Egyptian popster arrested for racy video of banana-eating | Times of Israel Singer Shyma comes under fire after clip showing her mimicking sexual acts on fruit in classroom; satirist held for belonging to ‘illegal group’ HIER WEITERLESEN: WWW.TIMESOFISRAEL.COM Kommentar von Honestly Concerned🙁
GERADE IN DIESEN ZEITEN UNVERZICHTBAR: ILI News 03.02.2025 – ISRAEL IM KRIEG | ILI – I Like Israel e.V. 03.02.2025
Operation Good Neighbor: Israel’s humanitarian mission during Syria’s civil war – ‘In every moment, I knew I could be shot at,’ says Lt. Col. (res.) Eyal Dror, head of the Good Neighbor initiative that operated in Syria between 2016 and 2018 in which Israel risked much, saved thousands of Syrians—and gained significantly in return; ‘I met with rebel leaders, and they worked for our security,’ adds Maj. Gen. Yair Golan, who commanded the Northern Command during the civil war | ynetnews 27.01.2025
Ohne Entmachtung der Hamas kann es keinen Frieden geben – Das Waffenstillstandsabkommen beendet zwar den aktuellen Krieg zwischen Israel und der Hamas, aber nicht die gefährliche Ideologie der sunnitischen Terrorgruppe. | Mena-Watchb, 27.01.2025
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