Abbas suggest banning Jews from holy site | Ynetnews News: After holy site sees violent clashes and Hamas political leader calls on Muslims to defend mosque, large rall held in Gaza. HIER WEITERLESEN: WWW.YNETNEWS.COM Kommentar von Honestly ConcernedEs ist ja schon bekannt, dass Abbas einen "Judenreinen" Staat Palästina will...
Fatah: Israel – “the thieving cancerous entity’s end is approaching,” despite “criminal US'” support – PA TV commentator called for destruction of Israel, “must reach its end” | PMW Analysis 15.09.2024
Hamas hails ‘heroic’ car attacks that hurt three in Gush Etzion – Security personnel killed both terrorist drivers. | 31.08.2024
Serge Plawner 17.10.2014 at 22:21 Log in to Reply kann er doch haben…wenn alle Palis Israel in Richtung Jordanien verlassen ..
Alex Salomon
einmal Mörder, immer Mörder, nix Neues