Vor ein paar Tagen haben wir – in Zusammenhang mit einem Kommentar zum “Iran Business Forum” in Frankfurt (siehe http://goo.gl/OPQpf9) – die Frage in den Raum gestellt, wie sich ein Auftritt auf der besagten Konferenz mit der Israel Affinität von Stadtkämmerer Uwe Becker vertragen würde. Weiter hatten wir angemerkt, dass uns Uwe Becker dies sicher noch erklären würde. Heute kam die Erklärung. Für die Deutlichkeit seiner Worte und den Mut, diese vor einem solchen Publikum zu äußern, sagen wir “Kol Hakavod” und Danke!
“…Meine Rolle war die offizielle Begrüßung durch die Stadt Frankfurt, wie dies bei der EURO FINANCE WEEK üblich ist und sie können meinem beigefügten Redetext entnehmen, dass ich auch vor Vertretern der Iranischen Regierung bzw. der Iranischen Wirtschaft kein Blatt vor den Mund nehme, sondern bewusst und sehr deutlich meine Erwartungen in Bezug auf die Iranische Politik gegenüber Israel zum Ausdruck gebracht habe…
My opening words for the city of Frankfurt at the EURO FINANCE WEEK regarding the relations between Germany and Iran
Today´s conference shows chances and opportunities, which lay in a closer cooperation between Iran and Germany, between Europe and Iran and which are capable to end one of the most difficult international conflicts not only on the dilplomatic level, but in practicle and economical life.
Today is the first congress of that kind as part of the European Finance Week and as we are still in the process of mutual rapprochement, still far away from normal relations, the steps of today also include many question marks.
Trust doesn’t come with the signature under a treaty but with the way how those treaties are understood mutually, how they are implemented and how the parties stick to the basic principles of the negotiations.
The commitments achieved in the negotiations of Vienna offer chances, which will for sure be part of today´s discussions here in the conference.
For our city, those chances that lay in a closer cooperation with Iran are tightly connected with the necessity to stick close to the basic principles of our country and its values.
Frankfurt, as the cradle of German democracy, is one of the most international cities in Germany. 170 nations live peacefully together and 160 communities of all world religions feel at home here in Frankfurt. Christians, Jews, Moslems members of other religious groups and people, who don’t see religion as part of their daily life, form an open and liberal society, and this has created a common philosophy as the base of an international economical hub in Europe.
Already since the medieval times, people from all over the ancient world came together to sell goods, to buy, live and invest here in Frankfurt. This is not only the financial capital of Europe, it is one of Europe´s strongest marketplaces, from Finance, to Logistics and Mobility, from Biotech and Lifescience to Telecommunication/IT and the Creative Industry. The Muslim community here has grown in the past years and plays an important role not only in the interreligious dialogue of our city, but in the colorful picture in a framework called Frankfurt. And we have a strong Iranian community in the Frankfurt/Rhein-Main region too. We live with and not beside each other and so the ground for bringing bi- or multilateral treaties into action can be very fruitful in Frankfurt.
In our city everything is based on the principles of a free and open society with the upholding of human rights. Further steps in the process of rapprochement have for that reason to be tightly aligned with those principles.
Frankfurt is also a city with strong Jewish traditions, Jewish life is part of the identity of our city, part of the long history of the development as an economical powerhouse, as a city of culture and education – and we are proud of that.
Our partnership with Israel has grown over the past 35 years with a strong friendship, that we have with our sister-city Tel Aviv. The right of existence of the state of Israel is deeply implemented in the reason of state of our country. For our city, threats towards Israel are being felt as threats towards the people over here too.
For that reason, any long-term perspective of a future cooperation between Germany and Iran can only be achieved, if Iran changes its stance on Israel.
Without accepting the right of existence of the state of Israel, without an end to the permanent threats against that country, a cooperation between our countries will not find the necessary acceptance.
If there is a sincere will, to come to a closer cooperation with Europe, as we all want to overcome the international conflict with Iran, that will should be strong enough, to overcome the present policy of Iran towards a strong friend of us. Let us continue the dialogue upon what has been achieved yet and let us take the necessary steps to a more fruitful and more peaceful future.”
Karin Altholz