- Bild.de – Knobloch: Notfalls militärische Gewalt gegen Iran
Nach Überzeugung der Präsidentin des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland, Charlotte Knobloch, müssen der Westen und Israel das Atomprogramm des Iran notfalls mit militärischer Gewalt stoppen.
„Atombomben in den Händen eines Irren wie Ahmadinedschad” seien, so Knobloch zu BILD am SONNTAG, „eine große Gefahr für Millionen von Menschen in ganz Europa, die er opfern würde. Daran muss man ihn mit allen Mitteln hindern”, sagte sie auf die Frage, ob der Westen zusammen mit Israel den Erwerb von Atomwaffen durch den Iran notfalls mit militärischer Gewalt verhindern müsse.
Knobloch äußerte zugleich Zweifel, dass der gewählte US-Präsident Barack Obama dem Iran genauso energisch gegenübertreten wird wie Amtsinhaber George W. Bush: „Ich bin da etwas skeptisch. Sein Mitbewerber John McCain hätte vermutlich eine härtere Gangart gegenüber dem Iran gezeigt”, sagte Knobloch BILD am SONNTAG. „Obamas Geschichtsbewusstsein entspricht aufgrund seines Alters nicht dem von John McCain.” - TAGESSPIEGEL – Iran und der 9. November 1938 – Der toten Juden wird gedacht, die lebenden lässt man im Stich – Stephan Grigat
Einst war der Hinweis, man solle nicht jedes Gemetzel in der Weltgeschichte als Holocaust und nicht jedes autoritäre Regime als faschistisch bezeichnen, ein berechtigter Einwand gegen die von Linken wie Rechten betriebene Relativierung der nationalsozialistischen Verbrechen. Doch heute sind die Warnungen vor einer „Instrumentalisierung der Schoah” zu Floskeln geworden, welche die Verharmlosung aktueller Gefahren befördern.
Das wird hinsichtlich des Irans besonders deutlich. Das iranische Regime, mit dem deutsche Unternehmen Geschäfte in Milliardenhöhe abwickeln und das von der Bundesregierung weiterhin mit Samthandschuhen angefasst wird, propagiert seit der „Islamischen Revolution” von 1979 die Zerstörung Israels und sorgt regelmäßig für die Neuauflage des antisemitischen Klassikers „Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion”.
Ali Chamenei, der oberste geistliche Führer des Irans, nannte Israel ein „Krebsgeschwür” und sieht die „Lösung für das Nahostproblem” in der „Zerstörung und Vernichtung des jüdischen Staates”. Der als moderat geltende Ex-Präsident Rafsandschani erklärte den Kampf gegen Israel zur Pflicht aller Muslime, und der reformorientierte Ex-Präsident Chatami verteidigte den französischen Holocaust-Leugner Garaudy und nannte Israel „eine alte, nicht heilbare Wunde im Körper des Islam, die dämonisches, stinkendes und ansteckendes Blut besitzt”.- derStandard.at – Israel fordert von Obama hartes Vorgehen gegen Teheran
Abbas drängt Obama zu rascher Fortsetzung des Nahost-Friedensprozesses
Jerusalem/Ramallah/Tel Aviv – Von mehreren Seiten aus dem Nahen Osten werden Forderungen an den künftigen US-Präsidenten Barack Obama herangetragen: Der israelische Verteidigungsminister Ehud Barak rief die USA am Freitag auf, einen möglichen Militäreinsatz gegen das iranische Atomprogramm auch künftig nicht auszuschließen. Palästinenser-Präsident Mahmoud Abbas appellierte an Obama, sich so rasch wie möglich persönlich in den israelisch-palästinensischen Friedensprozess einzuschalten. -
PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) – Iran kritisiert Obamas Äußerungen zur Atompolitik
Teheran (AP) Die iranische Regierung hat sich am Samstag erstmals kritisch über den künftigen US-Präsidenten Barack Obama geäußert. … - HA’ARETZ – Iran slams Obama’s tough language on nuclear arms
Islamic Republic says Obama’s call for stopping nuke program is a step in the wrong direction. - JP – Iran irked by Obama’s tough language
In 1st press conference since victory, US president-elect says a nuclear Iran is “unacceptable.”
- derStandard.at – Israel fordert von Obama hartes Vorgehen gegen Teheran
- YNET – Ahmadinejad to Obama: – Restore Palestinian rights
Iranian president sends congratulatory telegram to US president-elect Obama. ‘We hope new government can fulfill its people’s demand to distance itself from present statesmen’s wrong approaches,’ he says
Dudi Cohen Published: 11.06.08, 19:43 / Israel News
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent a congratulatory telegram to United States president-elect Barack Obama on his presidential victory, the Iranian news agency IRNA reported Thursday.
IRNA quoted Ahmadinejad as calling on Obama to make significant changes to America’s approach to its role in the world. - factum-magazin.ch – Kampagne „Stop the Bomb” für Embargo gegen Iran
(07. November 2008/fa.) – Die Bundesregierung unternimmt wenig, um diplomatischen Druck auf den Iran auszuüben, um das Land von den Plänen zum Bau einer Atombombe abzuhalten. Jetzt haben Politiker, Schriftsteller und Vertreter der jüdischen Gemeinde in Deutschland eine Kampagne gestartet, um den Griff der Ayatollas nach der Atombombe zu verhindern.
Die Unterstützer der Kampagne “Stop the Bomb” möchten erreichen, dass gegen den Iran ein Embargo verhängt wird.
Zu den 120 Erstunterzeichnern gehören der CDU-Politiker Johannes Gerster, die Vizepräsidentin des Deutschen Bundestages, Petra Pau (Linke), die Rechtsanwältin und Publizistin Seyran Ates, der SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete Gerd Weisskirchen, die Schauspielerin Iris Berben und der Vizepräsident des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland, Dieter Graumann. - Swissinfo – Geldtransaktionen mit dem Iran für US-Banken verboten
Washington – Die US-Regierung hat gegen den Iran wegen dessen umstrittener Urananreicherung weitere finanzielle Sanktionen verhängt. US-Banken dürfen ab sofort keine iranischen Geldtransaktionen mehr abwickeln.
Dies gelte auch dann, wenn diese Transaktionen formell durch eine nicht-iranische Bank oder eine amerikanische Bank ausserhalb der USA getätigt werden, gab das Finanzministerium in Washington bekannt.
“Mit der Entscheidung werden die Möglichkeiten des Irans erheblich eingeschränkt, die US-Finanzinstitute zu manipulieren”, teilte das Ministerium mit. Es sei ein Versuch, den iranischen Finanzsektor weiter zu isolieren.
Der designierte US-Präsident Barack Obama habe keine Kenntnis von den neuen Sanktionen gehabt, berichtete der “Miami Herald”. Eine Sprecherin Obamas wollte sich auch nicht zu der neuen Entwicklung äussern. - Factum Magazin – Iran: Erneut ein Jugendlicher hingerichtet
(07. November 2008/fa) – Nur zwei Tage nachdem iranische Behörden erklärt haben, es würden keine jugendlichen Häftlinge mehr hingerichtet, wurde in Isfahan ein jugendlicher Strafgefangener gehängt.
Das berichtet die Menschenrechtsorganisation „Human Rights Watch. Es war bereits der siebte Jugendliche der in diesem Jahr in Iran hingerichtet wurde.
Der Iran führt die Liste der Länder an, in denen Jugendliche von Staats wegen getötet werden. In den vergangenen drei Jahren haben iranische Scharfrichter mindestens 27 Jugendliche hingerichtet. - Middle East Times – Iran’s new penal code unfair to women: Nobel laureate
Nobel peace laureate Shrin Ebadi, seen here in 2006, criticised Iran’s new Islamic penal code, saying it remains unfair to women and uses an “incorrect” interpretation of Islam. (AFP Filippo Monteforte)
TEHRAN (AFP) Nobel peace laureate Shrin Ebadi on Wednesday criticised Iran’s new Islamic penal code, saying it remains unfair to women and uses an “incorrect” interpretation of Islam.
Iran’s parliament in September adopted the outlines of the new Islamic penal code submitted by the judiciary, which is a modified version of the Sharia-based law implemented in Iran since 1982.
“After 25 years we are still repeating mistakes of the first day,” Ebadi told a meeting and news conference staged by her rights group on the subject.
“The criminal laws adopted after the revolution unfortunately took away a woman’s human identity and turned her into a second-class being who is incapable and mentally-deranged,” she said. - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iran Friday Sermon: Ayatollah Jannati Warns Against Distorting Image Of Iranian Gov’t, Says Supreme Leader Is Closely Watching Ongoing Events And Will Take Action If Necessary; “Iran’s Economy Is Healthiest Worldwide”
In his Friday sermon, Tehran interim Friday prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati warned against efforts aimed at undermining Iran’s government and distorting its image.
“Hitting out at the government and trying to undermine and weaken the government, which is hard at work, are a sin not easily forgiven by God Almighty,” Ayatollah Jannati told his audience at the Tehran University campus.
Ayatollah Jannati reiterated the guidelines issued by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to officials in charge of the annual Haj pilgrimage, saying, “The Supreme Leader’s speech in the meeting reveals his serious concern over ongoing situation in the country.”
He said that the Supreme Leader was closely watching ongoing events and will take action if necessary.
He added that the media and press should not keep silent about those raising accusations and disgracing others.
Elsewhere in his sermon, Jannati pointed to the ailing U.S. economy, saying that conditions in Iran are now extraordinary compared to those of many other states. “Thank God, Iran’s economy is the healthiest worldwide and has suffered the least. Those states, being highly dependent, suffered heavily.”
Jannati expressed hope that U.S. president-elect Barack Obama will translate his campaign pledges into action, but added that Obama’s election would not change U.S. principles. “The US policy in general is based on opposing Islam. Any party coming to power will do the same because that’s a core issue. They (Americans) want to dominate the world and capture anywhere to safeguard their own interests at the cost of putting others’ interests at stake. They will follow the same line no matter Iraq and Afghanistan are ruined.”
He added that Americans first of all honor and bow to Israel and then go to the White House to take up their posts.
“These are the problems of the world of Islam and mankind. One should resist and be patient.”
He went on to say that the U.S. is falling while Iran is on the rise. “The world people are with us. According to the Supreme Leader, we echo world people’s message. Many world heads of state get happy over our stances and somehow express their appreciation (to Iran).”
(To view the MEMRI TV page for Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, click here.)
Sources: IRNA, IRIBnews, Iran, November 7, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Basij Commander Advises U.S. To Stop Issuing Threats
Iranian Basij Commander Hojjatoleslam Hossein Taeb warned yesterday that if the U.S. continued to issue threats, it would accelerate its own collapse in the face of the Iranian nation’s resistance.
He told a group of Basij members, “The Iranian nation has experienced many methods thus far used by the Americans, i.e. the military or cultural threats. The continued issuance of threats will have no result but collapse and annihilation for the U.S.”
Taeb warned that instead of changing tactics and methods, Americans should revise their approach towards other nations. He added that as a gesture of accountability before the American nation, U.S. officialdom will have no option but stopping the aggression and the ruling of the oppressed nations.
Source: IRNA, Iran, November 7, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Official: We’ve Improved Capabilities After Analyzing U.S., Israeli Military Operations
Gholam Reza Jalali, chairman of Iran’s Passive Defense Organization and former commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), has said that Iran strengthened its defensive capabilities…
Click Here To View The Full Post. - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Website: U.S. Building Military Base In Oman
The Iranian website Tabnak has stated that the U.S. is building a military base in the Dabaa region in Oman, and says that this will enable it to oversee the Strait of Hormuz and would eliminate Iran’s military advantage.
Tabnak added that the construction of the base, to be completed by 2010, was against the Shah-era Iran-Oman agreement under which Iran had control of the Strait of Hormuz.
Source: Tabnak, Iran, November 6, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad Congratulates Obama
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday congratulated U.S. president-elect Barack Obama on his election victory.
In his message, he also said that basic and clear changes are expected in Washington’s foreign and domestic policies, as demanded by all nations worldwide and by the American people.
“As you know, the opportunities provided by the Almighty God, which can be used for elevation of nations, or God forbid, for their collapse, are transient,” the message read.
“I hope you will prefer real public interests and justice to the never ending demands of a selfish minority, and seize the opportunity to serve people so that you will be remembered with high esteem.”
The message continued, “On the other hand, the Americans who have spiritual tendencies expect the government to spend all its power in line with serving the people, rectify the critical situation facing the U.S., restore lost reputation as well as their hope and spirit, fully respect human rights and strengthen family foundations.
“Other nations also expect war-oriented policies, occupation, bullying, contempt of nations and imposing discriminatory policies on them to be replaced by the ones advocating justice, respect for human rights, friendship, and noninterference in other countries’ internal affairs.
“They also want U.S. intervention to be limited to its borders, especially in the Middle East. It is highly expected to reverse the unfair attitude towards restoring the rights of the Palestinians, Iraqis, and Afghans.
“The great nation of Iran welcomes basic and fair changes in U.S. policies and conducts, especially in the region.”
Source: IRNA, Iran, November 6, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian MP: Obama Election Brings End Of Zionist Era
Iranian MP Hamid-Reza Haji-Babaei, who is a member of the Majlis Presiding Board and also of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy council, has said that Obama’s election “indicates that the Zionists are no longer able to carry out their own policies aimed at determining the fate of the world.”
He said that Obama’s election is an opportunity for making changes, he said, urging him to make use of the opportunity to amend past wrong policies and to correct the mistakes of the Bush administration.
In this way, Haji-Babaei said, Obama would present a positive image of himself.
Source: IRNA, Iran, November 6, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Media Attack Obama, Call For Dialogue
The Iranian conservative daily Kayhan stated, “Obama’s strategy towards Iran is more dangerous than that of Bush, and his position on talks with it is tactical and evil,” and called it a preliminary move towards stepping up the pressure on Iran in order to increase the U.S.’s bargaining power with Russia, China, and Europe.
The paper also assessed that the chance of an attack on Iran was “zero” because of the expansion of the disagreements between the new administration and Israel.
The reformist daily Etemad called on Obama to discuss with Iran, immediately and without preconditions, the disputes between the countries, and said that if he did not, Iran would continue to enrich uranium.
The Shihab News website stated that “the extremist anti-Iran network” Al-Arabiya had disseminated false anti-Shi’ite claims that the Iranian people saw Obama’s victory as a sign of the coming of the Hidden Imam.
Sources: Kayhan, Etemad, Shihab News, Iran, November 6, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Regime Spokesmen: No Change With Obama
Spokesmen for the Iranian regime have reiterated the official stance that there is no essential difference between Republicans and Democrats, and that no change in U.S. policy towards Iran is expected from Obama.
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and government spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham called on Obama to adopt a policy different from Bush’s.
Source: IRNA, Iran, November 5-6, 2008; Mehr, Iran, November 5, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Cartoon In Iranian Daily: U.S.-Iraq Negotiating Table – A Gun Aimed At Iraq
Cartoonist: Mazier Bizhani
Source: Kayhan, Iran, November 7, 2008 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Tribes, Security Forces Clash In Southern Libya
Libyan opposition sources are reporting on violent clashes between Toubu tribes and security forces in the southern city of Kufra, in which four have been killed and 29 wounded.
It was reported that the Toubou tribes essentially control the entire city, and that security forces have retreated to the military airpoirt, cutting off telephone lines to the region and calling for reinforcements from Tripoli.
The Toubou, an African people living in Libya, Chad, and Niger, are claiming that Libya discriminates against them and represses them.
Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, November 7, 2008
- 09.11.2008
- Honestly Concerned.info
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