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Deutschland und Israel wollen ihre Rüstungskooperation weiter ausbauen. Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) bekräftigte am Donnerstag nach seinem Treffen mit dem israelischen Ministerpräsidenten Benjamin Netanjahu den festen Willen Deutschlands, das israelische Luftabwehrsystem Arrow 3 anzuschaffen.
Dark shadows notwithstanding, Israel enjoys a unique relationship with Germany. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Jerusalem and Berlin, the ties between the two countries have grown in strength, both at the diplomatic level and in the commercial and military realms. Many bilateral agreements have been signed in the areas of security, justice, economy, science and culture. Israel's security and right to exist represent the cornerstones of German foreign policy.

WASHINGTON — For the first time, a poll by Gallup found that Democrats are likelier to sympathize with Palestinians than with Israelis, though a majority of Democrats have a favorable view of Israel.
Asked, “In the Middle East situation, are your sympathies more with the Israelis or more with the Palestinians?” 49% of Democrats sympathized more with the Palestinians and 38% sympathized more with the Israelis. An additional 13%, according to the poll, sympathized with neither, both or had no opinion. It was the first time since at least 2001 that more Democrats sympathized with the Palestinians than with the Israelis.

France 24, a state-owned news network based in the Paris region, has suspended four of its journalists following allegations that they used vitriolic language against Israel and, in at least one case, against Jews.
The network announced on Tuesday the suspension of the journalists, three of whom work for the Arabic-language edition of France 24. It cited an exposé about their rhetoric on social networks by CAMERA, a pro-Israel media watchdog, and ensuing action by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
A legal advocacy organization is urging the World Rugby Union (WRU) to immediately allow an Israeli rugby team to participate in a competition in South Africa after the team was uninvited by the South African Rugby Union (SARU).
President Isaac Herzog's long-awaited "People's Outline" to end the crisis over the government's judicial reform appeared to be dead out of the gate, as the heads of the coalition parties put out a joint statement calling it "one-sided, biased and unacceptable."
Israeli climate-tech start-up BladeRanger and Alpha Solar, one of Bahrain's leading energy providers, have announced a new partnership to assist solar site owners in the Gulf region to maximize power generation by utilizing the former’s autonomous solar-panel cleaning robots.
The cooperative effort was announced this week during the Connect2Innovate conference in Bahrain, organized by Start-Up Nation Central, the Bahrain Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Bahrain Economic Development Board. It represents continued progress in strengthening business relations between Israel and its Gulf neighbors following the historic ratification of the Abraham Accords in 2020.

Eines der großartigen Bauwerke, das von König Herodes erbaut wurde, um fließendes Wasser in die Altstadt von Cäsarea zu bringen. Das Aquädukt führte entlang eines erhöhten Aquädukts fließendes Wasser in die Altstadt von Cäsarea. Die Quelle des Wassers waren die 10 km entfernten Quellen von Shummi.
Frühling, 7:30 Uhr, 21°C / 69,8°F

The teachers in the Palestinian Authority are striking because the PA is not paying their full wages and has reneged on promises it made to them in 2022. As a result, according to different reports, over a million Palestinian children have not had school since the strike started on 5th of February, 2023.
Instead of paying the salaries of the teachers, the PA prioritizes to pay hundreds of millions of shekels to terrorists. As Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas says, time after time: “Even if I’m left with one penny, I’ll pay it to the families of the Martyrs, to the prisoners, and to the wounded.”


An online Australian company came under fire for selling Adolf Hitler "inspired" merchandise for Valentine's Day, which has now been taken down.
The site, Spicy Baboon, was selling mugs, t-shirts, stickers, cards and beer cozies with a cartoon depiction of Hitler holding a rose in his mouth and surrounded by hearts. Underneath the graphic was the caption "Be Mein." – President Joe Biden said Thursday that he was motivated to run for his current office when Neo-Nazis and white nationalists marching in Charlottesville, Va., in the summer of 2017, were “spewing the same antisemitic bile we heard in the 1930s in Europe.”
Als „Jahrhundertpersönlichkeit“ bezeichnete der Berliner CDU-Landeschef Kai Wegner die Holocaustüberlebende Margot Friedländer. Und so nannte sie auch die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, als Margot Friedländer vor wenigen Tagen das Bundesverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse erhielt. Es ist die verdiente Anerkennung einer engagierten Mahnerin gegen das Vergessen, dass Freiheit, Rechtstaatlichkeit und Demokratie nicht selbstverständlich sind. Und es ist die Anerkennung eines Lebens mit dem Ziel der Aussöhnung in Verantwortung.
Um was geht es der Klimabewegung? Um das Klima? Sollte man meinen. Bis man anfängt, sich ausführlicher mit den wahren Zielen zu beschäftigen
Wissen Sie, was ein Leopard an Sprit verbraucht? 720 Liter Diesel, auf hundert Kilometer. Panzer sind nicht nur friedensethisch eine Katastrophe, sie sind auch Klimamörder. Jeder Leopard ein Lützerath auf Ketten. Mich wundert, dass die Klimabewegung das Thema noch nicht für sich entdeckt hat und auf ein schleuniges Ende des Krieges drängt.
Doch halt. Genau so steht es ja in einem Aufsatz unter der Überschrift „Klimakiller Krieg“ im „Journal für Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft“, dem außenpolitischen Magazin der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, der Parteistiftung der SPD.

A quote by the Nobel Prize-winning author and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel was briefly removed from the walls of a Philadelphia-area high school, reportedly because it violated the school’s policy on “neutrality.”
On Wednesday a principal of a high school in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, ordered the school librarian to take down four posters with the Wiesel quote. The quote came from Wiesel’s 1986 Nobel acceptance speech and reads: “I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”
JTA — Just before International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Milan’s Holocaust memorial debuted an eye-grabbing new addition on some of its exterior walls: murals of characters from “The Simpsons” dressed as Jews under Nazi rule.
But the Shoah Memorial Foundation said the well-known Italian pop artist who painted the murals didn’t reach out before creating the series of images, some of which show Homer, Marge, Bart and Lisa Simpson in concentration camp garb.
In Deutschland lebt eine ausgeprägte Erinnerungskultur an die Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus. Doch dabei darf es nicht um eine „Vergangenheitsbewältigung“ gehen, auch der sehr lebendige Antisemitismus darf nicht vergessen werden. Ein Blick auf das Gedenken in Israel könnte helfen.
UNITED NATIONS — Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, lashed the world body for its disproportionate focus on Israel and for antisemitism in its ranks in a speech to the General Assembly on Friday marking Holocaust Remembrance Day.
“The UN was founded upon the ashes of the Holocaust. It was established to ensure such darkness never befell humanity again,” Erdan said. “It is a living monument to the horrors suffered by the Jewish people.”
UNITED NATIONS — Gene Simmons, the bass player and co-lead singer of the iconic rock band Kiss, called for widening identification with the Holocaust beyond the Jewish community during a Thursday event commemorating the genocide at the United Nations.