TIP – Trotz Waffenruhe: Hamas-Angriffe halten an – mit Unterstützung des Iran
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Israel hat am Sonntag (2 Uhr) das Feuer im Gaza-Streifen eingestellt und damit seine dreiwöchige Militäroperation im Gaza-Streifen beendet. Stunden später attackierte die vom Iran unterstützte Hamas israelische Zivilisten im Süden des Landes sowie israelische Soldaten im Gaza-Streifen erneut mit 16 Raketen und Mörsergranaten. [1] [2] Seit acht Jahren greift die Hamas die israelische Zivilbevölkerung mit Tausenden Raketen vom Gaza-Streifen aus an.
Am Samstag hatte Israels Ministerpräsident eine einseitige Waffenruhe ausgerufen. -
Epoch Times Deutschland – Scheidender US-Geheimdienstchef: Iran will Atombombe
McConnell zufolge kann der Iran in zwei oder drei Jahren eine Langstreckenrakete haben, die Europa erreichen kann. Das Land produziere weiterhin gering …
RIA Novosti – Irans Geheimdienste: USA planen Umsturz
Die USA planen eine samtene Revolution in Iran, sagte der Chef des Departements für Spionageabwehr des Sicherheitsministeriums am Montag in Teheran. … -
PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung) – Iran spricht von israelischer Niederlage
Nur die Öffnung der Grenzübergänge zum Gazastreifen könne die Ruhe wiederherstellen. Der Iran unterstützt die Hamas und erkennt Israel nicht an. -
NZZ Online – Dubiose Bankgeschäfte der CS mit Iran
Die Bank Lloyds hat auf illegale Weise Milliarden aus Iran in die USA geschleust. Dafür wird sie nun gebüsst. Der Credit Suisse könnte dasselbe blühen. … -
oekonews.at – iranisches Gas
Turkmenistan produzierte 2007 68 bcm, hat aber ab 2010 Lieferverpflichtungen im Umfang von 125 bcm – 85 bcm an Russland, 30 bcm an China und 10 bcm an Iran. … -
haGalil onLine – Über rechte und linke Verteidiger des iranischen Regimes
Selbstverständlich hat der Iran das Recht auf eine selbstbestimmte Nutzung der Atom-energie ohne Einflussnahme der feindseligen Atommächte USA und Israel. … -
dominican news – dominikanische nachrichten – Handelsbeziehungen zwischen der Dominikanischen Republik und dem Iran
Castillo nahm an der ersten Handelsmesse zwischen Lateinamerika und der islamischen Republik Iran in Teheran teil. Die Veranstaltung ergab interessante …-
BörseGo.de – Iran reduziert Öllieferungen nach Asien und Europa
Teheran (BoerseGo.de) – Der Iran hat Öllieferungen an seine Kunden in Asien und Europa gekürzt. Dies geht aus iranischen Medienberichten hervor. …
Tagesspiegel – Iran macht Druck auf Europa
Der Iran macht massiv Druck auf die EU-Regierungen“, sagt ein Vertreter des Nationalen Widerstandsrats des Irans (NWRI) in Brüssel. … -
RPO– Iran – Ranghoher Geistlicher ruft zu Tötung Livnis auf
Kairo . Der Nahost-Konflikt erreicht eine neue verbale Qualität: Einer der ranghöchsten iranischen Ayatollahs hat zur Erschießung der israelischen Außenministerin Zipi Livni aufgerufen. Wann immer er deren Bild sehe, wünsche er sich, jemand würde eine Kugel auf sie abfeuern, sagte Ayatollah Ahmad Dschannati in einer Predigt vor Gläubigen.
Eine Aufnahme der Ansprache während des Freitagsgebets lag der Nachrichtenagentur AP vor. Dschannati ist der Vorsitzende des mächtigen Wächterrats, der über die Einhaltung der Prinzipien der Islamischen Revolution von 1979 wacht.
THE JERUSALEM POST – Iranian cleric calls for shooting Israeli FM – Associated Press ,
A high-level Iranian cleric has called for the shooting of the Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni in a speech before worshippers, it was reported Saturday.
Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati said during Friday prayers that he wanted someone to shoot Livni.
„Every time the picture of this woman is shown, I really wish that somebody would expend a bullet on her,“ he said according to a recording of the sermon obtained by the Associated Press.-
bazonline.ch – «Israel hat in der Region keinen Platz»
Der iranische Präsident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hat seine Drohungen gegen den Staat Israel angesichts des Kriegs im Gazastreifen erneuert.
Das «zionistische Regime» habe in der Region des Nahen Ostens keinen Platz, sagte Ahmadinejad. Die Kämpfe im Gazastreifen seien eine grosse Lektion für alle und zeigten Verzweiflung und Niederlage des Regimes, sagte der Präsident weiter. Auch Unterstützer Israels müssten inzwischen einsehen, dass die Koexistenz nicht möglich sei.
Ahmadinejad nannte Israel nicht beim Namen, sondern sprach wie gewöhnlich nur abfällig vom «zionistischen Regime». Ahmadinejad hat Israel bereits wiederholt gedroht und das Existenzrecht des Staates infrage gestellt. - WELT – Ahmadinedschad lässt Israel-Hass freien Lauf
Wieder einmal hat Irans Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad gegen Israel gewettert: Das „zionistische Regime“ habe im Nahen Osten keinen Platz, erklärte er bei einer Pressekonferenz. Es sei auch eine gute Idee, den Unterstützern Israels kein Öl mehr zu liefern. Außerdem sagte Ahmadinedschad, was er von Barack Obama erwartet.
Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hat seine Drohungen gegen den Staat Israel angesichts des Kriegs im Gazastreifen erneuert. Das „zionistische Regime“ habe in der Region des Nahen Ostens keinen Platz, sagte Ahmadinedschad. Die Kämpfe im Gazastreifen seien eine große Lektion für alle und zeigten Verzweiflung und Niederlage des Regimes, sagte der Präsident weiter. Auch Unterstützer Israels müssten inzwischen einsehen, dass die Koexistenz nicht möglich sei, sagte der Präsident auf einer Pressekonferenz.
20min.ch – Er kann es nicht lassen – Ahmadinedschad droht Israel mit Vernichtung
Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hat seine Drohungen gegen den Staat Israel angesichts des Kriegs im Gazastreifen erneuert. Das «zionistische Regime» habe in der Region des Nahen Ostens keinen Platz.
Dies sagte Ahmadinedschad am Donnerstag. Die Kämpfe im Gazastreifen seien eine grosse Lektion für alle und zeigten Verzweiflung und Niederlage des Regimes, sagte der Präsident weiter. Auch Unterstützer Israels müssten inzwischen einsehen, dass die Koexistenz nicht möglich sei.
Ahmadinedschad nannte Israel nicht beim Namen, sondern sprach wie gewöhnlich nur abfällig vom «zionistischen Regime». Ahmadinedschad hat Israel bereits wiederholt gedroht und das Existenzrecht des Staates infragegestellt. Der Iran unterstützt auch die libanesische Hisbollah und die Hamas im Gazastreifen, die gegen Israel kämpfen. - Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC) – Iranian Support of Hamas
- AP – Sarkozy warnt Iran vor schwerer Konfrontation mit Staatengemeinschaft – Freitag, 16. Januar, 16:12 Uhr
Paris Der französische Staatspräsident Nicolas Sarkozy hat dem Iran eine «schwere Konfrontation» mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft angedroht, sollte Teheran nicht in diesem Jahr im Atomkonflikt einlenken. Das iranische Atomprogramm «dient keinem zivilen Zweck», sagte Sarkozy in einer Neujahrsansprache an Diplomaten. - JCPA – Averting Iranian Influence in Post-War Gaza: The Rehabilitation Issue – Shimon Shapira
Immediately upon the end of the fighting in Gaza, the international community will enlist on behalf of an extensive rehabilitation project to enable the Palestinian population to return to their homes and get on with their civil and economic lives.
It is of prime importance to prevent Iran from acquiring influence in post-war Gaza through any assistance programs.
Following the Second Lebanon War in 2006, Iran and Hizbullah grasped the political and economic significance of the rehabilitation project in the Shiite areas of southern Lebanon damaged during the war. Hizbullah directed the rehabilitation work, while totally ignoring the central Lebanese government, and in this manner regained and even reinforced its influence within the Shiite community. - Salzburger Nachrichten – Israels Ringen mit dem Iran
Zudem gibt es regionale Spannungen zwischen dem Pro-Hamas-Lager, für das Syrien und der Iran stehen, und der Anti-Hamas-Fraktion, die von Ägypten und … - newsmax.com– The Time Clock Has Run Out: Israel Ready to Strike Iran – Monday, January 12, 2009 3:56 PM – By: Jim Meyers
Informed sources in Washington tell Newsmax that Israel indeed will launch a strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities soon – possibly in just days as President George W. Bush prepares to leave office.
The reason: The time clock has begun to run out. Iran is close to acquiring a nuclear device under the control of its radical president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei said in June that Iran would have a nuclear weapon in as little as six months.
That six-month period has passed. - Tagespost – Zwischen Gazafeldzug und Wahlkampf
Ich habe ihm gesagt: Wie er verhindert, dass der Iran Atomwaffen bekommt, ist weniger wichtig für Israel. Entscheidend ist, dass er den Iran daran hindert, …‘ - rferl.org – Iran Arrests Five Members Of Baha’i Faith January 15, 2009
At least five members of the Baha’i faith have been arrested in Iran, RFE/RL’s Radio Farda reports.
Security forces reportedly raided their homes, took away their personal belongings — including computers and religious books — and transferred the detainees to Evin prison, outside of Tehran.
Diane Alai, the UN representative of the Baha’i International Community in Geneva, told Radio Farda that the arrests come amid growing state pressure on Bahai’s in Iran. - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s Representative in IRGC: 32 U.S. Bases Are Within Range of Iranian Missiles
This report is provided free of charge from MEMRI’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). However, in the future only paid subscribers will be able to view JTTM clips and reports. To register for MEMRI’s JTTM Project, go to the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) site and click „Subscription“ at the top of the page.
Khameini Deputy: „Every One of the U.S.’s 32 Bases in the Region“ Is Within Range Of Our Missiles
On January 4, 2009, the Iranian website Khabaronline reported that Hojat-Ol-Eslam Mojtaba Zolnour, representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), had told reporters that „in the event of the slightest aggression against Iran, every one of the U.S.’s 32 bases in the region is within range of Iranian missiles.“ - haGalil onLine – Über rechte und linke Verteidiger des iranischen Regimes
Diese Position ist weder neu noch auf den Präsidenten Ahmadinedschad beschränkt. Die Zerstörung Israels ist seit 1979 offizielle Politik der «Islamischen … - Nationaler Widerstandsrat Iran – Iran: Mullahregime bestätigt Bericht über Steinigung
NWRI – Die Staatliche Tageszeitung Kayhan schrieb am 13. Januar, dass Mojtaba R. und MH-A, 24 öffentlich in der Gemeinde Jahrom (Fars Provinz) gehängt … - derstandard.at- Neue Verbotswelle im Iran
BBC Persia: Infominister warnt vor Zusammenarbeit – Zwei kritische Titel wurden verboten
Die iranischen Behörden verschärften ihre Gangart gegen kritische Medien. „Hamshahri“, auflagenstärkste Tageszeitung des Iran mit einer halben Million verkauften Exemplaren, verwarnten sie wegen einer Reportage über Drogenprobleme im Iran. Verwarnungen gelten als Vorstufen für Erscheinungsverbote. „Hamshahri“ kritisiert vermehrt die Regierung von Präsident Mahmud Ahmadi-Nejad und steht dem Teheraner Oberbürgermeister Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf nahe, dem Ambitionen auf das Präsidentenamt nachgesagt werden.
Eine neue Welle der Verbote setzt die Medienszene im Iran unter Druck. Zwei kritische Titel wurden verboten. Kargosaran etwa veröffentlichte den Protestbrief einer Studentengruppe, die sich kritisch zum Konflikt zwischen Israel und Hamas in Gaza äußerte. Parallel zum Verbot unabhängiger Medien starteten neue konservative Blätter, die trotz großen Aufwands wenige Leser finden. - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ayatollah Jannati In Friday Sermon: Saudi Arabia – ‚U.S. Puppet,‘ Egypt –’Ally Of Israel‘; Someone Should Shoot Tsipi Livni
In his Friday sermon today, Tehran interim Friday prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati referred to the Gaza events, saying, „The Iranian government and nation have acted very appropriately in support of the innocent people of Gaza, in the course of the past 20 days‘ invasion against them which has resulted in martyrdom and wounding of 6,000 people.“
Click Here to View Full Post on MEMRI Iranian Media Blog - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad: The Gaza Offensive – A Plan of the New U.S. Administration
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on the eve of the January 16, 2009
Doha Summit that the Israeli offensive in Gaza was a plan of the new U.S. administration. Stating that the U.S. and the Arab countries want to eliminate Hamas, he called on the Arab countries to sever their ties with Israel, since this was „the least they could do.“
Source: Fars, Iran, January 16, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iran, U.S. Universities Sign Memorandum of Understanding For Educational Cooperation
Iran’s International Kashan University and Kansas State University in the U.S. have signed a memorandum of understanding regarding education and research.
The 20-section memorandum is aimed primarily at sending students and faculty, and at cooperation on education, research and publication, said Javad Safaei Qomi, Kashan University’s director of international scientific cooperation.
The MoU will be practicable for five years from January 2009, and will be extended for similar period if both sides wish, Qomi said.
Source: ISNA, Iran, January 19, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad To Qatari, Sudanese, Syrian Leaders: Muslim Victory Imminent
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday that a big victory for the Islamic countries is near and Islam’s enemies are en route to collapse.
Ahmadinejad made the remarks in telephone conversations with Qatari Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, with Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir, and with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.
Source: Fars, Iran, January 19, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Mauritanian Groups: At Kuwaiti Summit, Arabs Should Resolve To Use Oil Weapon Against New U.S. Administration
Mauritanian political groups have called on Arab states to expel Israeli envoys and to use oil as a „weapon“ against the new U.S. administration.
In a joint statement, Mauritania’s leading political parties said that Arab leaders must reach a consensus on expelling Israeli leaders from their countries and using their oil reserves against the incoming U.S. administration, at their upcoming meeting in Kuwait.
In comments ahead of the summit, Arab League Chief Amr Moussa said the officials coming together in Kuwait would discuss what social and economic options they could employ to help liberate Palestinian territories from occupation.
During the January 16 summit in Doha, some Arab leaders said they favored ending relations with Tel Aviv, establishing a fund for Gaza reconstruction, and launching efforts to bring Israeli officials to trial for committing war crimes and killing civilians. Following the meeting, Qatar and Mauritania both severed ties with Israel.
Source: Fars, Iran, January 19, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iraq’s National Security Adviser Due in Tehran Today
Iraqi National Security Adviser Mowafaq Al-Rubaie is scheduled to arrive in Tehran today, at the head of a delegation.
During his trip, the Iraqi official is due to attend meetings with Iranian officials, including Secretary of Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Saeed Jalili.
Prior to his departure for Iran, Al-Rubaie attended talks with Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hassan Qashqavi in Baghdad yesterday over bilateral ties, media cooperation, Iraq’s security, and the U.S.-Iraq agreement.
Source: Fars, Iran, January 19, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Ahmadinejad Congratulates Mash’al On Hamas Victory; Mash’al: ‚Israel Achieved None Of Its Goals‘
In a phone call, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has congratulated Hamas political bureau chief Khaled Mash’al on the victory of the Palestinian resistance in the war against the Israeli regime.
„Today is the beginning of victory, and it completes the chain of the (Palestinian) resistance victory“ Ahmadinejad told the Damascus-based Mash’al.
Ahmadinejad further urged the Islamic governments to exert pressure for a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and for the prosecution of the „Zionist criminals.“
Mash’al, for his part, stressed that Israel had achieved none of its goals and pledged that the resistance would continue „until complete withdrawal (of the Israeli troops) and removal of the siege.“
Mash’al praised the support extended by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the people of Iran to the Palestinian resistance and the oppressed people.
Source: Fars, Iran, January 19, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Doha Conference: Ahmadinejad Speech Won’t Be Translated Into Arabic
The Iranian website Shahab News reports that the Arab countries that attended the Doha conference „did not understand a word of the important speech by [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad“ because there was no translation from Persian into Arabic.
Source: Shahab News, January 17, 2009
- MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Gov’t Rep: Iranian Coca Cola Franchisee Must Explain Its Relations With ‘Zionist‘ Company
A representative of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has issued an ultimatum to Iranian Industry Ministry Ali Akbar Moharebbian demanding that the Iranian franchisee for Coca Cola products explain the quality of its relations with the ‚Zionist‘ company.
Source: Shahab News, Iran, January 18, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Official: Gaza Events Like Karbala Events
Hojjad Al-Eslam Nusair Nik-Nezad, head of the Islamic Propaganda Organization of Tehran province, has compared the Gaza events, the crimes, and the massacre of the oppressed Palestinians by the Zionists to the historic events of Karbala, when Hossein the son of Ali and his Shi’ite supporters were slaughtered by the Sunnis.
He said that in Gaza, like in Karbala, the Zionists cheered after the massacre of women and children.
Source: IRNA, Iran, January 18, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Report: High Demand For Iranian Film On Sadat Assassination
The secretary-general of the World Islamic Organization Headquarters for Remembering the Shahids, Firooz Rajai-Far, has said that at the international conference for defending the resistance in Beirut there was great demand for DVDs of the film „Assassination of a Pharaoh,“ about the killing of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat by Khaled Islambouli.
She said that there was also a demand for the film in English and French.
Source: Fars, Iran, January 18, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Khamenei: The Fate of the Arab Traitors Will Be the Same as that of the Jews Killed by Muhammad
Iranian Supreme Leader ‚Ali Khamenei wrote in a letter to Hamas leader Isma’il Haniya: „The Arab traitors must realize that their fate will be no better than that of the Jews in the [626 AD] Battle of Al-Ahzab, [who were killed by the Prophet Muhammad for allegedly conspiring against him].
Source: Fars, Iran, January 15, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Majlis: Arab Betrayal Worse Than Zionists‘ Crimes
Iranian MPs have issued a statement that „the Arab peoples, particularly the Egyptian people, know that the betrayal of the Palestinian people by some of the Arab leaders is more painful than the Zionists‘ crimes.“
The statement called on the Arab peoples „to protest against the Arab traitors and to pressure the treasonous regimes to defend the Palestinian people.“
Source: Irinn.ir, January 14, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – 600 Iranian Students Headed To Syria To Support Palestinians
Ismail Ahmadi, chief of public relations for the Student Basij, has announced that 600 students from the Basij are heading to Syria to support the Palestinian people in Gaza.
He said that the aim of the trip was to awaken the Muslims and humanity in light of the Zionists‘ crimes.
Source: Fars, Iran, January 16, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Qom Friday Sermon: Arab Leaders ‚Silent Devils‘
Qom prayer leader Ayatollah Javadi Emoli said in his Friday sermon that the leaders of the Arab countries are Muslim in appearance only, and are indeed „silent devils“ in light of „the crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza.“
Source: Mehr, Iran, January 16, 2009
- MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Minister: The BBC Is Anti-Iran
Iranian Intelligence Minister Gholam Hossein Mohseni-Ejehei has said that he thinks that the BBC Persian’s operations are against Iranian state security.
Source: Tabnak, Iran, January 14, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iran, China Sign Oil Deal
The Chinese firm CNPC has signed a $1.75 billion deal for using a section of the Azadegan oil field, in southwest Iran near the Iraqi border.
This field contains 6 billion barrels of oil.
Sources: IRNA, ISNA, Iran, January 15, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – IRNA: Saudi Silence On Gaza Linked To ‘U.S. Nuclear Gift‘
In an analysis, the Research and News Studies Office of the official Iranian news agency IRNA states that a U.S. „nuclear gift“ to Saudi Arabia reveals one of the main reasons for that country’s silence in the face of Israel’s crimes against humanity.
An IRNA report stated that Saudi’s sobering silence against the Israeli war crimes in Gaza prompted Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to send a letter to Saudi King Abdullah calling for a clear stance vis-à-vis the massacre in Gaza.
The report added that what was ignored in the past three weeks by the Western and even the regional media was the signing of an agreement on nuclear cooperation between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.
It added that the signing of the deal is significant because the U.S. is continuing with its double-standard policy on nuclear energy, and that Washington is also working on similar deals with Jordan, Egypt and Bahrain.
Source: IRNA, Iran, January 15, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Shirin Ebadi’s Secretary Arrested
Jinus Sobhani, secretary to Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, was arrested yesterday in Tehran for establishing Baha’i institutions.
The Baha’is are a religious minority persecuted in Iran.
Source: Fars, Iran, January 16, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Daily Shut Down For Interview With Singer
Iranian authorities have closed down the daily Hamshahri for five days, for publishing an interview with a Darwish Eqbali, an Iranian singer who was popular during the era of the Shah and who today resides in Los Angeles.
Source: Farsin, Iran, January 15, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Qatari Emir: ‚Abbas Is Illegitimate And Won’t Be Invited To Doha Conference
Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamed bin Khalifa Al-Thani has said that he did not invite Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud ‚Abbas to the conference of Arab heads of state in Doha, because his term is ended and he is illegitimate, and it would be illegal for him to attend.
He added that he had invited Hamas political bureau chief Khaled Mash’al, because he was chosen legally, and he is a concerned party in the Gaza crisis.
In response to Egypt’s protest over Al-Thani’s invitation to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to attend conference, Al-Thani said that he had invited him as an observer, and that Iran was a country with influence in the region.
Source: Fars, Iran, January 15, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iran: Boeing Can Shrink Financial Meltdown by Selling Planes To Us
A top Iranian aviation official said his country is prepared to order passenger planes from Boeing if the U.S. lifts sanctions against Iran.
Iranian Civil Aviation Organization spokesman Reza Jafarzadeh said today that U.S. sanctions are self-defeating because they deny Boeing huge profits.
„The U.S. is harming its own commercial interests,“ Jafarzadeh said, adding that „if Americans want to save themselves from the current financial meltdown, they need to reconsider their policies.“
Jafarzadeh said sanctions have also forced Iran to import technology from Ukraine and build planes itself.
Source: Fars, Iran, January15, 2009
- MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian DM: We’ve Launched 90 New Military Projects
Iranian Defense Minister Mustafa Mohammad Najar has announced the launch of 90 new military projects, in the areas of intelligence, electronics, space, and the sea.
Source: Fars, Iran, January 14, 2009 - MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Moroccan King Refuses To Meet With Ahmadinejad Emissary
The liberal website Elaph reports that Moroccan King Mohammed VI has refused to meet with Mohammad Reza Rahimi, an emissary from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Rahimi arrived bringing a message from Ahmadinejad about a special session of the Organization of the Islamic Conference on the issue of Gaza.
Source: Elaph.com, January 14, 2009 - WEITERE NEWS UNTER MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG
- 20.01.2009
- Honestly Concerned e.V.
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