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  1. – Unholy Hatreds: Holocaust Denial and Antisemitism in Iran
    Posen Paper in Contemporary Antisemitism No. 8 of The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism (SICSA) · By Matthias Küntzel
    Never before has a head of state called into question the reality of the Holocaust so vociferously as the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. A provisional high point in his campaign was reached with the conference „Review of the Holocaust: Global Vision“ that was hosted by the Iranian regime on 11-12 December 2006 in Teheran. The more than 60 participants from thirty different countries included the former Ku-Klux-Klan leader David Duke, the nutty followers of the Jewish sect Neturei Karta, officials of Germany’s neo-Nazi German National Party (NPD), as well as the usual crowd of Holocaust deniers. Fredrick Toeben delivered a lecture entitled „The Holocaust – A Murder Weapon“, Robert Faurisson referred to the Shoah as a „fairy tale,“ while his colleague Veronika Clarke from the USA explained that „the Jews made money in Auschwitz.“ A certain Professor McNalley declared that regarding the Holocaust as a fact is as ludicrous as believing in „magicians and witches,“ whilst the Belgian Leonardo Clerici offered the following explanation in his capacity as a Muslim: „I believe that the value of metaphysics is greater than the value of history.“ 

  2. RIA Novosti – Irans Staatschef Ahmadinedschad ruft Syrien zu Widerstand gegen Israel auf
    TEHERAN, 26. Mai . Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hat Syrien am Montag dazu aufgerufen, gegen die von Israel ausgehenden Bedrohungen weiterhin Widerstand zu leisten.
    Am Mittwoch verkündeten Syrien und Israel die Wiederaufnahme ihrer Friedensverhandlungen, die vor acht Jahren unterbrochen worden waren. Grund dafür waren Differenzen bezüglich des Schicksals der Golan-Höhen. Dieses syrische Territorium wurde 1967 von Israel besetzt und 1981 annektiert.
    „Ich bin sicher, dass die syrische Führung die Situation klug kontrollieren und die Hauptwiderstandslinie nicht aufgeben wird, bis sie die bestehenden Bedrohungen seitens Israels nicht beseitigt hat“, äußerte Ahmadinedschad bei einem Treffen mit dem syrischen Verteidigungsminister Hassan Ali Turkmani bei dessen Besuch in Teheran.

    1. Financial Times Deutschland Neue Furcht vor Irans Atomprogramm
      Es klingt absurd: Da wirft die Internationale Atomenergiebehörde IAEA dem Iran vor, wichtige Informationen über sein Atomprogramm zurückzuhalten. Doch die Führung in Teheran wertet den neuen Bericht als Erfolg.
      Der Bericht der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde IAEA belege erneut, dass „die gesamten Nuklearaktivitäten des Iran friedlich“ seien, sagte der iranische IAEA-Botschafter Ali Asghar Soltanie am Montag der Agentur Fars zufolge. Einmal mehr sei klar geworden, dass es keinerlei Beweise dafür gebe, dass das iranische Atomprogramm militärischen Zwecken diene. Die Anschuldigungen der US-Regierung gegen den Iran seien haltlos, sagte Soltanie. 

    2. Council on Foreign Relations TOP OF THE AGENDA: New IAEA Iran Report
      A new report issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) alleges a willful lack of cooperation by Iran on nuclear matters. The New York Times says the UN watchdog’s report is „unusually blunt and detailed.“ The document says Iran has held back details about high-explosives testing (al-Jazeera) related to its nuclear development. The Los Angeles Times adds, however, that the report finds no proof of a continued nuclear arms program. The Iranian broadcaster PressTV also highlights this aspect of the report.

  3. SPIEGEL ONLINE– SORGE UM NUKLEARANLAGEN: Iran nimmt Uno-Atombericht als Kompliment
    Es klingt irrwitzig: Die Internationale Atomenergiebehörde ist besorgt über Irans Nuklearprogramm – und die gescholtene Regierung münzt die Bedenken der Uno zum Erfolg um. Der zuständige Botschafter sagte, der Bericht der Behörde zeige doch nur, wie friedlich die Pläne des Landes seien.
    Teheran – Der Bericht der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) klang alles andere als harmlos. Tests von hochexplosivem Sprengstoff, Tausende Zentrifugen zur Uran-Anreicherung und dubiose Studien –
    die IAEA zeigte sich in ihrem jüngsten Bericht äußerst besorgt über Irans Nuklearprogramm.

  4. Lustig. Was Einmischung betrifft hat Herr Mottaki wohl 1a-Kompetenzen…(bd)
    Die Presse
    Iran wirft USA „unzulässige Einmischung“ im Libanon vor
    Der iranische Außenminister fordert US-Präsident Bush auf, seine „Fehler in der Regien“ zu korrigieren. Israel bereitet sich indes auf einen Gefangenenaustausch mit der Hisbollah vor.
    Bei seinem Besuch im Libanon hat der iranische Außenminister Manouchehr Mottaki am Montagabend in Beirut den USA „unzulässige Einmischungen in innerlibanesische Angelegenheiten“ vorgeworfen. Er erinnerte an frühere Aussagen von US-Präsident George W. Bush, der sich dafür eingesetzt hatte, den libanesischen Präsidenten nicht wie verfassungsmäßig festgelegt mit Zweidrittelmehrheit im Parlament wählen zu lassen. Bush habe vielmehr der pro-westlichen Mehrheitskoalition dazu geraten, einen Staatschef mit einfacher Mehrheit zu küren. „Die Amerikaner müssen ihre Fehler in der Region korrigieren“, sagte Mottaki. 

  5. WELT ONLINEBahai – Glaube im falschen Land  Verstreute Gemeinde
    * 7,7 Millionen Mitglieder zählt die Glaubensgemeinschaft der Bahai. Sie wurde im 19. Jahrhundert von dem aus Persien stammenden Bahaullah gestiftet. Sie leben heute vor allem in Indien, im Iran, in Schwarzafrika und Südamerika. Die größte Bahai-Gemeinde der westlichen Industriestaaten ist mit 818 000 Mitgliedern jene der USA. In Deutschland leben etwa 12 000.
    Vom Islam abgefallen
    * Der orthodoxe Islam betrachtet die Bahai als vom Glauben „Abgefallene“ (Apostasie). Ihre Religion wurzelt im schiitischen Islam, hat sich aber von ihm gelöst. Die Bahai akzeptieren Mohammed, anders als die Muslime, nicht als den letzten Propheten. Sie gelten im Islam deshalb als Häretiker.

  6. War abzusehen. Ein weiterer Rückschlag für die Opposition (bd)
    Wiener Zeitung
    Iran: Larijani soll Parlament vorstehen
    Teheran. Die konservative Fraktion im iranischen Parlament hat sich hinter einen potenziellen Rivalen von Präsident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad geschart. Eine deutliche Mehrheit der Abgeordneten nominierte den ehemaligen Atom-Unterhändler Ali Larijani für den Posten des Parlamentspräsidenten. 
    Larijani hat bei der Fraktionssitzung 161 Stimmen erhalten, meldete die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Irna. Auf den bisherigen Parlamentspräsidenten Gholamali Haddadadel entfielen hingegen nur 50 Stimmen.

  7.  IRAN: ‘The systematic violations of human rights in Iran‘ 
    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose term of office has been characterized by a decline in „freedom of expression and freedom to circulate information“
    Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, who leads Iran’s Center for the Defenders of Human Rights
    The rights group created and led by Nobel peace laureate Shirin Ebadi has warned against a „systematic violation“ of human rights in Iran and criticized the government over its treatment of dissidents and activists.   
    The Center for the Defenders of Human Rights, formed by five prominent lawyers and headed by the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize winner, said in its annual report on May 18 that it „deplores and denounces the systematic violation of human rights in Iran“.
    „The lack of a real and effective observance of human rights deepens the gap between the people and the government and breaks the pillars of peace, stability and development in the country“, it warned.
    „In the year 1386 alternative thinkers and those who are not in line with the ruling policies, regardless of their leanings, faced great intimidation and sentences“, the group said, referring to the Iranian year to March 2008.

  8. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG New MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis: Iranian Women’s Magazine Shut Down for Publishing Investigative Article on Martyrdom Movement
    In late January 2008, the Media Supervision Committee of Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance ordered the closure of the women’s movement monthly Zanan, which had appeared in Iran for 16 years. The order came after the magazine published an investigative article on istishhad (i.e. martyrdom) operations. The conservative news agency Fars reported, citing a knowledgeable source, that the magazine had been shut down for „breaking the law and defaming military and revolutionary institutions, including the Basij,“ and for „publishing reports and [raising] issues that undermine [society’s] spiritual security, morale, and ideological strength, and that create a sense of insecurity in society and discredit the status of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran.“ The Zanan article in question dealt with the Iranian „martyrdom movement,“ which has been registering Iranian men and women for suicide operations and training some to carry out these operations. Zanan focused on the women volunteers, quoting Firooz Rajai-Far, a leader of the martyrdom movement and secretary-general of the World Islamic Organization Headquarters for Remembering the Shahids, as stating that some 20,000 women have already signed up for martyrdom operations, constituting a third of the volunteers.
    To read the full article on MEMRI.ORG,
    click here

  9. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Khamenei To Mash’al: Zionist Enemy Helpless To Fight „Lonely, Innocent“ Palestinians 
    Khaled Mash'al 
    The official Iranian news agency IRNA has reported that during a meeting in Tehran with Hamas political bureau leader Khaled Mash’al, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that „the Zionist enemy has become helpless in confronting the Palestinian people.“According to the report, Khamenei expressed his appreciation for the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people, the resistance forces, and the Hamas government in „confronting the atrocities of the Zionist regime, the bullying powers, and their allies,“ and stressed that „the Zionist enemy“ had become helpless in fighting the „lonely, innocent, but resistant nation of Palestine.“ Continuing in his praise of Hamas, Khamenei said that the only way to liberate the occupied territories of Palestine was through resistance and reliance on God, and that Hamas officials, particularly „the prime minister of the popularly elected government of Hamas“ Isma’il Haniya, had adopted brave stances in the face of the enemy. He added, „If you help the divine religion and resist in this path, God will help you and make you victorious.“

  10. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Daily: Election Of New Majlis Speaker Will End Conservative Unity
    The Iranian opposition daily Etemad-e Mali assessed that the election of Ali Larijani to the post of Majlis speaker will bring to an end the strategic unity in Iran’s conservative camp. The paper said that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad „couldn’t stand“ Larijani, his rival, as Supreme National Security Council secretary, and that he was very displeased at his choice for the post.

  11. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Syrian DM: Iran, Syria Share Views On Regional Issues
    In a meeting with Yahya Rahim Safavi, security advisor to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, Syrian Defense Minister Hassan Turkemani declared that Iran and Syria „shared views on regional issues“ and that they would act to strengthen the relations and interests of both. Turkemani also expressed Syria’s willingness to expand defense ties between the two countries.

  12. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Foreign Ministry: Iran To Increase Trade With Asia
    Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini has explained that under the Ahmadinejad government’s „Looking Eastward“ strategic framework, over 50% of Iran’s raw petroleum is exported and more than 60% of Iranian trade is conducted with Asia. Hosseini gave the example of the trade between Iran and China, which in 2007 totaled $200 billion and which was expected to increase this year despite pressure by the U.S. and the E.U.

  13. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Website On Fatwa Attributed To Iraqi Shi’ite Leader
    In the ongoing dispute over whether Iraqi Shi’ite leader Ayatollah Ali Sistani did or did not issue a fatwa in the matter of armed resistance against U.S. troops (see „Did Shi’ite Religious Leader In Iraq Call For Armed Resistance Against U.S. Troops?“), the Iranian website Tabnak, which is identified with Expediency Council secretary Mohsen Rezai, has stated that sources close to the Iraqi Ayatollah Ali Sistani have denied that he issued a fatwa and saying that „as long as he lives, a security pact with the U.S. is not possible“ and that he permits armed struggle against the Americans in Iraq.

  14. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian FM To Tokyo: Establish Joint Nuclear Fuel Bank
    At a meeting with Japan’s deputy foreign minister, Iranian Foreign Minister Menouchehr Mottaki called on Tokyo to establish a joint nuclear fuel bank as well as to increase cooperation between the two countries in the International Atomic Energy Agency. Mottaki also said that Iran was willing to shift the emphasis in the bilateral economic cooperation with Japan to trade for infrastructure projects.

  15. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Report: Iranian Security Forces Arrest Converts To Christianity
    Iranian human rights activists have said that Iranian security forces arrested, on May 11, 10 residents of Shiraz, southern Iran. The residents had recently converted to Christianity.

  16. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Court Sentences Sunni Cleric To Seven Years In Prison
    An Iranian court has ordered the closure of the only Sunni mosque in the Arab sector of Khozistan in southern Iran, and has sentenced the mosque’s preacher, Sheikh Abd Al-Hamid Al-Dousri, to seven years in prison. In 2006, Al-Dousri was arrested by Iranian authorities for spreading Sunni Islam.

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