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  1. THE JERUSALEM POST Germany disinvites Iranian Holocaust denier  BENJAMIN WEINTHAL Jerusalem Post correspondent
    The Hanns-Seidel Foundation, a German government institution affiliated with the Christian Social Union, a part of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling coalition, invited an internationally known Holocaust denier to a conference in Bavaria next week. He has now been disinvited.
    Dr. Seyed Rasoul Mousavi, of the Iranian Foreign Ministry and director of the Institute for Political and International Studies at Teheran’s Center for Central Asian and Caucasus Research, was asked to deliver a talk on “Nuclear Proliferation as seen from Iran” in Wildbad Kreuth, near Austria, next Tuesday.
    He also spoke at the “World without Zionism” Holocaust denial conference in Teheran in 2006.
    Mousavi opened the Teheran conference, which drew some of the world’s best known anti-Semites and proponents of Israel’s destruction.
    Dr. Klaus Lange, head of the International Security Politics division at the Seidel Foundation, told The Jerusalem Post that Mousavi had now been disinvited.

  2. ACHGUTMatthias Küntzel: Antisemitismus mit menschlichem Antlitz
    It happened on September 23, and the speaker was Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. A familiar figure at the U.N., Ahmadinejad has a history of using his turn at the rostrum to sermonize about his yearning for the return of the Shia messiah. This time, he went further, drawing inspiration also from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
    The Zionists, he told the assembly, are the eternal enemy of “the dignity, integrity and rights of the American and European people” (this is the English translation of his remarks on the U.N. website). Although they are few in number, the Zionists “have been dominating an important portion of the financial and monetary centers as well as the political decision-making centers of some European countries and the United States in a deceitful, complex and furtive manner.”

  3. Spiegel Online – Iraner fordert Schadenersatz von Siemens  Siemens droht ein peinliches Schiedsverfahren vor der Internationalen Handelskammer. Ein iranischer Geschäftsmann fordert von dem Konzern 75 Millionen Euro Schadensersatz. Hintergrund sind offene Provisionszahlungen beim Bau des Kernkraftwerks Buschehr.
    Hamburg – Der Siemens-Konzern und sein früherer Vorstandschef Heinrich von Pierer werden von der Vergangenheit eingeholt: Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen verklagte ein früherer iranischer Geschäftspartner Ende Juli 2008 das Unternehmen vor dem Schiedsgericht der Internationalen Handelskammer (ICC) in Paris auf Schadensersatz in Höhe von rund 75 Millionen Euro plus Zinsen.
    Hintergrund ist ein Vier-Milliarden-Euro-Vertrag zwischen Siemens und der damaligen iranischen Schah-Regierung aus dem Jahr 1974 über den Bau des Kernkraftwerks Buschehr. Von Pierer war anfangs als Kaufmann für das Projekt mit verantwortlich.

  4. Wiener Zeitung – Lahmer Iran-Dialog  Warten auf neuen US-Präsidenten.
    Paris. Vertreter der sogenannten Sechsergruppe haben in Paris über den Atomkonflikt mit dem Iran beraten. Anzeichen für größere Fortschritte in den Gesprächen von Vertretern der fünf UNO-Vetomächte und Deutschlands gab es allerdings nicht. Das französische Außenministerium erklärte nach dem Treffen auf Direktorenebene am Donnerstag lediglich, die Beteiligten hätten sich über die gegenwärtige Situation ausgetauscht und über das weitere Vorgehen gesprochen. Die Vertreter der USA, Großbritannien, Frankreichs, Russlands, Chinas und Deutschlands würden ihre Beratungen kommende Woche fortsetzen

  5. – Teheran flüchtet sich wegen Ölpreisrutsch ins Gold
    Teheran – Angesichts des anhaltenden Falls des Ölpreises hat sich Iran einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge in das als sicher geltende Gold geflüchtet. …

    1. (Pressemitteilung) – Iran fordert OPEC zu Produktionskürzung auf
      Teheran (AP) Der Iran hat die OPEC aufgefordert, angesichts des Preisverfalls für Rohöl die Produktion zu kürzen. Beim Treffen der Organisation Erdöl …

  6. JPGilad: We won’t let Iran go nuclear
    Defense Ministry official tells ‘Post’ thwarting Teheran will be a challenge, but so was hitting Osirak.

  7. JP Experts to Obama: Don’t threaten Iran– By ASSOCIATED PRESS
    WASHINGTON-US President-elect Barack Obama, plotting his strategy on Iran, is getting this advice from a panel of American diplomats and other experts: Don’t pile on economic and military threats; it doesn’t help.
    “An attack would almost certainly fail” while coercing Iran with economic sanctions has very little chance of success, the experts say in a report to be presented next week at a conference on the future of US-Iran policy.
    “Threats are not cowing Iran and the current regime in Tehran is not in imminent peril,” according to a copy of the report obtained by The Associated Press.
    The Iranian people “have seen the outcome of US-sponsored regime change in Afghanistan and Iraq. They want no part of it,” the report said.
    Far more likely to succeed, said former US ambassadors Thomas Pickering and James F. Dobbins, Columbia University scholar Gary G. Sick and 17 other experts, is to “open the door to direct, unconditional and comprehensive negotiations at the senior diplomatic level.”

    1. Schurkengruß an Obama  von Richard Herzinger
      Nordkorea und Iran zeigen dem neuen US-Präsidenten die Zähne. Obama wird wohl bald in irgendeiner, wenn nicht mehreren Weltkrisen auf seine Standfestigkeit getestet werden.
      Kaum ist der neue US-Präsident gewählt, werden die Euphoriker einer erwarteten Zeitenwende daran erinnert, dass die Welt ein gefährlicher Platz bleibt – und die Schurkenstaaten dieser Erde nicht nur so genannt wurden, weil Bush unbedingt ein Feindbild brauchte.
      Lassen wir den Willkommensgruß des russischen Präsidenten Medwedew an Obama einmal beiseite, der am Tag nach dessen Wahl die Aufstellung neuer Raketen ankündigte. Putins Russland bleibt ein schwieriger Herausforderer amerikanischer Macht, auch für den neuen ersten Mann im Weißen Haus. In eine Reihe mit Nordkorea und Iran gehört es deshalb noch lange nicht gestellt.

  8. Jewish World Review Iran Returns to the Global Stage – By George Friedman
    After a three-month hiatus, Iran seems set to re-emerge near the top of the U.S. agenda. Last week, the Iranian government congratulated U.S. President-elect Barack Obama on his Nov. 4 electoral victory. This marks the first time since the Iranian Revolution that such greetings have been sent.
    While it seems trivial, the gesture is quite significant. It represents a diplomatic way for the Iranians to announce that they regard Obama’s election as offering a potential breakthrough in 30 years of U.S. relations with Iran. At his press conference, Obama said he does not yet have a response to the congratulatory message, and reiterated that he opposes Iran’s nuclear program and its support for terrorism.

  9. –  Stoppt die iranische Bombe! Ein Aufruf zur Solidarität mit Israel anlässlich des 70. Jahrestages der Novemberpogrome
    Vom 7. bis 10. November 1938 wurden im gesamten Deutschen Reich Synagogen, jüdische Geschäfte, Wohnungen und Friedhöfe zerstört oder verwüstet, 30.000 Juden in Konzentrationslager verschleppt, etwa 400 Juden auf offener Straße erschlagen. Die Novemberpogrome, die vom NS-Regime geplant worden waren, aber von den Deutschen entweder begeistert angenommen oder zumindest achselzuckend geduldet wurden, waren das Fanal zur Vernichtung. Spätestens ab diesem Zeitpunkt hätte man wissen müssen, dass die Nazis ihre Vernichtungsdrohungen ernst meinten und dass die meisten Deutschen keinen Finger krumm machen würden, um ihre jüdischen Nachbarn zu retten.
    Soll heute das Gedenken an die Opfer dieser Pogrome keine scheinheilige Sonntagspredigt, keine egomane Selbstbespiegelung und kein verlogenes Einfühlen sein, dann muss  Gedenken bedeuten, sich die Voraussetzungen der Vernichtung der europäischen Juden zu vergegenwärtigen, um eine Wiederholung der Shoa zu verhindern.

  10. Verzögern, Tricksen, Täuschen: Das Iranische Regime auf dem Weg zur Bombe  Veranstaltung mit Yossi Melman (Israel) in Berlin
    Vortrag und Diskussion mit Yossi Melman über das Atomwaffenprogramm der Islamischen Republik Iran und über Strategien zum Stop der Bombe.
    Yossi Melman ist Journalist bei der israelischen Tageszeitung Haaretz und Autor von „The Nuclear Sphinx of Tehran: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the State of Iran” (Caroll&Graf 2007, gemeinsam mit Meir Javedanfar). Er hat im Sammelband „Der Iran – Analyse einer islamischen Diktatur und ihrer europäischen Förderer” (Studienverlag 2008) den Beitrag „Von den Nuklearambitionen des Schahs zur islamischen Bombe. Zur Geschichte des iranischen Atomprogramms und der Rolle der IAEO” veröffentlicht.

  11. Nationaler Widerstandsrat Iran Iran: 1000 Arbeiter versammelten sich vor Ahmadinejad’s Büro
    NWRI- Mehr als 1000 verärgerte Arbeiter der Kiyan Reifenfabrik versammelten sich am Montag vor dem Büro von Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, um ihren Protest gegen ihre seit sieben Monaten ausbleibenden Lohnzahlungen zu zeigen.
     Die Protestanten riefen Anti-Regierungs-Slogans wie:” Die Arbeiter sind bereit sich zum Aufstand. Das ist eure letzte Chance.”
    Seit den frühen Morgenstunden umzingelten die Arbeiter das Büro und trugen Plakate mit den Aufschriften “Ist da irgendjemand, der uns hilft?” oder „wir können unsere Kinder nicht ernähren!” vor sich her. …

  12. China Internet Information Center Iran reagiert scharf auf US-Vorwurf zum Raketentest
    Der Iran hat am Montag im Grenzegebiet zum Irak eine Rakete neuen Typs gestestet. Die Bush-Regerung verurteilt dies. Irans Regirung sagt, das Land müsse sich auf einen von den USA und Israel angedrohten Angriff vorbereiten.
    Die Bush-Regierung hat am Mittwoch den Iran dafür verurteilt, Boden-Luft-Raketen getestet zu haben. Der iranische Präsident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad äußerte, der Iran werde auf eine potenzielle Aggression der Feinde mit einer sicheren Gegenoffensive antworten.
    Der Sprecher des staatlichen amerikanischen Sicherheitskomitees, Gordon Johndroe, hat am Mittwoch ebenfalls bei einem Gespräch betont, der Raketenabschuss des Iran sei im Widerspruch zur UN-Resolution und dem Versprechen gegenüber der internationalen Gemeinschaft gestanden. Der Iran sollte die Erforschung der ballistischen Raketen sofort einstellen. Ferner werde der Iran aufgefordert, auf die Urananreicherung zu verzichten. Dadurch könne der Iran das Vertrauen der internationalen Gemeinschaft gewinnen. Darüber hinaus hat er bekräftigt, dass die USA mit diplomatischen Mitteln die iranische Atomfrage lösen werde….

  13. YNET Iran accuses Israel of abusing UN interfaith meeting
    Iran’s UN envoy says Israel tried to abuse UN-sponsored interfaith conference for its own political purposes
    Reuters Published:  11.14.08, 08:14 / Israel News 
    Iran’s UN envoy on Thursday accused Israel of abusing a Saudi-sponsored UN interfaith conference for political purposes and suggested the Jewish state had no right to take part.
    Speaking on the second day of the meeting, which earlier heard US President George W. Bush call for worldwide religious freedom, Iranian Ambassador Mohammad Khazaee did not name Israel, but left no doubt what country he had in mind.

  14. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG IRGC Commander: U.S. Doesn’t Dare Attack Iran 

    U.S. forces in Iraq are looking for an opportunity to attack Iran, but they don’t dare to at present, a senior Iranian commander said.
    The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Brig.-Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, has said that despite the U.S.’s hefty military budget, it is not now in a position to take any measure against Iran.
    He said, “Over the past 200 years, many parts of Iran were either occupied by her enemies or annexed to their territories due to the weakness of the monarchs. Yet our enemies could not seize even a small piece of the Iranian territory over the past 30 years.”
    He went on to say that what bothers the opponents of Islam is the consensus between the Iranian and Iraqi nations following the toppling of Saddam Hussein.
    “Despite the enemies’ plots and their ongoing efforts to spread the notion of Iran’s lack of success, Iran is doing well in all areas,” he added.
    The October 26 U.S. attack on the Syrian village of Sukkariyah has raised speculation about the likelihood of a unilateral U.S. strike on Iran.
    Also, speculation that Israel could also bomb Iran mounted after a large-scale Israeli air drill in June.
    Source: Fars, Iran, November 14, 2008

  15. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Ahmadinejad: Religious Guides Should Promote Islamic Culture; “Bullying Powers Are Now Melting Like Snowflakes”
    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday that religious guides are expected to spare no effort to promote Islamic culture in society.
    The president made the remarks during a meeting with religious figures in the northern province of Mazandaran yesterday.
    Ahmadinejad added that cultural activities are the core part of all affairs, and should be kept on the agenda.
    He went on to say, “[The] bullying powers are now melting like snowflakes, but the name the Islamic Republic of Iran has been enshrined in the world and all nations have pinned hope on Iran. We are assigned to rebuild our country and help overcome all financial problems and turn into an economic model for others.”
    Source: IRNA, Iran, November 13, 2008

  16. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Daily To Arab Countries: Don’t Be Envious Of Our Nuclear Program – Imitate It
    The Iranian Foreign Ministry mouthpiece Tehran Times has responded with amazement to statements on Iran’s threats to them by the Bahraini, Egyptian, Moroccan, and UAE foreign ministers at a Sharm Al-Sheikh conference.
    The paper said that this was especially so in light of Iran’s positive policy towards the countries. It said that Iran’s insistence on nuclear development corresponded with the interests of the Arab countries, who also were advancing such programs, and that they should be thanking Iran, not envying it for its technological achievements.
    The paper rebutted statements by Jordanian Foreign Minister Salah Bashir that “the Iranian wave that strives for hegemony has turned into a crisis for us,” saying that Iran’s spiritual influence on the Arab world stemmed from their common religion and from Iran’s activities for the Palestinians.
    Source: Tehran Times, Iran, November 13, 2008

  17. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG In Syria And Iran, Interfaith Dialogue Conference Equated With Normalization With Israel
    The Syrian daily Al-Watan has attacked the Interfaith Dialogue conference, sponsored by the U.N. and initiated by Saudi King Abdallah bin Abd Al-Aziz, which opened yesterday in New York (see “Interfaith Dialogue Conference Opens In NY“).
    The paper said that the name of the conference should be “dialogue for normalization with Israel.”
    Iranian students demonstrated in front of the Saudi Embassy in Tehran against the fact that Israeli officials were invited to participate in the conference, calling it normalization with Israel.
    Sources: Al-Watan, Syria; Khorasan, Iran, November 13, 2008; Tabnak, IRNA, Iran, November 12, 2008

  18. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Khamenei Military Advisor: No Security In Persian Gulf Without Iran
    Maj.-Gen. Yahyah Rahim Safavi, military advisor to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, said today that security in the Persian Gulf is not possible without Iran’s influential role.
    Speaking at a national conference called The Status of the Persian Gulf in the World’s Strategic Developments, in Garmsar, Semnan province, Safavi stated that the Gulf countries should be aware that Iran is the most influential country in efforts to establish peace and security in the region.
    Source: Mehr, Iran, November 12, 2008

  19. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad: Whoever Is Rude To Iranians Will Receive A Clear Response

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today that Iran takes into account governments’ behavior toward Iranians.
    Ahmadinejad was apparently referring to the U.S.
    The remarks came during an address to a large crowd in the northern city of Sari, in Mazandaran province, in a visit that is part of the second round of Ahmadinejad’s provincial tours to follow up implementation of projects approved during the first round of his provincial visits.
    Ahmadinejad said, “Whoever talks with the great people of Iran in the language of force, or in a rude, selfish, and impolite tone will receive a clear response from the Iranian nation,” he stressed, adding, “The Iranians will leave behind any power that stands in its way to progress.”
    Source: IRNA, Iran, November 12, 2008

  20. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian FM Meets With Top North Korean officials
    Iran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki arrived today in Pyongyang at the head of a delegation, where he was welcomed by Iran’s Ambassador to North Korea Morteza Moradian and a number of staffers at the North Korean Foreign Ministry.
    Mottaki then met separately with North Korean Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) Chairman Choe Thae Bok, president of the Presidium Kim Yong Nam, his counterpart Pak Ui Chun, and Foreign Trade Minister Li Kwang-gun.
    In his talks with Choe, Mottaki stated that Tehran was inclined to take new steps in expanding ties with North Korea.
    Choe also extended an invitation to Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani to visit Pyongyang.
    In his meeting with North Korean Foreign Trade Minister Li Kwang-gun, Mottaki said that Iran and North Korea enjoy close ties. “The relations between the two countries have always been based on friendship and cooperation, and we have been together in hard conditions,” he remarked. He added, “Our views on a variety of regional and international issues are the same, and we are against unilateralism.”
    Referring to the recent economic crisis, he said, “We believe the economic system which dominates the world should not be unjust and that the current global (economic) crisis is the result of the unjust system dominating the world.”
    Mottaki also praised the current level of relations between Iran and North Korea, adding, “We are inclined to take new steps in bilateral relations.”
    Kwang-gun, for his part, welcomed the expansion of ties with Iran. “Cooperation with Iran is a priority which has always been, and still is, emphasized by our leaders.”
    Mottaki’s visit is the second leg of his four-nation regional tour to Southeast Asia. Previously, he visited Malaysia, and South Korea is next on his itinerary
    Sources: IRNA, Mehr, Iran, November 12, 2008

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