PLO moves to withdraw recognition of, cut ties to Israel – Palestinians question whether Ramallah will follow through on its threats. | Jerusalem Post

The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the umbrella organization that is internationally-recognized as the representative of the Palestinian people, will push to withdraw formal recognition of Israel and end Washington’s longstanding role as mediator of the peace process. Instead, the PLO will pursue an “international formula” for achieving statehood. The developments were outlined in a report that aims to redefine not only the parameters for future relations with Israel and the Unites States, but also change the status of the Palestinian Authority from a “transitional authority” to a “state under occupation.” The details are intended to be finalized in a follow-up meeting of the PLO mid-month.
Ruben Talberg
die PLO macht mehr kohle, wenn sie nicht weiter verhandelt – ne masse von UN members unterstützt sie dabei – inklusive Schmocks wie Macron, Gabriel und Co.