Anti-Semitism is running rampant in Turkey | Israel National News An MP of the ruling party blames a Jewish bank for JFK’s assassination, Jews are blamed for the Kurdish referendum and for planning last year’s failed coup. There is much more. HIER WEITERLESEN: WWW.ISRAELNATIONALNEWS.COM
LESEEMPFEHLUNG – NICHT VERPASSEN: ILI News 09.02.2025 – ISRAEL IM KRIEG | ILI – I Like Israel e.V. 09.02.2025
Miles of tunnels and thousands of terrorists: This is what Hamas looks like after the deal – Hamas still retains undiscovered tunnels, untouched brigades and thousands of terrorists, but much of its leadership has been eliminated; Despite significant IDF successes in Jabaliya, Beit Hanoun and across Gaza, the ground campaign is far from over and could continue for years | ynetnews 19.01.2025
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