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  1. Brandaktuell…

    1. CNN – Walkout at U.N. as Ahmadinejad speaks
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      U.N. delegates walk out on Ahmadinejad

      Video lässt sich bei Aufruf der Seite abspielen…(bd)
      United Nations (CNN) — Delegations from the United States and several European nations walked out of the U.N. General Assembly Thursday during Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech, in which he repeatedly condemned the United States and said some countries use the Holocaust as an „excuse to pay ransom… to Zionists.“
      Delegates from France, Germany, and the United Kingdom were among those who walked out. Delegations from Canada and Israel were not present from the beginning.

      Siehe auch You Tube: USA – NY.22.09.2011. U.N. delegates walk out on Ahmadinejad

      1. Eklat bei UN-Vollversammlung: Ahmadinedschad nennt Holocaust „Ausrede“
        Es ist schon fast ein Ritual: Seine Auftritte vor der UN-Vollversammlung nutzt Irans Präsident Ahmadinedschad für einen verbalen Rundumschlag gegen den Westen. In New York wettert er gegen die Israel-Politik der USA. Die Anschläge vom 11. September bezeichnet er als „mysteriös“. Mehrere Delegierte verlassen den Saal.
        Irans Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad hat erneut für einen Eklat in der UN-Vollversammlung in New York gesorgt. Dutzende Delegierte verließen den Saal, als der Präsident den Westen und die USA für Weltkriege, Massenmord, Vertreibung und die Finanzkrise verantwortlich machte. Die US-Delegation wie auch zahlreiche Europäer äußerten auf diese Weise ihren Protest.

      2. Ahmadinedschad sorgt mit Hetztirade für Eklat

        Der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad macht das Victory-Sign während der UN-Vollversammlung in New York. AFP
        Irans Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad ist immer für einen Eklat gut. Dieses Mal nutzte er seine Redezeit vor der UN-Vollversammlung, um gegen die USA zu hetzen. „Wurzel des Bösen“ und „Sklavenmeister“ gehörten noch zu den netteren Ausdrücken.

      3. Ahmadinedjad, der Friedensengel Palästinenser dringen auf UN-Mitgliedschaft
        New York/Ramallah (dpa) – Die Welt schaut gespannt auf New York, obwohl jeder weiß, was passiert: Palästinenserpräsident Mahmud Abbas ist fest entschlossen, am Freitag die UN-Mitgliedschaft eines Staates Palästina zu beantragen.
        Damit würde Abbas Israel und die USA offen brüskieren. Entsprechend laufen hinter den Türen die Versuche auf Hochtouren, einen für alle Seiten akzeptablen Kompromiss zu finden. Unterdessen hat der iranische Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad wieder einmal einen Auftritt vor der UN-Vollversammlung mit wüsten Beschimpfungen für einen Eklat genutzt.
      4. businessweek.comIran’s Ahmadinejad Is Weakened, Isolated as He Addresses UNBill Varner and Flavia Krause-Jackson
        (Bloomberg) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a record of hurling insults at Israel when he addresses world leaders at the UN General Assembly. The Jewish state has reason to expect more of the same today.
        In a Sept. 21 interview with ABC News, Ahmadinejad referred to Israel as a „fake regime“ whose „oppressive preconditions“ to peace talks would doom that nation. In a Sept. 13 interview with the Washington Post, he said it is a „dreadful party, a feared party, the party that was behind the first World War and the second World War.“
        Such rhetorical assaults aside, the Iranian leader will walk to the General Assembly lectern at a moment of declining political fortunes at home and increasing isolation in the Muslim world for backing Syria’s violent efforts to crush anti- government protests.

      5. spiritofentebbe« Fremde Federn: Gideon Böss: „Ahmadinedschad der Große“
        Meine erste ZEIT las ich vor knapp 30 Jahren. Das war ein dickes Ding damals, großformatig, auf Seite 1 gabs kein Foto, dafür eine Bleiwüste, gewichtige Worte von Geistesgrößen wie Theo Sommer oder Marion Gräfin Dönhoff, und, ja: ich zog mir selbst diese sich mitunter über mehrere Seiten hinziehenden, schon damals als rechtschaffen onkelhaft empfundenen Leitartikel rein.
        Wie es sich für das Leitmedium der liberalen Denkerkaste gehörte, waren auch die Leserbriefe überlang, und in wohlgesetzten Worten verbreiteten sich vorzugsweise promovierte Intellektuelle und pensionierte Studienräte über die Weltläufte. Mein Favorit war Hans Wittek aus Leutkirch, von dem in gefühlt jeder zweiten Ausgabe ein Statement zu lesen war und der zu wirklich jedem Thema eine Meinung hatte, die er auch in etlichen anderen Qualitätsblättern der Welt mitzuteilen pflegte.

      6. Ahmadinejad says Killing of Bin-Laden was part of U.S. Cover-up
        Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday said the United States, the West and „Zionists“ were responsible for all of the world’s ills and suggested that the killing of Osama bin Laden was part of a cover-up to prevent the truth about the 9/11 attacks from emerging.
        At his annual address to the United Nations General Assembly, Ahmadinejad built on his 2010 speech in which he alleged that the United States had orchestrated the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, which killed almost 3,000 people, to create a pretext for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

      7. Ahmadinejad, der letzte Partyschreck der UN-Vollversammlung – CHRISTIAN ULTSCH
        UN-Rede: Irans Präsident stellte erneut den Holocaust und die 9/11-Anschläge in Frage.
        Libyens Diktator Muammar al-Gaddafi ist abgetaucht, Venezuelas Staatschef Hugo Chavéz unterzieht sich einer Chemotherapie. Die Rolle des bizarren Partyschrecks blieb bei der UN-Vollversammlung heuer Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vorbehalten.

    2. „There is no limit on enrichment“
      Iranian FM, a driving force behind the nuclear program, visits New York 
      Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi is accompanying President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during his visit to New York to attend the annual meeting of the UN General Assembly.
      Salehi (62) has spent many years in positions officially connected to the Iranian nuclear program, first serving as Iran’s representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and later as the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) [1], which oversees Tehran’s nuclear program and is designated under UN Security Council Resolution 1737 (2006). [2] 
      […] Salehi holds a doctorate in nuclear physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. [8]
      In his own words:
      The nuclear program:
      „There is no limit on enrichment“
      ·“Everyone must realize the reality that Iran’s nuclear program has reached the no return point, and that the achieved progress cannot be reversed.“ [9]

    3. American hikers released from Iran
      (JTA) — Two American hikers who were imprisoned in Iran for two years after they strayed across the border were released on bail.
      Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal, both 29, were set free Wednesday from a Tehran prison into the custody of officials from Oman, who took them straight to the airport, according to reports. They each posted $500,000 bail.
      Bauer and Fattal were held on spy charges since they and a third hiker were arrested July 31, 2009 after crossing into Iran from Iraq during a hike. Sarah Shourd was released a year ago on the same bail on medical grounds.
      All three have denied the spy charges. The men were sentenced to eight years in prison; the conviction and sentence are being appealed.

    1. Handel mit Iran geht auf hohem Niveau weiter
      am 23.12.2006 wurde die ersten Wirtschaftssanktionen im UN – ‘Sicherheitsrat beschlossen. Seit diesem Tag folgten unzählige weitere Sanktionen der Vereinten Nationen und der Europäischen Union. Bei jeder Verschärfung versprach man uns klare Konsequenzen, ernsthaftes Vorgehen, endlich einen Beleg dafür, daß die Weltgemeinschaft es ernsthaft damit meint, den Iran nicht zu einem Staat mit Atomwaffen werden zu lassen. einer gefühlten Ewigkeit zeigen Fachleute immer wieder auf, wie lebendig die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit Sanktioneninsbesondere zwischen Deutschland und Iran sind. Nun veröffentlichte die Deutsch-Iranische Handelskammer, der wichtigste und uneinsichtigste Lobby-Haufen für Geschäfte mit dem Iran die Handelsstatistik für das erste Halbjahr 2011 und man glaubt es kaum, der Handel geht zurück ! Kein wirklicher Grund zur Freude, das Handelsvolumen reduziert sich gerade Mal um 11, 18 %. Da jedem klar ist, daß es eine erhebliche Dunkelziffer im Handel mit Iran und seinem verbrecherischen Regime gibt, der über die Türkei, China, Dubai oder sonstige Drittstaaten geht, ist kaum etwas passiert. Das hat Nichts mit ernsthaften Sanktionen zu tun. Wenn die Dinge so weiter gehen werden noch in 5 Jahren Milliarden-Exporte an das Mullah-Regime schicken und so zur Stabilisierung der Diktatur, Unterdrückung des iranischen Volkes und der Bedrohung der ganzen Region mit Atomwaffen beitragen.

    2. Danish Mega-Mosque Funded by Iran – Soeren Kern
      The city council of Copenhagen has given its final approval for the construction of the first official „Grand Mosque“ in the Danish capital. The mega-mosque will have a massive blue dome as well as two towering minarets and is architecturally designed to stand out on Copenhagen’s low-rise skyline.
      Unlike most mosques in Europe, which cater to Sunni Muslims, the mosque in Copenhagen pertains to Shia Islam. The mosque is being financed by the Islamic Republic of Iran; critics say that theocrats in Tehran intend to use the mosque to establish a recruiting center for the militant Shia Muslim group, Hezbollah in Europe.
      Critics of the Shia mosque have warned local politicians that the building will be owned by the Iranian regime for use as a propaganda center as well as a platform from which to recruit impressionable Muslim immigrant youths for service to Hezbollah. But the Copenhagen city council states that who pays for building the mosque is none of its concern.

  2. Zum Thema „Iranische Handelsbeziehungen und Wirtschaft“…

    1. Was für ein seltsames Logo! (bd)
      Teenager’s execution prompts UN call for halt to death penalty in Iran

      A group of independent United Nations human rights experts has condemned the execution of a teenager carried out yesterday by Iranian authorities, and called once again for an immediate halt to the country’s use of the death penalty.
      Alireza Molla Soltani, 17, was publicly executed by hanging on Wednesday. He was reportedly sentenced to death last month for stabbing a popular athlete to death in mid-July, which he said was done in self-defence.
      „We are outraged at the execution practice in Iran despite the international community’s and our repeated calls for a moratorium,“ the experts – on human rights in Iran, on summary executions, on the independence of the judiciary, and on torture – said in a news release. 

      1. The Real Iran – Raymond Ibrahim
        In a globalized world where debate and diplomacy predominate, there is one sure way to discern the sincerity of any particular government: see how it behaves at home, where it is in power; see especially how it treats its minorities.
        Consider the government of Iran. Gearing up for the Durban III Conference, supposedly against racism, scheduled to take place in New York City this week, Tehran and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad no doubt plan on complaining to the international community about Israel as in former conferences—portraying the Jewish state as „the most cruel and repressive racist regime,“ a „barbaric“ government that engages in „inhuman policies“ against the Palestinians.
        Yet what sort of government runs Iran—that is, how do Ahmadinejad and the mullahs behave on their own turf, where they are in control? One need only look to Iran’s daily domestic affairs to get a clear idea of what „barbaric,“ „cruel,“ and „inhuman policies“ are truly like.

      2. Iran hangs teenage offender
        KARAJ, Iran, Sept. 21 (UPI) — The Iranian government, despite international condemnation, went ahead with the public hanging of a teenage boy Wednesday, a prosecution spokesman confirmed.
        Alireza Molla-Soltani, 17, was convicted of killing popular athlete Ruhollah Dadashi during a dispute in July, the Egyptian news organization Bikya Masr reported.
        „Executing juvenile offenders is strictly forbidden under international treaties that Iran has signed up to,“ said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui of Amnesty International based in London.
        Iran is one of the few countries to execute juveniles.
        Read more….  

      3. Free Iran Now! Im Iran verbrennen sie Bibeln …Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken
        … und es mag sich niemand so recht darüber aufzuregen. Erinnert sich noch wer an den outrage über Pfarrer Terry Jones, den Präsidenten, Außenminister und UN-Generalsekretäre warnten, doch auf keinen Fall einen Koran öffentlich zu verbrennen? Aber es sind ja nur Bibeln … und tausende davon. Und das ganze findet schließlich nicht in den USA,  sondern im Iran statt. Da muss man natürlich kultursensibel reagieren.
        Iranian authorities began to systematically seize and destroy Bibles after a Shiite cleric issued an urgent warning about the spread of Christianity.
        Authorities in northwestern Iran seized 6,500 Bibles, according to the Iranian Christian news organization Mohabat News, which quotes an official as saying of the seizure that „all religions are strengthening their power to confront Islam; otherwise, what does this huge number of Bibles mean?“ The agency has reported several other recent incidents of Bibles and other Christian literature being seized and sometimes publicly burned.

      4. France condemns Iran’s teenager execution
        DUBAI: The French government expressed „shock“ on Wednesday over a decision by Iran to execute a minor in blatant defiance of international accords on the treatment of underage detainees. Paris also expressed „strong concern“ over reports of the arrest of prominent media figures.
        „France is deeply shocked by the hanging by Iran this morning of a 17-year-old youth, Alireza Molla-Soltani,“ an official statement said here.
        „This execution of a minor, which furthermore took place in public, violates international commitments to which Iran has subscribed,“ the French Foreign Ministry said, expressing particular concern over „the increase in the number of executions in Iran.“
        France said it is opposed to the death penalty in all circumstances and in all parts of the world.
        Separately, France also expressed „strong concern“ over the arrest of a number of cinema documentary figures on accusations of working for „BBC“ television.
        „These arrests are a new illustration of the constant repression in Iran of journalists, cineastes and artists for freely exercising their professions,“ the Foreign Ministry added.
        The French statement called for the immediate release of the media figures that were detained by Iranian security services.

  3. Zum Thema „Menschenrechtslage“…

    1. VIDEO  
      Free Iran Now!
      Iranians against Neturei Karta – gegenkritik
      Eine bemerkenswerte Szene in New York: oppositionelle Iraner demonstrieren gegen die antizionistische Sekte Neturei Karta (deren selbsternannter Rabbi Moshe Arye Friedman Teilnehmer der Holocaustleugner-Konferenz in Teheran war und dort mit Ahmadinejad kuschelte):

    2. Free Iran Now!Who’s afraid of the Iranian opposition? – Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh and Andreas Benl
      The West has spent more than thirty years looking for incentives for compromise with the Islamist regime in Iran. After the takeover of the alleged reformer Khatami in 1997, things looked brighter than ever before. In what U.S. diplomat Martin Indyk described as a „goodwill gesture,“ the Clinton administration put the Iranian opposition group the Mullahs fear most — the „Peoples Mujahedin Organization of Iran“ (MEK) — on their list of „Foreign Terrorist Organizations.“
      The European Union followed suit with a similar decision in 2001, but had to remove the MEK of their list of terrorist organizations in 2009. The many accusations that have been brought forward against the MEK could not bear examination. Several verdicts of the British and the European Courts of Justice considered the listing as a violation of the rule of law.

  4. Zum Thema „Oppositionsbewegung und Protestler“ 

    1. Wie kann man nach so vielen ergebnislosen Jahren nur so naiv sein! (bd) EU bietet Iran Atomgespräche an
      Foto © APA
      Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Catherine Ashton hat Gespräche mit dem Iran über sein umstrittenes Atomprogramm unter bestimmten Bedingungen in Aussicht gestellt. Ein Treffen sei möglich, „wenn der Iran Bereitschaft zeigt, sich ernsthaft an konkreten Gesprächen zu beteiligen, die das Ziel haben, die internationalen Befürchtungen über sein Atomprogramm zu zerstreuen“, so Ashton.

    2. HA’ARETZIran’s Ahmadinejad postpones visit to Venezuela
      Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is recovering from a fourth round of cancer treatment; trip to be rescheduled.

  5. Internationale Reaktionen (z.B. Sanktionen) und iranische Gegenreaktionen…

    1. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad should be locked out of the U.S. – Irwin Cotler
      Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images 
      Ahmadinejad’s plane should be grounded, permanently. Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images
      Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s impending visit to United Nations is a cruel parody of law. Ahmadinejad will enter the U.S. despite being inadmissible under American law. He will address the United Nations General Assembly despite being in violation of its UN Charter and international law. And, he will be indulged — even feted — by universities, institutes and the media, thereby sanitizing his crimes and mocking the suffering of the Iranian people.
      This charade — repeated annually since 2007 — ignores and undermines basic principles of domestic, international and humanitarian law.
      First, President Ahmadinejad belongs on the U.S. „watchlist“ of persons barred from entry — those who „aid terrorists … persecute religious minorities … or commit or incite to genocide.“ Indeed, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation just last month barring entry for persons „who participate in serious human rights and humanitarian law violations and other abuses.“

    2. kristof.blogs.nytimes.comAn Interview With Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – NICHOLAS KRISTOF
      The following is a transcript of my conversation with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. The interview was conducted in New York City on September 20, 2011, and served as the basis for this column.
      Nicholas Kristof: Mr. President, welcome to New York. Thank you very much for taking the time. If I can start by asking about the American hikers. You said on Sept. 13 that they’d be free in a couple of days. What happened and when will they be handed over?
      Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: In the name of God the most gracious the most merciful I would like to, with your permission, greet all of your readers as well as web viewers and wish all of them the success and blessings of the almighty. As you are well aware the American citizens trespassed our borders illegally, according to which we undertook proper prosecution through the proper channels in the judiciary. There have been efforts to free them. And I do believe that all governments do have quite deep punishments for illegal trespassing of their sovereign borders. And we have undertaken efforts to, God willing, free them as soon as possible and it will happen, God willing.

  6. Sonstiges…

  7. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG IMF Projects Decline In Iran’s Inflation In 2012
    The International Monetary Fund has indicated that the inflation rate in Iraq will decrease to around 10% in 2012 from the current estimate of 22.5%.
    In its quarterly World Economic Outlook the IMF forecasts economic growth of around 2.5% in 2011 and 3.4% in 2012.
    While governments of the region recently have been under pressure to increase current spending to support both increased social spending and commodity subsidies, Iran has been an exception by implementing the subsidy reform (in December 2010), according to the IMF.
    Source:, September 21, 2011

  8. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran To Build Plants With Russia, Turkey
    Iran’s energy minister Majid Namjou said that his country will cooperate with Russia and Turkey to set up new power plants in order to generate electricity for exports.
    Namjou said that Iran and Turkey have reached an agreement that allows Turkish companies to invest in the Islamic Republic’s electricity sector and build new power plants. He also said that Tehran and Moscow have agreed to participate in the construction of new power stations in a joint venture.
    Source:, September 21, 2011

  9. MEMRI IRANIAN MEDIA BLOG Iran Urges China To Finish South Pars Phase
    Iran’s oil ministry has asked the Chinese National Petroleum Co. (CNPC) to develop phase 11 of the giant South Pars gas field in a 35-month period with a warning that, otherwise, domestic or foreign contractors would replace it.
    The issue was raised yesterday in a meeting between Iran’s oil minister Rostam Qassemi and top managers of the Chinese company in Tehran.
    In 2009, Iran signed a $4.7 billion deal with CNPC to help develop phase 11 of South Pars that was meant to replace French company TOTAL because of the latter’s repeated delays.
    The South Pars gas field is shared by Iran and Qatar. The Iranian share, which is divided into 24 phases, has about 14 trillion cubic meters of gas, or about 8% of the total world reserves.
    Source:, September 20, 2011
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