- “Besonderen Anteil am Zustandekommen hatte ein Politiker aus dem nahen Sauerland: Hartmut Schauerte (CDU), seit vielen Jahren im Bundestag aktiv und in Merkels Kabinett parlamentarischer Staatssekretär im Wirtschaftsministerium.”
siegener-zeitung.de – Flüssiggas dank Steiner-Technik – Iran-Auftrag über 100 Mill. Euro gesichert / Dank an CDU-Politiker Hartmut Schauerte
mir Siegen. Am Giersberg wird vor allem gewohnt. In bester Lage dazu. Aber auch gearbeitet – in nicht minder angenehmem Umfeld. Wie bei der SPG Steiner-Prematechnik-Gastec GmbH in der Wittgensteiner Straße. Seit zwei Jahren dient ein geräumiges Wohnhaus als neuer Stammsitz des Unternehmens. Von dort aus werden mehrere, firmeneigene Ingenieurbüros und Fertigungsstätten des chemischen und petrochemischen Apparate- und Anlagenbaus koordiniert. In Rudersdorf, dem ehemaligen Sitz, lässt Steiner weiter fertigen, dazu u.a. in Katar, Saudi-Arabien, China und Russland.- HA’ARETZ – Report: Ahmadinejad says Iran now has 6,000 centrifuges
New figure is double what Iran had previously said it was operating in its uranium enrichment plant. - JP – Israel: Ahmadinejad is probably lying about centrifuges
Iranian leader says Teheran now has 6,000 uranium-enriching machines; Israeli official puts figure between 3,400 and 3,500. -
ORF.at – Iran weitet offenbar Urananreicherung weiter aus
Der Iran hat offensichtlich sein Programm zur Anreicherung von Uran ausgeweitet. Die Islamische Republik habe derzeit mehr als 5.000 Zentrifugen in Betrieb, … -
Schwäbische Zeitung – Ahmadinedschad: Westen hat iranische Zentrifugen akzeptiert
Die internationale Gemeinschaft hat nach den Worten des iranischen Präsidenten Mahmud Ahmadinedschad akzeptiert, dass sein Land in der Anreicherungsanlage … -
derStandard.at – Ahmadinejad: Betrieb von 6.000 Zentrifugen genehmigt
Bisher waren in der Atomanlage Natanz nach iranischen Angaben 3.000 Zentrifugen in Betrieb. Im April hatte Ahmadinejad erklärt, der Iran habe mit der …
- HA’ARETZ – Report: Ahmadinejad says Iran now has 6,000 centrifuges
- YNET – Ahmadinejad says Iran has 6,000 centrifuges – New figure double the 3,000 centrifuges Iran previously said it was operating in its Natanz uranium enrichment plant; Fars quotes Iranian leader as saying world powers have consented that ‘operation of this number of centrifuges is not a problem’
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Saturday that Iran now possesses 6,000 centrifuges, a significant increase in the number of uranium-enriching machines in its nuclear program, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.
“Islamic Iran today possesses 6,000 centrifuges,” Fars quoted Ahmadinejad as telling university professors in the northeastern city of Mashhad.
The new figure is double the 3,000 centrifuges Iran had previously said it was operating in its uranium enrichment plant in Natanz….-
derStandard.at – Dreißig Hinrichtungen am Sonntag
Teheran – Im Iran sollen nach einem Medienbericht am Sonntag 30 Häftlinge hingerichtet werden. Bei den meisten Verurteilten handle es sich um Mörder, … -
ACHGUT– Mullahs trainieren für Olympia – Henryk M. Broder
Mindestens acht Frauen und ein Mann sind zum Tod durch Steinigung verurteilt worden. Das Urteil könne jederzeit exekutiert werden, teilten die Anwälte der Inhaftierten den Medien am Sonntag mit. http://diestandard.at/?url=/?id=1216325451067
Claus Peymann, der mit seinem Theater vor kurzem Teheran besucht und dort Brechts “Mutter Courage” gespielt hat, soll vorgeschlagen haben, die Todesurteile umzuwandeln: In ein Dauerabo für das Berliner Ensemble. -
RIA Novosti – Massenhinrichung in Iran: 30 Verbrecher zum Tod durch Steinigung verurteilt
In Iran ist für diesen Sonntag eine öffentliche Massenhinrichtung angekündigt. Insgesamt 30 Menschen sollen wegen verschiedener Schwerverbrechen durch …
- YNET – Iran to execute men ‘in illegal relationships’ – Tehran’s prosecutor office says, ‘Thirty people convicted of murder, drug trafficking, illegal relationships will be executed on Sunday at dawn
Executions in Iran (Archive photo)
Iran is planning a mass execution of 30 people convicted of murder and drug trafficking, a press report said on Saturday.
“Thirty people convicted of murder, drug trafficking, illegal relationships… will be executed on Sunday at dawn,” the Aftab newspaper quoted Tehran’s prosecutor office as saying.
It would the largest mass execution in the Islamic republic in recent years.
Human rights groups have accused Iran of making excessive use of the death penalty but Tehran insists it is an effective deterrent that is carried out only after an exhaustive judicial process…. -
YNET – Ex-Mossad chief: Iran strike could impact us for next 100 years
Former Mossad Director Halevy tells Time Magazine that Israel should only strike Iran as a last resort in light of immense implications of such attack; Iranian strike on Israel won’t cause much damage as dozens of missiles will be shot down, he says -
JP – Pentagon: S-300 won’t reach Iran in 2008
Pentagon contradicts Israeli intel, which says Teheran could own anti-aircraft system by early 2009. -
Reuters Deutschland – Iran warnt vor Anstieg des Ölpreises auf 500 Dollar pro Barrel
Teheran (Reuters) – Irans Opec-Gesandter hält einen Anstieg des Ölpreises auf 500 Dollar pro Barrel innerhalb weniger Jahre für denkbar.
Sollte der Dollar weiter an Wert verlieren und sich die politischen Spannungen verschärfen, seien bis zu 500 Dollar in den nächsten Jahren denkbar, sagte Mohammed Ali Chatibi in einem am Samstag veröffentlichten Interview einer iranischen Wochenzeitung. Er wurde dazu befragt, wie er Einschätzungen bewerte, nach denen der Ölpreis in den kommenden zwei bis drei Jahren auf 200 Dollar je Fass klettern könnte.
Zuletzt war der Ölpreis wieder deutlich auf um die 125 Dollar zurückgegangen, nachdem er erst vor kurzem auf über 147 Dollar schoss. -
jesus.ch – Irans antisemitische Hetze im Fernsehen
Teheran. Der Iran verbindet seit Jahren antisemitische Hetze mit Vernichtungsdrohungen gegen Israel. Ein beliebtes Propagandamittel sind dabei unter anderem die seit mehr als einem Jahrhundert kursierenden «Protokolle der Weisen von Zion», eine Verschwörungstheorie über die vermeintliche jüdische Weltverschwörung, die in und von der Islamischen Republik freizügig übersetzt, gedruckt und verteilt wird.
Der staatliche Nachrichtensender IRINN hat nun in den vergangenen beiden Monaten eine Fernsehserie ausgestrahlt, die unter dem Titel «Das Geheimnis von Armageddon» in antisemitischer, antichristlicher und antiamerikanischer Weise den Endkampf zwischen den guten und den bösen Mächten thematisiert. Die Serie enthält zahlreiche Interviews von iranischen «Experten», die sich immer wieder auf die «Protokolle der Weisen von Zion» berufen. In der Episode vom 11. Mai erklärt etwa der iranische Dozent Ali-Reza Karimi: «Es ist inzwischen allgemein bekannt, dass die ‚Protokolle der Weisen von Zion’ die Pläne und die Politik des Ältestenrats der Sekte beinhalten, deren Ziel die Eroberung der Welt und die Errichtung einer globalen jüdischen Regierung sind, wie es 1897 in Basel auf dem ersten Zionistenkongress in Basel besprochen worden war.»… -
Na, das wäre doch schon ein Anfang! (bd)
jpost.com – Austrian coalition aims to thwart deal for Iran oil pipeline to Europe – STEPHANIE RUBENSTEIN
Austria has reached the eleventh hour to act against an oil and gas deal with Iran to ensure independence from the Iranian regime and its nuclear ambitions, Simone Hartmann, a founder of the Austrian Stop the Bomb coalition, told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday.
The Austrian company OWV Group, the largest provider of oil and gas in central Europe, is currently in the midst of a deal with Iran. OWV is a public company, but the Austrian government owns about 32 percent of the shares.
Since 2002, trade between Austria and Iran has doubled, with military deals accounting for 11%, according to Hartmann.
“Europe has to deal with [Iran] now,” she said. - WADINET – Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier – Thomas von der Osten-Sacken
Irgendwie habe ich den Eindruck diese Meldung in den letzten vier Jahren schon gleichlautend mindestens einhundert mal gelesen zu haben:“Iran on Thursday signaled it would no longer cooperate with International Atomic Energy Agency experts investigating for signs of nuclear weapons programs, confirming that the probe – launched a year ago with great expectations – was at a dead end.Coming from Iranian Vice President Gholam Reza Aghazadeh, the announcement compounded international skepticism about denting Teheran’s nuclear defiance just five days after Teheran stonewalled demands from six world powers to suspend activities that can produce the fissile core of warheads.”Es ist, als befände man sich in einer Zeitschleife. Nur leider scheint sich einzig eine Seite in dieser Zeitschleife zu befinden – die andere geht unbeeindruckt ihren Weg – und das Erwachen wird fürchterlich werden.
JP – Obama on Iran, Syria, J’lem and settlements – full interview
Two months ago in the Oval Office, President George W. Bush, coming to the end of a two-term presidency and presumably as expert on Israeli-Palestinian policy as he is ever going to be, was accompanied by a team of no fewer than five advisers and spokespeople during a 40-minute interview with this writer and three other Israeli journalists.
Obama interviewed by Jerusalem Post Editor-in-Chief David Horovitz. Photo: Ariel Jerozolimski
In March, on his whirlwind visit to Israel, Republican presidential nominee John McCain, one of whose primary strengths is said to be his intimate grasp of foreign affairs, chose to bring along Sen. Joe Lieberman to the interview our diplomatic correspondent Herb Keinon and I conducted with him, looked to Lieberman several times for reassurance on his answers and seemed a little flummoxed by a question relating to the nuances of settlement construction.
On Wednesday evening, toward the end of his packed one-day visit here, Barack Obama, the Democratic senator who is leading the race for the White House and who lacks long years of foreign policy involvement, spoke to The Jerusalem Post with only a single aide in his King David Hotel room, and that aide’s sole contribution to the conversation was to suggest that the candidate and I switch seats so that our photographer would get better lighting for his pictures.
Was für ein schlauer Bursche! Hat irgendjemand etwas anderes gesagt? Und wie lange soll sich die Vergandlungsfarce noch hinziehen? (bd)
HA’ARETZ – Obama to PM: Iran action legitimate only if talks fail – Barak Ravid and Jack Khoury
Obama to PM: Iran action legitimate only if talks fail –
Near the close of his visit to Israel on Wednesday, Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama met with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. A major topic of their long conversation was Obama’s declared willingness to engage in direct dialogue with Tehran.
Obama reportedly told Olmert that he is interested in meeting the Iranians in order to issue clear ultimatums. “If after that, they still show no willingness to change their nuclear policy, then any action against them would be legitimate,” an Israeli source quoted him as saying.
Obama said it is clear that the Iranian nuclear issue would be a top priority for him as president, but said that as part of the diplomatic effort to end Tehran’s enrichment program, the Iranians must be given an opportunity to change. -
Lieferengpässe aufgrund kleinerer “technischer Pannen” (bd)
HA’ARETZ – Iran convoy attacked reportedly while taking arms to Hezbollah
Iran convoy attacked reportedly while taking arms to Hezbollah
An Iranian military convoy attacked in a mysterious explosion last week was delivering a load of military equipment to the Hezbollah militant group at the time of the blast, western officials told the London Daily Telegraph in a report published on Friday.
Details of the explosion, which occurred near a Revolutionary Guards’ munitions warehouse in the Tehran suburb of Khavarshahar and left 15 people dead, were blacked out even in Iranian media.
Western officials told the Telegraph that the Revolutionary Guards had launched an investigation into the cause mystery blast, which apparently took place on July 19. “This was a massive explosion that was heard throughout Tehran,” an official told the Telegraph. “Even though lots of people were killed, the Revolutionary Guards are trying to conceal what really happened.” -
Der im Westen als gemäßigt (!) geltende Rafsanjani hatte während seiner Amtszeit (2001) gesagt, dass ein atomar vernichtetes Tel Aviv ihm den Preis von zig-Millionen toten Iranern wert wäre, wenn es der Sache diene – also dem Sieg des Islam weltweit. (bd)
JP – Former Iranian leader rejects deadline
Iran’s former president, the cleric Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, told the international community on Friday that he rejected any deadline to respond to an incentives package designed to persuade Teheran to give up its nuclear enrichment program.
Former Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani. Photo: AP [file]
According to the AFP, Rafsanjani admonished Western powers to “not try to find fault,” but to “be patient and let wise people sit down and talk.” He made his statements in a sermon after Friday prayers, and his speech was broadcast on Iran’s state radio.
“Iran is ready to go there and talk – say whatever you have to say [during negotiations],” Rafsanjani declared.
“Now that negotiations are supposed to be held, why are you setting deadlines and giving ultimatums?” the head of two of the top clerical bodies in Iran asked. -
Associated Press– Iran ends cooperation with U.N. nuclear probe – George Jahn
VIENNA, Austria —Iran signaled yesterday that it will no longer cooperate with U.N. experts probing for signs of clandestine nuclear weapons work, confirming the investigation is at a dead end a year after it began.
The announcement from Vice President Gholam Aghazadeh of Iran compounded skepticism about denting Tehran’s nuclear defiance, just five days after Tehran stonewalled demands from six world powers that it halt activities capable of producing the fissile core of warheads. -
American Jewish Committee (press release) – AJC: World Must Not Allow Nightmare of Nuclear Iran
July 25, 2008 – New York – The American Jewish Committee today expressed alarm over reports that Iran is terminating its cooperation with UN inspectors investigating evidence of clandestine Iranian nuclear weapons activity.
This development comes only days after six world powers, including the United States, offered Iran a generous package of incentives if it freezes—and ultimately suspends—its nuclear activities. Yesterday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad signaled his country’s likely rejection of that offer, reaffirming Tehran’s defiant resolve to develop its nuclear capability.
“Iran’s apparent decision to bar UN inspectors of its long-illicit nuclear program can have only one meaning – that Tehran intends to advance in secret its pursuit of dangerous nuclear technology,” said AJC Executive Director David A. Harris. “If Iran continues on this reckless course, the international community has no choice but to apply the most comprehensive sanctions, intensifying the message to Tehran that its outlaw defiance will not be tolerated.” -
RIA Novosti – Iran: Vorerst kein SOZ-Beitritt
DUSCHANBE, 25. Juli . Die Aufnahme Irans in die Shanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit (SOZ) ist beim Außenministertreffen der Mitgliedsländer in Duschanbe nicht erörtert worden.
“Iran kann kein assoziiertes Mitglied sein, denn die SOZ sieht einen solchen Status nicht vor. Es gibt aber einen Beobachterstatus und Iran ist Beobachter bei der SOZ”, sagte der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow in einer Pressekonferenz.
Ursprünglich wollten die SOZ-Außenminister bei dem Treffen in Tadschikistan besprechen, ob das seit zwei Jahren geltende Moratorium für die Aufnahme neuer Mitglieder aufgehoben werden soll.
Wie aber aus russischen Diplomatenkreisen bekannt wurde, fehlen der Organisation vorerst klare Aufnahme-Kriterien.
Zuvor hatten Pakistan und Iran den SOZ-Beitritt beantragt. -
ACHGUT– Ahmadinejads willige Helfer – Henryk M. Broder
Wenn Sie zu Ihrem Nachbarn sagen: “Ich bringe dich um!”, dann wird er das möglicherweise als Bedrohung empfinden. Wenn Sie aber zu ihm sagen “Du bist bald tot, du Drecksau!”, dann wird er das wahrscheinlich als eine zärtliche Zuwendung empfinden. Vorausgesetzt, er hat nicht alle Tassen im Schrank. Sie dagegen können darauf verweisen, dass sie ihm nicht gedroht, sondern nur etwas vorausgesagt haben, das bald passieren wird, weil der Nachbar es so gewollt hat.
Das ist so etwa die logische Substanz einer Debatte, die von ein paar deutschen Ahmadeinejad-Groupies, Nationalbolschewiken, progressiven Junganzis und lobotomierten “Experten” über die Frage vom Zaun gebrochen wurde, was Ahmadinejad unter der Parole “A World without Zionism” versteht. Am Rande geht es auch darum, wie man metaphorische Floskeln richtig übersetzt: wörtlich oder sinnadäquat. Und so ist die Mär in die Welt gekommen, Ahmadinejad habe Israel nie mit Vernichtung gedroht, er habe nie gesagt, Israel müsse von der Landkarte ausradiert werden, sondern nur, das zionistische Besatzungsregime müsse von den Seiten der Zeit verschwinden. -
MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iran Friday Sermon: Iran Won’t Accept Ultimatum From West
In his Friday sermon at the Tehran University campus, Tehran interim prayer leader Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani stated that Iran would not accept an ultimatum from the West in its talks about Iran’s nuclear program. He said, “We have finally agreed to sit down and negotiate, then what is this about issuing a deadline and ultimatum?…Every time the situation (of the nuclear dispute) is about to get better, these Western hardliners and radicals begin diverting attention by various propaganda ploys. This approach shows that some powers cannot see peace in the region.”
Rafsanjani, who is also a former Iranian president and chairman of Iran’s Expediency Council, was referring to the six-party (U.K., U.S., China, France, Russia, and Germany) talks held last week in Geneva on Iran’s nuclear program, during which Western delegates gave Iran two weeks to either accept or suspend uranium enrichment in return for Western incentives or sanctions.
Rafsanjani told worshippers, “We have agreed to talk (with the world powers) on the issue for finding a settlement (in the nuclear dispute) and are indeed hopeful to do so… But again, they (world powers) have come up with ultimatums, timetables, and even threats, which are unacceptable to Iran.”
He called the situation a demonstration of Iran’s innocence and of bullying by the West, saying, “Acquiring peaceful nuclear technology is first of all an absolute and undeniable right that has been accorded to Iran and all countries based on the international treaties endorsed by the International Atomic Energy Agency.” He added that the capability that Iranians have gained in the nuclear domain is the result of 30 years of their endeavors without seeking foreign assistance, and warned that the world bullying powers were now trying to deprive the Iranian nation of the absolute right through making mischief and through issuing threats and intimidation.
He added, “U.S. and Israeli officials must learn that an ultimatum will not help the nuclear standoff (between Iran and the West.”
Rafsanjani also criticized the U.S.’s role in the Persian Gulf, stating, “Unfortunately, tough and extremist claims by officials of the U.S. and of the usurper regime of Israel pose problems in the way, and the Americans launch maneuvers for controlling the Strait of Hormuz.” He continued, “It is clear that a trend is now underway of trying to obstruct efforts for the restoration of calm and security in the region.”
Sources: Fars, Mehr, IRIBnews, IRNA, Press TV, Iran, July 25, 2008 -
MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Official: U.S. Interests Office In Tehran Would Be Beneficial
Expediency Council Secretary Mohsen Rezai has announced that opening a U.S. interests office in Tehran would be beneficial to both the U.S. and Iran.
Source: ILNA, Iran, July 25, 2008 -
MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian VP: Iran-West Nuclear Talks Will Help Solve Middle East Problems
Iranian Vice President Gholam-Reza Aqazadeh said in Vienna yesterday that continued talks between Iran and the West on Iran’s nuclear program can be a means for settling the Middle East’s problems, on issues ranging from Iraq to oil prices.
Speaking to reporters after talks with International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohammed ElBaradei, Aqazadeh, who also heads Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, said, “If the talks continue, solutions can be found for many problems like Iraq, Lebanon or the fuel prices.”
Aqazadeh also said that talks between Iran and the G7 are expected to resume in the near future, and that the two sides believe that they are to enter a new phase of serious talks which requires collective collaboration. He added that the G7 “have provided us with ‘non-paper’ proposal in Geneva talks which takes time to be replied to.”
Source: IRNA, Iran, July 24, 25, 2008 -
MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad Bans Evening Edition Of Iranian Paper
The government of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has banned the evening edition of the Iranian daily Hamshahri, on charges of publishing false news.
The paper is close to Tehran Mayor Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.
According to Iran’s press supervisory board, the paper portrayed the country’s economic situation as unstable, after reporting on increased economic disputes within the government.
The Iranian website Aftab called the move “a second yellow card” for Qalibaf. In June 2008 the government closed down a different paper close to him, Tehran Emrooz. (see “Iranian Newspaper Closed Down For Criticizing Ahmadinejad”).
Sources: Press TV, Iran, July 25, 2008; Aftab, Iran, July 24, 2008 -
MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad: Martyrs’ Path Known By All Nations As Only Path To Salvation; Iran in Economic Struggle With Enemies
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said July 23 that today all the “martyrs’ aspirations” are “being realized,” and that “the “hegemonic system is on the verge of annihilation.”
Ahmadinejad was speaking to a group of families of martyrs in Yasouj, Kohgilouyeh-Boyer Ahmad province.
He added that the path trodden by martyrs is known by all nations as the only path to salvation, dignity and glory, and that Iran was proud of its 200,000 martyred citizens.
Addressing the great powers, he said, “The Iranian nation invites you to make recourse to the path of purity and justice of the divine prophets. This is good for all, especially for you.” He then warned the West, “If you wish to use the language of force and threat with the Iranian nation, our nation will stand united and deal a heavy blow to the ill-wishers of the system.”
He said that the world is fed up with the ongoing international conditions and await a ray of hope.
In another speech in Yasouj, Ahmadinejad said that Iran is engaged in economic struggle with its “enemies and their followers”: “Enemies and some of their agents inside the country made their utmost efforts since two years ago focusing particularly on economic issues as they thought they could topple the Iranian government, revolution and nation.”
He added, “This is wishful thinking… With the help of God, the Islamic Revolution will thwart all conspiracies.”
Source: IRNA, Iran, July 23, 24, 2008
- 27.07.2008
- Honestly Concerned.info
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