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  1. SPME SPME Petitions  Petition to Release and Free Academics: Students Sayed Perwiz Kambakhsh and Esha Momeni and Prof. Mehdi Zakerian
    To: The Governments of Afghanistan and Iran and the United Nations Council on Human Rights
    We, the undersigned academics from all disciplines from around the world, do hereby call upon and demand that the government of Afghanistan release student Sayed Perwiz Kambasksh and for Iran to release student, Esha Momeni, and Prof. Mehdi Zakerian.
    Furthermore,we call upon the United Nations Council on Human Rights to look into these and other apparent human rights abuses and harassments perpetuated against students and faculty in these countries.
    According to reports, (1) (2) Mr. Kambakhsh, a journalism student, was sentenced originally to death for downloading an article off the internet on women’s rights in Islam and discussing it in class. The sentence has been commuted to 20 years for „blasphemy.“

  2.  Comic über die Schrecken des Iran
    Ein stoischer Khomeini, durchgeknallte Revolutionswächter und Frauen im Tschador: Das Gesicht der Islamischen Revolution im Iran ist düster. Auch der Comic Kaiserschnitt. Iran 1979 lebt von apokalyptischen Stimmungen und furchteinflößenden Fanatikern.  
    Foto:  Hamed Eshrat (29) geht es darin weniger um sein Bild vom politischen Umsturz: „Ich habe diese Arbeit gemacht, um meine Wurzeln kennenzulernen.“ Das Ergebnis ist die persönliche Chronik einer Zeitenwende, entstanden als Abschlussarbeit an der Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee. Eshrats Mutter sprach das Erlebte auf Tonbänder. Acht Monate lang formte er daraus Bilder. Jetzt hat er seinen Comic-Erstling in Eigenregie veröffentlicht.

  3. YNET Don’t appease Iran  Ophir Falk 
    Should Obama win elections, he must not repeat pre-World War II mistake 
    Barack Obama has shown great style, as he has been able to sidestep issues and controversy throughout his very well run campaign. But does he have enough substance?
    All national elections are labeled as crucial, but the upcoming elections in the United States may in fact be the „most important elections of our time.“ The issues on the table are almost unprecedented: A nuclear Iran, the wind up of the war in Iraq, signs of a renewed Cold War and global economic uncertainties are all issues of paramount international importance that the newly elected president will face.
    Neither candidate has been able to put the public’s mind at ease with their economic plan, but in terms of priorities McCain put his campaign on hold in order to help out in national crisis management, whereas Obama did not.

  4.  Kritische Situation von Frauen im Iran
    Iranische Regierung setzt Cyber-Aktivistinnen unter Druck
    Reporter ohne Grenzen (ROG) fordert die iranischen Behörden auf, keine Internet-Aktivistinnen mehr zu verfolgen. Das Revolutionsgericht in Teheran untersagte am 29. Oktober der Online- Journalistin Sussan Tahmasebi, das Land zu verlassen.
    Am selben Tag sind zwei Cyber-Feministinnen von dem Gericht einberufen worden, um Auskunft über Artikel zu geben, die sie auf Frauenrechts-Seiten im Internet veröffentlicht hatten.
    „Die Verbissenheit, mit der die Behörden diese Frauen verfolgen, zeigt wie sehr die Regierung die Kritik der Aktivistinnen fürchtet“, sagt ROG. „Diese Cyber-Feministinnen haben lediglich von ihrem Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit Gebrauch gemacht, um auf die kritische Situation von Frauen im Iran aufmerksam zu machen. Dem Einsatz der Frauen ist es zu verdanken, dass ein Gesetzesentwurf, der polygame Eheschließungen vereinfachen sollte, angefochten wurde. Das zeigt, wie wichtig die Arbeit der Frauen ist“, erklärt ROG. 

    1. (Pressemitteilung) – Iran: Verhaftungswelle gegen Frauenrechtlerinnen
      Iran – Frankfurt am Main (31. Oktober 2008) – Seit dem Amtsantritt des iranischen Präsidenten Mahmoud Ahmadinedschad 2005 werden im Iran verstärkt Frauenrechtlerinnen verfolgt und inhaftiert. Ohne konkrete Anklage werden diese Frauen in Gefängnissen über lange Zeit gefangen gehalten, kritisiert die Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (IGFM). Vor allem die Aktivistinnen der „One Million Signatures Campaign for Equality“ („Eine Million Unterschriften für Gleichberechtigung“) sind das erklärte Ziel der iranischen Justiz. Sie werden mit Reiseverboten belegt, eingeschüchtert und willkürlich inhaftiert. Derzeit befinden sich über 30 iranische Frauenrechtlerinnen in Haft, wo ihnen die elementarsten Rechte verweigert werden.

  5. Iran Music wechselt zu SmartCast Playoutcenter Usingen
    Der seit März 2006 über Eutelsat Hot Bird (13° Ost, 11.064 GHz, horizontal, SR 27.500, FEC 5/6) sendende persische Musiksender Iran Music hat heute seinen technischen Dienstleister gewechselt. Ab sofort wird die technische Sendeabwicklung über das Playoutcenter des Dienstleisters SmartCast in Usingen durchgeführt. SmartCast betreibt im Uplink-Center der Media Broadcast in Usingen für das Playout und Encoding von acht TV-Sendern über Hot Bird, Astra und Sirius zuständig.
    „Wir freuen uns über den neuen Kanal bei dem sich die Flexibilität unserer seit acht Jahren im eigenen Hause entwickelten Software-Plattform wieder einmal gezeigt hat“ sagt Christian Brenner, Geschäftsführer und Gesellschafter der SmartCast GmbH. Unter anderem wurde für den Sender die Laufschrift mit arabischen Buchstaben implementiert, die außerdem noch in ‚falscher Richtung‘ (aus europäischer Sicht) laufen muss.

  6. Rollstuhlbasketball: Sperre für den Iran
    Logo: IWBF[Orthopoint Magazin – Hamm] Der Deutsche-Rollstuhl-Sportverband (DRS) teilte heute mit, dass die International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF) gegen den iranischen Nationalverband eine drastische Strafe verhängt habe, nachdem das bis dato sportlich überzeugende Team im Herren-Viertelfinale des paralympischen Wettbewerbs von Peking nicht angetreten war. Die IWBF schloss nun in ihrer Reaktion im kanadischen Winnipeg den iranischen Verband nach einer Anhörung bis zum 1. Januar 2013 von allen Wettbewerben aus und verhängte zusätzlich eine Strafe von 5.000 US-Dollar. 

  7. WELT ONLINE – Der Iran kann pleite gehen – von Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, Kolumnist für WELT DEBATTE
    Die Abhängigkeit des Iran von Importen und von Öleinnahmen könnte zum Bankrott führen. Die Kritik auch der Konservativen an Ahmadinejads Wirtschaftspolitik wächst.
    In einem Interview mit „Roozonline“ erläutert der Wirtschaftsexperte Said Leylas, warum die negativen Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise auf die iranische Wirtschaft weitaus größer sind, als auf die amerikanische Wirtschaft. Dies führt der Ökonom darauf zurück, dass die iranische Wirtschaft zu stark von Importen und von Öleinnahmen abhängig sei. Leylas erinnerte daran, dass Präsident Ahmadinejad kürzlich gesagt habe, dass der Iran mindestes zwei Jahre auch ohne einen einzigen Dollar auskomme. Leylas merkt dazu an, dass dies aber auch bedeutet, dass der Iran nach zwei Jahren völlig Pleite gehen würde, weil dann keine Devisenreserven übrig blieben.

  8. Reuters Deutschland – Iran – Weitere Drosselung der Ölförderung der Opec denkbar
    Teheran (Reuters) – Der Iran hält eine weitere Reduzierung der Fördermenge der Organisation erdölexportierender Länder (Opec) für denkbar. …

  9. RIA Novosti – Neuartiges ukrainisches Passagierflugzeug wird in Iran gebaut
    Der Iran wird demnächst ein ukrainisches Passagierflugzeug fünfter Generation vom Typ Antonow An-148 mit eigenen Kapazitäten produzieren. … 

  10. Berliner Kurier – Was hat Obama mit dem Iran vor?
    Was hat der erste schwarze Präsident dann mit dem Iran vor? Eine Gruppe von elf Kongressabgeordneten beider Parteien hat jetzt auf 117 Seiten „Empfehlungen“ … 

  11. Volksstimme – Deutscher Pilot bei Flugshow in Iran tödlich verunglückt
    Teheran – Ein deutscher Pilot ist bei einer Flugshow auf einer Insel im Südiran tödlich verunglückt. Das meldete die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur IRNA. …

    1. ZEIT ONLINE – Iran: Deutscher Pilot verunglückt bei Flug-Show
      Tragischer Unfall: Ein deutscher Pilot ist mit seinem Flieger in den Iran gereist, um an einer Flugshow teilzunehmen. Aus bislang ungeklärten Umständen … 

  12. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Plummeting Oil Prices – Iran’s Options  Nimrod Raphaeli
    At its two-hour emergency meeting in Vienna on October 24, the Organization of Oil Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) decided to lower crude production by 1.5 million barrels/day (b/d), effective next month.
    The reduction in production was OPEC’s response to plummeting crude prices, which peaked at $147 a barrel last July but are now hovering in the mid-$60s a barrel, and appear to be trending downward. The lowering of production was a compromise between the price hawks of OPEC, primarily Iran and Venezuela that demanded a reduction of 2.5 million b/d, and the largest oil producer, Saudi Arabia, which has refused to be drawn into a situation that runs contrary to its national and strategic interests.

  13. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Khamenei: „The Iranian People’s Hatred for America Is Profound“; Larijani: America Should Beware of Our Martyrdom-Seekers
    Following recent reports in the West regarding the possibility of opening an American interest office in Tehran, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said in an October 29, 2008 speech to students, which was quoted on Iranian TV, that „the Iranian people’s hatred for America is profound.“ This statement was apparently meant to put an end to any debate on the American proposal.
    Khamenei added: „The reason for this [hatred] is the various plots that the U.S. government has concocted against Iran and the Iranian people in the past 50 years. The Americans have not only refused to apologize for their actions, but have continued with their arrogant actions.“
    Khamenei said further that the confrontation between Iran and the U.S. would lead „the arrogant American regime to a dead end,“ and stressed that „anyone who wished to trample the identity and independence of the Iranian nation would have his hand cut off by it.“

  14. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Tehran Friday Sermon

    Speaking as a pre-sermon lecturer to those gathered this week at the Friday prayer service on the Tehran University campus, Iran’s Prosecuter General Ghorbanali Dorri Najafabadi said that the U.S.’s security pact with Iraq is a dirty deal serving the interest of Washington’s Middle East policies. He criticized the U.S. for forcing Iraqis to sign a deal.
    Najafabadi added, „Americans each day think of a new game with Iraq. [The] Recent dirty security deal is an instance of such games.“
    The sermon was led by substitute Friday prayers leader of Tehran Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani. He stated, „The U.S. arrogant power is a fiasco. That’s not limited to the U.S. God will disgrace all the arrogant powers once in the future. The Islamic Revolution has reaped many blessings and benefits for Iranian people. Thanking for all the divine gifts will earn more such blessings.“
    He went on to state, „Now, societies are not alike the past century ignorant. Nations are no longer willing to accept false claims of global arrogance.“
    Kashani added, „The U.S. has taken [a] hostile stand against Iran’s nuclear energy, which is a scientific, technological and academic and not a military subject. The method is futile.“
    Kashani ended by quoting Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, saying that the future belongs to the youth who should be watchful of the country’s fate.
    Source: IRNA, October 31, 2008

  15. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iran Produces New Generation of Jet Fighters

    A senior Iranian defense official said Wednesday that the country is producing a new generation of Saeqeh (Thunderbolt) jet fighters.
    Majid Hedayat, general manager of Iran’s Aviation Industry Organization in the Defense Ministry, made the disclosure in a speech on the sidelines of Kish Aviation Industry Exhibition in the country.
    „The new generation of Saeqeh fighters enjoys more facilities and capabilities and also is domestically constructed,“ Hedayat said.
    „Other new military planes have also been constructed which will be employed for the naval patrolling purposes,“ he added.
    In September last year, Iran’s Air Force successfully tested the first generation of the locally built Saeqeh fighter, which was adapted from reversed-engineered, modified (twin-tail) American F-5 platforms.
    Source: Fars, Iran, October 30, 2008

  16. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Russia Agrees To Build Choppers In Iran

    Russia has agreed to commence cooperation with Iran on mass producing semi-heavy helicopters in the country, an Iranian official said.
    The deal will see Russian firm Kamov cooperate with Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) on designing and producing civilian helicopters.
    „Under the agreement, more than 50 helicopters including in a new and civil design of the Kamov Ka-32A will be manufactured inside Iran,“ the CEO of the AIO, Majid Hedayat, said on October 29.
    The Kamov Ka-32A is a compact air transporter, capable of operating without ground support. It is designed for search and rescue missions as well as medical and emergency evacuation, loading and unloading ships at sea, and offshore operations.
    The announcement comes a day after Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said the newly imposed US sanctions on Russian state arms trader Rosoboronexport would not stop Moscow from engaging in military cooperation with Tehran.
    Source: Fars, Iran, October 30, 2008

  17. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad: Bullying Powers On Verge Of Collapse

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday that the bullying powers are on the verge of collapse, as they are hated by the world nations.
    „All nations are looking for a new way, as they lost their hope on big powers,“ said Ahmadinejad, who is currently in Lorestan province in western Iran.
    Addressing a meeting with provincial Ulema, he called the present situation „a great chance to introduce pure Islamic thoughts and ideals as well as Iran’s Islamic Revolution.“
    Stressing the need for implementing justice in an Islamic system, he said that the promotion of justice in society was a major priority of his government.
    Source: IRIBnews, Iran, October 30, 2008

  18. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad: Iran To Implement Dynamic, Progressive Economy To Put End To Liberal Economy
    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday that the government is mulling a dynamic and progressive economy.
    The president made the remarks in a meeting with cabinet ministers and provincial officials in Lorestan province.
    Referring to the current economic meltdown in the West and the disadvantage of a liberal economy, he said that the world nations are looking forward to administration of justice. He added, „We are proud to declare that we are to implement a dynamic and progressive economy to put an end to liberal economy.“
    The current economic crisis in the West has roots in their spirit of plundering and egocentrism, which has driven them to a dead end, he said.
    „We are happy to witness fall of global arrogance and regard it as suitable opportunity for the world nations to survive,“ he said.
    He said that the humanity and those who deplore the current global situation should celebrate the fall of liberalism, but at the same time they should opt for an alternative to put an end to the current discriminations and plundering of nations.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, October 30, 2008

  19. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad Calls to Found „Nuclear Fuel Commonwealth“ for the Gulf
    In a meeting with UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh ‚Abdallah bin Zayid Al-Nahyan and GCC Secretary-General ‚Abd Al-Rahman Al-‚Atiyya, Ahmadinejad called to form a „Nuclear Fuel Commonwealth“ for the benefit of the Gulf countries. He stressed that Iran „had set no obstacles in the way of expanding its amicable relations with the Gulf states,“ and that these states should promote regional security as part of their „Islamic duty.“
    Ahmadinejad emphasized the need for a regional economic cooperation agreement, adding, „The economic capabilities of the Persian Gulf countries [are] quite noticeable, and if we could have a shared monetary and financial system, we would be able to take advantage of [this for the benefit of] our nations.“ Stating that both the U.S. and Israel were on the verge of collapse, he said that the next U.S. administration would not be able to continue the policies of its predecessors, and said: „[The Americans] possess thousands of nuclear warheads themselves, and they are the ones that have armed the Zionist regime to the teeth, and yet, resorting to phony pretexts against Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, they intend to deprive the regional countries of achieving scientific progress.“
    UAE Foreign Minister Al-Nahyan, for his part, said that greater cooperation among the Gulf states would promote trust between them, while the GCC Secretary-General said that Iran was a powerful country, and its nation’s strong will would prevent anyone from inflicting any loss upon it.
    Source: IRNA (Iran), October 30, 2008.

  20. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Ayatollah Condemns Qaradhawi’s Statements on Shi’a
    In an October 30, 2008 lecture in Qom, Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi condemned the statements recently made by Sunni leader Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi against the Shi’a, saying that Iran was the one who had helped Qaradhawi in his time of need by „hampering the Zionist and American pressures against [him].“ Shirazi also praised Hizbullah for „thwarting the plots of the Zionists… and the U.S.“ and preventing them from „swallowing the Arab countries.“
    He added that the West had distributed „about 26 million CDs to target Islam,“ and called upon the Muslims to be vigilant and stand united in order to foil the conspiracies against them.
    Source: IRNA (Iran), October 30, 2008.

  21. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad: Humanity Should Celebrate the Fall of Liberal Economy
    At a meeting with cabinet ministers and provincial officials in Lorestan province, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called to celebrate the collapse of the West’s liberal economy, and stated that his government was formulating „a dynamic and progressive economy“ which offered an alternative to this failed model. He added that the economic crisis in the West has its roots in „the spirit of plundering and egoism which has led to a dead end,“ and that the crisis was an opportunity for the world nations to save themselves.
    „Humanity,“ he said, „and [all] those who deplore the current global situation should… opt for an alternative [economical model, which will] put an end to the current discrimination and plundering of nations… [Just] as Marxism [is today] only available at libraries, the same destiny awaits liberal democracy and their new theory for economy.“
    Ahmadinejad stated further: „The bullying powers are on the verge of collapse, as they are hated by the world nations… All nations are looking for a new way, [for] they [have] lost their hope in the big powers… The present situation is a great chance to introduce pure Islamic thought and ideals, as well as Iran’s Islamic Revolution.“ Ahmadinejad stressed that promotion of justice in society was a major priority of his government.
    Source: IRNA (Iran), October 30, 2008

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