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  • Gerhard K. Nagel

    Der Walid Shoebat geistert immer mal wieder durch die Lande. Ist aber eine sehr umstrittene Person. Zitat: “Shoebat stated that he threw a bomb at Bank Leumi, an Israeli bank, in Bethlehem.[1] A 2008 Jerusalem Post article raised questions regarding the authenticity of Shoebat’s account, and reported that Bank Leumi had no record of an attack on its Bethlehem branch between 1977 and 1979.[1] In addition, Shoebat’s uncle also denied that such an attack took place.[1] Such an incident was also not reported by Israeli news outlets according to Omar Sacirbey’s 2010 Washington Post article.[6] The Jerusalem Post article reported a contradiction in Shoebat’s response to the question whether word of the bombing made the news at the time.[1] He replied, “I don’t know. I didn’t read the papers because I was in hiding for the next three days.”[1] However, according to the same article, he had told Britain’s Sunday Telegraph in 2004 that “I was terribly relieved when I heard on the news later that evening that no one had been hurt or killed by my bomb.”[1] During his telephone interview, Shoebat was unable to recall the date or time of year of the attack.[1] He told the Sunday Telegraph in 2004 that he was pressured by teachers to adopt an extreme Islamic philosophy.[1] His uncle, who still lives in Beit Sahour, said religion did not play a major role in Walid’s education, which he described as ideologically mild, and that there was no attack on Bank Leumi.[1]

    On April 9, 2008, Shoebat responded to the earlier Jerusalem Post’s report on that paper’s op-ed page. He wrote that the Jerusalem Post had been duped. According to him, the sources who disputed his own account of his upbringing (including his relatives) were themselves involved in terrorism. He said they want to see him discredited, probably because of his conversion to Christianity. He also states that reputable witnesses who could confirm the bombing operation of Bank Leumi were not interviewed.[7] He also posted a response on his website.[citation needed]

    On July 13, 2011, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360° reported an investigative piece into Walid Shoebat’s claim to authority based on being a former terrorist. The report found that according to Israeli government officials, the bank that Walid Shoebat claimed to have attacked, and his own relatives, no record of his supposed terrorist history existed. Another of Shoebat’s claims, that of a two-week term in an Israeli jail, was also unsubstantiated, with Israel having no record he was ever jailed. His cousin, interviewed in the report, stated that he had never known Shoebat to have ties to any movement, and that his claims of being a former terrorist were “for his own personal reasons”. According to CNN, their reporters in the United States, Israel and the Palestinian territories found no evidence to support Shoebat’s claims and “neither Shoebat nor his business partner provided any proof of Shoebat’s involvement in terrorism”.[2]

    Regarding CNN’s inability to confirm his jail time, Shoebat wrote “Even if Mr. Griffin did check prison records, he was searching the wrong name. Had CNN examined our records that were offered to them, it will prove beyond doubt that Mr. Griffin made an error. When Mr. Shoebat was arrested he turned in his U.S. passport and not his birth certificate or I.D. card. His U.S. passport had a different last name.”[8]

    Omar Sacirbey’s 2010 Washington Post article reports that Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American–Islamic Relations, has questioned Shoebat’s motives, saying that ” Ergun Caner, Shoebat, and Kamal Saleem – along with others like them – belong to an ‘industry’ that is often perpetuated by fundamentalist Christians” and that people are doing this “to make money or get converts or to get some personal benefit”.[6] The article also reports that skeptics have questioned how Shoebat and others have been able to retain US citizenship if their stories of terrorist activities are true.[6]

    Shoebat has said that the number of the beast in the Book of Revelation in a copy of the Codex Vaticanus represents three Arabic characters which mean “in the name of Allah”.[9] Greek scholars disagree. Siehe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walid_Shoebat Meine Empfehlung: Ich würde ihn nicht protegieren.

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