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Honestly Concerned e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein - mit Juden
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Fremdenhass und Intoleranz.

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VATICAN CITY, Holy See — Pope Francis on Sunday called for free access to the holy sites in Jerusalem as he delivered his annual Easter address amid simmering violence between Israelis and Palestinians in the Holy City.
“May there be peace for the Middle East, racked by years of conflict and division. On this glorious day, let us ask for peace upon Jerusalem and peace upon all those who love her, Christians, Jews and Muslims alike. May Israelis, Palestinians and all who dwell in the Holy City, together with the pilgrims, experience the beauty of peace, dwell in fraternity and enjoy free access to the Holy Places in mutual respect for the rights of each,” he said.
TEHRAN, Iran — Iran has confirmed it relocated a centrifuge facility to its underground Natanz nuclear site, state media reported, days after the UN atomic watchdog said it installed surveillance cameras to monitor the new workshop at Tehran’s request.
The late Saturday report by the official IRNA news agency comes as diplomatic efforts to restore Iran’s tattered nuclear deal appear stalled.

Police forces entered the Temple Mount this morning following an attempt by Arabs to disrupt public order and prevent Jewish visits to the site, which is the holiest in Judaism.
Police noticed that hundreds of young Arabs, some of them masked, began collecting stones in the plaza of the Temple Mount.
Forces were deployed throughout the Temple Mount to keep the peace and allow Jews to visit the site.

"Today, we already witness a change taking place in the heart of the Middle East, a change that will send hope throughout the world," said Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the UAE's Foreign Minister when signing what would be dubbed the Abraham Accords at the White House in August 2020. A move that surprised many, the accords began to shape a new model for relations in the region—especially in its demonstrated interest in people-to-people relations. However, it must also be recognized that creating a “People’s Peace” needs more than words to become a reality.
An overview of the past decade shows that aside from a few sparks, the delegitimization campaign and the attempt to boycott Israel did not succeed in igniting serious operational damage—economic or other. This is in part thanks to proactive and systematic activity by the State of Israel and civil society organizations against the various boycott attempts. However, in-depth examination reveals a more significant process for Israel, whereby residual damage from the cognitive measures in the delegitimization campaign leads to ongoing harm to Israel’s reputation. Over time there could be lasting negative effects, namely, injured soft power and impaired strategic leeway, and together these pose a danger to Israel’s national security. The government’s overall response must be channeled into a large-scale, organized cognitive campaign. Experience in waging the campaign against delegitimization teaches that it is necessary to establish a governmental authority that operates independently and over the long term, receives significant funding of no less than 500 million NIS a year, and includes about 100 staff members.
Der UN-Menschenrechtsrat hat eine neue Sonderberichterstatterin für die palästinensischen Gebiete ernannt: eine Anti-Israel-Aktivistin, die den jüdischen Staat in den schwärzesten Farben malt. Darin unterscheidet sie sich nicht von ihrem Vorgänger, der sich mit einem Bericht verabschiedet hat, in dem er Israel als »habgierige fremde Macht« und als »Apartheidstaat« bezeichnete. Der Rat bleibt die israelfeindliche Farce, die er immer schon war.
With President Joe Biden’s poll numbers at all-time lows and the midterm elections just around the corner, it should hardly come as any surprise that the Democratic Party will go back to its playbook and once again make Russian President Vladimir Putin the centerpiece of campaign season. But in order to blame Putin for Biden’s sinking presidency, the party and its media retinue are going to have to bury the fact that Biden and Putin are a team, tied together by the Iran deal.
Nadia Hassan Suleiman remembers well the day she was arrested. It was in the city of Afrin, northwest Syria, in June 2018. Her husband, Ahmed Rashid, had disappeared two months earlier. She had received a voice message from him. The men who pulled up in a car beside her said they were detailed to bring her to visit her husband. Instead, Nadia, a Syrian citizen hailing from Afrin, was taken into custody. A two-year nightmare had begun.


The call centers in Haifa and Jerusalem that are funded by the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem and other partners will now be connected to the Jewish Agency’s special hotline number to assist Ukrainian and Russian Jews inquiring about aliyah, the organization said Friday.
Am 1. März griffen russische Truppen mit Raketenbeschüssen den Kiewer Fernsehturm – ein reines Zivilobjekt – an. Dabei sind fünf Zivilisten getötet und mindestens fünf weitere verletzt worden. Eine Rakete traf dabei das Gelände der Gedenkstätte des Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC).
Ein 24-jähriger betrunkener Syrer soll am Donnerstag in einem Hostel in Berlin-Pankow einem 32-jährigen Briten seine Kippa vom Kopf geschlagen und diesen verletzt haben.
Der Tatverdächtige habe auf der jüdischen Kopfbedeckung herumgetrampelt und dem Briten mehrfach ins Gesicht geschlagen, teilte die Polizei mit. Zudem soll der Syrer den Briten aufgefordert haben, »Free Palestine« (englisch: »Befreit Palästina«) zu rufen.
Die Goethe-Universität Frankfurt und die im Entstehen begriffene Jüdische Akademie des Zentralrats der Juden wollen eine enge Kooperation eingehen. Zentralratspräsident Josef Schuster und Uni-Präsident Enrico Schleiff werden am 16. März ein »Memorandum of Understanding« unterzeichnen, teilten beide Institutionen am Montag mit.
Im israelischen News-Portal „Walla“ berichtet sie von einem brutalen Angriff. Demnach war das Paar am Montagmittag am Berliner Bahnhof Zoo unterwegs. 
Osnat: „Mein Mann und ich wollten am letzten Tag unseres achttägigen Trips noch mal einkaufen gehen. Wir haben ein ganz bestimmtes Geschäft gesucht. Ich bin stehen geblieben und habe auf dem Handy nachgesehen. Plötzlich kommt ein Mann von vorne – oder von der Seite – und schlägt mir ohne Vorwarnung mit der Faust ins Gesicht.“…
The National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) board of directors has adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism, it announced Tuesday at its annual convention.
Rabbiner Nachum Pressman ist tot. Er ist am Dienstag im Alter von 50 Jahren in Israel verstorben. Vor rund drei Monaten hatte er einen Schlaganfall erlitten, von dem er sich nicht mehr erholte. Rabbiner Pressman hinterlässt neben seiner Frau Michal die vier Kinder Miriam, Menachem Mendel, Avraham und Chaya Muschka.
New York Jewish Week via JTA – Antisemitic hate crimes were up 400% last month in New York City, according to new data released by the New York Police Department.According to the NYPD, there were 56 hate crimes against Jews in February 2022, compared with 11 in February 2021.