Berlin: So 11.02. The Lynching By Jackie Walker – Palästina-Solidarität | Palästina-Solidarität

Zeit: So 11.02.2018 um 19:00 Uhr
Ort: Braunschweiger Str. 53-55, 12055 Berlin
(Deutsch Unten)
| The Lynching |
“The one women show about a real-life witch hunt”
by Jackie Walker
Jackie Walker is an Afro-British Jewish activist, a member of the Labor party, and the former vice-chair of Momentum. Since October 2016, following accusations of anti-Semitism she has been subject to countless threats .
Her play “The Lynching“, is a theatrical performance, a ‘one woman’ show based on the history of black struggle, addresses those false allegations moblized against her, examining them alongside the experiences of racism and antisemitism and the struggle to bring the Palestinian narrative into the mainstream.
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