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  1. JTA Hier: Ban Vahidi from U.N.
    WASHINGTON (JTA) — The Simon Wiesenthal Center is urging the United Nations to bar Iran’s new defense minister from all U.N. events and facilities.
    In a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Wiesenthal Center founder and dean Rabbi Mavin Hier said Iran’s nomination of Ahmad Vahidi, who is suspected of involvement in the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish center in Argentina, which killed 85 people, „makes a mockery of all victims of international terrorism, is an offense to Argentine sovereignty and is a scandal for the international community.“ Hier also said that Vahidi should be arrested and sent to Argentina for trial if he tries to enter any U.N. building.
    The international police agency Interpol has issued an arrest warrant for Vahidi.
    Hier also asked the secretary-general to create a central registry of terrorism suspects, such as the Crowcrass list used after World War II to locate Nazi war criminals. 

    1. YAHOO Irans Parlament unterstützt von Interpol gesuchten Minister
      Teheran, 1. September (AFP) – Das iranische Parlament hat dem designierten Verteidigungsminister Ahmad Wahidi demonstrativ seine Unterstützung signalisiert, der wegen seiner mutmaßlichen Beteiligung an einem Anschlag international gesucht wird. 

    2. Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center The report issued by the Argentinean Attorney General regarding the suicide bombing attack at the AMIA building in Buenos Aires in 1994 in which Ahmad Vahidi, Iran’s new designated defense minister, played a central role 
  2. STANDARD –  Merkel und Sarkozy drohen Iran mit härteren Sanktionen Merkel: Iran muss Gesprächsbereitschaft betonen – Politische Direktoren beraten im Raum Frankfurt – Steinmeier: Richtiger Zeitpunkt für Beratungen
    Berlin – Im Atomstreit mit dem Iran haben Deutschland und Frankreich der Islamischen Republik mit härteren Sanktionen gedroht. Vom Iran müsse die klare Aussage kommen, dass das Land zum Dialog mit der Weltgemeinschaft bereit sei, sagte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel nach einem Treffen mit dem französischen Präsidenten Nicolas Sarkozy am Montag in Berlin. Wenn die Führung in Teheran dazu nicht gewillt sei, werde um den G20-Gipfel Ende September über neue, härtere Strafen beraten. „Der Iran muss wissen, dass wir es sehr ernst meinen“, sagte Merkel. Sarkozy ergänzte, die Regierungen in Berlin und Paris würden sich dafür einsetzen, die Sanktionen zu verschärfen. Beide Politiker verurteilten auch das Vorgehen der iranischen Regierung gegen Demonstranten nach der umstrittenen Präsidentenwahl.
    Merkel brachte bei der gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit Sarkozy erneut Sanktionen gegen den Energiesektor des weltweit viertgrößten Öl-Exporteurs ins Gespräch. Sarkozy zeigte sich von der Wirksamkeit neuer Strafmaßnahmen überzeugt. „Ich glaube, dass Sanktionen einen Sinn haben.“
    Zum Vorgehen der iranischen Sicherheitskräfte gegen Demonstranten nach der Präsidentenwahl im Juni sagte der französische Präsident: „Europa kann die Augen davor nicht verschließen.“ Er zollte der Opposition und der iranischen Bevölkerung für ihren Mut Respekt. „Sie verdienen etwas Besseres als die augenblicklich Verantwortlichen.“ Merkel zeigte sich besorgt über das Schicksal inhaftierter Oppositioneller, auf das sie von vielen Iranerinnen angesprochen werde. Zusammen mit Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier habe sie die deutsche Botschaft in Teheran gebeten, den Fällen nachzugehen. „Wir tun alles, was wir können, um hier eine Verbesserung zu erreichen“, sagte die Regierungschefin.
    Sechser-Gruppe will Kurs gegen Iran abstecken
    Die fünf ständigen Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrats und Deutschland wollen ihren Kurs gegenüber dem Iran diese Woche bei einem Treffen im Raum Frankfurt abstecken. „Jetzt ist der richtige Zeitpunkt, um vor dem Hintergrund des jüngsten IAEA-Berichts über das weitere Vorgehen gegenüber dem iranischen Atomprogramm zu beraten“, erklärte Bundesaußenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. In deutschen Diplomatenkreisen hieß es ergänzend, bei dem Treffen auf Ebene der politischen Direktoren stünden noch keine konkreten Beschlüsse an. „Ziel ist vielmehr eine gemeinsame Bestandsaufnahme nach den iranischen Wahlen und dem IAEA-Bericht“, sagte ein Diplomat.

    1. SHORTNEWS – Erneute Sanktionen gegen den Iran?
      Am Montag trafen sich Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und der französische Staatspräsident Nicolas Sarkozy in Berlin, um über wichtige Punkte des bevorstehenden G-20-Gipfel zu sprechen. Thematisiert wurde dabei auch erneut über die iranische Atompolitik.

      Der Iran steht seit Jahren unter Verdacht, unter dem Deckmantel eines zivilen Nuklearprogramms, Atomwaffen zu erforschen. Auch wenn der Iran dies bisher vehement bestritt, wurden Kontrollen der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) bisher nicht zugelassen.

      Sollte der Iran seine Atompolitik nicht offen legen, will Merkel mit dem UN-Sicherheitsrat über das weitere Vorgehen gegen den Iran beraten und droht mit weiteren Sanktionen. „Der Iran muss wissen, dass wir es sehr ernst meinen“, so Merkel.

      1. DEUTSCHE WELLE Atomstreit: Deutschland und Frankreich drohen dem Iran
      2. BERLINER KURIER Merkel und Sarkozy drohen mit weiteren Sanktionen gegen Iran
      3. MARKENPOST Merkel und Sarkozy drohen mit weiteren Sanktionen gegen Iran
      4. RIA NOVOSTI Merkel und Sarkozy plädieren für effektive Sanktionen gegen Iran
      5. ORF Sarkozy und Merkel drohen mit schärferen Iran-Sanktionen
      6. REUTERS DEUTSCHLAND Beratungen über mögliche Iran-Sanktionen in Deutschland
      7. RADIO VATIKAN UNO: Iran vor neuen Sanktionen
      8. HANDELSBLATT Iran riskiert weitere Sanktionen 

  3. FOCUS – Iran – Tod nach Misshandlung bestätigt
    Der Iran hat erstmals den Tod eines Oppositionellen im Gefängnis durch Misshandlungen bestätigt. Der Sohn eines prominenten konservativen Politikers starb aufgrund von „mehrfachen Schlägen und schweren Verletzungen“.
    Reuters  –  Ajatollah Ali Chamenei kündigt Strafen für Gewalt gegen Demonstranten an
    Mohsen Ruhalamini war am 9. Juli wegen seiner Teilnahme an den Protesten nach der Präsidentenwahl festgenommen worden und zwei Wochen später gestorben. Iranische Medizinexperten hätten den Tod durch Misshandlung im Gefängnis festgestellt, berichtete die halbamtliche iranische Nachrichtenagentur Mehr am Dienstag.
    Die Nachrichtenagentur hat enge Kontakte zu konservativen Kritikern von Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad. Der Bericht könnte ein Hinweis darauf sein, dass sie die für Häftlingsmisshandlungen verantwortlichen Personen vor Gericht bringen wollen. Die Berichte über Gefangenenmisshandlungen und Foltervorwürfe haben sowohl viele Konservative als auch die reformorientierten Gegner des Hardliners Ahmadinedschad mit Empörung erfüllt.
    Chamenei verspricht Vater Gerechtigkeit

    Irans geistliches Oberhaupt Ajatollah Ali Chamenei kündigte bereits die Ahndung von „Verbrechen“ bei der Niederschlagung der Proteste gegen den Ausgang der Präsidentenwahl an. Wer strafbare Handlungen gegen Demonstranten begangen habe, werde nach Recht und Gesetz zur Verantwortung gezogen, erklärte Chamenei. „Alle diejenigen, die bei den Vorfällen verletzt wurden, sollen wissen, dass das System in diesem Punkt nicht kompromissbereit ist.“ Chamenei versprach dem Vater des 25-jährigen Ruhalamini Gerechtigkeit.
    Bei der Niederschlagung der Proteste gegen die Wiederwahl Ahmadinedschads vom 12. Juni waren nach offiziellen Angaben etwa 30 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Die Opposition spricht von 69 Todesopfern. Von den insgesamt rund 4000 Festgenommenen sind noch etwa 300 inhaftiert.

    1. WELT Iraner im Gefängnis zu Tode geprügelt
      Teheran – Anders als von den Behörden angegeben, ist ein inhaftierter iranischer Demonstrant nicht an einer Hirnhautentzündung, sondern an den Folgen von Misshandlung gestorben. Wie die halbamtliche Nachrichtenagentur Mehr berichtete, kam ein rechtsmedizinischer Ausschuss Mitte August zu dem Schluss, dass psychischer Stress, schlechte Haftbedingungen und „zahlreiche Schläge“ für den Tod des 25-jährigen Mohsen Ruholamini verantwortlich waren. Eine Meningitis, die von den Behörden als Todesursache genannt worden war, schlossen die Mediziner aus.
      Ruholamini war Anfang Juli bei Protesten gegen die umstrittene Wiederwahl von Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad festgenommen und in das Gefängnis Kahrisak gebracht worden. Nach seiner Verlegung in eine andere Haftanstalt starb der junge Mann. Der oberste geistliche Führer Ayatollah Ali Chamenei ordnete wegen der schlechten Haftbedingungen Ende Juli die Schließung von Kahrisak an. Inzwischen kündigte er auch die Ahndung von „Verbrechen“ gegen Demonstranten an. Wer „strafbare Handlungen“ gegen Demonstranten begangen habe, werde nach Recht und Gesetz zur Verantwortung gezogen, erklärte er. „Alle diejenigen, die bei den Vorfällen verletzt wurden, sollen wissen, dass das System in diesem Punkt nicht kompromissbereit ist.“ Wer sich im Vorgehen gegen Demonstranten strafbar gemacht habe, werde genauso zur Verantwortung gezogen wie diejenigen, die sich dem Staat widersetzt hätten. Vor dem Revolutionsgericht in Teheran müssen sich etwa 140 Menschen für ihre Beteiligung an den Protesten verantworten. Von der Opposition und im Ausland werden die Verfahren als Schauprozesse zur Einschüchterung von Regierungsgegnern kritisiert. Bei der Niederschlagung der Proteste gegen die umstrittene Wiederwahl Ahmadinedschads vom 12. Juni waren nach offiziellen Angaben etwa 30 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Die Opposition spricht von 69 Todesopfern. Von rund 4000 Festgenommenen sind noch etwa 300 in Haft.
      Das Parlament in Teheran setzte seine Beratungen über die von Ahmadinedschad vorgeschlagenen Ministerkandidaten fort. Unter den Nominierten sind auch drei Frauen, welche die Ressorts Gesundheit, Soziales und Bildung leiten sollen. Die Nominierung von Frauen – ein Novum seit der Islamischen Revolution im Jahr 1979 – stößt bei den streng konservativen Abgeordneten auf Widerstand.

      1. – ?Iran: Häftling erschlagen 
      2. OE24 Iran. Oppositioneller stirbt Folter-Tod
      3. KRONE Oppositioneller im Iran zu Tode misshandelt
      4. TT Iran: Oppositionellen-Tod nach Misshandlung bestätigt
      5. OÖRUNDSCHAU Iran: Oppositionellen-Tod nach Misshandlung bestätigt
      6. NEWSSEARCH Häftling stirbt nach Misshandlungen
      7. REUTERS DEUTSCHLAND Medien: Häftling im Iran starb nach Wahl an Schlägen
      8. DRS Iran bestã¤tigt Tod von Häftling wegen Gewalt
      9. SFTAGESSCHAU Iran bestätigt Tod von Häftling wegen Gewalt
      10. RPO Häftling starb nach Misshandlungen
      11. 20MINUTEN Oppositioneller stirbt nach Misshandlung
      12. DERBUND An Misshandlung gestorben
      13. FR Iraner nach Schlägen gestorben
      14. SZ Iran: Häftling starb an Schlägen
      15. KSTA – Obduktion: Häftling im Iran zu Tode geprügelt
      16. SALZBURGER NACHRICHTEN Iranischer Demonstrant starb an Schlägen
      17. KLEINE ZEITUNG Iranischer Demonstrant starb an Schlägen
      18. DIE PRESSE Iran: Demonstrant im Gefängnis zu Tode gefoltert 


  4. Foto: dpa/DPA  – Fordert Strafen nach den Protesten zur Präsidentenwahl im Iran: Ayatollah Ali Chamenei

    Das geistliche Oberhaupt des Irans, Ajatollah Ali Chamenei, hat sich im Zusammenhang mit der umstrittenen Wiederwahl von Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad für die Bestrafung von Gewalt auf beiden Seiten ausgesprochen.
  5. CNNIran media: Officials to probe secret burial claim
    TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) — City officials in Tehran have agreed to investigate claims that bodies of protesters killed in the unrest that followed Iran’s disputed presidential election were secretly buried in the nation’s largest cemetery, Iranian media reported Sunday.
    The city council has formed a committee to look into the allegations reported last week by a reformist news site, said council spokesman Khosrow Daneshjou, according to the Iranian Labor News Agency.
    The charges against Iran’s government are the latest by reformists who claim protesters arrested in the aftermath of the June 12 election were raped and tortured. The government rejected such reports, but still pledged to investigate them if there was evidence.
    Last week, Norooz News reported that at least 28 people who died in the violence that followed the June 12 election were buried anonymously in Tehran’s Behesht-e Zahra cemetery.
    The Web site said the secret after-hours burials were done in July at section 302 of the cemetery.
    A parliamentary committee also was formed to investigate the reports, lawmaker Hamid-Reza Katouzian said in response to the allegations of the secret burials.
    Daneshjou, of the Tehran city council, denied any wrongdoing at the cemetery, saying: „Every day there are deaths of individuals in Tehran, whose bodies are unidentified … „

  6. TREND – Iran’s nuclear program in exchange of Jewish settlements of Israel
    Some experts say that the quid pro quo agreement proposed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his visit to Europe would help Israel enlist the support of the West on the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, but according to other experts, the new tactics of the Israeli Prime Minister will have no action.
    This week the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a four-day trip to Europe, during which it was planned to discuss a peaceful settlement in the Middle East and Iran’s nuclear program.
    During his European tour, Netanyahu said that Israel would agree to partially freeze construction of Jewish settlements on the West Bank in exchange for a tough U.S. position against Iran’s nuclear program, Guardian reported.
    Netanyahu’s offer to resume peace talks with the Palestinians in exchange for a tougher position of the West on Iran’s nuclear program prior to the meeting of 5+1 group next week can earn the approval of the Western countries and the United States, as a result of which the pressure on Iran is likely to intensify, said Australian expert.
    „Netanyahu’s new tactics is likely to lead to increased pressure on Iran. Israel will be more inclined to negotiate about peace with the Palestinians if the international community is prepared to take a tougher position on Iran,“ Deputy Director of the National Center for Islamic Studies at the University of Melbourne, Professor Shahram Akbarzadeh, told Trend News via e-mail.
    He said that the new tactics, which differs from the previous statements of official Israel regarding bombing of nuclear facilities in Iran, can find approval in Europe.
    On September 2, a meeting of representatives of the six largest countries (USA, UK, France, Germany, Russia and China) will take place in Frankfurt, the agenda of which will include Iran’s nuclear program, RIA Novosti reported.
    During the meeting, the Six international mediators will try to convince Iran of giving up its nuclear program in response to some privileges, website reported.
    Yossi Mekelberg, an associate fellow of the Middle East and North Africa program at Chatham House, said that Netanyahu’s visit to Europe and meeting of the mediating countries will increase pressure on Iran, but the main question is that how the Iranian side will react to this.
    „Currently there are many unresolved domestic problems in Iran, which may cause increased nationalism in the country,“ Mekelberg told Trend News by telephone.
    Mekelberg believes that Netanyahu should not make much effort to convince the Europeans to share his point of view. The main issue is how to improve the effectiveness of his policies, he said.  
    However, Philip Carl Salzman, Professor of Anthropology at McGill University, believes that Netanyahu’s visit will not affect the meeting on Iran’s nuclear program for several reasons.

  7. JP Iran without the bomb
    The battle raging among Sunni Muslims – between belligerent Islamists carrying the mantle of al-Qaida and comparatively more moderate adherents – is sufficiently disturbing without throwing the destabilizing impact of Iranian Shi’ite imperialism into the mix.
    Over the weekend, for instance, came news that the son of the Saudi interior minister – who happens to be his father’s deputy at the ministry – had been the target of a failed al-Qaida assassination attempt. Elsewhere, hundreds of Sunni Muslims have been killed this summer by fellow Sunnis in Dagestan, Ingushetia and Chechnya. In Afghanistan/Pakistan, the slaughter is mostly Sunni on Sunni. Only in Iraq has much of the recent intra-Arab killing been carried out by Sunnis against Shi’ites.
    On top of what the Sunnis are doing to each other, Iran does its bit to promote the bloodletting, in Afghanistan and Iraq, naturally, but also in Yemen, where the latest uptick in violence is facilitated by Iranian support of anti-government Shi’ite rebels. Iran also stokes upheaval by supporting seditious Sunni groups in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania and among the Palestinians. In Lebanon, Teheran operates openly through its Hizbullah proxy. Its agents in South America and Africa pursue their malevolent goals more surreptitiously.
    Iran makes all this mischief armed with only conventional weapons. Place an atom bomb in the hands of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and the world becomes exponentially more dangerous – especially now that his regime is becoming more despotic. 
    As Iran’s June elections demonstrated, power is now concentrated among an ever-shrinking elite which feels no need to pursue consensus policies at home. Former leading revolutionaries have been subject to Stalin-like show trials, coerced into making transparently false confessions. The revolution is consuming its own, becoming more fanatical and turning crooked. The Economist reports this week that the Revolutionary Guards control most state-owned companies and may even have a stranglehold over the black market in alcohol, tobacco, and heaven knows what else…
    On Wednesday, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany will meet in Frankfurt. Berlin and Paris have announced that stiffer economic penalties are in the offing if Iran does not end its quest for the bomb. Meanwhile, a new poll tells us that 81 percent of Americans feel Iran poses a serious threat to the United States; a survey last month found 66% feeling that President Barack Obama is not tough enough on Iran.
    Iran without the bomb is a certified menace. Perhaps the nightmarish consequences for Europe and America of a nuclear-armed Iran are, belatedly, starting to register.  

  8. XINHUANETIran tests homemade drone successfully  
    TEHRAN, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) — Iran’s Air Force commander Brigadier General Hassan Shahsafi said on Sunday that Iran successfully tested its homemade drone, the official IRNA news agency reported.
    „The research sample of the military drone which has been made by the Air Force was tested … and the mass production of the drone will begin soon,“ Shahsafi was quoted as saying.
    He made the remarks in a ceremony in an address to the Air Force personnel in Tehran on Sunday.
    In June, Shahsafi announced that Iran has successfully tested a homemade radar-evading unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with bombing capabilities.
    „This airplane is a model drone built on a one-seventh scale for the Defense Ministry,“ the semi-official Fars news agency quoted him as saying.
    Iran has reiterated that its military capability enhancements have defensive and peaceful purposes.
    The United States and its allies have accused Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons under the cover of civilian nuclear program.
    Iran has denied the U.S. charges and insisted that its nuclear program is for peaceful purpose only.

  9. YAHOO  – Sohn von Al Hakim soll größte Partei der Schiiten führen
    Bagdad (AP) Der Oberste Islamische Rat im Irak (SIIC) hat den Sohn seines verstorbenen Vorsitzenden Abdul Asis Al Hakim zum neuen Parteichef ernannt

  10. FAZTeheraner Kulturpreis – Kleine Fabel
    Der Teheraner Kulturpreis war zu verleihen. Man hatte sich im Geist der Toleranz, zu dem sich das neue Regime – endlich! – bekannte, für vier Preisträger entschieden, einen Juden, einen schiitischen und einen sunnitischen Geistlichen, und einen Christen. Allerdings war den ausgezeichneten Mullahs nicht entgangen, dass der Christ, ein Herr von G., in früheren Jahren einmal das gegen den Propheten sehr abfällig gestimmte Stück „Mahomet“ des Franzosen Voltaire übersetzt hatte.
    Wie, der Preisträger hatte den Propheten verspottet? Und man erwarte von ihnen, Geistlichen mit Verantwortung für ihre Gemeinden, mit diesem Manne einen Preis anzunehmen, der doch dem interreligiösen Dialog gewidmet sei? Von einem solchen Gespräch könne ja nun keine Rede mehr sein. Zudem habe der Christ zwar eine eindrucksvolle Publikationsliste aufzuweisen, aber es werde in der gläubigen Öffentlichkeit doch auf Unverständnis stoßen, wenn sie, die sich über Jahrzehnte dem Dialog gewidmet hätten, nun mit ihm auf der Teheraner Bühne stehen würden.
    Im Amtssitz des Mullahs
    Er spreche, schrieb der schiitische Mullah an die Obrigkeit, auch im Namen seines sunnitischen Amtsbruders. Er sei schon damals mit der Wahl des Herrn von G. nicht ganz glücklich gewesen. Er habe sich gefragt: Wer ist dieser Mann? Und gebe es nicht unter den vielen ehrenamtlich tätigen iranischen Christen doch würdigere Kandidaten für die Auszeichnung? Man verweise auf einen Artikel, in dem Herr von G. den Koran angegriffen habe, in einer Weise, die mit dem Geist der Toleranz nicht mehr zu entschuldigen sei. Man lenke die Aufmerksamkeit auf jene Stelle, an der Herr von G. über das heilige Buch sich geäußert habe: „Fabelhafte Geschichten jüdischer und christlicher Religion, Amplifikationen aller Art, grenzenlose Tautologien und Wiederholungen bilden den Körper dieses heiligen Buches, das uns, so oft wir auch darangehen, immer von neuem anwidert . . .“ – man hebe diese Passage hervor, auch wenn Herr von G. sich dann dialektisch geschickt wieder davon abgesetzt habe.
    Er, der Schiit, wie auch sein sunnitischer Amtsbruder, kämen nie auch nur auf die Idee, etwa dem Neuen Testament „Tautologien“ zu unterstellen. In der Teheraner Presse wurde darauf hingewiesen, dass der zitierte Satz über den Koran hier nicht zu Ende sei, sondern folgendermaßen weitergehe: „. . . dann aber anzieht, in Erstaunen setzt und am Ende Verehrung abnötigt.“ Und das Wunder geschah. Am 28. August 2009 – zufällig am Geburtstag von G. – trafen sich alle vier Preisträger im Amtssitz des Mullahs zu einem Gespräch. Man sei einhellig der Ansicht, teilten die drei anderen mit, dass Herr von G. mit dem Teheraner Kulturpreis ausgezeichnet werden solle. 
  11. CNN – Pressuring Iran on Nukes: Would a Gas Embargo Help?
    President Obama has declared that Iran has until September to show positive steps toward demonstrating to the U.N. Security Council that its nuclear program is solely for civilian use. On the last Friday of August, the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released its latest report on Iran’s nuclear-energy program, announcing that Iran has partly cooperated with the agency on allowing access to its nuclear facilities. However, the IAEA also reported that it „does not consider that Iran has adequately addressed the substance of the issues.“ U.S. State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said in response to the report, „It seems clear that Iran continues to not cooperate fully and continues its enrichment activities.“ 
    An Iranian pumps gasoline into his motorbike at a gas station north of Tehran
    An Iranian pumps gasoline into his motorbike at a gas station north of Tehran  – Atta Kenare / AFP / Getty
    The newest IAEA findings may push the U.S. to more seriously consider implementing sanctions against the selling of gasoline to Iran by foreign companies, as proposed by Senators Jon Kyl and Joe Lieberman. But would that threat force Tehran to sit down at the negotiating table?
    (Read an analysis of the possible effect of sanctions on Iran.)
    Most Iranian commentators do not think so. Although House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Howard Berman called Kyl and Lieberman’s Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act „a sword of Damocles“ hanging over the Iranians, the view from Tehran is quite different. In Tehran’s daily newspaper Mardom Salari, columnist Hamid Reza Shokouhi recently wrote, „It is possible to turn this sword of Damocles into an opportunity for gaining self-sufficiency.“ (See pictures of the turbulent aftermath of the Iranian elections.)
    While the Obama Administration may think that a gasoline embargo, even a partial one, would pressure the Iranian regime to suspend its nuclear activities, Tehran may be hoping for just that sanction to help it with one of its longtime goals: reducing gasoline consumption. Indeed, the Iranian government, which has been subsidizing pump prices for years and keeping them well below the international market price (at a huge burden to the national budget), would love the U.S. to take the political hit for helping to end the subsidies.
    Former President Mohammad Khatami stated that his greatest economic failure during his tenure was not reducing the massive subsidies the Iranian government spends to keep gas prices low. Every year, his government had to draw millions of dollars from Iran’s special „rainy day“ oil revenue reserve fund in order to pay out the subsidies. By 2003, the leaders today associated with the ongoing Green Movement opposition — Khatami, Mehdi Karroubi and Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani — all supported rationing gasoline in order to reduce domestic consumption and government expenditure.

    1. UPI ASIA Energy Resources – Iran brags of European energy deals
      TEHRAN, Aug. 31 (UPI) — Iran says it has conducted negotiations with as many as 30 different companies in nine European countries for oil and gas developments.
      U.S. lawmakers are considering a new round of harsh economic sanctions on companies that export petroleum products to Iran as punishment for its controversial nuclear program. The International Atomic Energy Agency says the Iranian government is still defying the international community over its nuclear program.
      Despite the international pressure, the Mehr News Agency in Iran points to a series of deals with European companies that are working in the midst of the sanctions regime.
      ABS, the Turkish manufacturer, signed a series of preliminary deals with Iran to develop portions of its massive offshore South Pars gas complex, the report says.
      Turkey will host a portion of the $10.3 billion Nabucco gas pipeline for Europe. Iran was mentioned as an early supplier to that pipeline, though that involvement would face pressure from the West.
      OMV, the Austrian consortium and Nabucco shareholder, was mentioned in the Mehr report as a possible Iranian customer. OMV signed a memorandum of understanding in 2007 for South Pars, though that project is beset by a series of hurdles.
      Iran sits on some of the largest oil and gas reserves in the world, though domestic and international development is handicapped by economic sanctions.

    2. STEELGURU  – Iran major oil and gas contracts with European partners
      Mehr News Agency reported that Iran has been negotiating with over 30 companies from 9 European countries in recent years for carrying out energy projects in the country despite mounting global economic sanctions and political pressures.
      The companies include some majors as under

      1. Swiss EGL
      2. Norwegian Statoil
      3. Norwegian Norsk Hydro
      4. Norwegian Sintef
      5. Norwegian DNV
      6. Russian Gazprom
      7. Turkish ASB
      8. Turkish Botas
      9. French IFP
      10. French Axens
      11. French Air Liquid
      12. Italian ENI
      13. Italian Technimont
      14. Italian Edison

      15. German E.ON
      16. Spanish Repsol
      17. Spanish Dragados
      Contracts have been concluded with some of these companies. The Mehr News Agency has provided some details about the signed contracts.

      1. Switzerland
      Swiss energy group EGL signed a 25 year gas purchase deal worth over USD 13 billion with Iran in 2008. According to the contract Iran should annually deliver 5.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas to EGL Company.
      2. Norway
      Iran and Norway’s Statoil, Norsk Hydro and Sintef companies have signed a contract for performing feasibility studies for launching a Gas to Liquids factory. National Iranian Offshore Oil Company and Norway’s DNV Company have also inked a contract for launching an occupational, health and safety advisory service.
      3. France
      IFP Company is the license holder of ammoniac producing unit technology in the Bou Ali and Nouri petrochemical complexes. Axen Company is the license holder of Assaluyeh 12th olefin producing unit. Air Liquid, GE and RT companies also are working in cooperation with National Petrochemical Company.
      4. Spain
      National Iranian Gas Company has inked a contract with Dragados Company for construction of Bidboland refinery.
      5. Turkey
      Turkish company ABS has signed a MoU with Iran for financing South Pars Phases 17 and 18 development plans.
      6. Austria
      Austria’s biggest energy company OMV is leading a consortium planning to build the Nabucco pipeline to carry gas from Turkey to Austria through Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary by 2013. Iran has touted its gas as essential to the project but the US has opposed Iran’s participation. OMV signed an MOU for participation at South Pars in 2007 and was also involved in exploration at the Mehr oilfield but both deals have stalled.
      7. Italy
      Italy’s oil and gas group Eni is leading the USD 1 billion Phase II development of the Darkhovin oilfield development to take output to 160,000 barrels per day from 50,000 barrels per day. Italian power utility Edison and NIOC signed a USD 107 million exploration contract in January 2008 for the Gulf Dayyer offshore block.
      (Sourced from Mehr News Agency)

    3. – Sprit-Embargo soll den Iran bezwingen 
      Die Zeit für eine friedliche Lösung des Atomstreits mit dem Iran läuft aus. US-Präsident Barack Obama hat der Islamischen Republik noch eine Frist bis Mitte September eingeräumt, in ernsthafte Verhandlungen einzutreten.
      Vertreter der fünf ständigen Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrats und Deutschlands („5 plus 1“) beraten am heutigen Mittwoch über weitere Sanktionen gegen das Regime der Mullahs. Erwogen wird ein Benzinembargo. Der Iran gehört zwar zu den größten Rohölförderern der Welt, besitzt aber zu wenig Raffineriekapazität, um genügend Treibstoff für den Eigenbedarf herzustellen.

  12. JPIsrael: IAEA hiding far more incriminating evidence on Iran
    Despite the publication of a critical report on Iran’s nuclear program, senior Israeli diplomatic officials are accusing the International Atomic Energy Agency of „hiding critical information on Iran’s nuclear progress,“ the Foreign Ministry said Saturday.
    IAEA officials said Iran was stonewalling the agency about „possible military dimensions“ to its program. In the report, the IAEA said it has pressed Iran to clarify its uranium enrichment activities and reassure the world that it’s not trying to build an atomic weapon.
    Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Talmor said in a prepared statement that the latest IAEA report, released Friday, „accuses Iran of defying [UN] Security Council decisions, but at the same time hides actual Iranian violations on its path toward military nuclear capability,“ „This is a harsh report, but it does not reflect all the information possessed by the IAEA on Iranian efforts to advance its military program, on its continuing efforts to hide and deceive, and on [Iran’s] noncooperation with the IAEA and the demands of the international community,“ the statement read.
    „The IAEA is the only body recognized by the international community that can prevent the games of deception being played by Iran as it works to build nuclear weapons,“ a senior Israeli official told The Jerusalem Post Saturday.
    While Israeli officials would not give details about the information the IAEA was allegedly hiding, „we’re talking about information that would be far more incriminating for Iran,“ the official said.
    „The 35 member states of the IAEA can’t let [the organization] get away with hiding critical information on the dangers of the Iranian program,“ the official added.
    The report was released ahead of two crucial meetings – this Wednesday’s six-power talks on Iran, where increased sanctions are likely to be the main topic of discussion, and the September 7 gathering in Vienna of the IAEA Board of Governors, the 35-country policy-making branch of the organization.
    „Israel expects the international community to take substantive steps soon toward terminating Iran’s military nuclear program,“ the Foreign Ministry’s statement added, in a remark apparently addressed to the international gatherings.
    Meanwhile, the Iranian government reacted positively to the report’s publication.
    The report confirmed „that Iran’s nuclear activities are peaceful,“ Iran’s envoy to the IAEA Ali Asghar Soltanieh told the Fars news agency on Saturday.  

    1. UPI IAEA: Iran still defiant on nuclear effort
      TEHRAN, Aug. 29 (UPI) — The International Atomic Energy Agency says the Iranian government is still defying the international community over its controversial nuclear program.
      The Wall Street Journal said Friday that the claim from the U.N. agency in its latest quarterly report comes as the United States is preparing to call for additional sanctions on Iran for its nuclear efforts.
      The IAEA report was released the same day that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for protest leaders to be prosecuted for demonstrations against his recent presidential election victory.
      „Severe punishment must await the leaders of the movement,“ Ahmadinejad said Friday, „lest they have immunity and lowly agents be punished cruelly.“
      The Wall Street Journal said while Ahmadinejad eyes prosecution of those demonstrators, the U.N. Security Council will meet in Frankfurt, Germany, to determine how to respond to Iran’s nuclear program.
      Both China and Russia are expected to oppose calls for more sanctions against Iran given those countries‘ trading efforts with the Middle Eastern country, the Journal said.

      1. NZZ Online – Die Uno-Atombehörde geisselt Iran und Syrien 

    2. IRAN PRESS TV –  Minister: Iran entered nuclear marketplace

      The Iranian Economy Minister says Iran has entered the nuclear marketplace due to its latest achievements in mastering the technology.
      „Despite sabotages and threats, our country has entered the business arena for nuclear products in addition to mastering uranium enrichment process,“ Shamseddin Hosseini said on Saturday.
      Hosseini, however, did not explain about kinds of the products or the client countries that imported Iranian nuclear products.
      Iran’s nuclear scientists and engineers have succeeded in producing nuclear fuel and medicines in recent years.
      „We take pride that today the Islamic Iran does not need to import nuclear medicines,“ said Mohammad Qannadi, the deputy director of the research and technology department of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) last year.
      In 2007, Qannadi also said that nearly 80 research centers had been established in the country to contribute to the development of nuclear technology.
      Nuclear technology is extensively used in industry, agriculture and medicine, Qannadi concluded.
      In its latest report on Iran, the UN nuclear watchdog has confirmed that the country is expanding its cooperation with the agency while it continues to produce low-enriched uranium in spite of controversial UN Security Council resolutions.
      In its latest report on Iran’s nuclear program presented on August 28, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said that, in compliance with requests by the IAEA, Iran had provided the agency with access to the heavy water reactor under construction in Arak, and greater monitoring at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility.

    3. UKPA Iran dismisses nuclear assessment
      Iran is stonewalling the UN nuclear watchdog agency about „possible military dimensions“ to its suspect nuclear programme, officials have said.
      The UN is urging the regime to clarify the mysterious role of a foreign explosives expert and shed light on other issues.
      A senior Iranian envoy angrily denounced the assessment as „fabrication,“ insisting his country has gone out of its way to be transparent and co-operative.
      In its latest report, the International Atomic Energy Agency said it has pressed the Islamic Republic to clarify its uranium enrichment activities and reassure the world that it is not trying to build an atomic weapon.
      Iran insists its nuclear programme is peaceful and geared solely toward generating electricity. The United States and key allies contend the country is covertly trying to build an atomic weapon.
      Ahead of September 2 six-power talks on Iran – and a key meeting of the IAEA’s 35-nation board a week after that – the IAEA acknowledged that Tehran has been producing nuclear fuel at a slower rate and has allowed UN inspectors broader access to its main nuclear complex in the southern city of Natanz.
      But the Vienna-based agency delivered a blunt assessment: „Iran has not suspended its enrichment-related activities.“
      „There remain a number of outstanding issues which give rise to concerns and which need to be clarified to exclude the existence of possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme,“ said the text, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press. It said the IAEA „does not consider that Iran has adequately addressed the substance of the issues, having focused instead on the style and form … and providing limited answers and simple denials.“
      Iran’s chief representative to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, told the AP he found the report „very frustrating,“ and angrily suggested that US intelligence was working to undermine Tehran’s credibility.
      „America alleges that Iran has a Manhattan Project“ to build a bomb, Soltanieh said. „This is ridiculous. This game is enough. It should be over … We have tried to take a very logical and pragmatic approach.“ 

    4. INSS The Whole Truth“? On Disclosure by the IAEA 
      The (likely) penultimate report of outgoing IAEA director general ElBaradei on the nuclear situation in Iran was leaked to the press on Friday, August 28, 2009. The report contains information that Iran is pressing forward with its uranium enrichment activity, while steadily increasing its capacity to do so. With regard to evidence of „possible military dimensions“ of its nuclear program, the report notes lack of progress in clarifying with Iran the outstanding questions regarding information on its development of the nuclear explosive mechanism and the accompanying warhead delivery systems. Contrary to expectations, the report contains no reference to what has recently been reported, that the IAEA is in possession of additional and more incriminating evidence against Iran that it has so far refused to make public.
      The technical facts included in the IAEA report and the ensuing predictions are clear: should Iran decide to produce the core for its first nuclear explosive device, it can do so already, by utilizing some of its enrichment capacity to enrich existing stocks of low enriched uranium (LEU) to high evels (HEU). In about six months it should have enough LEU for further enrichment for a second core.This estimate is based on Iran’s present operating capacity. However, Iran has almost doubled the number of installed gas centrifuge enrichment machines, without yet operating the additional machines. 
      One speculation for adding machines without operating them is that Iran is refraining from carrying out provocative actions before the West assesses its behavior toward the end of September, along the same logic whereby after a year of resistance it suddenly permitted inspections in Arak (the heavy water reactor) and allowed increased inspections at the Natanz uranium enrichment plant. Should the additional centrifuges be put into operation, the rate of production of LEU will be increased accordingly. In addition, Iran is developing more advanced gas centrifuge machines, which will have an increased capacity if and when installed and running. 
      With this technological achievement, the potential production of nuclear explosive cores remains a political decision. Should Iran decide to use the known stocks of LEU for this purpose, the good news is that it will become known to the inspectors within a short period of time. Unfortunately, however, in its present mode of operation the IAEA cannot be depended on to announce this to the world; more likely, it would begin its routine of asking Iran for explanations, trying to clarify intentions, waiting for answers and corroborating them with other sources, and so on.
      We see this bureaucratic foot dragging reflected in the report’s discussion of the „possible military dimensions“ of Iran’s nuclear program, which includes the particularly naive complaint that „the constraints placed by some Member States on the availability of information to Iran are making it more difficult for the Agency to conduct detailed discussions with Iran on this matter.“ Why would any country agree to share sensitive intelligence information with Iran, and put its sources at risk? This attitude is reflected also in the IAEA report on Syria, which was published the same day. The IAEA received no cooperation from Syria on the matter of the bombed reactor site at Dair Alzour, which led the Director General to „call on other States, including Israel, which may possess information which may have led them to conclude that the installation in question had been a nuclear reactor, to make such information available to the Agency.“ Surely the IAEA has all the information it needs to arrive at the conclusion that the bombed installation was indeed a nuclear reactor under construction.
      The recent allegations concerning the IAEA’s withholding of evidence on Iran’s developing a military nuclear program cast the IAEA in an unfavorable light. The explanation for this is not clear, but media reports concur that the person arguing for caution and secrecy with regard to Iran is the Director General himself. That important information might possibly be intentionally omitted from the IAEA periodic reports by ElBaradei is appalling. The case against Iran hinges on such information, which is essential for confronting Iran with the full weight of a determined and coordinated international response.
      Evidence of disagreements within the IAEA itself over the question of disclosure of information regarding Iran first surfaced 18 months ago, when on February 25, 2008, IAEA Deputy Director General for Safeguards, Olli Heinonen, elaborated on the public IAEA report that was published three days earlier. In a closed-door meeting that was quickly leaked to the press, Heinonen presented to the 35-nation IAEA board new details about Iran’s nuclear program: research into key technologies needed to build and to deliver a nuclear bomb. At the time, Heinonen was quoted as saying that some of the research carried out by Iran was not consistent with any other application than the development of a nuclear weapon.
      In an attempt to minimize the significance of the information Heinonen presented, ElBaradei, in his report to the Board of Governors on March 3, said that Iran had clarified most of the outstanding questions except for the alleged studies regarding possible weaponization activities. Still, enough concern was raised by Heinonen’s evidence to facilitate agreement on a third set of sanctions in the UN Security Council in March 2008, albeit not very strong ones.
      Most likely, internal differences of opinion within the IAEA over disclosure continue with regard to the current material on Iran. Yet with so much dependent on this kind of information and the conclusions that can be drawn as to Iran’s nuclear weapons development, the international community cannot afford to allow the IAEA to have any other agenda than a technical one. If there is incriminating evidence, it must be disclosed – period.  

    5. MIDDLE EAST ONLINE Iran insists on the right to develop peaceful nuclear technology – Iran ready for new round of nuclear talks – Tehran to unveil new nuclear package to five permanent members of UN Security Council.
      TEHRAN – Iran’s top nuclear negotiator said Tuesday Tehran has updated its package of proposals linked to its controversial atomic programme and is ready for fresh talks with world powers.
      „The Islamic republic’s package of proposals is updated and ready and will be presented (to world powers),“ Saeed Jalili, who also heads the country’s Supreme National Security Council, told reporters.
      „We hope a new round of talks will be held,“ Jalili said. „We think we can form talks and new cooperations for peace, justice and development in the world.“
      He said the package would be directed at the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States — plus Germany.
      The six world powers are to meet near Frankfurt on Wednesday to look into UN sanctions against Iran.
      Jalili said Iran was ready with a „revised“ package which was updated taking into consideration last year’s global developments, which included the economic recession.
      Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in April his government would offer world powers an updated version of a one-year-old proposal for talks about its nuclear programme.
      Iran’s previous proposal in May 2008 offered to engage in negotiations without preconditions on issues including its nuclear programme, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and cooperation to combat terrorism and drugs. It was proposed in the form of a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
      Jalili said on Tuesday the 2008 proposal „considered resolving issues that the international community suffers from. That package suggested that group cooperations be formed for common concerns.“
      He said Iran after the June 12 re-election of Ahmadinejad was equipped with „suitable power“ and „strong“ popular support to make a new proposal.
      The International Atomic Energy Agency said in a study that Iran has slowed production of enriched uranium and agreed to tighter monitoring of its enrichment plant.
      Tehran has also granted UN inspectors access to a research reactor long out of bounds, the restricted report revealed.
      Iran welcomed the IAEA report but vowed to continue uranium enrichment.
      Israel is the only country in the Middle Ease that actually has nuclear weapons.
      Observers say due the strong Jewish and pro-Israel lobbies in the US and some European countries, these countries have taken a hypocritical stance in relation to nuclear issues in the region.
      Tehran had repeatedly protested against Israeli and US war threats, warning them that it would retaliate in the event of any strike against Iran.
      IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei had suggested that nuclear weapons states bore some blame for other countries seeking such arms, because they are modernizing arsenals rather than scrapping them.
      The US, France and Britain are three nuclear weapons states that have ratified the Nonproliferation Treaty.
      „How can I go with a straight face to the non-nuclear-weapon states and tell them nuclear weapons are no good for you, while the weapon states continue to modernize and to say ‚we absolutely need nuclear weapons,'“ ElBaradei said.  

    6. DEBKA – Six nations may reveal data concealed by ELBaradei on Iran’s nuclear progress
      DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
      August 31, 2009, 5:06 PM (GMT+02:00)
      US, Israel and four other governments are urgently discussing the release of intelligence that Iran is running covert military nuclear projects parallel to its civilian program after Mohammed ElBaradei, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, withheld this data from his last report, DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources disclose.
      The four governments are Britain, France, Netherlands and Japan. All six had provided ElBaradei with new and detailed information on the advances made by Iran in its race to develop a nuclear bomb for inclusion in his last report on Aug. 28 before he retires next month. But ElBaradei, true to his usual custom of blurring Iran’s breaches, omitted the new evidence.
      In Paragraphs 18 to 20 of his report, he admits to possessing substantial intelligence but regrets he is unable to use it to confront Iran without betraying his sources and so Iran was not able to fully answer IAEA queries.
      US and Israeli sources denounce this evasion as a diplomatic scandal verging on fraud.
      The material passed to him left no doubt that Iran was engaged in developing a nuclear weapon and revealed for the first time that it reached the final stages, weapon design, of the process. But ElBaradei decided to keep it hidden on the pretext of not exposing sources.
      One official told DEBKAfile that passing the new information to the IAEA director had compromised its sources anyway so there was no point in holding it back any longer.
      The seven governments concerned will decide very soon which parts of this unpublished information to air. According to our sources, it will not be attributed directly to any government but to „Iranian exiles“ who will present it as coming from inside Iran.
      This tactic was employed in 2004, when the opposition Mojaheddin al-Khalq leaders first broke the news of Iran’s uranium enrichment plant in Natanz at press conferences in Washington and Paris.
      The Israeli foreign ministry denounced the ElBaradei report, released ahead of the nuclear watchdog’s regular annual meeting in Vienna on Sept. 7, for omitting „to detail Iran’s efforts to obtain nuclear arms or its continued attempts to deceive and conceal those efforts. Neither did it mention Tehran’s refusal to cooperate with the IAEA and the international community.“
      Next month, when the UN General Assembly opens, a special high-level meeting of the UN Security Council will discuss nuclear proliferation. 

    7. YNET‚Iran nuclear threat hyped‘
      Mohammad ElBaradei (Photo: Reuters)

      ElBaradei says likelihood Iran will have nuclear weapons soon not supported by facts thus far


    8. JPOutgoing IAEA chief ElBaradei calls Iranian threat ‚hyped‘
      Says although there’s concern about its future intentions, there is no proof the Islamic republic will soon have nuclear weapons.

  13. BASLER ZEITUNG –  Iran ist zu Atom-Gesprächen bereit
    Nach einem eindringlichen Appell der USA zeigt sich der Iran zu Gesprächen über sein umstrittenes Atomprogramm bereit – erstmals seit vielen Monaten.
    Gesprächsbereit: Saeed Jalili, iranischer Chefunterhändler, kündigt seine Bereitschaft zu internationalen Verhandlungen an.  
    Gesprächsbereit: Saeed Jalili, iranischer Chefunterhändler, kündigt seine Bereitschaft zu internationalen Verhandlungen an.
    Bild: Reuters

    Der Iran hat sich für eine Wiederaufnahme der internationalen Gespräche zum umstrittenen Atomprogramm offen gezeigt. Ein neues Verhandlungsangebot sei vorbereitet, sagte Chefunterhändler Saeed Jalili am Dienstag laut einem Bericht des staatlichen Fernsehens. Ziel solle es sein, die Ängste der internationalen Gemeinschaft zu zerstreuen. 
    Die USA hatten dem Iran ein Ultimatum bis Ende September gestellt, auf ein Verhandlungsangebot einzugehen. Im Gegenzug für eine Einstellung der Urananreicherung wurden Teheran wirtschaftliche Anreize in Aussicht gestellt. Sollte der Iran nicht mit der sogenannten Sechsergruppe – den fünf ständigen UN-Sicherheitsratsmitgliedern und Deutschland – verhandeln, drohen weitere Sanktionen.
    Der Iran hat bislang erklärt, die Urananreicherung niemals einzustellen. Teheran will dem Westen allerdings Garantien geben, aus denen hervorgehen soll, dass das Nuklearprogramm keinem militärischen Zweck dient. Der Westen vermutet, dass der Iran an der Entwicklung von Atomwaffen arbeitet. Angereichertes Uran ist dafür eine Grundvoraussetzung. 

    1. HA’ARETZ U.S. official dismisses Iran statement on ’nuclear proposal‘
      Iran nuke negotiator quoted as saying Tehran has prepared ‚updated nuclear proposal‘ for West. 

      1. JP US: Nothing conclusive from Iran
        Comes after nuclear negotiator Jalili says Teheran has prepared revised package of proposals for West.

      2. Reuters Deutschland (Pressemitteilung) – USA: Haben im Atomstreit nichts Offizielles vom Iran gehört
        Washington (Reuters) – Im Atomstreit mit dem Iran haben die USA nach eigenen Angaben noch keine offiziellen Informationen über eine neue …

    2. REUTERS DEUTSCHLAND –  TV: Iran zu Wiederaufnahme von Atomgesprächen bereit
      Teheran (Reuters) – Einen Tag vor Beratungen einer Sechsergruppe über härtere Sanktionen gegen den Iran hat sich die Islamische Republik überraschend zur Wiederaufnahme von Verhandlungen über ihr umstrittenes Atomprogramm bereiterklärt.
      Der Iran habe seine Vorschläge ergänzt und wolle wieder in einen Dialog mit den Weltmächten treten, sagte der Chefunterhändler des Landes, Said Dschalili, am Dienstag laut dem arabischsprachigen Sattelitensender Al-Alam. Der staatliche englischsprachige Fernsehkanal Press TV berichtete, der Iran sei bereit, ein neues Paket in den Konflikt einzubringen. Dem Sender zufolge sagte Dschalili, er hoffe, dass die neuen Vorschläge als Gesprächsbasis angenommen würden.
      „Wenn das bestätigt wird, dann würde das natürlich begrüßt“, sagte ein westlicher Diplomat der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters in Wien. US-Präsident Barack Obama hat dem Iran eine Frist bis Ende September gesetzt, sich zu neuen Atomgesprächen bereitzuerklären. Am Montag hatten Deutschland und Frankreich dem Iran mit einer Verschärfung der Sanktion gedroht, falls dieser sich nicht klar zu einem Dialog über das Atomprogramm bekennen sollte. Am Mittwoch steht ein Treffen hochrangiger Vertreter der fünf ständigen Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrats und Deutschlands im Raum Frankfurt an, auf dem sie ihren Kurs in dem seit Jahren anhaltenden Atomstreit abzustecken wollen. Die Sechsergruppe, zu der neben der Bundesrepublik die USA, China, Russland, Großbritannien und Frankreich gehören, will den Iran dazu bewegen, sein Nuklearprogramm vollständig offenzulegen.
      Die Islamische Republik wird verdächtigt, unter dem Deckmantel eines zivilen Nuklearprogramms den Bau von Atomwaffen anzustreben. Der Iran bestreitet das, hat aber bislang keine umfassenden internationalen Kontrollen zugelassen. Die Internationale Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) hat in ihrem jüngsten Atombericht zwar ein gewisses Entgegenkommen der Regierung in Teheran festgestellt. Die UN-Atomaufsicht bezeichnete es aber als glaubhaft, dass der Iran den Bau von Atomwaffen erforscht habe.
      Der Iran kündigte zudem an, Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad wolle Ende September vor der Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen eine Rede halten. Vorbereitungen für die Reise zum UN-Sitz in New York würden getroffen, Details hingen jedoch noch von der Koordination zwischen Teheran und den Vereinten Nationen ab, sagte Ahmadinedschads Medienberater Ali-Akbar Dschawanfekr. Im vergangenen Jahr hatte Ahmadinedschad in der Vollversammlung mit Israel-feindlichen Äußerungen für einen Eklat gesorgt.
      Es wäre Ahmadinedschads erste Reise in ein westliches Land seit seiner Wiederwahl Mitte Juni. Deren Rechtmäßigkeit wird von der reformorientierten Opposition angezweifelt und auch international wurde scharfe Kritik geäußert.

    3. DEUTSCHE WELLE –  Iran macht neue Vorschläge im Atomstreit
      TEHERAN: Der Iran will die Verhandlungen über sein umstrittenes Atomprogramm  wieder aufnehmen. Chef-Unterhändler Said Dschahlili teilte in Teheran mit, der Iran habe seine Vorschläge zur Beilegung des Konfikts überarbeitet und werde sie den fünf Vetomächten des UN-Sicherheitsrats und Deutschlands übermitteln. – Am Mittwoch kommen hochrangige Diplomaten der USA, Chinas, Russlands, Frankreichs, Großbritanniens und Deutschlands in Berlin zu Beratungen über den Atomstreit zusammen. Der Iran steht in Verdacht, insgeheim an der Entwicklung von Atomwaffen zu arbeiten. 

  14. RIA Novosti – Iranisches Atomproblem lässt sich nur mit politischen Methoden lösen
    Moskau ist der Auffassung, dass das Problem des iranischen Atomprogramms nur mit politisch-diplomatischen Methoden gelöst werden kann. „Was Iran anbelangt …

  15. – Larijani für schnelle Freilassung einiger Demonstranten
    Teheran – Mehr als zwei Monate nach den Protesten im Iran gegen die umstrittene Wiederwahl von Präsident Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad hat sich Justizchef Sadegh …

  16. Reuters Deutschland (Pressemitteilung) – Iran – Abgeordnete loben Ahmadinedschads Öl-Kandidaten
    Die iranische Reformbewegung hält die Wiederwahl Ahmadinedschads für gefälscht. Am Sonntagabend hatte das geistliche Oberhaupt des Irans, Ajatollah Ali …

  17. – Ende September Ahmadi-Nejad will vor UNO-Vollversammlung reden
    Obama hat dem Iran eine Frist bis Ende September gesetzt, sich zu neuen Atomgesprächen bereitzuerklären. Am Montag hatten Deutschland und Frankreich dem …

  18. Hamburger Abendblatt – Iranischer Fotograf erhält „Spectrum“-Preis
    Der renommierte iranische Fotograf Bahman Jalali erhält den „Spectrum“-Fotografiepreis der Stiftung Niedersachsen 2011. Der in Teheran lebende Jalali wird …

    1. Münsterländische Volkszeitung – Bahman Jalali erhält «Spectrum»-Fotopreis

    2. – Spectrum-Preis an Bahman Jalali

  19. – ?Iran: Eine Pianostimme für Neda
    Die junge Wiener Pianistin Leila Hossein komponierte ein Stück für Neda, das Gesicht der iranischen Protestbewegung. „Beautiful, I am very touched. …

  20. Täglicher Hafenbericht – ?„ANL Australia“-Ladung beschlagnahmt
    Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) haben einen illegalen Waffenhandel zwischen Nordkorea und dem Iran auf dem 2668-TEU-Schiff „ANL Australia“ aufgedeckt.
    Wie aus Kreisen der Vereinten Nationen jetzt bekannt wurde, ereignete sich der Zwischenfall bereits vor einem Monat. Trotz scharfer UN-Sanktionen sollten die Waffen, darunter Panzerfäuste sowie Sprengzünder für Granatwerfer, in den Iran gebracht werden. Die Behörden der Emirate hatten das unter Bahamasflagge fahrende Schiff der australischen CMA CGM-Tochter ANL gestoppt und festgehalten. Die Waffen seien zum Teil als Maschinenteile für Ölbohrungen deklariert gewesen.
    Wie es in New York weiter hieß, habe die Ladung keine Komponenten für nukleare Waffen enthalten. Die VAE-Behörden meldeten den Angaben zufolge den Verstoß Pjöngjangs und Teherans am 14. August an das zuständige Sanktionskomitee des Weltsicherheitsrates. Erst am Freitag wurde der Vorgang dann auch über das Komitee hinaus bekannt. Ein Diplomat bestätigte, dass das Komitee am 25. August die iranische und nordkoreanische Regierung über die Beschlagnahme unterrichtet und eine Stellungnahme innerhalb von 15 Tagen eingefordert habe. Bisher sei aber keine Antwort eingegangen. Die südkoreanische Nachrichtenagentur Yonhap berichtet, dass Komitee werde demnächst über den Fall beraten. Laut dem australischen Transportminister Anthony Albanese werde zudem von seiner Behörde geprüft, ob gegen australisches Recht verstoßen wurde und gegebenenfalls Ermittlungen aufgenommen werden….

    1. Hamburger Abendblatt – Waffenhandel Nordkorea-Iran verhindert

    2. – Waffenlieferung gestoppt

    3. Reuters Deutschland (Pressemitteilung) – Australien prüft Verschiffung nordkoreanischer Waffen an Iran

  21. Gulli – Iran Zwangs-Bloggen aus dem Gefängnis
    Das iranische Regime hat offenbar einen inhaftierten Kritiker gezwungen, auf seinem Blog positiv über seine Gefangenschaft zu berichten. …

  22. AFP – ?Teherans Oberstaatsanwalt Mortasawi entlassen
    Teheran — Im Iran ist der für sein strenges Vorgehen gegen Reformer und Oppositionelle bekannt gewordene Oberstaatsanwalt der Hauptstadt Teheran, …

    1. – Justizchef entließ Staatsanwalt

  23. Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt – Ahmadinedschad will Ölexporte reduzieren
    Dem Iran drohen derzeit weitere internationale Sanktionen im Atomkonflikt, die sich gegen den Energiesektor richten sollen. Neben Mirkasemi haben auch die …

  24. Hamburger Abendblatt – Christliches Paar aus Buxtehude zieht in den Iran
    Und jetzt Iran. Angst? Nein, im Gegenteil. Die Kolls sind neugierig, gespannt. Für Almut Birkenstock-Koll ist der mittlere Osten – mal abgesehen von Afrika, …

  25. – ?Iran: Konvertitinnen in Haft
    Sie gehören zu der im Iran sehr aktiven Untergrundkirche ehemaliger Muslime. Die zum Christentum übergetretenen Iranerinnen, Maryam Rostampour (geboren …

    1. Christliches Medienmagazin pro – „Weil sie Christen sind“: Frauen in Iran inhaftiert

    2. – Zum Christentum konvertiert: Diesen Frauen droht der Tod

  26. Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center Political battle begins for approval of the president’s cabinet nominees
    Unsurprisingly, the list of ministers submitted by President Ahmadinejad to the approval of the Majles last week drew political criticism from his rivals, including those belonging to the conservative bloc.
    Last weekend, Majles First Deputy Speaker Mohammad Reza Bahonar said that four to five of the president’s cabinet nominees would not gain the approval of the Majles. According to Bahonar, Majles members believe that some of the ministers proposed by the president are no more deserving than their predecessors from the outgoing government. Bahonar also criticized the president for revealing some of his ministerial candidates in a television interview before submitting the list of ministers to the Majles, as is customary (Aftab, August 21).
    Ahmad Tavakoli, the head of the Majles Research Center, joined the criticism made regarding some of the ministerial candidates proposed by the president, saying that the list of ministers boded no good for the next government’s chances of success. Tavakoli noted that some of the ministers lacked any kind of executive experience. For example, Dr. Marzieh Vahid-Dastjerdi, the president’s candidate for health minister, has no executive experience other than being in charge of the Basij association of Karaj University’s women, and cannot be expected to succeed in running an important socio-economic ministry. Also criticized by Tavakoli was the president’s candidate for intelligence minister, Hojjatoleslam Haydar Moslehi. The latter, Tavakoli said, had never done any intelligence work in his life and was therefore unfit to be intelligence minister. He further added that if the president had followed the suggestion of the Majles speaker and consulted the Majles before formulating the list of ministers, he would have made better choices (Asr-e Iran, August 18).

  27. WELT – Aufstände im Iran – Habermas & Co. sind schuld 
    Said Hajjarian, Ex-Geheimdienstler und reformislamistischer Politstratege, hat vor einem iranischen Gericht ein Zwangsgeständnis abgelegt. Ihm war vorgeworfen worden, für den Versuch einer „samtenen Revolution“ mitverantwortlich zu sein. Hajjarian macht Theorien von Weber und Habermas für die Proteste verantwortlich.
    Hajjarian ist einer der Begründer des nach der Revolution neu gegründeten iranischen Geheimdienstes und zählt zu den intelligentesten Reformstrategen des Iran. Farsnews veröffentlichte am 25. August seine „Verteidigungsrede“.
    Er habe seine „Verteidigungsrede“ handschriftlich geschrieben, heißt es dort. Nur vorlesen wollte er sein Geständnis nicht. Er begründete dies mit „Sprechproblemen“. Dabei gilt er als ein gewandter Redner. 
    Die Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Shirin Ebadi bezeichnete in einem Interview mit Radio Free Europe solche Verteidigungsreden als „juristisch wertlos“. Solche Prozesse seien „illegal“ und eine „Parodie
    der iranischen Justiz“. 
    Zwei Kriege im Osten und Westen des Iran
    Die handschriftliche Fassung des Zwangsgeständnisses, das Farsnews veröffentlichte, ist sechs Seiten lang. Eine sinngemäße Zusammenfassung soll einen Einblick in die Machenschaften des iranischen Regimes geben:
    Hajjarian ging zu Beginn seines Zwangsgeständnisses auf die zehnte Präsidentschaftswahl im Iran ein. Es sei das erste Mal, dass es bei iranischen Wahlen offen zu illegalen Handlungen, zu Morden und zur Zerstörung privaten und öffentlichen Eigentums gekommen sei. Hajjarian bezichtigte die Demonstranten, den Feinden des Iran gedient zu haben.
    Hajjarian erklärte seinen „Hass gegen alle Maßnahmen, die die Sicherheit des Staates gefährdet haben.“ Iran befinde sich in einer unruhigen Region, zwischen zwei Kriegen im Osten und Westen des Landes. Die Feinde des Iran würden versuchen mit Hilfe von Sanktionen und Drohungen den Fortschritt des Iran zu verhindern. Die Pflicht der Iraner sei aber die „Einhaltung der nationalen Einheit“. 

  28. AFRICASIA – 

    Iran parliament resumes Ahmadinejad cabinet debate
    Iran’s conservative-dominated parliament resumed a debate for the second straight day on Monday on cabinet nominees proposed by embattled President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, state radio said.
    The three-day debate on the 21-member cabinet line-up began on Sunday with several powerful conservative lawmakers dealing a blow to Ahmadinejad by openly opposing his nominees.
    „Sixteen nominees have no experience required for the ministries they have been nominated for,“ said top conservative MP Ahmad Tavakoli as parliament kicked off the debate on Sunday which culminates Wednesday in a vote of confidence.
    His views were backed by some other top conservative MPs, a sign of increasing opposition to Ahmadinejad’s plans even from his own support base.
    Ahmadinejad’s re-election triggered the worst crisis in the Islamic republic’s history and has divided the country’s clerical groups.
    He is also under fire from his own hardline supporters over several political decisions he made soon after his disputed June 12 victory.
    He now faces a daunting task in securing parliamentary approval for a line-up which includes many new faces, among them three women — a first in the Islamic republic.
    Iranian media on Monday highlighted the stiff opposition posed by some from the 220-member conservative bloc in the 290-member parliament.
    Leading Iranian hardline newspaper Kayhan, which has often been a harsh critic of Ahmadinejad, ran a front-page headline: „Heated words in parliament as cabinet reviewed.“
    Prominent conservative daily Jomhuri Eslami carried a lead headline saying „Top conservatives oppose cabinet,“ while the hardline newspaper Javan said the events on Sunday were „unprecedented.“
    Most reformist newspapers largely downplayed Sunday’s debate, but the Sarmayeh newspaper said: „The generals in majlis (parliament) against Ahmadinejad.“

  29. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Supreme Leader: Not Enough Islamic Learning, Knowledge In University Humanities Studies 
    At a meeting in Tehran yesterday with academics, university professors, and scientific elites in Tehran, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that he is worried about Iranian universities‘ inefficiency in research in Islamic learning, and about the lack of competent teachers in Islamic knowledge, for the two million students studying the humanities in universities. 
    He said that most humanities are based on philosophies that believe in materialism, and that lack belief in Islamic and divine teachings, and warned that teaching them would lead to the promotion of non-belief in the divine teachings and of skepticism regarding the religious principles. 
    Source: ISNA, Iran, August 31, 2009

  30. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG IRGC Commander: IRGC Has Greatly Improved Its Missile Accuracy 
    The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps has greatly increased its missile accuracy through obtaining advanced technology, the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) announced August 29. 
    Maj.-Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari said that the IRGC has also improved its anti-aircraft and missile systems over the past two years.
    He pointed to the IRGC’s high military preparedness, saying it has always monitored the enemies‘ moves to ensure security of the country.  
    He added that the IRGC will assure people that it will do its best to maintain Iran’s internal and external security. 
    Source: Mehr, Iran, August 29, 2009

  31. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG New Judicial Appointments In Iran 
    Saeed Mortazevi, former Tehran prosecutor-general, has been appointed by judiciary head Sadeq Larijani as Iran’s deputy prosecutor general. 
    Former intelligence minister Mohseni-Ejei was recently appointed the country’s prosecutor-general.  
    Sources: Fars, Iran, August 30, 2009; Press TV, Iran, August 24, 2009

  32. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG –  Iran Sends New Warships to Gulf of Aden 
    Iranian Army navy today dispatched its third fleet of warships to the Gulf of Aden.
    The fleet, which includes Khark battleship and Sabalan destroyer with 400 personnel and naval forces, is slated to replace the second fleet in the Gulf of Aden, a stretch of water between south Yemen and Somalia.
    Navy commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari stressed today the significance of the deployment of Iranian warships in high seas, especially in the Gulf of Aden, saying that the Navy took the move to safeguard the country’s national interests.
    In late July, he announced that his forces would stage a stronger presence in the high seas in an effort to maintain and boost the country’s might and clout.
    Iran’s Army and Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have already dispatched two fleets of warships, comprising six warships and logistic vessels, to the Gulf of Aden and the surrounding international waters, to safeguard Iranian trade cargo ships against piracy.
    Source: Fars, Iran, August 31, 2009

  33. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Official: Soon We’ll Present New Drone
    Iranian Air Force commander Hassan Shah Safi has said that within a month, Iran will present a new Iran-made radar-evading drone.
    The drone is aimed at striking ground targets.
    Source: ISNA, Iran, August 30, 2009

  34. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Syria, Iraq Exchange Verbal Attacks; Iran, Turkey Step In To Mediate In Syria-Iraq Crisis
    Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al-Mu’alem has called on the U.N. Security Council to investigate all crimes committed in Iraq since the invasion of the country in 2003.
    The statement came in response to a demand by Iraq that the Security Council appoint an international tribunal to investigate „the war crimes and crimes against humanity“ arising from the massive bombings in Baghdad on August 19, and to punish the perpetrators.
    The Iraqi notion is that the Security Council appoint a tribunal similar to the one established to investigate the assassination of former Lebanese prime Minister Rafiq Al-Hariri. Iraq claims that the bombings were planned in Damascus by members of the Iraqi Ba’th Party residing in Syria, and with the full knowledge of the Syrian authorities.
    Iraq has continued to escalate its conflict with Syria by televising „confessions“ by a leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, a Saudi national, who claimed to have received training in the Syrian city of Latakia and that he entered Iraq with the help of Syrian intelligence officers.
    Meanwhile, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki met yesterday, August 30, with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus, and the previous day, August 29, with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki in Baghdad, to stress the importance to regional security of Syria-Iraq relations.
    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu is in Iraq and Syria today for the same purpose.
    [It appears that Iraq has touched a raw Syrian nerve by calling for the creation of an international tribunal similar to the one investigating the assassination of al-Hariri. According to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki, Iraq is seeking to „embarrass“ Syria in the eyes of the world.]
    Sources: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London; Al-Zaman, Iraq; Al-Thawra, Syria; Al-‚Alaam, Iran, August 31, 2009

  35. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iranian Ayatollahs Oppose Appointment Of Women Ministers
    A senior Iranian ayatollah has warned Majlis speaker Ali Larijani that he would not recognize a government that included even one of the three women ministers presented to the Majlis yesterday by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
    Senior Majlis officials have made their support for the appointment of women ministers in the government contingent upon the approval of senior ayatollahs. Prior to this, It was reported that senior ayatollahs rejected the appointment of women ministers.
    Source: Jahannews, Iran, August 30, 2009

  36. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG IRGC Commander: We Have Killed 45 Kurdish Separatists
    IRGC Commander Mohammad Jafari stated that, in recent clashes with Kurdish separatists in Kurdistan, the IRGC and Basij killed 45 Kurdish militants and lost one soldier.
    He added that 20 Basij members and police officers were killed in the course of the recent protests in Iran.
    Source: ILNA (Iran), August 29, 2009

  37. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Karroubi Willing to Present Evidence for Rape of Prisoners
    In a letter to Iranian judiciary chief Sadeq Larijani, Mehdi Karroubi stated that he was willing to present him with evidence for the rapes at Kahrizak prison, and with some of the victims, providing that he guarantee their safety.
    Source: Saham News (Iran), August 29, 2009

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