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JTA — The first time Gidon Lev encountered Holocaust denial was after becoming an unwitting TikTok star at the age of 86.
“I was totally shocked. How could this be?” he told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency about receiving dozens of comments accusing him of lying about the years in a Nazi concentration camp as a child.
“If only I was a liar,” he said. “Then I would have a father, grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles. I would have had a childhood.”

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi threatened to destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa at the slightest provocation in a speech he delivered during the country’s National Army Day parade that also fell on Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.
“The slightest mistake against our country will be responded with a harsh response and will be accompanied by the destruction of Haifa and Tel Aviv,” Raisi said according to an English language translation of his speech posted on his office’s web page.
When it comes to extremism, there is no such thing as neutrality. Our experience shows that extremists say what they mean and mean what they say. If they say that they want to fight and defeat us, we should believe them. It would be irresponsible to take the easy road by pretending otherwise.
Der Moment ist ergreifend. Die Sirenen heulen und ein ganzes Land steht still, um zu erinnern. Israel und die Geschichte der Shoah sind untrennbar miteinander verbunden. In Yad Vashem, der zentralen Gedenkstätte, warten am Ende der Ausstellung über den millionenfachen Mord an den europäischen Juden ein riesiges Fenster und eine Terrasse. Man tritt hinaus, und der Blick weitet sich auf: Erez Israel.
As is its custom, official PA TV entertained Palestinians with quizzes during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. Contestants won monetary prizes merely by denying Israel's existence, giving a “right” wrong answer. The following are four examples of such quizzes:
When it comes to the Holocaust, the Palestinian Authority has a dilemma about which bogus narrative to adopt. On the one hand, the PA denies the Holocaust ever happened, or at the very least, that the numbers of Jews murdered were entirely exaggerated. On the other hand, the PA uses the Holocaust to compare Israel to the Nazis and to accuse Israel of conducting a Holocaust against the Palestinians.
Today, on Israeli Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel, the Jewish people around the world, and others mark the murder of 6,000,000 Jews by the Nazis. And still today, in 2023, there is an organization that rewards the murder of Jews and literally pays hundreds of millions of dollars every year in cash rewards, to people who participated in terror and murdered Jews, simply for being Jews. It is not the Nazis this time, but the PA.
The opportunity to normalize ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia could end in early 2024, US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told reporters in Jerusalem on Monday, underscoring that Riyadh was open to such a move.
“For Saudi Arabia to recognize Israel, a Jewish state, as a legitimate entity in the Middle East is the ultimate game changer,” he said.
(April 17, 2023 / JNS) Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) met with Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen on Monday in Jerusalem, where the two men discussed expanding the Abraham Accords and addressing the Iranian threat.
The congressman is visiting the Jewish state after a trip to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where he met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

A senior Israeli official on Sunday confirmed Israel's involvement with the U.S. to bring about an end to hostilities in Sudan after an attempted coup. Israelis were talking to both General Abdel Fattah Burhan who heads the Sovereign Council, governing the country, and General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo who heads the opposition Rapid Support Forces, (RSF) both parties to talks with Israel ahead of the establishment of ties.


Jewish and anti-racist groups in France have roundly condemned a far left member of parliament who posted a photograph of herself meeting with Palestinian solidarity activists above a tweet concerned with antisemitism.
The MP — Ersilia Soudais, who sits with the far left NUPES coalition in the French National Assembly — was appointed by her party on Feb. 14 as a vice-president of the parliament’s study group on antisemitism. The announcement sparked concern among Jewish groups given NUPES anti-Zionist stance, which has included tabling a parliamentary resolution in July last year denouncing Israel for its alleged “apartheid regime.”

Chants of “Kanye West!” and pictures of swastikas and the Palestinian flag were used in Los Angeles on Saturday night to taunt Jewish female basketball players during a game between the Shalhevet Firehawks and the Buena Park Coyotes, according to local reports.

A mikveh dating to the 18th or 17th centuries was discovered in the Polish city of Oświęcim, Heritage Daily reported on Friday.
Oświęcim is the Polish name for a place that is far better known for its German name, a name that will live in infamy forever: Auschwitz.
Jews first came to settle in Poland in the early 1200s, according to MyJewishLearning, and, as Heritage Daily notes, first settled in Oświęcim in the 1500s.

Helsinki, February 20th, 2023 – The Finnish parliament has reversed its plan to ban religious slaughter as part of a broader overhaul of its animal welfare legislation.
After the Constitutional Law Committee voted 10-5 against the ban late last week, the Agricultural Committee, which had prepared the legislation for more than a year, reversed its plan and voted 10-3 for allowing meat production compatible with Jewish and Muslim religious traditions, that is shechita and halal slaughter.
In a statement in Helsinki on Monday ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell welcomed the decision which he called “a major victory for minority rights, especially the right for the Jewish and Muslim communities to practice their religions.”

A friend asked me last week why the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, had suspended relations with Israel and canceled the twin city agreement with the most liberal city in the Middle East, Tel Aviv. What does she gain by this?
Apart from how pathetic it is that she exceeds her authority in such a way, my friend did not understand that in the nature of fanatics, there are no reasons, only the blindness of their agenda of resentment and prejudice.

Wenn Juden und Jüdinnen in Deutschland Opfer von Antisemitismus waren, haben wir darüber berichtet und wollten mit der jüdischen Community sprechen. Oft bekamen wir dabei zu hören: "Warum interessiert ihr euch immer nur für uns, wenn etwas passiert ist?" Das haben wir uns zu Herzen genommen und wollen deshalb genauer hinsehen. In mehreren Artikeln wollen wir uns mit der Frage beschäftigen: Wie sieht es aus, das junge, jüdische und auch politische Leben in Deutschland?

Antisemitismus hat viele Facetten. Manchmal entdeckt man ihn sogar bei sich selbst.
Wo beginnt Antisemitismus? Woher kommen die oft jahrhundertealten Stereotype, und welche Rolle spielen sie bis heute? Wie unterscheidet man zwischen legitimer Kritik an der israelischen Regierung und unverhohlenem Antisemitismus? Wir fragen eine Jüdin und einen Juden, wie sich Antisemitismus im Alltag anfühlt - und erklären, warum er so schwer zu bekämpfen ist.
Eine Bericht von Anne Höhn und Kate Brady.

Paul, Kinan und Iri­na woh­nen gemein­sam in einer WG. Ihre unter­schied­li­chen Her­künf­te und Reli­gio­nen spie­len dabei kei­ne Rol­le. Bis heu­te: Denn seit der Par­ty gestern ist Iri­na ver­schwun­den. Hat irgend­wer auf der Par­ty schlech­ten Gang­sta-Rap auf­ge­legt, der sie als Jüdin belei­digt haben könnte?
In dem Prä­ven­ti­ons­thea­ter­stück „TACHE­LES“, das am Diens­tag an der Staat­li­chen Real­schu­le CO II bay­ern­weit Prä­mie­re fei­er­te, geht es um Anti­se­mi­tis­mus und vor allem um die Stär­kung des Demokratiebewusstseins.

Der Rat fordert die Konzertabsage des Musikers Roger Waters in der Lanxess-Arena – sollte es doch stattfinden, gibt es eine Idee für Protest.

München, 14.02.2023 (KAP/KNA) Kirchen und kirchliche Organisationen veranstalten anlässlich der vom 17. bis 19. Februar stattfindenden Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz (Siko) eine Reihe von Gebetsimpulsen. So soll dafür gebetet werden, dass die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Siko sich stets bewusst sein mögen, Verantwortung zu tragen für den Frieden, wie Sebastian Bugl sagte. Der Leiter der Abteilung Weltkirche in der Erzdiözese München und Freising ergänzte, dass es in den Gebeten auch um die Menschen gehe, die Krieg und Gewalt erlebten, die ihrer Heimat und ihrer Liebsten beraubt würden, deren Hoffnungen und Wünsche kein Ziel mehr hätten.