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anne frank


JERUSALEM POSTGermany’s special relationship – with Iran – Aug. 19, 2008 – jonathan weckerle
For the last three weeks the German government has been inundated with criticism for doing business with the world champion of anti-Semitism, approving as „no cause for concern“ the delivery to Iran of three gas liquefaction units manufactured by Steiner-Prematechnik- Gastec (SPG), based in Siegen.
Hartmut Schauerte, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government and MP for her Christian Democratic Union, played a vital role in pushing through the 100 million euro deal, for which he never heard a word of criticism from her. What cannot be overlooked, however, is this blatant contradiction of Merkel’s deeming Israel part of Germany’s national security interests during her Knesset speech last March. Although Merkel stated then that Israel’s security is „non-negotiable,“ her government is facilitating a deal that strengthens Israel’s number one enemy.
Iran, on its way to becoming a nuclear power, continually threatens the Jewish state with annihilation, while supporting anti-Semitic terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hizbullah – not to mention brutal disregarding basic freedoms and rights for its own people.
The deal with SPG has made it clear that commitment and a sense of responsibility are lacking in regards to Germany’s declared national objective of preserving the existence of the Jewish state. Existing sanctions and export restrictions have proved completely insufficient.
Sanctions that are limited to „dangerous“ dual-use goods are naïve in the context of a regime that uses construction cranes for gallows. Sanctions alone can no longer stop Iran’s nuclear buildup. Its recent rocket test launches and the ongoing enrichment of uranium demonstrate there is no reason to believe that Teheran lacks the resources to go nuclear.
THE ONE remaining alternative to military scenarios has not been genuinely attempted: targeting the regime with the most painful economic and political sanctions possible. It is not going to be possible to enforce sanctions quickly enough or hard enough through the United Nations. But that can’t serve as an excuse, especially not for Germany.
Germany is Iran’s most important trade partner in the West and an irreplaceable supplier of its technology. In fact, 2008 could be a record year. Export volume grew by 13.6 percent in the first quarter; 1,926 business deals with Iran were reported to the relevant authorities by the end of July, 63 percent more than in 2007.
Gas liquefaction units for fuel production are one example of how German exports directly support the regime. Despite its wealth of raw materials, Iran has to import 40% of its fuel. Its infrastructure for the extraction and production of oil and gas needs to be modernized and expanded. Gas rationing was the cause of social unrest, including riots, that broke out in Iran last summer.
If Germany does not have the legal grounds to stop these exports, such measures must be passed as quickly as possible. For now, the only thing we hear from the Chancellor’s Office is that it will be „talking“ with SPG, and that there are „moral“ and „ethical“ obligations. In short, German business should be more „sensitive“ regarding Iranian deals – i.e., simply not publicize its commercial activity with Iran. Deputy Iranian Foreign Minister Mehdi Safari told Financial Times Deutschland that German-Iranian business should be conducted outside of the public spotlight, noting that German companies „can make a commercial deal without publicity.“
This certainly does not sound like the beginning of a determined and responsible Iran policy. And it looks to get worse: There are signs that the German energy company RWE will join Austrian OMV and Swiss‘ EGL to sign a gas deal with Iran. Gas could be supplied through the Nabucco-pipeline beginning in 2013, a project that RWE joined in February. The German goal is to decrease energy-dependence on Russia by becoming more dependent on Iran.
A nuclear Iran that is one of Germany’s – and Europe’s – main energy suppliers would raise appeasement policy to a new level. There is still time to prevent such a scenario. But if Germany continues its irresponsible business as usual, it is clear who will pay the price: the Iranian people, who suffer under a brutal regime, and, of course, Israel.
The writer is a co-founder of the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin, an NGO with German and exile-Iranian members (


‚Kosher anti-Semitism‘ in Germany

‚Kosher anti-Semitism‘ in Germany Benjamin WeinthalThe Jerusalem Post   Berlin – The bell has rung for the first round of a legal fight between renowned German-Jewish columnist Henryk M. Broder and Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, a hardcore anti-Zionist critic of Israel who happens to be a German Jew herself. At issue is whether Broder may write that statements made by Hecht-Galinski are…


BERLIN – Israel’s public rebuke of Germany’s pro-Iranian behavior constitutes a dramatic break in diplomatic protocol between the two countries, which usually settle their differences quietly and behind the scenes. The revelation that the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) had given the green light to a 100 million-plus-euro deal that would have the German engineering firm Steiner Prematechnik Gastec build Iran three plants for converting natural gas to liquid fuel, prompted Israel’s Foreign Ministry to issue an unprecedented, scathing indictment of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s administration.
The deal had been orchestrated by Merkel’s Christian Democratic Party (CDU) undersecretary in the Economics Ministry, Hartmut Schauerte, who spilled the beans when he openly bragged to a local newspaper in Siegen, a city in his electoral district, about how his „pesky“ pressure at the ministry helped nail the deal for the Siegen-based Steiner.


Hisbollah-Spion aus Deutschland in Israel verhaftet (ergänzt)

Jerusalem, 7. August 2008 – Die Israelis ließen sich fast drei Wochen Zeit für das Verhör, ehe sie die Verhaftung von Khaled Kaschkusch auf dem Tel Aviver Flughafen nach seiner Ankunft aus Deutschland veröffentlichten. Mit ungewöhnlicher Ausführlichkeit beschrieb das israelische Presseamt die Aktivitäten des 1979 im israelischen Dorf Kalansua geborenen Mannes. Marietta Fuhrmann-Koch, Sprecherin der Universität Göttingen, bestätigte per Email der israelischen Zeitung Jerusalem Post, dass Kashkush in Göttingen im 14. Semester Medizin studiere und sich schon für das Wintersemester 2008/2009 eingeschrieben habe.


Berlin ♥ Iran

Berlin ♥ Iran 
Alles über die berechtigte Kritik an den Deutschen Gasanlagen-Lieferung in den Iran

  1. That is NOT the way to STOP THE BOMB!!! 
    German firm’s $156 million Iran gas deal approved  
    German firm has closed a major deal with Iran to build three new liquid gas plants. The deal, recently approved by the German government, is reportedly worth US$ 156 million. According to the contract, the Siegen-based company SPG-Steiner-Prematecnic-Gastec will apply its high-tech method of liquefying gas into a sulfur-free fuel, enabling the production of 10,000 barrels per day at each of three plants in southern Iran.
    Germany’s Federal Agency for Economics and Export Control examined the deal for a year before giving its go-ahead. It said the approval was based on its determination that none of the construction elements could be put to military use and that the contract would not violate UN or EU sanctions. „Because the equipment would be built here and then sent to Iran, that work does not fall under any existing sanctions involving Iran,“ said Holger Beutel, a spokesman for the agency.
    Critics said the deal violated the spirit of the sanctions, if not the letter of the law. Johannes Gerster, the head of the German-Israeli friendship society and a former Christian Democratic member of parliament, told the Jerusalem Post the deal should be rescinded as it was incompatible with German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s talk of tougher sanctions during her address to the Knesset in March of this year. Germany has reduced trade with Iran over the past year as part of international pressure on Tehran to stop enriching uranium.
    Meanwhile, India and Iran have pledged to strengthen their cooperation in the energy sector. India’s foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee met with Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad and foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki, and the two sides said they were committed to taking forward their cooperation in energy sector, sources said. Mukherjee said countries had the right to develop peaceful use of nuclear technology in line with their obligations. „In this context, the advantages of nuclear power as a clean and affordable source of energy are well ,known,“ he said.
    US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice has urged Iran to prove its interest in better relations by accepting an offer of incentives for Tehran to stop uranium enrichment. Rice was responding to remarks by Ahmadinejad that Iran wanted to seek „common ground“ with Washington on the nuclear issue.



TagesspiegelOpposition kritisiert Staatssekretär wegen Iran-Deals
CDU-Wirtschaftsstaatssekretär Schauerte steht derzeit in der Kritik, weil er die Lieferung von Gasanlagen nach Die Opposition hat den Einsatz des Staatssekretärs im Bundeswirtschaftsministerium, Hartmut Schauerte (CDU), für den Export von Gasanlagen nach Iran verurteilt. FDP-Generalsekretär Dirk Niebel warf dem parlamentarischen Staatssekretär vor, er habe „Lobbyarbeit zugunsten Irans“ betrieben. Dies habe Israel „völlig zu Recht“ kritisiert, sagte er dem Tagesspiegel. Niebel forderte Wirtschaftsminister Michael Glos (CSU) auf, zu dem Fall Stellung zu nehmen: „Was sagt eigentlich Herr Glos zu diesem Vorgang in seinem Haus – oder kümmert er sich nur noch um den CSU-Wahlkampf?“
Der Grünen-Bundestagsabgeordnete Jerzy Montag wies darauf hin, dass die von Schauerte unterstützte Firma im Wahlkreis des Staatssekretärs liege. „Das riecht und stinkt nach Lobbyismus für den eigenen Beritt und damit in eigener Sache“, sagte er. Montag warf Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) Inkonsequenz vor: „Die Kanzlerin darf sich nicht in Sonntagsreden vor der Knesset aufplustern, wenn sie dann im entscheidenden Moment nicht eingreift“, meinte er.



ACHGUT ‘Amis und Zionisten sind unsere besten Freunde‘ (‚Sorry, war nicht so gemeint‘)
Kann jemand die Authentizität dieses Satzes bestätigen, der angeblich von einem Ahmadinejad-Vertrauten, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaie, stammen soll: „Today, Iran is friends with the American and Israeli people. No nation in the world is our enemy, this is an honor.“ Zum Hintergrund dieses angeblichen Freundschaftsangebots: The world’s major powers last night gave Iran two weeks to answer calls to rein in its nuclear programme – or face tougher sanctions. The ultimatum came after talks in Geneva to resolve the crisis ended in stalemate.
UPDATE: Das Ganze war nur ein Missverständnis: The following day, 20 July, Rahim-Masha’i denied the reports of his speech. „This is not what I meant and these are all lies. During my speech I also said that Israel was dead and only its funeral ceremony has been postponed, but they [the press] did not publish these statements,“ Iranian state radio quoted him as saying. Fars news agency, which appears to have been the sole source for the vice-president’s original, contested, remarks, cited him as declaring: „
By `Israel‘ I meant the Palestinian and Jewish people living in Palestine, not the immigrant Jews or Zionists, because we do not recognize the Zionists at all.
