Republicans, AIPAC weigh support for bill ‘fixing’ Iran deal | The Times of Israel Democratic-backed Senate legislation that hopes to break party lines would boost aid to Israel, seek assurances on accord’s implementation HIER WEITERLESEN: WWW.TIMESOFISRAEL.COM
Hamas captivity survivor Emily Damari returns to spot of her abduction in Kfar Aza – Freed hostage posts ‘I’m back’ along with photo of herself sitting among ruins of apartment from where terrorists abducted her in October 2023; urges freeing all hostages | The Times of Israel 04.02.2025
Palästinensischer Islamischer Dschihad lobt Al Jazeera – Nach dem Waffenstillstand im Gazastreifen bedankte sich der Islamische Dschihad beim katarischen Sender al Jazeera für dessen Unterstützung gegen Israel. | Mena-Watch 27.01.2025
UAE’s Edge Group Invests in Israeli Drone Tech Firm as Abraham Accords Hold Strong Amid Gaza War | 30.01.2025
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