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  1. Jüdische Zeitung über Jüdisches Leben im Iran…
    Jüdische Zeitung
    Stillschweigendes Ertragen
    Das Leben der Juden in Iran ist von Anpassung gekennzeichnet

  2. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung – Wohin rudert der Iran?
    Die iranische Marine war vom Regime in Teheran lange eher stiefmütterlich behandelt worden. Seit einiger Zeit ist jedoch ein Strategiewechsel zu beobachten. …

  3. Reuters Deutschland – Iran: USA scheitern in Afghanistan
    Es sei für den Iran jedoch nicht zu erkennen, wie sich die amerikanische Politik ändern werde. Die USA wollen mindestens weitere 17.000 Soldaten in den …

  4. Information Week – Geheime US-Militärpläne auf iranischem Server entdeckt
    von Dr. Jakob Jung / Lars Bube Einige streng geheime Militär- und Rüstungs-Pläne der USA haben ihren Weg auf Server im Iran gefunden. …

  5. OÖNachrichten – Der Iran droht wieder mit Raketen gegen Israel
    Während die neue US-Regierung unter Präsident Barack Obama in einer Charmeoffensive ihren gemäßigten Kurs des Dialogs propagiert, sagt der Iran erst einmal …

  6. JP – Iran news – Analysis: How much time is left?
    The question is at what point it will no longer be possible to stop Iran.

  7. YNET Iran to open reactor to public

    Nuclear reactor in Bushehr (Photo: AP)

    Tourism Ministry says move aimed at ’stressing peaceful nature of Tehran’s nuclear program‘

  8. ORF NEWS Staatsfernsehen: Iran testet neue Langstreckenrakete

    Der Iran hat einem Bericht des staatlichen Fernsehens zufolge eine neue Langstreckenrakete getestet. Die Nachricht wurde heute ohne weitere Einzelheiten im englischsprachigen Sender Press TV eingeblendet. Erst vor einer Woche hatte ein hochrangiger Militärvertreter der Islamischen Republik erklärt, iranische Raketen könnten jetzt israelische Atomeinrichtungen treffen.  


    1. REUTERS DEUTSCHLAND Iran testet offenbar Langstreckenrakete – Israel besorgt
      Teheran – Ungeachtet diplomatischer Vorstöße des neuen US-Präsidenten Barack Obama hat der Iran offenbar erneut eine Langstreckenrakete getestet.
      Die neue Luft-Boden-Rakete habe eine Reichweite von 110 Kilometern gehabt und sei zum Beschuss von Marineflotten entworfen worden, berichtete die halb-staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Fars am Sonntag. Das US-Verteidigungsministerium lehnte eine Stellungnahme zunächst ab. 

  9. REUTERS DEUTSCHLAND –   Iran fordert Kooperation von Opec- und Nicht-Opec-Staaten
    Teheran- Angesichts des weltweiten Wirtschaftsabschwungs fordert der Iran eine Zusammenarbeit aller Ölförderländer.
    Eine Kooperation von Mitglieder der Organisation erdölexportierender Länder (Opec) und von Nicht-Opec-Staaten sei unumschränkt notwendig, sagte Irans Ölminister Gholamhossein Nosari am Sonntag laut der staatlichen iranischen Nachrichtenagentur Irna. Er ging dabei nicht auf einzelne Staaten ein. Das größte Ölförderland außerhalb der Opec ist Russland.

  10. BERLINER UMSCHAU – Politik: Israel erwägt ernsthaft Angriffsoption auf den Iran  Bericht des „Washington Institute of Near East Policy“ Von James Kling
    In Israel wird offenbar ernsthaft erwogen, einen militärischen Angriff auf die iranischen Atomanlagen zu unternehmen, auch auf eigene Faust. Hintergrund: In Israel wird bezweifelt, daß diplomatische Aktionen den Iran zum Einlenken bewegen könnten und außerdem befürchtet, daß die Installierung eines russischen Luftabwehrprogramms die zukünftigen Möglichkeiten einer solchen Option drastisch verschlechtern könnten.

  11. CRIMarokko macht Iran für Verschlechterung bilateraler Beziehungen verantwortlich
    Rabat  Das marokkanische Außenministerium hat am Samstag in einem Pressekommunique erklärt, das Land könne den Kommentar und die Reaktion der iranischen Regierung über den Abbruch der diplomatischen Beziehungen beider Länder nicht akzeptieren und der Iran wolle sich der Verantwortung für die Verschlechterung der bilateralen Beziehungen entziehen. Zuvor hat das iranische Außenministerium erklärt, der Iran sei überrascht über den Beschluss der marokkanischen Regierung, die diplomatischen Beziehungen mit dem Iran abzubrechen.

  12. Haaretz  – Report: Shoe hurled at Ahmadinejad in Iranian city  By Yossi Melman,
    A shoe was recently hurled at Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad while he was in the city of Urmia, an Iranian Web site has reported.
    The incident in the Iranian city was an apparent imitation of a similar attack on former U.S. president George Bush in Iraq last year.
    Urmia News, the Iranian site, reported that Ahmadinejad was in a car en route to an election rally when the shoe was thrown. Ahmadinejad was traveling to a local stadium where he was meant to deliver a speech ahead of upcoming presidential elections.

    1. DER WESTEN Strafrecht im Iran – Auge um Auge: Säure-Opfer darf Vergeltung üben
      Meinung, 08.03.2009, Martin Gehlen , , Trackback-URL
      Kairo. „Ich möchte keine Rache“, sagt sie. „Ich will nur, dass alle wissen, dass man so etwas keiner Frau antun darf.“ Seit über vier Jahren ist Ameneh Bahrami blind, 17 Operationen hat sie hinter sich. Ihr Gesicht ist grausam entstellt, ihr Körper übersät mit Narben.

    2. – Kein Mitleid mit dem Täter
      Zurück in Teheran bedrängt sogar der Chef der Justiz, Ayatollah Mahmoud Shahroudi, die Frau, auf die Blutrache zu verzichten, um dem Iran negative …

    3. Telepolis – Tröpfchenweise Vergeltung
      Im Iran, dessen Rechtssystem auf dem Koran beruht, wird für solche „Qisas-Fälle“ die Sure 5,45 herangezogen, welche auf die biblische Talionsformel …

  13. BILD Gericht im Iran entschied Diesem Mann werden die Augen verätzt – Madschid Mowahedi schüttete Säure ins Gesicht einer jungen Frau
    „Der Mensch, der dies getan hat, muss dasselbe Leiden erleben“, sagt die Iranerin Ameneh Bahrami
    Iran-Gericht entschied: Diesem Mann werden die Augen verätzt 
    Madschid Mowahedi schüttete aus Rache Schwefelsäure über das Gesicht der Iranerin Ameneh. Er muss dafür mit seinem Augenlicht bezahlen.
    Madschid Mowahedi ist der Mann, der aus verschmähter Liebe Schwefelsäure über das hübsche Gesicht von Ameneh schüttete, ihr so das Augenlicht raubte und ihr Gesicht entstellte. Seine Strafe: Sein Opfer darf ihm beide Augen verätzen, damit er ebenso blind wird.
    Ein Gericht bestätigte das Urteil. Wegen ihrer Blindheit kann Amaneh es jedoch nicht selbst vollstrecken.
    Ameneh Bahrami           
    Schönes Gesicht, lebendige Augen.
                    Ameneh (30) ist auf beiden Augen blind, 
    Ameneh Bahrami vor dem Säureattentat          das Gesicht entstellt – spanische Spezialisten 
                                                                        haben sie in Barcelona schon 
    16-mal operiert   
    „Er muss bezahlen. Auge um Auge – das ist das Gesetz der Vergeltung“, sagte Bahrami in einem Interview mit dem US-TV-Sender „ABC“.
    Ameneh wies allerdings darauf hin, dass die gegen Madschid verhängte Strafe nicht so schlimm sei wie ihr Leiden. Bevor ihm die ätzende Säure in die Augen geträufelt werde, werde er betäubt und müsse daher keine Schmerzen leiden. Außerdem werde sein Gesicht nicht entstellt.
    1994 war die damals minderjährige Bahrami Madschid angegriffen worden, nachdem sie seinen Heiratsantrag abgelehnte hatte. Das im Iran geltende islamische Recht, die Scharia, schreibt vor, dass absichtlich beigebrachte Schmerzen und Verletzungen auf die gleiche Art bestraft werden

  14. DER STANDARD  Glaube, Tugend, Terror
    Feminismus unter dem Diktat des Korans: Zum Zustand der Frauenrechte im Iran 30 Jahre nach den Protestdemonstrationen im Zuge der Islamischen Revolution – von Fathiyeh Naghbzadeh
    Kein Verständnis für „westliche Kulurrelatvistinnen, die den islamischen Tugendterror zur Folklore des Orients erklären“: Exiliranerin Fathiyeh Nahibzadeh.
    Am 7. März 1979, wenige Wochen nach dem Umsturz im Iran, befahl Ayatollah Khomeini, dass Frauen iranische staatliche Einrichtungen nur noch mit Kopftuch betreten dürften. Daraufhin kam es im Zuge des Internationalen Frauentages am 8. März zu zahlreichen Demonstrationen gegen die Zwangsverschleierung. Die Islamisten mussten daraufhin ihr Dekret vorläufig zurücknehmen.

  15. CLEMENS HENI  – Time to focus: the enemy is Iran, not critical Journalism! – März 9, 2009 von clemensheni  – A friendly response to Prof. Bauer
    Yehuda Bauer wrote on 4 March 2009 in the JPost on the Berlin center of research on anti-Semitism (ZfA), and accused Berlin based JPost correspondent Benjamin Weinthal of blaming this center to equate „Islamophobia“ with anti-Semitism. Well, Bauer is of course a very good and important historian and I read his books, especially on the Holocaust and anti-Semitism, always with great interest. It was a big honour to get his applause at the Maiersdorf Faculty Club at SICSA as I spoke for the first time at Hebrew University – on Germany and anti-Semitism – in December 2002.
    First of all it is astonishing that Bauer accuses Weinthal. Why? In the JPost four articles appeared on that Berlin conference, held on 8 December 2008. Two of these articles (Op-Eds) were written by myself, including the initial one, even before the conference, on 3 December 2008. Why is he not mentioning my articles as well? I am also criticizing the Benz center in the JPost.

  16. ZEIT ONLINE  – Iran-Politik – Konservative beharren auf Feindbild Ahmadineschad – Von Michael Thumann
    Die Verteuflung Irans ist vorbei, Barack Obama teilt die Welt nicht in Gut und Böse ein. Die Falken in Israel und den USA wettern gegen den Kurs des US-Präsidenten.
    Israels wahrscheinlicher neuer Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu hat noch keine Mehrheit im Parlament, aber schon eine Botschaft. „Iran entwickelt Nuklearwaffen und stellt die größte Bedrohung für unsere Existenz seit dem Unabhängigkeitskrieg dar.“ Mit diesem Satz umreißt der konservative Likud-Führer voraussichtlich die außenpolitische Priorität seiner Amtszeit. Zeitgleich warnen neokonservative Thinktanks in Washington in hohem Ton vor Iran. Konservative Zeitungen wie die Jerusalem Post und die New York Post watschen Journalisten und Politiker ab, die ihrer Meinung nach vor den Mullahs einknicken.
    Reiben wir uns kurz die Augen und fragen, was denn so neu und bedrohlich ist. Der letzte Bericht der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde sagt, Iran habe knapp 4000 Zentrifugen im Betrieb, um angereichertes Uran zu erzeugen. Bisher sei der Stoff nicht geeignet, um Nuklearwaffen zu produzieren. Auch fehlten weiter geeignete Trägerraketen, um eine Waffe daraus zu machen. Aber Irans Versteckspiel um sein Atomprogramm erwecke starken Verdacht. So bekannt, so beunruhigend. 

  17. STOP THE BOMB„Befreiungsbewegung der iranischen Frauen im Jahre Null  – Zum internationalen Frauentag am 8. März  Von Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh 
    Am 7. März 1979, wenige Wochen nach dem Umsturz im Iran, befahl Ayatollah Khomeini, dass Frauen iranische staatliche Einrichtungen nur noch mit Kopftuch betreten dürften. Daraufhin kam es im Zuge des internationalen Frauentages am 8. März zu zahlreichen Demonstrationen gegen die Zwangsverschleierung. Die Islamisten mussten daraufhin ihr Dekret vorläufig zurücknehmen. 
    „Befreiungsbewegung der iranischen Frauen im Jahre Null“ ist der Titel eines Films, den Frauen der „Gruppe Politik und Psychoanalyse“ aus Frankreich 1979 im Iran gedreht haben, um die Botschaft der iranischen Frauen weiterzugeben: „Freiheit ist nicht östlich und nicht westlich, sondern universell“.Die Bedeutung und Explosivität dieser 

  18. GULF NEWS –  Arab League calls for inclusion in talks on Iran   
    Arabs must be kept in the loop about Iran, Arab League chief Amr Mousa said after a gathering of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo on Tuesday.
    „I demand that no foreign [power] talks to Iran without Arabs being aware of it and having a role in the process,“ Mousa said, in a direct reference to the latest US overtures towards Iran, which has been a subject of deep concern for Arab countries, especially the GCC states.
    In an attempt to ease these concerns, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton assured the gathering of Arab foreign ministers that GCC states would be involved in any process of reconciliation with Iran.

  19. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG –  Iran Friday Sermon: Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami Tells Saudi King to Rein In Extremist Wahhabis, Says Saudi FM Spoke of ‚Iranian Provocation,‘ Condemns ICC Arrest Warrant Against Sudanese President Al-Bashir, Praises Tehran International Conference In Support Of Palestine  

  20. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG –  Speeches by Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei and President Ahmadinejad at the International Conference in Tehran for Support of Palestine
    „The Fourth International Conference for Support of Palestine, The Model of Resistance, And Gaza, The Victim of War Crimes“ was held March 3-4, 2009 in Tehran, with the attendance of 80 delegations from different countries.(1) Following are excerpts from statements against Israel, against the moderate Arab countries,(2) and in support of Hamas, by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
    Khamenei: „Is It Not a Fact That the Countries of the Balkans, Caucasus, and Southwest Asia Reclaimed Their Identity After 80 Years of Loss, And After Being Parts of the Former Soviet Union? Why Cannot Palestine, Which Is Part of the Body of the Islamic World, Reclaim Its Islamic and Arab Identity?“
    In his speech at the conference, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that the „usurper regime“ Israel had „twice been forced to suffer defeat by the forces of resistance [i.e. in 2006 by Hizbullah in Lebanon and recently by Hamas in Gaza] and fighting with trust in God and the people, rather than reliance on arms and equipment…

  21. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG –   Kayhan‘ Article: Saudi Regime Rusted and Dilapidated 
    An article in the Iranian daily Kayhan stated that statements by Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal against Iran and against the Middle East resistance movements attested to „their strategic successes in the region.“ 
    The article called the „rusted“ Saudi regime „a source of Arab and Islamic disputes,“ saying it was „dilapidated“ and under acute crisis because of the failure of its Jewish ally in Gaza and following the popular demonstrations in Shi’ite population centers in Saudi Arabia. 
    The article also said that Saudi Arabia was concerned about Iran’s nuclear progress, but that its hands were tied because the Bush administration had not taken military action against it. 
    Source: Kayhan, Iran, March 5, 2009

  22. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Hizbullah Official: U.S. Depicting Iran, Not Israel, As Region’s Enemy

    The Iranian news agency Fars quoted Hizbullah command council member Muhammad Yozbak as saying that the U.S. is striving to portray Iran, and not Israel, as the enemy of the region.
    „The fact is that what happened in Gaza and Lebanon along with the resistance of the Islamic Republic of Iran defeated the U.S. plot in the region and caused their withdrawal,“ Mohammad Yozbak told Fars.
    Yozbak called Gaza a place where the U.S. and its allies actually sought to settle accounts with the Palestinian resistance.
    Source: Fars, Iran, March 9, 2009

  23. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Air Force Official Warns Aggressors

    An Iranian army official has warned enemies against the grave and costly consequences of any possible invasion of Iran, saying that aggressors would face the iron fist of Iran’s air force.
    Speaking to reporters in the southern province of Bandar Abbas today, Morteza Maddah said that Iran’s air force showed its power to the world during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, and has also planned confrontation with the psychological war of the enemies.
    Source: Fars, Iran, March 9, 2009

  24. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Conservative Coalition To Present Presidential Candidate
    Senior conservative officials in Iran who are critical of the concentrated power of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have presented an initiative to organize of a conservation coalition from which will be chosen an agreed upon candidate to run for president in the upcoming June 2009 elections.
    Source: Asr-e Iran, Iran, March 7, 2009; Tabnak, Iran, February 27, 2009

  25. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Political Prisoner Dies Under Unclear Circumstances
    Political prisoner Amir-Hossein Heshmat Saran is reported to have died on March 6, under unclear circumstances, in Bakraj prison near Tehran.
    Saran had been serving an eight-year sentence since 2004.
    The Iranian Human Rights Organization stated that he had not received proper medical care in prison, despite his condition.
    Iranian media reports indicate that this is the third case of a suspicious death in the prison.
    Source: Rooz, Iran, March 8, 2009; Isfahan University student movement newspaper, Iran, March 6, 2009

  26. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Official: Gaza ‚Defensive Battery‘ Of Islamic Revolution
    Davoud Ahmadinejad, brother of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has called Gaza the defensive battery of the Islamic Revolution, and that Iran must step up the idea of the revolution and its values in order to conquer every peak of „the arrogance“ (i.e. the U.S.).
    Source: Fars, Iran, March 7, 2009

  27. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Khatami To Ahmadinejad: Where’d Oil Revenues Go?
    In a speech in Shiraz, to thousands of his supporters, Iranian former president and current presidential candidate Mohammad Khatami asked Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to reveal what aheppened to the $150 billion in oil revenues that disappeared from Iran’s National Bank.
    Source: Al-Jazirah, Saudi Arabia, March 9, 2009
  28. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG In Iran, Shoe Thrown At Ahmadinejad
    The London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat reports that an Iranian citizen threw a shoe at the car of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during his March 5 visit to Orumiyeh in northwestern Iran.
    Another citizen reportedly threw a turban.
    Ahmadinejad’s media advisor, Ali Akhjbar Javanfekr, who was not accompanying Ahmadinejad on his visit, denied the report.
    The shoe-thrower was not apprehended.
    Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, March 9, 2009; Ham-Mayhan, Iran, March 7, 2009

  29. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Larijani Won’t Speak At Arab Interparliamentary Union Conference
    The administration of the Arab Interparliamentary Union (IPU), which met yesterday in Muscat, Oman, rejected the request by Iranian Majlis speaker Ali Larijani to speak at the upcoming conference.
    Source: Al-Jarida, Kuwait, March 9, 2009

  30. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran: We Hold The Key To Solving The Afghanistan Problem
    Iranian government spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham has said that there is no solution to the Afghanistan problem without Iran, and therefore the U.S. and its European allies must turn to it if they wish to solve the problem.
    He said that Iran considered the Afghanistan problem to be of the highest importance.
    Reports indicate that Iran has intelligence about terror cells in the area.
    Source: Al-Hayat, London, March 8, 2009

  31. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Hizbullah Official: We Will Liberate Palestine

    At this week’s international conference in support of the Palestinians in Tehran, Hizbullah political bureau head Ibrahim Al-Amin said, „The surrendering and anti-struggle method has failed to liberate even one span of the Palestinian soil.“
    (See „
    Speeches by Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei and President Ahmadinejad at the International Conference in Tehran for Support of Palestine.“)
    He added, „They follow negotiations and we follow struggle and resistance, and we will liberate Palestine in the future,“ he continued.
    Al-Amin called Iran, Syria, Hizbullah, and the people of Gaza, examples of resistance in the region, adding: „We pin hope on the Iranian leadership and people.“
    He added, „Why do some countries in the region that accepted the Pahlavi regime as the police of the region oppose the friendly and Islamic Iran that has raised the flag of Palestine?… One of the factors of Hezbollah’s power is its weapon that led to its victory in the 33-day war.“
    Source: IRIBnews, March 4, 2009

  32. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Al-Qaradhawi: Zionists Failed To Accomplish Any Goals

    At this week’s international conference for support of Palestine, in Tehran (see „
    Speeches by Iran Supreme Leader Khamenei and President Ahmadinejad at the International Conference in Tehran for Support of Palestine„) a letter by Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi was read.
    In the letter, Al-Qaradhawi reiterated that the Zionists could not gain any of their goals.
    „They could not destroy Palestinian nation or force Arab and Muslim nations to accept reconciliation with the Zionist regime,“ he added.
    Despite the fact that the Zionism had always enjoyed strong support of the super powers, resistance of Palestinian nation backed by Islamic and Arab countries and nations could defeat the plan, the letter added.
    Urging for the support to continue, Al-Qaradhawi reiterated, „We should stand firmly against individuals who want to hit the resistance.“
    He described the entire Palestinian territory as the main field of the battle against the Zionists and said that those who were trying to change the Palestinian territory or its history aimed to destroy the region.
    Referring to the Zionists‘ plot regarding the expulsion of the Palestinians from the Bustan region in the holy Qods (Jerusalem), he said, „We call for the formation of some legal delegations to bring Zionists leaders to trial.“
    „Criminals who committed crimes in the Gaza should be brought to trial,“ he said.
    „The Zionist regime and its accessories are trying to achieve what they could not gain in the Gaza war through political negotiations,“ the letter stated.
    Source: IRIBnews, Iran, March 6, 2009

  33. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Human Rights Violations In Iran
    An Iranian court has sentenced three citizens to death on charges of carrying out the bombing of a Shiraz mosque in April 2008j in which 20 people were killed and some 200 wounded (see „Disputes Over Shiraz Mosque Explosion„).
    Also, two members of the Sunni oppositionist organization Jundallah were executed at a prison in Zahedan, in Baluchistan province in southeastern Iran.
    Sources: Fars, Iran, March 4, 2009; ILNA, Iran, March 3, 2009
  34. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Cleric: 18,000 Anti-Shi’ite Websites
    Senior Iranian ayatollah Makarem Shirazi said that there are 18,000 anti-Shi’ite websites, and that this attests to the scope of the plots of Iran’s enemies.
    Source: Sobh-e Sadeq, Iran, March 2, 2009

  35. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Russian Energy MInister: No Excuse For Not Operating Bushehr Nuclear Plant

    The Iranian news agency ISNA reports that Iranian Atomic Energy Organization spokesman Mohsen Delaviz said that Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko has said there is no excuse for not launching Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant, since the country has fulfilled all commitments for its safety.
    Shmatko and Iranian Atomic Energy Organization head Gholam Reza Aghazadeh have discussed bilateral cooperation and development of peaceful nuclear energy, Delaviz told ISNA.
    Shmatko and a Russian energy board have stopped in Iran to discuss the Bushehr nuclear power plant and bilateral energy cooperation.
    Bushehr nuclear facility was test-launched last week, using dummy fuel rods.
    The inauguration was attended by Russian Federal Atomic Energy Agency head Sergei Kiriyenko.
    Source: ISNA, Iran, March 3, 2009

  36. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran, Turkey Underline Promotion of Ties

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Turkish Transportation Minister Binali Yildirim have underlined promotion of ties between the two countries in various fields.
    At the meeting, Ahmadinejad reiterated that there is no limitation for improving Tehran-Ankara economic cooperation and the two countries should try to improve relations at the highest level.
    Source: Fars, Iran, March 3, 2009

  37. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Launches Construction Of Drone Manufacturing Plant

    Iran yesterday began construction of a plant in the northern province of Mazandaran to produce Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).
    Hamed Saeedi, managing director of Farnas Aerospace Company that is in charge of the project, said during a ceremony last night that his company has been dealing with designing and manufacturing UAVs and reconnaissance and pilot training drones for the last nine years.
    Regarding specifications of the UAVs to be produced by the plant, Saeedi noted, „Drones will be of the tactical type, with a short range of 400 to 500 meters flying altitude which cannot be detected by radio waves, as they will be stealth aircraft.“
    Source: Fars, Iran, March 3, 2009

  38. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Obama Pushing Europe To Expand Sanctions Against Iran
    The Iranian daily Kayhan has warned that U.S. President Barack Obama is pushing Europe to expand sanctions against Iran in order to deter it from failure in talks with the U.S.
    Source: Kayhan, Iran, March 1, 2009

  39. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Security Official Ambushed, Killed
    The Iranian media are reporting that a senior official in the Hendijan police, in Khuzestan province, southwestern Iran, has been killed in an ambush set by unidentified forces.
    No opposition organization has yet taken responsibility for the killing.
    Source: Shahab News, Farda, Iran, February 28, 2009

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