make explosives from everyday items and produce deadlier rockets.
    The rest have already returned from a Revolutionary Guard base in Tehran. Some have been trained as snipers. Others have learnt to use tunnels in attacks on Israeli forces.

  4. RIA Novosti – Teheran wies schwedischen Diplomaten aus
    Iran hat jetzt einen schwedischen Diplomaten „wegen Aktivitäten” des Landes verwiesen, „die mit dem Status eines diplomatischen Mitarbeiters nicht vereinbar …

  5. RIA Novosti – Teheran macht Washington für Streichen der 4. Verhandlungsrunde über Sicherheit im Irak verantwortlich
    „Die irakische Seite hatte alle notwendigen Abstimmungen vorgenommen und Iran ihre Bereitschaft zur Abhaltung des trilateralen Treffens mitgeteilt”, …

  6. TACHLES Iran wegen Attentat verurteilt
    Ein Bundesgericht in den USA hat am 26. Februar Iran zu einer Geldstrafe in Höhe von 33 Millionen US-Dollar verurteilt. In dem Verfahren vor dem Bundesgericht in der Hauptstadt Washington ging es um den Tod des 44-jährigen Diplomaten David Ben-Rafael beim Bombenanschlag auf die israelische Botschaft in Buenos Aires. Bei dem Attentat im Jahr 1992 waren 29 Menschen ums Leben gekommen
    In der Urteilsbegründung betonte die Richterin Ellen Segal Huvelle, dass die Hizbollah öffentlich die Verantwortung für den Anschlag übernommen habe. Nach Auffassung der Richterin existiere eine «zufriedenstellende Evidenz», die belegt, dass die Regierung in Iran hinter der libanesischen Organisation gestanden habe. Die damalige iranische Regierung war verantwortlich für die «Finanzierung und Organisation» der Hizbollah, und ohne das Material des iranischen Geheimdienstes wäre sie nicht in der Lage gewesen, diesen Anschlag auszuführen, so die Richterin.

    1. Volksstimme – Iran könnte Atomverhandlungen mit EU doch wieder aufnehmen
      Teheran – Der Iran könnte im Atomstreit künftig doch wieder mit der EU sprechen. Außenminister Mottaki sagte in Teheran: “Wir sind immer noch für Gespräche, … 

  7. Tages-Anzeiger Online Iran will mit der EU reden
    Erst kürzlich hatte Staatspräsident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Verhandlungen mit der EU ausgeschlossen und erklärt, diese Frage sollte nur noch mit der …

    1. Kleine Zeitung Parlamentswahl im Iran – Kampf Konservative-Reformer
      er Sprecher der Reformkoalition Abollah Nasseri kritisiert Präsident Ahmadinejad, dass “unnötige und irrelevante Bemerkungen (über Israel) das Land an den …

    2. BBC News Iran vote may strengthen Ahmadinejad
      Over the last year there has been hardly a single public protest against the government. International concern has been muted. The Nobel Peace Prize-winning …

    3. WELT Irans Opposition nach Treffen mit Botschafter in der Kritik
      Teheran (dpa) – Die iranische Opposition ist wegen eines angeblich geheimen Treffens mit dem deutschen Botschafter in Teheran kurz vor den Parlamentswahlen in die Kritik geraten. «Das ist ein Tabubruch», sagte der konservative Abgeordnete Elias Naderan am Montag der Nachrichtenagentur Fars.
      Das Außenministerium sei nicht informiert gewesen. «Solch ein Treffen hat eine Botschaft: ausländische Unterstützung», kritisierte Naderan. Die Iraner sind am Freitag aufgerufen, ein neues Parlament zu wählen.Mohammed-Reza Chatami, einer der schärfsten Kritiker von Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad, bestätigte, dass er vergangenen Mittwoch den deutschen Botschafter Herbert Honsowitz getroffen habe. «Wenn Botschafter ins Ausland entsandt werden, haben sie auch die Freiheit sich mit Menschen und Offiziellen des jeweiligen Landes zu treffen», sagte er. Mohammed-Reza ist der Bruder des ehemaligen Präsidenten Mohammed Chatami und Mitglied der Reformerpartei IIPF.

    4. pressetext schweiz (Pressemitteilung) – Iran überlegt Internet-Blockade am Wahltag
      Aus diesem Grund versuche die Regierung unter Mahmud Ahmadinejad auch alles, um das Medium und dessen Inhalte unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen.

    5. Deutscher Bundestag (Öffentlicher Dienst) – Resolution zu Wahlen im Iran
      Der Bundestag hat die iranische Regierung am 6. März aufgefordert, alle Kandidaten – auch die reformorientierten Kräfte – zur Parlamentswahl zu akzeptieren. … 

  8. Basler Zeitung Iran: Testwahl über Ahmadinedschads Politik
    Testwahl für den iranischen Präsidenten: Mehr als 30 Monate nach dem Amtsantritt von Mahmud Ahmadinedschad … Jerusalem. ap/baz. Die israelischen …

  9. Reuters Iran, Gulf foreign ministers meet in Damascus
    Qatar and Oman have resisted Saudi pressure to boycott the March 29-30 summit of Arab leaders in Damascus to protest at what Riyadh says is Syria’s role in …

  10. RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty Iran: Fashionistas Push Back Against Strict Dress Code
    He is just one of many Iranians for whom fashion — besides being fun — has become a form of protest against the country’s strict Islamic dress code.

  11. ISNA Iran’s scientific communities’ condemnation letter to Google
    “On behalf of the Library and Information Science profession in Iran, I would like to express my protest against your new decision regarding the addition of …

  12. FOXNews Despite the Hype, Ahmadinejad’s Iraq Visit a Failure
    Not surprising; for more than two decades, they were employed by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the Qods Force, and the Ministry of Intelligence …

  13. ABCNEWS–  VIDEO: Inside An Iranian Art Museum
    GMAW takes a looks at a billion-dollar modern art collection in Iran. 

    1. video
      Shah of Iran on Persian Gulf, and American Jewish Lobby
      Added: 1 year ago
      Views: 415,967

  14. video
    Shah of Iran exposing the Jewish lobby

    Added: 9 months ago
    Views: 5,022  

  15. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Student Movement Sets Reward For Top Israeli Officials 
    Iranian media have reported that at a March 9 ceremony organized by the Movement of Students Pursuing Justice, a reward was set for the three “Zionist regime” leaders, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Mossad director Meir Dagan, and military intelligence chief Amos Yadlin, “who had the biggest role in the massacre of the Palestinian people and in the assassinations of prominent anti-Zionist fighters.” 
    At the ceremony, Firooz Rajai-Far, secretary of the Martyrs Brigades, an Iranian volunteer suicide bomber organization, gave a speech.
    The reward is to be paid to individuals or to the families of anyone who is willing to assassinate “these international terrorists.”
    The poster above shows the three Israeli officials, with a caption reading “Revenge on Israel.” 
    Source: Tabnak;, Iran, March 9, 2008

  16. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG ‘Kayhan’: The Muslims Can Kill Any Zionist Anywhere 
    The Iranian daily Kayhan, which is close to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, wrote, “The Muslims can kill any Zionist they want, anywhere in the world.” 
    Source: Kayhan, Iran, March 3, 2008

  17. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Diesel Fuel To Be Rationed In Iran Starting Next Week 
    The Iranian government has announced that starting next week, the sale of diesel fuel is to be rationed. 
    The announcement added that residents will only be able to purchase diesel fuel using “smart cards” that have been distributed to them. 
    Source: Rooz, Iran, March 10, 2008

  18. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Friday Sermon: Iran Should Use Oil Weapon To Defend Palestinians 
    In his Friday sermon, Tehran interim prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, who is an Assembly of Experts member, warned of a third intifada following Israel’s “wild behavior,” (see
    “Friday Sermon: Iranians Should Turn Out En Masse For Elections – To Defy U.S., U.N.; German Minister’s Order To Publish Muhammad Cartoons “Childish”; Israel Will Face New Intifada”), and stated that the silence of the Arab countries over the Gaza events constituted a “green light” to the “Zionist criminals.”  
    Senior oppositionist cleric and critic of the regime Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri complained that the Arab and Islamic states were not using the oil weapon to protext the Palestinians from “the oppressing Zionists.”
    Sources: Aftab-e Yazd, Kayhan, Iran, March 9, 2008; IRNA, Iran, March 7, 2008

  19. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Friday Sermon: Iranians Should Turn Out En Masse For Elections – To Defy U.S., U.N.; German Minister’s Order To Publish Muhammad Cartoons “Childish”; Israel Will Face New Intifada 
    In his sermon, Tehran Interim Friday prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami called on the Iranian people to turn out massively for the Eighth Majlis, slated for March 14, in defiance of the U.S. and the U.N. Security Council. This, he said, was because the latest sanctions resolution “was issued with an aim to affect the elections and [to] dishearten the public not to take part.” 
    He also called on candidates to make campaign promises that they would keep, and not deceive the public. 
    He condemned German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble for ordering the publication of the Muhammad cartoons, saying, “These people think that through such childish actions they can prevent Islam’s rapid progress.” 
    Referring to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Iraq visit, Khatami said that while U.S. President George W. Bush visited Iraq with the support of 160,000 forces, and his hosts didn’t even know where he was going, Ahmadinejad had gone with advance notice, and had received an official welcome. “He took part in interviews with self-confidence and the ice which had been formed between the two countries for about 80 years was thus melted,” he added.
    He added, “The Zionists should not doubt that they will gain nothing by their atrocities and they should wait for a new Intifada, when Palestinians will put them in a misery.” He accused human rights organizations of maintaining silence about Israel’s recent actions, and asked Arab states, “Why are you silent?” and expressed his hope that the Organization of the Islamic Conference meeting next week would effectively deal with the problem. 
    Source: IRNA, March 7, 2008

  20. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Private Iranian Companies In Letter To Ahmadinejad: We’re Close To Bankruptcy; Tehran Municipality: Gov’t Not Implementing Economic Regulations For City 
    In a letter to the government of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, over 80 large private companies warned that they were close to bankruptcy, and in a letter to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, the Tehran municipality stated that towards the end of the Persian year (March 21), it appeared that the government had not implemented the economic regulations set by parliament (Majlis) regarding the city. 
    The reformist online daily Rooz stated that Ahmadinejad’s populist policy had created the economic difficulties, and quoted a senior economic official speaking about the large amount of money that the government was spending on advancing its candidates for the parliamentary elections. 
    Source: Rooz, Iran, March 9, 2008

  21. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Ahmadinejad Wants Iranian Ambassador To Iraq Replaced 
    A senior Iranian source close to the discussions over the future of Iraq has revealed to the Qatari daily Al-Arab that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has asked Iranian Foreign Minister Menouchehr Mottaki to replace Iranian Ambassador to Iraq Hassan Kazemi-Qomi. 
    According to the source, the reason for the request is the ambassador’s failure to arrange for Ahmadinejad meetings with political elements in Iraq during his recent visit there. 
    The paper said that many Iraqi Shi’ite figures had refused to comply with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani’s call to meet with Ahmadinejad, because of their objections to Iran’s intervention in Iraq’s affairs.
    Source: Al-Arab, Qatar, March 7, 2008

  22. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Rajanews Website: Iranian Territories In Caucasus Will Be Returned To Iran 
    Iranian expert on southern Caucasus affairs Aref Mohammadzadeh posted, on the Rajanews website, an article on “The Turkmenchai Agreement and the National Catastrophe in the History of Iran,” to mark the 180th anniversary of the agreement. 
    Mohammadzadeh wrote that because of this “disgraceful and shameful” agreement that it forced on Iran, Russia took over the Caucasus – including 17 Caucasus provinces and millions of Muslims that belonged to Iran. 
    Mohammadzadeh added that just as the USSR fell, so too would the U.S. and Israel collapse, and a “new chapter” would begin, in which the Iranian lands in the Caucasus would be liberated. 
    Rajanews is identified with supporters of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. 
    Source: Rajanews, Iran, March 5, 2008

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