100,000 Palestinians have fled Syria to Europe, official says | The Jerusalem Post Head of Palestinian Forum in Europe says that around 1,000 Palestinians have drowned at sea on the way to Europe. HIER WEITERLESEN: WWW.JPOST.COM
Ohne Entmachtung der Hamas kann es keinen Frieden geben – Das Waffenstillstandsabkommen beendet zwar den aktuellen Krieg zwischen Israel und der Hamas, aber nicht die gefährliche Ideologie der sunnitischen Terrorgruppe. | Mena-Watchb, 27.01.2025
Hamas captivity survivor Emily Damari returns to spot of her abduction in Kfar Aza – Freed hostage posts ‘I’m back’ along with photo of herself sitting among ruins of apartment from where terrorists abducted her in October 2023; urges freeing all hostages | The Times of Israel 04.02.2025
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