US Policy and the Question of Jerusalem | Diplomatische Akademie Wien

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    • Alan Bebber-Scopp

      And for your information, its not possible to have diplomatic relations with a state that doesn’t exist except in the imagination of uninformed diplomats. As long as “palestine” is not fully recognized by the UN they are still not a state no matter how oft they say they are. Thought you might know that.

    • Alan Bebber-Scopp

      Dear Mr. Bebber-Scopp,

      Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, we do not have any relations with the state of Narnia. What we do, however, is co-hosting a great number of talks and discussions on a broad variety of different topics organised by national and international organisations, think tanks, (academic) institutions, etc.

      While comments and opinions are very welcome during the events and on our Social Media platforms, it is also our netiquette not to reply to rude and inadequate questions and comments.

      With best regards,
      DA Social Media team

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