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  1. Brandaktuell…

    1. JPAhmadinejad vows ‘decisive response’ to Israeli attack
      “If someone throws a smaller stone, you should respond with a bigger stone” Iranian president says as Russians try to restart nuclear talks.  
      Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad acknowledged the possibility of an Israeli or US strike on his country as real in an interview with Russia Today on Sunday, but said that the Islamic Republic would offer “a decisive response” to such an attack.
      “They wish to do it, they want to do it, but they know about our power. They know that we are going to give them a decisive response,” he said. “We have a saying in our language: ‘If someone throws a smaller stone, you should respond with a bigger stone.’ We will defend ourselves within our capabilities.”  

    2. JPIranian report attacks Jews, Israel and the UK – German-Iranian scholar exposes document in effort to educate Bundestag about Tehran’s “pseudo-parliament.”
      BERLIN Close relations between the Bundestag and Iran’s parliament, the Majlis, led a prominent German-Iranian scholar to issue an analysis on Friday of a July- August Majlis report that attacks Jews, Israel, Rupert Murdoch’s media enterprise, women’s rights and Western culture.
      “The German Bundestag maintains parliamentary relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran’s pseudo-parliament. The Bundestag believes that ‘paths of communications among parliamentarians could be important.’ For this reason it is surely important to be aware of the anti- Semitic stances taken by the scientific department of the Iranian Majlis,” wrote Dr. Wahied Wahdat- Hagh, an expert on the Islamic Republic and a senior fellow at the Brussels-based European Foundation for Democracy.

    3. YNETIran vows to protect nuclear scientists
      In light of recent assassinations, Iran to implement safety measures to keep atom researchers safe
      Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi announced last week that the regime will increase security around its research staff, according to the Iranian news agency. This is a first step in a series of measures to protect Iran’s nuclear scientists.
      The announcement is a first indicator that the regime is concerned about the fact that four key individuals involved in the development of the Iranian military’s nuclear program were assassinated over the past two years, Yedioth Ahronoth reported.

    4. JP
    5. Latakia Railway Station 
      Latakia Railway Station. The city’s airport is to be the site of a new military compound
      Photo: ALAMY 
      Under the terms of the deal, which was concluded after a high-level Syrian delegation visited Tehran, Iran is to assist with the development of a new military compound at Latakia airport which will be completed by the end of next year. The aim of the agreement is to open a supply route that will enable Iran to transfer military hardware directly to Syria.  
      Western security officials say the deal was agreed following a visit to Tehran in June by Muhammad Nasif Kheirbek,
      Syria’s deputy vice-president for security affairs and an ally of President Bashar al-Assad. 

    6. IRANANDERS UNO lobt Irans Einsatz gegen Drogen
      Der iranische Präsident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ruft die NATO-Truppen zur Kooperation im Kampf gegen den Drogenhandel in Afghanistan auf, wobei Teheran bereit wäre, den Schlafmohnanbau zu kontrollieren, so der Präsident 

    7. DEUTSCHTÜRKISCHE NACHRICHTEN Iran dementiert Gefangennahme des PKK-Führers Karayilan
      Die Nachricht, iranische Sicherheitskräfte hätten den PKK-Führer Murat Karayilan gefangen genommen, ist von türkischen sowie iranischen Vertretern bestritten worden

      1. DEUTSCHRÜKISCHE NACHRICHTEN PKK-Anführer Karayilan im Iran gefasst
        Iranische Truppen haben den PKK-Anführer Murat Karayilan gefasst. Nach Abdullah Öcalan gilt er als zweitwichtigste Person der Terrororganisation. PKK-Anführer Murat Karayilan wurde am Samstag offenbar dingefest gemacht

      2. TT Iran nimmt PKK-Anführer fest: Karayilan soll unzählige Anschläge organisiert haben
        Teheran/Istanbul – Iranische Truppen haben den de-facto-Anführer der verbotenen Kurdischen Arbeiterpartei (PKK), Murat Karayilan, gefasst. Der Militärchef der kurdischen Rebellen sei von Revolutionsgarden gefangen genommen worden, sagte Alaeddin

        1. FAZ Iran meldet Verhaftung von PKK-Führer
        2. STANDARD PKK-Chef im Iran verhaftet

    8. TAGESSCHAU Iran: Kampf der Jugend um ein bisschen Freiheit
      Jugendliche haben es schwer im Iran. Sie können mit dem System nur wenig oder nichts anfangen, deshalb suchen sie Freiräume – raus aus der Stadt, weg vom wachenden Auge der “Großen Brüder”, zum Beispiel in die Berge. 


    1. AFREUTERSIran signs $1.5 billion oil deal with local firms
      TEHRAN Aug 15 (Reuters) – Iran signed a contract worth $1.5 billion with a consortium of local firms on Monday to develop the third phase of the south-western Darkhovin oil field, Oil Ministry website SHANA reported.
      Iranian energy officials said last year they were in talks with Italy’s Eni (ENI.MI: Quote) on developing the phase but the Italian firm told U.S. authorities in April 2010 it was handing the operation of Darkhovin to local partners to avoid U.S. sanctions.
      “The contract to develop the third phase of Darkhovin with the aim of producing 71,000 barrels of crude oil per day (bpd) was signed with local firms,” SHANA reported.
      The field, located in the oil-rich Khuzestan province, contains an in-place reserve estimated at 5 billion barrels, of which 1.28 billion are recoverable and valued at $95 billion, according to Iranian officials. 

    2. TRADEARABIAIran restates threat to take project off China
      Tehran: Iran reiterated to China on Saturday it could take back control of a gas field being developed by its national oil company unless it speeds up investment, one week after the new Iranian oil minister said no foreign contractors were needed.’Ultimatums will certainly be given to the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) if the delays in developing the phase 11 of South Pars continues,’ Ahmad Qalebani, head of National Iranian Oil Co(NIOC) was quoted as saying by the semi-official Mehr news agency.The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) said in June that it would ‘replace CNPC with domestic companies’ if the Chinese company did not step up the pace of the project, and the latest warning came after Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi said Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’ engineering arm should take over from foreign companies.

    3. KHALEEJTIMES India pays Iran two thirds of oil debt
      TEHRAN — Iran has received “two thirds” of India’s 4.8 billion dollar (3.3 billion euro) oil arrears piled up by sanctions-related payment problems, central bank head said Monday on ISNA news agency.  
      “Two thirds of the oil arrears owed to Iran by India have been received. The rest is on its way and there are no problems in this regard,” Mahmoud Bahmani said.  
      Indian firms struggled for more than six months to pay Tehran as they faced problems linked to US sanctions on Iran over its controversial nuclear programme, including measures targeting the Iranian banking sector.  
      Various Asian and European banking channels used by New Delhi to pay Iran — Germany in particular — were closed off one after another, delaying India’s settlement.  
      The managing director of the National Iranian Oil Company, Ahmad Qalebani, said on August 8 India had paid 1 billion euros ($1.4 bn) of the money owed and that oil sales to the country were continuing more or less normally.  
      Earlier in August, Indian Petroleum Minister S. Jaipal Reddy said his country would use a banking system via Turkey to pay for Iranian crude.  
      On Monday, Bahmani said Iran faced “no problems” regarding payments for oil sold to China and South Korea, denying press reports of significant arrears owed by these countries to Tehran.  
      He also said that Iran “if necessary” would accept gold as payment for oil to bypass the banking sanctions imposed by the United States.  
      India is Iran’s second largest client after China, and absorbs about 20 percent of the Islamic republic’s crude exports, buying about 400,000 barrels of Iranian crude per day.  

  2. Zum Thema “Iranische Handelsbeziehungen und Wirtschaft”…

    1. BBCHumanities courses cut at Iranian university

      Iranian students at a humanities studies related class. 
      Journalism and communication studies are among 13 undergraduate degrees which have been removed from the prospectus of one of Iran’s universities this year. 
      This year Allameh Tabatabayee university offers 6 undergraduate degrees in the field of humanities studies as opposed to 19 last year. 
      Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has said that the field of humanities studies in Iran should be adapted to the needs of an Islamic society.  
    2. MDIran Court Hands Down Death Penalty to 4 Criminals over Rape 
      ISFAHAN, 13 AUGUST, 2011: Four people have been sentenced to death in Iran for sexually assaulting six women in Khomeini Shahr, Isfahan Province, Mehr News Agency (MNA) reported.
      On May 24, some people entered an orchard in Khomeini Shahr overnight, beat eight men and six women there, then held the men captive and transported the women to another orchard where they were sexually assaulted by four of the criminals.
      The court condemned people will be hanged in a public place in Khomeini Shahr in the near future.
      The rest, based on the severity of their crimes, will be jailed or will receive lashes.

    3. MÄRKISCHE ALLGEMEINE Frank Kallensee über die Literaturzensur in der Islamischen Republik Iran
      Amtsschimmel waren noch nie Rennpferde. Aber dass einer 831 Jahre bis ins Ziel braucht, verblüfft dann doch. Jedenfalls ist nun dem iranischen Kulturministerium aufgegangen, dass in Persiens schönstem Liebesepos Anstößiges geschrieben steht. Deshalb sollen jetzt „Chosrou und Schirin” nicht mehr „irgendwo hin- gehen” dürfen, wo sie „alleine sein können” oder gar „Hände halten”. Teherans Zensoren wollen 2011 die Liebe aus einer seit 1180 populären Liebesgeschich-te streichen, weil die Schilderung zwischengeschlechtlicher Nähe in der Islamischen Republik verboten ist. Nur um das zu veranschaulichen: Bei uns käme das dem Versuch gleich, Kriemhild im „Nibelungenlied” zu schwärzen oder „Tristan und Isolde” gleich ganz auf den Index zu setzen. Der mit den Dummheiten der Moral- und Meinungspolizisten bestens vertraute Kurt Tucholsky hatte einst gefragt: „Was kann das schon sein, wenn es die Zensur erlaubt hat?” Für das Buch „Chosrou und Schirin” heißt das: Was kann das schon sein, was die Zensur davon übrig lässt? Richtig: nichts.

      1. NACHRICHTEN.CH Iran zensiert 800 Jahre alten Liebesepos
      2. WELT Iran will Liebesepos nach 800 Jahren zensieren
      3. N-TV Nach mehr als 800 Jahren: Iran zensiert Klassiker

  3. Zum Thema “Menschenrechtslage”…

    1. STANDARDRussischer Experte zu Atomgesprächen in Teheran – Versuch, den Iran zur Wiederaufnahme der internationalen Gespräche über Atomprogramm zu bewegen 
      Teheran – Der russische Atomexperte Nikolai Patruschew ist am Montag zu Gesprächen über das iranische Atomprogramm in Teheran eingetroffen. Wie staatliche Medien in Teheran berichteten, kam Patruschew im Außenministerium mit seinem iranischen Kollegen Said Jalili zusammen. 
      Patruschew ist Sekretär des Russischen Sicherheitsrates. Moskau versucht, Teheran zur Wiederaufnahme der internationalen Gespräche über das iranische Atomprogramm zu bewegen. Russland hat dazu vorgeschlagen, die Sanktionen bei einem Entgegenkommen Teherans schrittweise abzubauen. Teheran hat den Vorschlag begrüßt, ohne ihn anzunehmen.  

      1. RIA NOVOSTI Irans Außenminister kommt nach Russland für Erörterung iranischen Atomprogramms
        Laut einer Mitteilung des Pressedienstes des russischen Außenministeriums kommt heute der iranischen Außenminister Ali Akbar Saleh zu einem zweitägigen Besuch nach Moskau

      2. RIA NOVOSTI Washington „verfolgt mit Interesse” Iran-Besuch russischen Sicherheitssekretärs
        „Wir haben unsere Haltung zum Iran nicht verändert und begrüßen beliebige Bemühungen Russlands, die darauf gerichtet sind, Teheran zu einem Kurswechsel und zur Einhaltung der internationalen Verpflichtungen zu bewegen”, sagte Nuland

      3. RADIO CHINA – Russland und Iran beraten neues Konzept zur Lösung der Atomfrage
        Der Sekretär des russischen Sicherheitsrates, Nikolai Patrushev, wird am Montag dem Iran einen Besuch abstatten

      4. RIA NOVOSTI Atom-Konflikt: Außenminister von Russland und Iran verhandeln in Moskau

    2. afp US-Klage gegen Deutsche-Börse-Tochter Clearstream
      New York — Eine Gruppe von fast tausend US-Bürgern geht laut einem Medienbericht gerichtlich gegen die Deutsche-Börse-Tochter Clearstream wegen mutmaßlicher Verbindungen zum Iran vor. Die Kläger werfen dem Luxemburger Finanzhaus vor, Teheran dabei geholfen zu haben, in den USA eingefrorenes Vermögen in Höhe von 250 Millionen Dollar aus dem Land zu transferieren, berichtet das “Wall Street Journal”.
      Die Zeitung beruft sich dabei auf “kürzlich öffentlich gemachte” Dokumente eines Bundesgerichts in New York. Bei den Klägern handelt es sich demnach um Angehörige von 241 US-Soldaten, die 1983 bei einem Anschlag in der libanesischen Hauptstadt Beirut getötet wurden.
      Ein US-Gericht hatte 2003 den Iran für den Anschlag verantwortlich gemacht und den Angehörigen Schadenersatz in Höhe von 2,7 Milliarden Dollar zugesprochen. Laut “WSJ” versuchen die Angehörigen mit der Klage, eine “teilweise Auszahlung” dieser Summe zu erlangen. Bereits im Dezember 2009 hatte die Zeitung berichtet, dass ein New Yorker Gericht im Sommer 2008 mehr als zwei Milliarden Dollar eingefroren habe, die Clearstream für den Iran auf Konten der US-Bankengruppe Citigroup lagerte.
      Die Kläger werfen Clearstream laut “WSJ” konkret vor, dem Iran geholfen zu haben, 2008 Geld von Konten bei der New Yorker Citigroup-Tochter Citibank transferiert zu haben. Dagegen argumentiert Clearstream laut “Wall Street Journal” in den Gerichtsdokumenten, dass das Geld auf den Konten der Citibank Clearstream gehöre und nicht dem Iran.

  4. Internationale Reaktionen (z.B. Sanktionen) und iranische Gegenreaktionen…

  5. Sonstiges…

    1. JP

  6. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Fire Engulfs Iranian Ambassador’s Office in Baghdad, U.S. Blamed 
    A fire broke out in the office of Iranian Ambassador to Iraq Hassan Dana’i-Far, which started with an explosion when the air conditioner in the office was turned on.

  7. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian MP: Iranian Companies Are Building Homes in Venezuela Instead of in Iran 
    Iranian Majlis member Mehrdad Lahouti criticized the contract signed by the regime to construct 10,000 homes in Venezuela.

  8. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Students Throw Eggs At British Embassy in Tehran 
    The moderate conservative Iranian website Asr-e Iran called on regime officials to learn a lesson from the unrest in Britain and to enable Iranian protestors to express themselves in the media, to seriously address their demands, and to avoid using violence to disperse protests.

  9. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Official: Facebook Was Blocked to Protect the Public 
    A senior official in the Iranian Judiciary explained that the authorities have blocked access to Facebook in order to protect the Iranian public from this site, which makes illegitimate use of the members’ private information.

  10. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Iranian Majlis Member: Holding of Olympics in London Should Be Reconsidered 
    Iranian Majlis Member Hossein Garrousi recommended rethinking the decision to hold the 2012 Olympic games in London, in light of the riots there.

  11. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG – Conflicting Reports about Arrest of PKK Leader by Iran 
    The PKK has denied the claim made by an Iranian Majlis member that Murat Karayilan, the number two man in the organization, is in Iranian custody.

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