Filmvorführung nach einstweiliger Verfügung – Das Eine-Welt-Haus ist wegen seiner Nähe zur BDS-Bewegung erneut in die Kritik geraten | Jüdische Allgemeine

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2 Kommentare
  • Andrea Kühne

    Apartheid was wrong in South Africa , Apartheid was wrong in Nazi Germany why should it be o.k. in Zio Israel ?—what about the Gaza victims of Israel?Why is it never in the Media when it is the Israelis who are doing the Killing Of innocent people. Israel’s cabinet includes names are a Who’s Who of the most rabid, racist, brutal and cruel politicians in the nation. In the past, nations of the world have isolated individual leaders of nations with ideas are so noxious that they fall outside the consensus of intern.discourse.Neo-liberals never fail to turn tragedy to suit their political agenda with incredibly inappropriate alacrity.
    Nobody loves HAMAS more than Israel :
    Because they are constantly used as an excuse
    to NOT GRANT the Palestinians their basic human rights.
    Why do the rules that apply to other nations don’t apply to Israel?
    The manner in which caged protesters,including children,have been injured – butterfly ammunition( scatters+ melts bones) fired at the groin, neck, limbs, and abdomen– suggests that Israeli troops intentionally aim to inflict maximum physical harm on civilian participants in the marches
    5,100,000 Palestinians have been killed since 1948. Once victims of Holocaust, victimize others!
    Israel, you can’t have it both ways.
    War Mongering Is Using Faked, Staged Pretenses To Call For ‚Our Humanitarian Mission‘, To Do Inhumane Things To Humanity-

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