Reuters Report on Killing of Journalist in Lebanon Tells Only Half the Story | HonestReporting

In journalism, every story must answer five fundamental questions known as the 5 W’s: “Who,” “What,” “When,” “Where,” and “Why,” with “How” usually added as number 6. These are the basic pillars that help build a reliable and coherent picture of reality.
Yet Reuters’ impressive investigative report into the killing of the agency’s journalist Issam Abdallah in south Lebanon last October focuses heavily on all these questions except for the “Why.” Thus, it omits crucial context from what is undoubtedly a tragic incident and frames it as a deliberate Israeli action against reporters.
Yet Reuters’ impressive investigative report into the killing of the agency’s journalist Issam Abdallah in south Lebanon last October focuses heavily on all these questions except for the “Why.” Thus, it omits crucial context from what is undoubtedly a tragic incident and frames it as a deliberate Israeli action against reporters.
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