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  1. Stop the bomb!
    PAnti-Iran movement in Europe gains momentum – By HERB KEINON 
    Anti-Iranian demonstrations are scheduled to take place Wednesday in Vienna, Berlin and The Hague to mark the 30th anniversary of the Iranian revolution, amid budding signs of a grassroots protest movement in Europe against Iran and European cooperation with it.
    Simone Dinah Hartmann, the spokeswoman for the Stop the Bomb Coalition in Vienna, said her group in Austria is a made up of conservatives, Greens, Jews, Kurdish exiles, representatives of Christian organizations, gays and lesbians, who will be protesting not only Iran’s nuclear ambitions, but also its human rights abuses.
    Hartmann made news last year when she bought a single share in the Austrian energy giant OMV so she could attend a stockholders meeting and protest the company‚s plans for massive investment in Iran’s South Pars Gas Field.
    She said the group aims to apply steady pressure on the Austrian government and the country’s main economic concerns, so they resist doing business with Teheran. The OMV deal has been shelved for the time being.
    The goal of the organization is to impress upon public opinion in Europe – which has, up until lately, been largely apathetic regarding the Iranian threat, that Teheran’s menace is real, she said.
    „Europe doesn’t see Iran as that big of a threat,“ she said. „It is so far away, that people just shrug and say, ‚Why care?'“
    Austria is Iran’s ninth largest business partner in Europe, with Italy, Turkey, Germany and France leading the list, followed by the Netherlands, Greece, Spain and Russia, according to Stop the Bomb figures.
    Stop the Bomb also has a group in Germany, and a similar organization was set up on Tuesday in the Netherlands.
    An Israeli government source, asked about the anti-Iranian protests, said the sense in Jerusalem is that the last few months there has been an awakening of grassroots opposition in Europe to Teheran.
    The source said that the groups were made up of numerous different constituencies who have decided to make public awareness of the Iranian threat an overarching goal.
    The source said that a seminar in Berlin organized by the local chamber of commerce to promote trade with Iran had been scheduled for the end of March, but was cancelled following public opposition.
    A Munich-area university also cancelled an invitation it granted to three Iranian academics to visit and discuss the „picture of God in Islam,“ again because of public opposition.
    These actions are significant, the source said, because they indicate to governments and economic leaders that the local population was taking notice of the ties with Iran, and was expecting officials to fall in line with the sprit of the UN Security Council resolutions on Iranian sanctions.
    „There are a lot of people in Europe who are very concerned about human rights,“ the source said, adding that the various declarations about Iranian human rights abuses made by the Czech Republic recently were having an impact on public opinion.
    „Some governments have tried to tie the graduated nature of their pressure on Iran to what they say their publics can stomach at any given point,“ the source said.
    The source added that a leading economic figure in Germany warned that harsh sanctions against Iran could cost some 10,000 German jobs, something he was using as a scare tactic against the government.
    Criticism of doing business with Iran from the grassroots could take the air out of these types of arguments, the source said.
    In addition to the protests, the source said that the public criticism of Iran that has been heard in recent weeks in certain Arab countries, from Saudi Arabia to the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt, has also had an impact on European public opinion.
    If the Gulf states are beginning to speak out, according to this school of thought, then some in Europe are coming to the conclusion that the Iranian threat is genuine and serious, and that Europe must take stronger action.


    1. IKG Protest gegen iranisches Regime in Wien
      STOP THE BOMB protestieren gegen anhaltende Unterstützung der Mullah-Diktatur

    2. IKG Protest gegen iranisches Regime vor Parlament in Wien
      STOP THE BOMB veranstaltet Mahnwache und Kundgebung zum 30. Jahrestag der „Islamischen Republik“ am 1. April

  2. Liebe Mitstreiter, nachfolgend wieder eine IHK die wohl wenig von der politischen Ansage der Bundeskanzlerin hält: Viele Grüße, Peter L
    Länderberatungstag Iran/Afghanistan
    Do, 28.05.2009 – 09:00 – 15:00 Uhr –  
    Ganz gleich, ob Sie schon Geschäftsverbindungen haben und diese erweitern wollen oder ob Sie Ihr Geschäft mit dem Iran und Afghanistan erst aufbauen wollen – an diesem Tag treffen Sie Experten und können Ihre Fragen und Problemstellungen in individuellen Einzelgesprächen klären. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, sich aus erster Hand über Geschäftsmöglichkeiten und das konkrete Vorgehen informieren zu lassen.
    Anja Buchheim
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    Breite Str. 2a-c
    14467 Potsdam
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  3. JTAPetraeus: Israel could attack Iran – April 1, 2009
    WASHINGTON (JTA) — The top U.S. commander in the Middle East said Israel might attack Iran to prevent it from acquiring nuclear capability.
    Gen. David Petraeus, head of the U.S. Central Commond, told the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday that „the Israeli government may ultimately see itself so threatened by the prospect of an Iranian nuclear weapon that it would take pre-emptive military action to derail or delay it.“
    In his prepared testimony, Petraeus also said that greater U.S. involvement in an Arab-Israeli peace process would help to limit „the negative impact“ of Iran’s influence in the region.
    He said „a credible U.S. effort on Arab-Israeli issues that provides regional governments and populations a way to achieve a comprehensive settlement of the disputes would undercut the idea of militant ‚resistance,‘ which the Iranian regime and extremists organizations have been free to exploit.“

  4. HA’ARETZ ‚Israel unlikely to attack Iran this year‘
    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told the Financial Times on Wednesday that Israel is unlikely to launch military operations against Iranian nuclear installations this year in a bid to derail the Islamic regime’s drive to attain atomic weapons.
    „I guess I would say I would be surprised if they did act this year,“ Gates told the Financial Times.
    Upon taking office this week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has indicated that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a strategic threat to Israel, and that neutralizing that threat is a top priority of his new administration…

  5. – Drei zum Christentum Konvertierte in Teheran verurteilt

    Laut IGFM können nach dem im Iran geltenden islamischen Recht der Abfall vom Islam und das „Verleiten“ zum Abfall mit dem Tod bestraft werden. …

  6. – Glaubensfanatiker setzen Häuser von Bahai in Brand

    Im Iran, dem Geburtsland Bahaullahs, ist die Religion verboten. Die Bahai, deren Glaube unter anderem Elemente des Christentums und des Islam enthält, …

  7. – Gefährliche Geschäfte mit Iran
    Die Bundesrepublik hat strenge Gesetze für die Ausfuhr von Waffen, Rüstungsgütern und Atomtechnik – das ist auch eine Folge der deutschen Geschichte. Verstöße werden hart bestraft. Jetzt aber stellen deutsche Gerichte diese Gesetze in Frage: Die Regeln seien rigider als in den Nachbarstaaten und verstießen damit gegen EU-Recht. Wird nun das Tor für gefährliche Geschäfte mit Iran, Pakistan oder Indien geöffnet?

  8. Rheinischer Merkur – IRAN / Die Mullahs sind auf dem Weg zur Atombombe. Dem Westen fällt dazu nur Beschwichtigung ein – Verhandlungen, ein gefährlicher Luxus

    Wenn das, was wir tun müssten, problematisch, hart oder unschön ist, ziehen wir vor, es lieber zu lassen. Wir mögen es nicht, uns Ärger zu machen, das gute Lebensgefühl zu belasten, das in den Jahrzehnten des Aufstiegs und Wohlstands gewachsen ist. Wenn das, was wir tun müssten, unsere Ideale verletzt, unser Wunschbild von uns selbst, sehen wir davon ab. Das Handeln überlassen wir anderen.
    Und solche anderen gibt es: Menschen, Staaten, Gruppen, für die Handeln noch ein einfaches Vorgehen ist, nicht mit tausend Bedenken und Unlustgefühlen verbunden, nicht im Gewirr der Selbstrestriktionen verfangen, die derlei nicht kennen, nicht kultiviert haben, die einfach tun. Die tun, was sie für vorteilhaft halten, weil ihnen danach ist oder weil es ihnen ihr Prophet gebietet: Raketen über Grenzen schießen, Schiffe kapern, Terroranschläge verüben, Geiseln enthaupten. Der Iran, geführt von muslimischen Fanatikern, die ihren tödlichen Hass gegen die westliche Welt seit Jahr und Tag verkünden, reichert radioaktive Materialien an, die sich zum Herstellen von Atomsprengköpfen eignen, und testet Raketen von großer Reichweite

  9. – Exil-Iraner demonstrieren vor irakischer Botschaft in Berlin

    Die Regierung in Bagdad hat den USA zugesagt, dass keiner der Bewohner des Lagers in den Iran abgeschoben werde. Lagersprecher Schahriar Kiamanesch sagte im …

  10. zenith – Zeitschrift für den Orient – Unverschämte Diplomaten
    „Als nächster Schritt bleibt nur noch der Krieg“ – Ahmed Benchemsi, der Herausgeber des marokkanischen Nachrichtenmagazins Telquel findet markige Worte für eine Maßnahme, die er für verfehlt hält. Der Abbruch der diplomatischen Beziehungen zum Iran durch die marokkanische Regierung hat die politischen Beobachter im Maghreb kalt erwischt. Sie rätseln darüber, was die Verantwortlichen im Außenministerium zu diesem Schritt bewogen haben mag und was sie damit bezwecken könnten.

  11. Nationaler Widerstandsrat Iran – Option für eine neue US Politik gegenüber dem Iran

    Von ALI SAFAVI Präsident Barack Obama nutze die Gelegenheit des persischen neuen Jahres, um in der letzten Woche eine Videobotschaft an die iranische …

  12. WELT ONLINE – Verschwundene Bürger US-Regierung muss Iran um Hilfe bitten

    In einem ungewöhnlichen Schritt haben die USA den Iran, zu dem sie offiziell keine diplomatischen Beziehungen unterhalten, um Hilfe gebeten. …

  13. – Das Land der roten Quadrate – Jugendkultur im Iran
    April ist im Iran Nationalfeiertag – der Tag der Islamischen Republik: 30 Jahre nach der Islamischen Revolution erwehrt sich eine unbeliebte Regierung …

  14. THE ANTLANTIC Netanyahu to Obama: Stop Iran—Or I Will

    In an interview conducted shortly before he was sworn in today as prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu laid down a challenge for Barack Obama. The American president, he said, must stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons—and quickly—or an imperiled Israel may be forced to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities itself.  
    „The Obama presidency has two great missions: fixing the economy, and preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons,“ Netanyahu told me. He said the Iranian nuclear challenge represents a „hinge of history“ and added that „Western civilization“ will have failed if Iran is allowed to develop nuclear weapons. In unusually blunt language, Netanyahu said of the Iranian leadership, „You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs. When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the entire world should start worrying, and that is what is happening in Iran.“
    History teaches Jews that threats against their collective existence should be taken seriously, and, if possible, preempted, he suggested. In recent years, the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has regularly called for Israel to be „
    wiped off the map,“ and the supreme Iranian leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, this month called Israel a „cancerous tumor.“  
    But Netanyahu also said that Iran threatens many other countries apart from Israel, and so his mission over the next several months is to convince the world of the broad danger posed by Iran. One of his chief security advisers, Moshe Ya’alon, told me that a nuclear Iran could mean the end of American influence in the Middle East. „This is an existential threat for Israel, but it will be a blow for American interests, especially on the energy front. Who will dominate the oil in the region—Washington or Tehran?“ 

  15. RIA-NOVOSTI Iran dementiert: Gespräche mit USA auf Afghanistan-Konferenz hat es nicht gegeben
    TEHERAN, 01. April (RIA Novosti). Iran hat die Behauptung von US-Außenministerin Hillary Clinton über angebliche iranisch-amerikanische Gespräche am Rande der gestrigen Afghanistan-Konferenz in Den Haag als falsch zurückgewiesen.
    Die iranische Delegation habe in Den Haag keine Verhandlungen mit US-Vertretern geführt, erklärte das Außenministerium des Mullah-Staates am Mittwoch.
    Am Vortag hatte Clinton mitgeteilt, dass der amerikanische Sonderbeauftragte für Afghanistan und Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, mit Irans Vizeaußenminister Mohammad Mehdi Achundsadeh zusammengetroffen sei. Das Gespräch habe nicht auf dem Plan gestanden, sei jedoch „kurz und offenherzig“ gewesen, sagte Clinton. Die Seiten sollen sich auf weitere Kontakte geeinigt haben.
    Die diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Iran waren 1979 nach der Erstürmung der US-Botschaft in Teheran durch radikale Islamisten abgebrochen worden. 52 Mitarbeiter der US-Botschaft wurden damals 444 Tage lang als Geiseln gehalten. 
  16. PFDC – TEHERAN, Die iranische Nationalmannschaft erreichte am Mittwoch Nachmittag im Teheraner Azadi-Stadion ein 1:1 Unentschieden gegen die Auswahl von …

  17. CJN Ignatieff calls for increased sanctions on Iran
    WINNIPEG The Iranian government must understand that the international community’s support for Israel’s existence is „backed up by credible deterrents,“ Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff says.
    In a March 20 interview, The CJN referred Ignatieff to a statement by Israel’s incoming prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the March 9 edition of Newsweek. Asked whether, short of military action, he thinks it’s possible to halt Iran’s nuclear program, Netanyahu answered, „I think this regime is vulnerable to pressure that ought to be intensified. But none of these sanctions and other measures that are contemplated would have much of an effect if the Iranians believe that a military option is off the table.“
    In response, Ignatieff said, „Iran has to understand that the international community is united on the proposition that you can’t deny the Holocaust, and you can’t threaten any of your neighbours, and certainly not the Jewish state. And that means the Iranian government has to be aware that those feelings, those views, are backed up with appropriate military force… so they are backed up by credible deterrents.

  18. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Denies Talks with American Representatives at the Hague
    Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hassan Qashqavi, Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammad Mehdi Akhounzadeh, who heads the Iranian delegation to the conference on reconstruction for Afghanistan at the Hague, and the Iranian embassy at the Hague have all denied statements by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding talks held during the conference between U.S. envoy for Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke and the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister. In addition, Qashqavi said that Iran did not receive any letter from the Americans pertaining to three U.S. citizens missing in Iran.
    Source: Mehr (Iran), April 1, 2009; Aftab (Iran), March 31, 2009

  19. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Death Sentence for Two Yemenis Convicted of Passing Information to Iran
    Two Yemeni citizens were condemned to death for giving information on the movements of Yemen’s president in Aden and on army exercises to the Iranian and Syrian embassies in Yemen.
    Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), April 1, 2009

  20. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Rejects Doha Summit Call to Negotiation over Disputed Islands
    Iran has rejected the call adopted at the Doha summit to resolve the conflict between Iran and the U.A.E. over three disputed Persian Gulf islands through direct negotiations, or, alternatively, through the International Court. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hassan Qashqavi said that the position adopted at Doha constituted interference in Iran’s domestic affairs.
    Source: Al-Quds Al-‚Arabi (London), April 1, 2009; Mehr (Iran), March 31, 2009

  21. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and Malaysia to Build Refinery in Syria
    On March 31, 2009, the Iranian and Syrian Oil Ministers met in Damascus and discussed the construction of a refinery in Homs (western Syria), to be built within three years as a joint project involving Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and Malaysia.
    In addition, the two ministers discussed advancing the project of exporting Iranian gas to Turkey via Syria.
    The Iranian Oil Minister said that talks are being held on the path that an oil pipeline from his country to Europe is to take, and that it is expected to run through Iraq, Syria, the Mediterranean, and Greece, and then continue into Italy.
    Source: Al-Thawra (Syria), April 1, 2009; Mehr (Iran), March 31, 2009

  22. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Denies Separate Talks with U.S. in Moscow
    An Iranian Foreign Ministry source denied a report in the British media claiming that Iranian and U.S. officials had held separate talks on the margins of a conference in Moscow at the end of March.
    Source: IRNA, Iran, March 30, 2009

  23. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Denies Missile Cooperation with North Korea
    Iran’s embassy in Tokyo has denied the reports in the Japanese press that 15 Iranian missile experts have arrived in North Korea to assist in a long-range missile test.
    The embassy stressed that there is no missile or military cooperation of any kind between Iran and North Korea.
    Source: Press TV (Iran), March 29, 2009

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