WELT – Der europäisch-iranische Wirtschaftskrieg – von Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, Kolumnist für WELT DEBATTE
Der Iran zieht seine Auslandsdevisen von den europäischen Bankenkonten ab und will diese in Asien und im Iran investieren. Damit will das Land möglichen Sanktionen aus dem Weg gehen.
Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad ist laut Farsnews der Überzeugung, dass europäische Regierungen den Iran unter Druck setzen wollen. Die iranischen Devisen, die auf europäischen Banken liegen, seien in Gefahr. Ahmadinedschad sagte am 10. Juni, es gäbe Möglichkeiten, wie die Petrodollars im „Interesse der Bevölkerung” investiert werden könnten. Er fordert, dass iranische Auslandsdevisen im Iran investiert werden. [http://www.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=8703210969]
Die iranische Zeitung Etemaad berichtete, Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad habe angeordnet, dass große iranische Banken – es sind meist staatliche – ihre Guthaben von europäischen Bankkonten abheben und auf das Konto der iranischen Zentralbank zurückinvestieren müssen. [ http://www.etemaad.com/Released/87-03-21/133.htm ] Etemaad geht davon aus, dass die Europäische Union weitere Sanktionen gegen iranische Banken verhängen wird. Der Kapitaltransfer der iranischen Auslandsdevisen soll durch einige iranische Firmen, die in Dubai und in anderen Golfstaaten angesiedelt sind, realisiert werden…. -
Berliner Umschau – Iran zieht angeblich seine Währungsreserven ab
Von Paul Müller Bestätigt ist die Meldung nicht, doch nach sich verdichtenden Gerüchten soll der Iran in den vergangenen Tagen umfangreiche Bargeldreserven …
Matthias Küntzel – Deutschland, Iran und die Linkspartei
Ein Diskussionsbeitrag, den das “Neue Deutschland” bestellt und den abzudrucken es sich geweigert hat · Von Matthias Küntzel
Die Einladung
Am 29. Mai 2009 bat mich Christian Klemm, ein Redakteur der Tageszeitung „Neues Deutschland”, um einen Gastbeitrag. Er schrieb:
Interessant für unsere Leser und aktuell ist die Diskussion um die Beziehungen der Bundesrepublik zu der Islamischen Republik Iran. Selbst innerhalb der Linken ist dieses Thema sehr umstritten. Es gibt Stimmen, die ein normales, diplomatisches Verhältnis zu diesem Land befürworten. Andere Linke gehen soweit, dass sie diesen Staat als antiimperialistischen Bündnispartner der Linken insgesamt beurteilen.
Allerdings gibt es von anderer Seite große Skepsis an dieser Haltung. Manche Politikwissenschaftler sehen im Iran einen tendenziell antisemitischen Staat, der ein sehr bedenkliches Verhältnis zum Staat Israel pflegt. Einige Kritiker des Iran unterstellen, dieses Land beabsichtige die Vernichtung Israels. Die im Neuen Deutschland wöchentlich erscheinende Debattenseite ist das geeignete Forum, um diesen Sachverhalt kontrovers zu diskutieren. … Auf der Debattenseite werden i.d.R. zwei konträre Positionen im “Pro/Kontra”-Stil gegeneinander gehalten. Wir verändern die gelieferten Beiträge redaktionell nicht. … Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie bereit wäre, zu dieser Streitfrage einen Gastbeitrag für unsere Zeitung zu schreiben…. -
Südtirol Online – Solana: Werde Iran im Atomstreit großzügiges Angebot machen
EU-Chefdiplomat Javier Solana will der iranischen Führung im Atomstreit ein großzügiges Angebot für den Verzicht auf die weitere Urananreicherung machen. …-
PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) – Solana will in Atomstreit mit Iran neues Angebot machen
Brüssel (AP) Der EU-Außenbeauftragte Javier Solana will im Streit über das iranische Atomprogramm ein neues Verhandlungsangebot vorlegen. …
Zum ärgern…
Derwesten.de – Sanktionen haben nichts gebracht -
n-tv – “Verstörende Angelegenheit” Israel hilft Irans Kernindustrie – Ulrich W. Sahm
Der Kern des Anstoßes.Die USA werfen Israel vor, “illegal” die iranische Kernindustrie zu unterstützen. In dieser “verstörenden Angelegenheit” hat der amerikanische Botschafter in Tel Aviv Richard H. Jones am 3. Juni einen scharfen Brief an den israelischen Finanzminister geschickt und per Kopie an Ministerpräsident Ehud Olmert sowie an zwei weitere Minister…. -
dieStandard.at – Plassnik-Appell an Iran zur Verbesserung der Frauenrechte
Juni 2006 in Teheran hat Österreichs Außenministerin Ursula Plassnik den Iran zur Einstellung aller Verfahren gegen Frauenrechtsaktivistinnen aufgerufen, … -
OÖ Rundschau – Rieder Bahá‘i sind in Sorge
„Es ist erschreckend, was da im Iran passiert”, zeigt sich Farid Faramarz bestürzt. Der pensionierte Rieder Arzt ist selbst ein Bahá‘i-Mitglied. … -
China Internet Information Center – China bekräftigt friedliche Lösung der iranischen Atomfrage
Der chinesische Außenminister Yang Jiechi hat am Mittwoch in Brüssel erneut bekräftigt, dass China für eine friedliche Lösung der iranischen Atomfrage … -
Moneycab.com – Wachsende Kriegsgefahr am Persischen Golf
„Niemals dürfe der Iran eine Atomwaffe besitzen”, stellte US-Aussenministerin Condoleeza Rice klar. „Wir werden die iranische Bedrohung schon bald mit allen … -
Daniel Pipes – Prepare to attack [Iran] – USA Today
In a declassified National Intelligence Estimate, Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities, the U.S. intelligence agencies announced last December, “We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program.” This highly controversial conclusion encouraged the Iranian leadership to dismiss the possibility of an American attack, permitting Tehran to stake out an increasingly bellicose position and rendering further negotiations predictably futile. Ideally, the Iranians themselves can still be induced to close down their nuclear program, for the alternatives – either a U.S. or Israeli attack, or allowing the apocalyptically-minded leadership in Tehran to get the Bomb – are far worse.
Reviving a sense of apprehension in Iran offers the unique way to achieve this goal. Only by convincing Tehran that it will never be allowed to have nuclear weapons can Washington persuade it to terminate its program, avoiding the need for a military campaign. This can yet be attained, but it requires a basic shift in U.S. policy. First, the Bush administration must prepare for a possible attack on Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and, second, signal this publicly. (Israeli leaders should do likewise, as some have done already.) Third, the administration must weather the inevitable tsunami of criticism. Fourth, it should encourage those governments most opposed to such an attack – including the European Union, Russia, and China – to lean on Tehran to end its nuclear program.
Should this approach succeed, the crisis is resolved. Should it not, the U.S. presidential election in November will loom large. “There’s only one thing worse than the United States exercising a military option,” John McCain has said. “That is a nuclear-armed Iran.” In contrast, Barack Obama has called for “tough-minded diplomacy,” “stronger [economic] sanctions,” and “alternative sources of energy” – basically, a call for more of the same. If George W. Bush’s term ends with a McCain victory, Bush will likely punt, allowing McCain to decide on the next steps. But Obama’s intention to continue with current failed policies suggests that, if he wins, and despite the tradition of outgoing presidents not undertaking major initiatives in their final weeks, Bush might initiate military action against Iran.… -
jewishvirtuallibrary.org – MYTH: “Iran’s nuclear program threatens only Israel.”
Israel is not alone in its concern about Iran’s nuclear weapons program. In fact, the nations most worried about Iran are its immediate neighbors who have no doubts about the hegemonic ambitions of the radical Islamists in Tehran.
Former Bahraini army chief of staff Sheikh Maj.-Gen. Khalifa ibn Ahmad al-Khalifa said Iran stirs trouble in many Gulf nations. “[Iran] is like an octopus – it is rummaging around in Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Gaza and Bahrain,” al-Khalifa proclaimed.136a The Crown Prince of Bahrain was the first Gulf leader to explicitly accuse Iran of lying about its weapons program. “While they don’t have the bomb yet, they are developing it, or the capability for it,” Salman bin Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa said.137
At least 12 Arab countries have either announced new plans to explore atomic energy or revived pre-existing nuclear programs between February 2006 and January 2007 (Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, & the GCC) in response to Iran’s nuclear program, according to a report released by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).
The trend continued in 2008 as many Middle Eastern countries sought to strengthen their nuclear cooperation with other Western nations, such as the United States, Russia and France. Both Saudi Arabia and UAE signed nuclear cooperation accords with the United States, and Russia and Egypt have laid the groundwork for Russia to join a tender for Egypt’s first civilian nuclear power station.
Kuwait, Bahrain, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, and Jordan announced plans to build nuclear plants as well. Even Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the Arab world announced plans to purchase a nuclear reactor.
Iran’s neighbors have good reason to worry.
- Reuters – EU, U.S. to say ready for extra Iran sanctions: text
powered by SphereBRUSSELS (Reuters) – The European Union and the United States will warn Iran on Tuesday they are ready to go beyond agreed U.N. sanctions if it shuns demands to suspend sensitive nuclear work, according to a draft summit communique.
The draft, obtained by Reuters ahead of an EU-U.S. summit in Slovenia on Tuesday, raises the possibility of a crackdown on Iranian banks, the area where Washington has long urged the EU’s 27 states to apply more pressure on Tehran.
“We are ready to supplement those (U.N. Security Council) sanctions with additional measures,” said the final draft of the communique, to be issued at President George W. Bush’s last U.S.-EU summit.
“We will continue to work together … to take steps to ensure Iranian banks cannot abuse the international banking system to support proliferation and terrorism,” the draft added. The U.S. envoy to the EU said Washington was keen for the EU to act as quickly as possible.
“We want to make sure they are going as fast as they can,” C. Boyden Gray told reporters in Slovenia ahead of the summit. - Reuters (UK) – Iran plans at least 2.5 mln bpd oil exports in June
TEHRAN, June 8 (Reuters) – Iran plans to export at least 2.5 million barrels of oil per day (bpd) in June, the country’s OPEC governor was quoted as saying on Sunday.
“On the basis of this programme (Iran’s crude export programme) Iran will be exporting at least 2.5 million bpd oil in June,” Mohammad Ali Khatibi was quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s Web site Shana.
Another Iranian official last month said Iran’s oil exports fell by about 200,000 barrels per day in the Iranian month that ended on May 20 but the reduction was anticipated and due to seasonal factors. (Reporting by Hashem Kalantari; Writing by Fredrik Dahl; Editing by David Cowell) - Asia Times – Pentagon blocked Cheney’s attack on Iran – Gareth Porter
WASHINGTON – Pentagon officials firmly opposed a proposal by Vice President Dick Cheney last summer for airstrikes against the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) bases by insisting that the administration would have to make clear decisions about how far the United States would go in escalating the conflict with Iran, according to a former George W Bush administration official.
J Scott Carpenter, who was then deputy assistant secretary of state in the State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, recalled in an interview that senior Defense Department (DoD) officials and the Joint Chiefs used the escalation issue as the main argument against the Cheney proposal.
McClatchy newspapers reported last August that Cheney had proposal several weeks earlier “launching airstrikes at suspected training camps in Iran”, citing two officials involved in Iran policy. - Rooz – This Too is the Work of the Enemy: Ayatollah Khamenei on “Sexual Digression”
The Islamic Republic’s supreme leader identified “youth addiction,” “sexual confusion,” and “lustful desires” among the “enemy’s very dangerous conspiracies targeting the youth and Iranian people. These remarks were uttered while Ayatollah Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have blamed “foreign enemies” for most of the country’s political, security, cultural and economic problems.
Speaking at an event to commemorate the nineteenth anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini’s passing, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei referred to “organized conspiracies” that aim at “distancing the youth from faith and religious motivation and stifling the youthful urge to work and struggle,” adding, “Through planned actions in a very dangerous conspiracy, the enemy is attempting to divert the Iranian youth toward drugs, sexual engagements and lustful desires, thus stifling the Iranian nation’s path to progress. It is necessary that the entire nation, especially the youth, are aware of this conspiracy. Officials must undertake serious and resolute efforts to confront these planned conspiracies.” - Achtung: Manchmal lässt sich der Link nicht öffnen (bd)
Guardian – US, Israel: World not doing enough to counter Iran – ANNE GEARAN
WASHINGTON (AP) – The United States and Israel said Tuesday the rest of the world isn’t doing enough to stop Iran from getting the bomb and accused Iran of continuing a covert drive for nuclear weapons, although U.S. intelligence has said Tehran quit its active warhead program years ago.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Israel’s embattled leader, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, both used speeches to a pro-Israel lobbying group to complain that European and other nations are undermining the hard line against Iran’s nuclear program by pursuing business relationships with Tehran.
“Our partners in Europe and beyond need to exploit Iran’s vulnerabilities more vigorously and impose greater costs on the regime – economically, financially, politically and diplomatically,” Rice said. - Ria Novosti – Ahmadinedschad spricht von Niederlage des Westens im Atomstreit
TEHERAN, 11. Juni (RIA Novosti). Der Westen und allen voran die USA haben nach den Worten des iranischen Präsidenten Mahmud Ahmadinedschad im Atomstreit mit seinem Land eine Niederlage erlitten.
“Die Feinde haben uns unter politischen Druck gesetzt und mit Militärgewalt gedroht”, sagte Ahmadinedschad am Mittwoch in Teheran. “Dennoch haben sie eine Niederlage erlitten und haben keinen Spielraum mehr zum Manövrieren.”
Die Epoche von US-Präsident George W. Bush sei bereits zu Ende, sagte Ahmadinedschad im iranischen Fernsehen. Bush könne jetzt nicht im geringsten Iran schädigen.
Iran steht wegen seinem Atomprogramm unter starkem Druck. Die Vereinten Nationen befürchten, dass der Mullah-Staat heimlich an Atomwaffen baut, und fordern von ihm die Einstellung der Urananreicherung und einen Stopp des Raketenprogramms. Der Weltsicherheitsrat hatte bereits drei Resolutionen verabschiedet, die Sanktionen gegen Iran beinhalteten. Trotzdem lehnt die Regierung in Teheran die Forderungen der Weltgemeinschaft ab.
- PR-Inside – Ahmadinedschad erklärt Ära Bush für beendet
Schahr-e-Kord/Iran (AP) Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hat die Ära von US-Präsident George W. Bush am Mittwoch für beendet erklärt. Dieser sei mit seinen Plänen, den Iran anzugreifen und das Atomprogramm des Landes zu stoppen, gescheitert, sagte Ahmadinedschad vor Tausenden Menschen in der zentraliranischen Stadt Schahr-e-Kord. «Dieser boshafte Mann wollte dem iranischen Volk schaden. (Bush) machte Pläne, marschierte in Afghanistan und dann in den Irak ein, und kündigte an, dass der Iran das dritte Ziel sei, sagte Ahmadinedschad. «Ich sage ihm, seine Ära ist zu Ende.
- PR-Inside – Ahmadinedschad erklärt Ära Bush für beendet
- tagblatt.ch – Verschleierte Korruption in Iran – Michael Wrase/Limassol
Vertrauter von Präsident Ahmadinejad nennt korrupte Konservative öffentlich beim Namen – Aufruhr in Teheran
LEin Vertrauter des iranischen Staatschefs Mahmud Ahmadinejad hat in einer Rede an der Universität von Hamadan 44 konservative Persönlichkeiten der Korruption und Sabotage bezichtigt.
Unter ihnen sollen auch neun prominente Ayatollahs sein. Beobachter in Teheran sprechen von einer «brutalen Abrechnung der Hardliner mit dem gemässigten konservativen Establishment». Abbas Palizar gilt in Iran als «Fachmann für Korruptionsfragen». Der 48jährige Jurist war Mitglied von Untersuchungsausschüssen im iranischen Parlament, Berater von Wirtschaftsverbänden sowie Sprecher eines Treuhänderausschusses iranischer Industrieller, also ein Mann, der wissen sollte, «wovon er spricht». Und dies tat er – zur klammheimlichen Freude der Studenten – «in einer schonungslosen Offenheit». - AJC – AJC Applauds Italian Prime Minister’s Stand on Iranian President
New York – June 5, 2006 – American Jewish Committee Executive Director David A. Harris, in a letter to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, praised his refusal to recognize Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s participation in this week’s United Nations food summit in Rome.
The full text of the letter folows:
June 5, 2008
Dear Prime Minister Berlusconi:
The American Jewish Committee applauds your courageous decision to refuse to recognize Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s participation in this week’s United Nations food summit in Rome. As you know so well, President Ahmadinejad’s repeated denial of the Holocaust and his incitement to genocide against Israel make him unworthy of the legitimacy conferred by such a prestigious international forum. We hope that fellow democracies will be inspired by your principled position to take similar action.
We remain grateful for your friendship, and shall look forward to an opportunity to meet with you in the near future.
Read more… - handelsblatt.com – Iranischer Verband lässt Karimi zappeln
Bayern Münchens früherer Mittelfeldspieler Ali Karimi steht derzeit auf Kriegsfuß mit dem iranischen Fußball-Verband. Der Techniker muss weiter auf seine Rückkehr in die iranische Nationalmannschaft warten, obwohl seine interne Sperre bereits abgelaufen ist. Der frühere Spieler des Jahres in Asien wurde für die Auswahl seines Landes gesperrt, nachdem er heftige Kritik am nationalen Verband geübt hatte.
Ahmadinedschad schaltete sich bereits ein
“Es wurde gesagt, dass ich wieder spielen könne. Doch bislang habe ich noch keine Einladung erhalten. Da gibt es wohl einige Personen, die meine Rückkehr verhindern”, sagte Karimi, der dem Iran eigentlich in der Qualifikation für die WM-Endrunde 2010 in Südafrika helfen sollte. Selbst Irans Staatspräsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hatte sich für eine Rückkehr des technisch versierten Akteurs ausgesprochen. - MEMRI – Islamic Republic of Iran News Network TV Documentary Traces Zionist Themes in Hollywood Films, from Disney to DreamWorks – With Special Focus On ‘Chicken Run’
Following are excerpts from a segment of an Iranian documentary series on Hollywood cinema focusing on the film “Chicken Run.” The segment aired on the Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN), on May 29, 2008:
To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/1787.htm.
“Traces of Zionism in World Cinema”
Narrator: “Movies into which huge amounts of money are poured, in an effort to turn Zionist themes into entertainment, include movies created for children and youth. Animated films produced since the 1990s have joined other film genres in becoming a tool for Zionist propaganda. Sometimes this is achieved using falsified biblical narratives, like in the case of ‘Prince of Egypt.’ Other times, it is achieved in a very subtle, crafty, and indirect manner, like in ‘Chicken Run.'”… - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – In Iran Friday Sermon, Ayatollah Kashani Slams “Really Shameful” Proposed Iraq-U.S. Security Pact
In his sermon today, Tehran Interim Friday prayer leader Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani condemned the proposed U.S.-Iraq security pact, calling it a “really shameful” move in the history of the Iraqi nation and urging Muslims worldwide to support Iraq culturally and politically.
Addressing worshipers at the Tehran University campus, Ayatollah Kashani said that some secret paragraphs in the proposed pact gave military power in Iraq to the U.S.
He pointed out that the pact allowed U.S. forces and private companies to make military and security moves anywhere in Iraq without fear of being tried by the Iraqi judiciary, called some articles of the agreement dangerous and unprecedented, and warned the Iraqi government and nation that they would be tried in court by the next generation if they accepted the pact.
He added, “You, the great nation of Iraq, have a big responsibility and you should stand firmly in this regard. The great Ayatollah Sistani has announced that he would not let the pact be signed.” He also urged, “If you (Iraqis) accept such a shame, and you definitely won’t, your children would put you on trial.”
He added that all Iraq’s political leaders must stand against such a danger, and that all Islamic countries and Muslim ulema should support Iraq in this concern.
Referring to U.S. President Bush’s trip to Europe and his remarks on Iran, he said that they strengthened the usurper Zionist regime, while former politicians of that same regime have considered it a threat to the whole region.
Sources: IRIBnews, IRNA, Iran, June 13, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iraqi Ambassador to Iran Reports Assassination Attempt
Iraqi Ambassador to Iran Muhammad Majid Al-Sheikh (pictured above) is claiming that on June 10 his driver found a suspicious envelope at the entrance to his residence, and that an examination of it by the Iranian police showed that it was a bomb.
Al-Sheikh stressed that neither he nor any embassy employees had received any threats, and that he did not suspect anyone in the incident.
The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said that it knew nothing of the incident, but ordered its embassy in Tehran to step up security.
According to Iranian sources, the envelope contained fish food.
Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, June 12, 2008, photo credit Shahab News, Iran - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Shi’ite Organization Takes Responsibility For Assassination Attempt Against Iraqi Ambassador
Iraqi Ambassador to Iran Muhammad Majid Al-Sheikh and a source in the Iraqi Embassy in Tehran have confirmed that police neutralized a bomb placed in Al-Sheikh’s home on June 10 (see “Iraqi Ambassador to Iran Reports Assassination Attempt”).
Iranian police, however, stated that it was not a bomb, only a suspicious object. In addition, a senior Iranian Foreign Ministry source denied that a bomb was found in Al-Sheikh’s home.
Meanwhile, an unknown organization calling itself Jund Al-Imam Ali (the Imam Ali Army) took responsibility for placing the bomb, stating that it was in response to the ambassador’s son receiving million-dollar fees for arranging a trip to Iraq for Iranian pilgrims.
In response, a senior Iraqi Embassy official said that Al-Sheikh’s son was busy studying at university and was doing nothing else.
Sources: Kayhan, Jomhouri-e Eslami, Iran, June 13, 2008; Fars, ISNA, Iran, June 11, 2008; Alnajafnews.net, June 13, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Azeri Activists Sentenced To Prison In Iran
An Iranian court has handed down prison sentences of up to eight years for 10 Azeri political and human rights activists.
The activists were arrested a year ago, on charges of conducting activity against state security.
Source: Rooz, Iran, June 12, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iran Close To Approving $1 Billion Loan To Iraq
In a meeting with Iraqi Finance Minister Baqr Al-Zubaidi, Iran’s minister in charge of Finance Ministry affairs, Hossein Samsami, said that Iran’s process of approving a $1 billion development loan to Iraq was nearly complete.
Source: Tehran Times, Iran, June 11, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iran Attacks Turkey’s University Headscarf Ban
In an editorial, the Iranian daily Jomhouri-e Eslami stated that Turkey’s parliamentary ban on wearing the headscarf on university campuses is a new coup by Turkey’s secular parliamentary minority.
The paper added that the decision would lead to rioting and instability in the country, and that the U.S. was pushing Turkey’s secularists to create a social and cultural impasse in the country.
Another article in the paper stated that the headscarf ban was only a small pretext by secularists, and that their ultimate goal was to completely burn up the Islamist stream.
Sources: Jomhouri-e Eslami, Iran, June 10, 12, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad Rejects 5+1 Incentives
In a speech in Chaharmahal-Bakhtiari province in central Iran, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected the incentives package that the 5+1 is to offer Iran soon, and declared that Iran would not exchange its honor for anything.
Source: Aftab-e Yazd, Iran, June 12, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Report Of Ahmadinejad’s Italy Visit Changed – Under Pressure From Ahmadinejad’s Office
On orders from the office of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the reformist daily Etemad adjusted its report on Ahmadinejad’s visit earlier this month in Rome.
The report, criticizing the visit that was deemed a failure, now states that the the visit was a success story.
Sources: Rooz, Iran, June 11, 2008; Etemad, Iran, June 8-9, 2008 - MEMRI BLOG – Yemen: Iran Helping Yemen Rebels In Saada
Yemen has again accused Iran of helping rebels led by Shi’ite religious leader Abd Al-Malik Al-Houthi in the Saada district, on the Saudi border.
Yemen Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Rashed Al-‘Alimi clarified that the war in Saada was more cultural and ideological than military and security, and noted that the rebels’ military wing, the Al-Shabab Al-Mumin organization (“Believing Youth”) had received terror training in Iran and was also receiving arms from it.
Sources: Al-Zaman, London, June 11, 2008; Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, June 12, 2008 - MEMRI BLOG – Clashes in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia Over Bread Shortage, Unemployment, Living Costs and Poverty
Hundreds of Egyptian demonstrators clashed with police, sealed off a road and burned car tires to protest the shortage of bread in the coastal town of Burullus in northern Egypt, security sources said.
Three protesters were hospitalized after inhaling teargas, and rubber bullets had been fired at the crowd, security sources said.
Protesters accused the officials and local bakeries of stealing flour geared for subsidized bread, which caused a shortage of bread.
The demand for subsidized bread has grown and the heavy subsidy has increased the incentive to divert subsidized flour illegally to other uses.
Source: el-Wasat, Egypt, June 7, 2008; Magharebia, Germany, June 8, 2008 - MEMRI BLOG – Iran Pulls Assets Out of Europe Banks
Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Mohsen Talaei
Iran has withdrawn a huge sum of its foreign exchange reserves from European banks and has deposited some of it into Asian banks, Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs, Mohsen Talaei, said in an interview with Borna News Agency.
According to the official, Iran keeps only the minimum currency it needs for its accounts to remain open in Europe but manages its accounts in Asia in a way that will allow trade transactions to continue.
Iran has abandoned the dollar in oil trading in favor of the Euro and the yen, citing the weakness of US currency for its decision.
While some are of the opinion that sanctions have crippled Iran’s economy, the refusal of financial institutions in Russia, China and Middle Eastern countries have proven the futility of such efforts.
Iran’s annual international trade has reportedly exceeded $65 billion, and some foreign banks that had frozen Iranian assets have released the country’s holdings.
Source: PRESSTV, Iran, June 9, 2008
- 14.06.2008
- Honestly Concerned.info
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