Jewish Groups at UC Berkeley Call for Removal of Professor Who Shared Antisemitic Images |

Jewish students at the University of California, Berkeley called on administrators to take action against a professor with a “history of anti-Semitism” on Thursday.
The coalition — comprised of the Chabad Jewish Student Group, Bears for Israel, Berkeley Hillel, and Tikvah: Students for Israel — expressed “outrage” over the “promotion of hatred and intolerance” by Hatem Bazian, a lecturer in the department of ethnic studies who shared a tweet in July accusing a “Zionist” of “apartheid, occupation, ethnic cleansing, genocide, theft Palestinian land+resources+body-organs.”
The coalition — comprised of the Chabad Jewish Student Group, Bears for Israel, Berkeley Hillel, and Tikvah: Students for Israel — expressed “outrage” over the “promotion of hatred and intolerance” by Hatem Bazian, a lecturer in the department of ethnic studies who shared a tweet in July accusing a “Zionist” of “apartheid, occupation, ethnic cleansing, genocide, theft Palestinian land+resources+body-organs.”
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