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  1. So kann man die Realität auch verdrehen: „Kritiker sprechen von einer Anti-Iran-Kampagne“
    Der Standard
    Kriegsdrohungen aus dem Hörsaal
    Foto: REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi
    Atomprogramm am Wochenende Thema einer Konferenz in Wien – Für Aufsehen sorgte Plädoyer für Militär­schlag gegen den Iran – Iranischer Journalistin Zutritt verweigert
    Wien – Der bemerkenswerteste Satz des Abends fiel ganz nebenbei. Die Sanktionen gegen den Iran hätten versagt, Teheran ließe sich selbst durch das israelische Atomarsenal nicht abschrecken, skizzierte der israelische Historiker Benny Morris das düstere Szenario. Also gebe es nur eine Option: Israel müsse einen Präventivschlag gegen das iranische Atomprogramm führen. „Mit konventionellen Waffen. Und wenn das nicht reicht, dann mit unkonventionellen.“ Ein atomarer Präventivschlag also. „Viele unschuldige Menschen würden dabei sterben“, sagte Morris. Aber das sei immer noch besser als ein nuklearer Holocaust in Israel.
    Morris war einer der Redner bei der Eröffnung der zweitägigen Konferenz „Die iranische Bedrohung“ am Samstagabend in der Uni Wien. Die von der Plattform „Stop the Bomb“ in einem Hörsaal abgehaltene Tagung war nicht unumstritten, Kritiker sprechen von einer Anti-Iran-Kampagne.

  2. – EU-Firmen bangen um Aufträge von Iran
    Die US-Regierung erhöht nach Informationen der Süddeutschen Zeitung den Druck auf EU-Unternehmen: Sie sollen den Handel mit Iran einstellen. …

  3. DW World Europe Urges Iran to Spare Young Killer
    The European Union has called for clemency for a young Iranian man sentenced to death for his role in a fatal stabbing committed when he was a minor. Iran has been criticized for its increasing use of the death penalty.
    The European Union urged Iran to comply with international law and not go forward with the planned execution of Behnoud Shojaee. The young man was 17 when he stabbed another boy with a piece of glass during a fight.
    The European Union also called for Iran to also stop plans to execute „all other juvenile offenders on death row.“
    Iran has executed at least 28 child offenders since 1990 and has another 86 children on death row, according to the human rights group Amnesty International.
    Read more…

    1. FOCUS Online – Iran: Hinrichtung von jungem Mann wird verschoben
      Im Iran wurde die Hinrichtung eines wegen Mordes verurteilten Mannes um einen Monat verschoben, nachdem ein Appell der EU an den Iran ergangen war. …

  4. Reuters Iran rejects tougher atom checks,citing hypocrisy – Mark Heinrich
    GENEVA, May 5 (Reuters) – Iran on Monday ruled out accepting intrusive nuclear inspections unless there was an end to „double standards“ on global non-proliferation that it said benefited nuclear arms powers including Israel.
    Squaring off with Western nations at a global meeting on how to shore up the Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran rejected allegations of covert Iranian atom bomb work, and blamed nuclear weapons powers for the treaty’s problems.
    The United States said the example of Iran’s „course of deceit, lawbreaking and confrontation“ in pursuing secretive uranium enrichment and spurning trade and technology incentives to stop it posed the prime threat to the NPT.
    The hard-nosed exchange reflected political feuding between nuclear „haves“ and „have nots“ that has frustrated efforts to improve the four-decade-old treaty.
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  5. JP US Army: Hizbullah trains Iraqi gunmen in Iran
    Iran called off the next round of Iraq security talks with the United States until it stops a crackdown on Shi’ite gunmen even as the US military on Monday escalated its accusations of Iranian meddling in Iraq, saying detainees have described being trained by Hizbullah in camps outside Teheran.
    The latest flare-up came as US and Iraqi military forces battled for the sixth week against Shi’ite terrorists they say are armed and trained by Iran and its Quds Force, an elite unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps that has been accused of training and funneling weapons to Shi’ite gunmen in Iraq.
    Shi’ite prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has been determined to stamp out the armed gangs and his spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said Sunday that the crackdown would continue even if Iran pulled out of the talks.
    In Teheran, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini said talks could not be held under such conditions.
    „We believe the talks will not be held given the current situation (in Iraq),“ Hosseini told reporters.

  6. Reuters U.S. says Iran will get incentives „very quickly“ – Sue Pleming
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – World powers very soon will present Iran with a revised package of incentives to give up its sensitive nuclear work, U.S. officials said on Monday, but expectations for a positive response are low.
    „I think this will move very quickly,“ said a senior U.S. official, when asked when the incentives package agreed on by major powers in London last Friday would be formally offered to the Iranians.
    Top government officials in China, Russia, the United States, France, Britain — the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council — and Germany are now reviewing the decision made in London and an approach would be made soon to Tehran, the official said. France has said it could be within days.
    The incentives are based on an offer first made to Iran in June 2006, which diplomats say has been „refreshed“ to include enhanced nuclear cooperation but do not differ substantially from the first one.

  7. tagesspiegelIm ungelobten Land  Sie sind 20 000 – die größte jüdische Gemeinde im Nahen Osten außerhalb Israels. Ihr Präsident stellt den Holocaust infrage und spricht Israel das Existenzrecht ab. Vom Leben der Juden in der Islamischen Republik Iran Von Andrea Nüsse, Teheran
     Arasch Abaie läuft eilig die kleine Straße im Norden Teherans entlang. Es ist sechs Uhr morgens und noch dunkel, die Straßenlaternen brennen, und ein kalter Wind weht um die Häuser. Arasch Abaie könnte auf dem Weg zur Arbeit sein. Er trägt eine beigefarbene Windjacke und eine dunkle Hose, auf dem Bürgersteig am Ende der Straße kommt ihm ein anderer Mann entgegen. Plötzlich biegen beide in einen Hof ein. Abaie zieht die Haustür eines unscheinbaren Gebäudes auf – dahinter öffnet sich überraschend ein festlicher Saal mit vielen Sitzreihen und Kristallleuchtern. Die gegenüberliegende Wand schmücken persische Fayencearbeiten mit Blumenmustern in Blau, Weiß und Gelb. Sie umschließen eine Schrift in Goldbuchstaben. Es ist kein Farsi. Es ist Hebräisch.
    Abaie, 36 Jahre alt, Ingenieur, hüllt sich in seinen weiß-blauen Gebetsschal und bindet den Gebetsriemen um den Unterarm. Er leitet an diesem Tag den morgendlichen Gottesdienst in der Jussuf-Abadi-Synagoge

  8. Tehran Times Iran offers to share nuclear technology with Indian Ocean states
    Tehran Times Political Desk
    TEHRAN – Iran has offered to share its knowledge of nuclear technology, industry, and agriculture with the Indian Ocean countries in a bid to help provide social welfare for the region.
    „The Islamic Republic has made considerable achievements in nuclear, industrial, and agricultural sciences and is prepared to put these achievements and technologies at the service of regional cooperation,“ Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki said on Sunday.
    Addressing the eighth meeting of the council of ministers of the Indian Ocean Rim-Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC), Mottaki vowed that Iran will spare no efforts to improve relations with the Indian Ocean countries.
    He expressed dissatisfaction over the limited amount of economic cooperation among IOR-ARC member states and called for more efforts to further bolster comprehensive ties.
    Read more…

  9. irnaIranians protest to Malaysia over program to show anti-Iran film
    Iran’s ambassador in Malaysia Mehdi Khandaq-Abadi and a group of Iranians residing in that country protested on Tuesday to Malaysian government over a program to screen an anti-Iran movie by Malaysia’s cable TV late May.
    In a meeting with Malaysia’s Minister of Information Ahmad Shabery Cheek, the Iranian ambassador strongly protested to the Malaysian minister over the program to show the movie on Malaysia’s Astro cable channel.
    Iranians take film 300 as negligence of civilization of the great nation and an affront to national identity.
    The channel planned to show the disgraced movie on May 25.
    Several Iranians were present in the meeting.
    They submitted a protest note to Shabery Cheek on behalf of over 10,000 Iranian residents in Malaysia about screening of the Hollywood movie which is an effort to slander the Iranian people and their civilization.
    The film is a Warner Bros. Pictures production based on a novel by Frank Miller.

  10. Polixea Die USA und der Iran
    Die USA und der IranNeben dem Irak gibt es in der amerikanischen Außenpolitik vor allem ein Thema: wie sollen die USA mit dem Iran umgehen? Auch nach der dritten Resolution weigert sich der Iran weiterhin, sein Atomprogramm einzustellen. Einen der engsten Verbündeten der USA, Israel, erkennt das Land weiterhin nicht offiziell an. Die europäischen Länder drängen darauf, den diplomatischen Druck auf den Iran zu erhöhen, einen Krieg aber auszuschließen. Die Bush Regierung will das Thema Krieg als eines der Druckmittel gegen den Staat benutzen. Was haben die drei Präsidentschafts- Kandidaten beim Thema Iran vor? POLIXEA Portal beleuchtet die Pläne der Kandidaten.

  11. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGRafsanjani: U.S. Economy Will Be Shaken 
    In his May 4 opening remarks for the 21st International Islamic Unity Conference, held in Tehran, Hashemi Rafsanjani, the No. 2 man in the Iranian regime hierarchy, said that the fall of the dollar and the U.S.’s dependence on external energy sources would shake its economy.
    He added that the security weakness of the Zionist regime was obvious because the entire state of Israel was in range of the rockets fired by the Palestinians.
    The conference was attended by 250 representatives from 50 countries.
    Source: Kayhan, Iran, May 5, 2008

  12. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG‚Kayhan‘: Iran’s Technical Progress „Has Passed All Forbidden Limits“ 
    In an editorial, the Iranian daily Kayhan, which is close to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, wrote that „Iran’s exceptional technical progress, which has not yet been revealed, has some time ago passed all the forbidden limits, and when its dimensions are revealed, it will be known that Iran was never so certain of its abilities. Therefore, Iran must not accept any proposals package that rejects its right [to develop in the nuclear field].“
    The paper also said that the 5+1 countries had not yet internalized Iran’s superiority in the Middle East.
    The editorial also threatened that „if Iran recruits only a little of its infinite ability, it will be able to destroy the political efforts in any corner in the Middle East.“ Thus, for example, it said, if the U.S.’s accusations regarding Iran’s involvement in the turmoil in Basra, they confirm that Iran can, in only two weeks, destroy the U.S.’s efforts that were built in the past year.
    Source: Kayhan, Iran, May 5, 2008

  13. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGIranian Ayatollah Calls For Changes, Mitigations In Islamic Penal Code
    Iranian dissident Ayatollah Yousef Sanei has warned that there is a need for changes and mitigations in the Islamic penal code, especially regarding the executions customary today in Iran.
    Source: Norooz News, Iran, April 27, 2008

  14. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGReformist Daily: Ahmadinejad Didn’t Tell Iranians What’s In Proposals Package 
    In an editorial, the reformist online daily Aftab-e Yazd criticized the government of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for not divulging to the Iranian people the contents of the proposals package that it submitted to the 5+1 countries.
    The paper said that it could be assumed that Iran’s proposal would be rejected.
    Source: Aftab-e Yazd, Iran, May 5, 2008

  15. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOGIran Diverts River From Flowing Into Iraq
    The London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat reported that Iran is diverting the waters of the Alwan River, the main source of water for the Iraqi Kurdish city of Khanqin and its environs, and stopping it from flowing into Iraq.
    The paper added that the move is part of an Iranian plan under which the Sirwan River will also be diverted, and that so far neither the Iraqi government nor Kurdish authorities have responded.
    Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, May 3, 2008

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