HC-Veranstaltungen und Aktionen

HC-Veranstaltungen und Aktionen

Ahmadinejad/Hitler cartoon launched

A pro-Israel media watchdog in Germany is featuring a cartoon showing Iran’s arab-parast president and Adolf Hitler playing soccer with a nuclear bomb. Sacha Stawski, president of Honestly Concerned, launched the cartoon Wednesday as part of a campaign during the 2006 World Cup to draw attention to the policies and statements of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , who has denied the Holocaust and called for Israel’s destruction.


Ahmadinejad/Hitler cartoon launched

A pro-Israel media watchdog in Germany is featuring a cartoon showing Iran’s arab-parast president and Adolf Hitler playing soccer with a nuclear bomb. Sacha Stawski, president of Honestly Concerned, launched the cartoon Wednesday as part of a campaign during the 2006 World Cup to draw attention to the policies and statements of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , who has denied the Holocaust and called for Israel’s destruction.


Proteste gegen Irans Staatschef vor WM-Spiel in Nürnberg

Nürnberg/dpa. Mehr als 1000 Demonstranten haben am Sonntag vor dem WM-Spiel Iran-Mexiko in Nürnberg (18.00 Uhr) gegen die Politik des iranischen Präsidenten Mahmud Ahmadinedschad protestiert. Mehrere Redner forderten ein Einreiseverbot für den iranischen Staatschef. Sie erklärten, für Holocaust-Leugner gebe es keinen Platz in Deutschland. Der Deutschlandbesuch von Ahmadinedschads Stellvertreter, Mohammed Aliabadi, anlässlich der Fußball-WM sei eine «Schande für Deutschland». Die Polizei sprach von 1200 Kundgebungsteilnehmern, darunter viele deutsche Juden.


‚Ahmadinejad unwelcome in Germany‘

According to the pro-Israel group Honestly Concerned, which are helping to organize the rallies, „Sport was never free of politics. World championships and Olympic Games always served also as a political stage, not least in 1936 in Nazi-Germany. However, instead of showing Ahmadinedjad the red card, German Minister of Interior, Wolfgang Schauble, announced: ‚We should be good hosts‘.“
