Roger Waters is not welcome in Germany.
Clear words from Sacha Stawski, Chairman of Honestly Concerned e.V. and ILI – I Like Israel e.V. summarizing the reasons for the protests against Roger Waters in Frankfurt and Germany as a whole.
No anti-Semitism, no defamation and no contempt for human beings.
No stage for Roger Waters in Germany!
- Introduction / Background information regarding the protest:
- Isn’t Germany a free country? Shouldn’t anyone be able to express and consume art as they please (as long as it is not Nazi/Neo Nazi)?
- Roger Waters views may be terrible/disgusting in your eyes, but does this justify a major step like banning him from holding his tour?
- Do you have legal means to stop rogers, such as the Bundestag legislation against BDS, or is your protest solely a public campaign?
- What do you recommend to Pink Floyd lovers, that maybe reject Waters views, but miss the music?
- What is your message to the Festhalle executive team, who already declined the request to cancel the concert?
#NoToRogerWaters #WatersGoHome #RogerWatersNotWelcome #rogerwaters #RogerWatersNotWelcome #NoRogerWaters
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