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(December 3, 2023 / JNS) - Israeli authorities have announced their intention to destroy the eastern Jerusalem residence of former Palestinian Authority Mufti Ekrima Sabri, after a court ruled it was built without proper permits.
The police were preparing to tear down the home of the radical Muslim cleric, located near the Beit Orot neighborhood on the Mount of Olives, The HaKol HaYehudi digital newspapers reported.

Seit Beginn des Hamas Angriffskrieges sind wir wortwörtlich rund um die Uhr damit beschäftigt Solidaritätsveranstaltungen im ganzen Land mit zu organisieren, zu unterstützen und/oder über diese in den Sozialen Medien…

Ra’am chairman MK Mansour Abbas becomes the first Arab party leader in Israel’s history to publicly call on the armed Palestinian factions to demilitarize and work with the Palestinian Authority in order to establish a Palestinian state through non-violent means.
“In order to move forward,
the Palestinian militant groups need to throw down their arms. They need to work hand in hand with the Palestinian Authority in order to realize a national movement that will aspire for a state of Palestine in a peaceful solution alongside the state of Israel,” Abbas tells CNN in a rare interview with international media.

WASHINGTON — Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has become a “liability,” contributing to reluctance from Arab leaders to fully cooperate with the Biden administration’s strategy for a post-war Gaza, two Arab diplomats told The Times of Israel this week.
The US envisions the PA eventually returning to govern the coastal enclave currently ruled by Hamas, but the Arab diplomats expressed skepticism that the 87-year-old president plagued by longstanding corruption allegations is capable of reuniting the West Bank with Gaza under the PA.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has strongly denied reports that it was responsible for five premature Palestinian babies being left to die at a hospital in Gaza, lambasting the accusation as “dangerous misinformation” and a “perverse exploitation” of innocent lives.
Earlier this week, the Arabic-language news channel Al Mashhad shared footage of five beds filled with what were allegedly the bodies of dead infants in Al-Nasr Hospital. The hospital room appeared to be abandoned, with equipment out of service. The Emirati TV channel accused the Israeli army of forcibly evacuating the hospital and not letting anyone take the babies, leaving them to die.
Harvard University’s Hillel chapter has called on the school’s administration to hold accountable those involved in a “terrifying” anti-Zionist demonstration in which activists stormed the campus calling for the destruction of Israel.
On Wednesday, Harvard classes were disrupted by a coordinated protest of demonstrators who used bullhorns to blast calls to “globalize the intifada,” a term used to describe violent Palestinian uprisings against Israel, as well as the popular phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — a slogan widely interpreted as a call for the destruction of the Jewish state, which is located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

Al Jazeera has published on X footage of an emotional man holding a ‘baby’ with a blurred face wrapped in white.
However, social media users quickly shared footage of the ‘baby’ without the blurred edits shared by the News source, revealing it to be only a doll.
“He was born and martyred during the war...a month-and-a-half-old baby was martyred in the hands of his mother, after an Israeli bombing targeted the family home in the Al-Mughraqa area, south of the city,” Al Jazeera wrote alongside the doctored footage.

The education system in Tel Aviv and other locations in central Israel returned to “yellow” security status following orders of the Home Front Command as the war in Gaza resumed Friday, meaning schools can only hold in-person classes if their bomb shelters are adequate to hold the students and staff present on campus.

Tel Aviv has been ranked the eighth most expensive city to live in, moving down five notches from last year, according to a worldwide survey released on Thursday.
The Worldwide Cost of Living survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) was conducted before the outbreak of the war with the Hamas terror group, which has “affected the exchange rates in Israel and may have made it harder to procure some goods in Tel Aviv, thereby affecting prices,” it was noted in the report.

The disowned son of a Hamas co-founder on Thursday evening called on Israel to kill his father along with all leaders of the Palestinian terror group, saying that failure to do so would result in the terrorists “ethnically cleansing humanity.”
Mosab Hassan Yousef — the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, who was most recently released from an Israeli prison in July of this year after spending 21 months in detention — said that it was incumbent on Israel to set a definitive timeline for the release of all hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, and that if the timeline is not met, the country should proceed to eliminate top Hamas leaders, including his own father.


Die Rettung jüdischer Familien durch albanische Familien im Zweiten Weltkrieg ist eine einzigartige Geschichte. Die Organisation Albanischer Studenten und Alumni mit Sitz in Berlin hat zu diesem Thema ein Projekt erarbeitet, welches dem Schweizer Publikum am Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2023 ab 18.30 Uhr im Hotel Spirgarten vorgestellt wird.
In der Nacht von Sonntag auf Montag randalierten bislang unbekannte Täter im Parkhaus 4 in der Heilig-Geist-Straße. Dabei rissen der oder die Täter die Tür der Herrentoilette aus den Angeln und besprühten die Innenseite der Toilette mit antisemitischen Äußerungen. Hinweise zur Klärung des Sachverhalts und Identifizierung der Täter werden von der Polizeiinspektion Rosenheim unter 08031/200-2200 entgegen genommen.
In der evangelischen Pauluskirche in Wien werden 15 von dem NS-Künstler Rudolf Böttger gestaltete antisemitische Fenster mit farbigen Stoffbahnen verhüllt.
Die kanadische Regierung erwägt nach Angaben von Premierminister Justin Trudeau die Freigabe einer Liste mit Namen mutmaßlicher ehemaliger Nazi-Kollaborateure. "Wir haben dafür gesorgt, dass hochrangige Beamte die Fälle sehr sorgfältig untersuchen, unter anderem durch das Durchforsten von Archiven", sagte Trudeau. Dabei handelt es sich um eine im Jahr 1986 erfolgte unabhängige Untersuchung zu mehr als 800 mutmaßlichen Kollaborateuren des Nationalsozialismus, die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nach Kanada eingewandert waren, und deren Namen bisher nicht veröffentlicht wurden.
Sagt die Frau zum Mann: »Für einen Juden sprechen sie aber gut deutsch.« Er antwortet: »Und das, obwohl ich in Bayern aufgewachsen bin.« Der Cartoon von Rainer Demattio ist eines von 25 Ausstellungsstücken der Ausstellung »#Antisemitismus für Anfänger«, die nun im Stuttgarter Haus der Geschichte eröffnet wurde.

A viral photo has surfaced on social media Friday depicting a representative of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine (FJCU) alongside soldiers donning t-shirts with Nazi symbols.
The photo shows an FJCU representative posing with two Ukrainian soldiers whose t-shirts prominently display a logo: an eagle clutching a Ukrainian emblem. This symbol is reminiscent of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) emblem, which was the supreme military command for Nazi Germany during World War II. Founded in 1938, the OKW superseded the Reich Ministry of War, overseeing the army (Heer), navy (Kriegsmarine), and air force (Luftwaffe).

A coalition of 62 nations on Friday committed to combat antisemitism and all forms of intolerance in sports, calling on sporting bodies to promote human rights and adopt policies against discrimination.
The countries — led by Austria, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic — signed a joint statement during a UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) session in Geneva pledging to fight antisemitism and other kinds of hatred “anywhere, at any time, and through all channels, including in sport.”

The discovery of a Nazi membership card in the name of late Dutch Prince Bernhard, a German who married into the Dutch royal family in the 1930s, revived calls on Friday for an inquiry into his ties to Adolf Hitler’s party.
Prince Bernhard, the grandfather of Dutch King Willem Alexander, died in 2004. He consistently denied having been a Nazi although he did acknowledge membership of several Nazi military units, saying it was common for men of his age at the time.
Former Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour has appeared to endorse the recent documentary exposing his estranged bandmate Roger Waters’ inflammatory antisemitic statements.
In a posting on the X/Twitter social media platform, Gilmour shared details of the documentary — titled “The Dark Side of Roger Waters” — with his 290,000 followers.