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A six-year-old boy was killed and at least five others were wounded including another child in critical condition in a car-ramming attack near Jerusalem’s Ramot neighborhood, police and medics said Friday.
An image from the scene showed several people strewn on the ground after a blue Mazda vehicle crashed into a bus stop near the Nebi Samuel site, north of Jerusalem.
German Ambassador to Israel, Steffen Seibert, hit back at “disappointing” claims made by Public Diplomacy Minister Galit Distel Atbaryan, that asserted “German and Iranian money” was behind ongoing anti-government protests sparked by government plans to overhaul the judiciary.
Speaking to Army Radio on Tuesday, Atbaryan, from the Likud party, said that “Funding from foreign nations and actors, most of whom are antisemitic, taking people out into the streets without them knowing that the money behind the protests ultimately comes from countries like Germany or Iran – that’s what’s on the [political] left.”
(February 7, 2023 / JNS) On his recent trip to Israel, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke often about the importance of security and stability in the region. Following a terrorist attack in which seven Israelis were murdered, he told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Israelis should know that America’s commitment to their security is “ironclad.”
Philanthropic giving for Israel from American Jews totals hundreds of millions of dollars annually, though exact numbers are hard to come by. But the trend in recent years has been to keep more American Jewish philanthropy at home. It is estimated that only about 25% of U.S. Jewish giving goes to overseas support, with almost all of that landing in Israel.
That percentage will likely decline even more with the election of a far-right Israeli government committed to enacting policies contrary to the values of the majority of American Jews.
ISLAMABAD: It has been more than two years since the Abraham Accords normalised relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan.
A quick assessment of the current situation shows that many things are going well. This is particularly the case between Israel and the UAE—the first two countries that came to the table in August 2020—who have gone from zero to more than $2 billion in bilateral trade during the first two years. Additionally, approximately 500,000 Israelis have visited the UAE and there have been countless memorandums of understandings, agreements and high-level engagements up to the presidential level, an analysis appeared in the foreign media said.

The mayor of Barcelona’s arch rival Madrid immediately offers to take up the twinning agreement with Tel Aviv, as both he and Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau jostle for position on international issues and investment in an election year.
José Luis Martínez-Almeida, the Spanish capital’s conservative mayor, accuses Barcelona’s leader of antisemitism and tweets that he has written to Tel Aviv’s mayor to share “Madrid’s commitment to democracy and freedom.”
“It would be an honor to be twinned with Tel Aviv,” he adds. Spain’s right-wing politicians are increasingly making diplomatic and commercial outreach to Israel.

Ein Sturm namens „Barbara“ in Israel. Reale Situation. Virtueller Spaziergang bei kaltem und winterlichem Wetter. Verregnete Straßen der Stadt Jaffa.
Winter, 7. Februar, 14 Uhr, 12 °C / 53,6 °F

Die türkische Regierung hat ein Ende der UN-Friedensmission auf Zypern (UNFICYP) gefordert. Mit der am 30. Januar vom Außenministerium veröffentlichten Erklärung reagierte Ankara auf den vom UN-Sicherheitsrat am selben Tag mit allen Stimmen der 15 Mitglieder gefassten Beschluss, die Mission um ein weiteres Jahr zu verlängern.

Viele Staaten sind der Türkei nach dem schrecklichen Erdbeben zur Hilfe geeilt. Und auch Israel ist mit sage und schreibe 380 Helfen und 15 Cargo Flugzeugen angereist um zu helfen.…


Im Dezember kamen erstmals Vertreter jüdischer Gemeinden aus dem gesamten südlich der Sahara gelegenen Afrika in Abidjan (Elfenbeinküste) zusammen, um verschiedene Aspekte des Judentums und des jüdischen Lebens in der Region zu erörtern. Im Zuge des Treffens wurde die Sub-Saharan African Jewish Alliance (SAJA) mit dem Ziel gegründet, die Beziehungen zwischen den jüdischen Gemeinden des Kontinents zu fördern 

Hasidic and Orthodox Jews in New York City are the minority group most victimized by hate crimes in the city, according to a Dec. 28 report by Americans Against Antisemitism (AAA), a US based group founded in 2019 to raise awareness of rising antisemitism.
The report, titled “The Hate Crime Accountability Project” and based on data provided by the New York City Police Department (NYPD), said that Orthodox Jews were victims in 94 percent of the 194 antisemitic assaults that occurred between 2018 and 2022. 97 percent were committed by members of other minority groups, it added, and nearly a quarter by teenagers.

You’re probably familiar with the slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” but have you ever stopped to think about what it really means? This is a call to establish a Palestinian state where Israel currently exists - a call for annihilation, not liberation.

Germany has rebuffed the latest push by Poland's nationalist government for vast reparations over World War Two, saying in response to a diplomatic note that the issue was closed, the foreign ministry in Warsaw said on Tuesday.
Torah books taken from a synagogue destroyed by Russian airstrikes, were brought to Israel, officials said on Monday.
The operation to rescue the two volumes of the text took nearly nine months and an attempt to extract several others from the ruins, is still ongoing.

The Black Eyed Peas showed support for the Jewish community by dedicating one of their songs during their New Year’s Eve concert in Poland to those who experienced hate throughout 2022.
The band — which includes Apl.De.Pp, Taboo, new semi-member J. Rey Soul and frontman Will.I.Am — was hired by Polish broadcaster TVP to headline the network’s “New Year’s of Dreams” show. Before they began singing their hit song “Where Is The Love?” Will.I.Am spoke to the crowd and singled out the Jewish community, as well as people around the world of African descent and the LGBTQ community who were targeted with hatred during the year.

The Diaspora Affairs Ministry will change its name to Diaspora Affairs and Combat Antisemitism Ministry, incoming Minister Amichai Chikli said on Monday during his incoming ceremony at the ministry. 
“We managed to unite various departments dealing with antisemitism and the fight against the delegitimization of Israel under one roof,” he said. Chikli also called out to organizations and individuals who have initiatives to fight delegitimization of Israel “to continue,” and that he and the ministry will “do everything we can to help.” 

For more than a few years, French Imam Hassen Chalghoumi has been an outspoken critic of radical Islam, a position that has earned him praise but also censures, hostility and even death threats – resulting in stringent security measures for the Tunisian-born cleric in his adoptive country.
Ein Steuerberater, der ernsthaft glaubt, sein Kollege müsse in Bayern keine Steuern zahlen, weil er Jude ist. Ein Kind, das seine jüdische Mitschülerin in der vierten Klasse fragt: Und wann trinkt ihr Juden das Blut der Christenkinder? "Die Klischees und Stereotype mögen noch so absurd sein, sie werden alle geglaubt", sagt Ludwig Spaenle. Er gibt sich da keiner Illusion hin.
Wenn die Deutschen noch immer aus den Verbrechen der Groß- und Urgroßväter eine Verpflichtung gegenüber den Juden und eine gesteigerte Aufmerksamkeit gegenüber auch subtilen Formen des Antisemitismus ableiten, dann kann das nur zwei Gründe haben: dass sie, erstens, in ihrer Provinzialität einfach nicht bemerkt haben, dass man woanders, also zum Beispiel im sogenannten Globalen Süden, diese Verbrechen in ganz andere Kontexte stellt und aus ganz anderen Perspektiven betrachtet; und dass sie, zweitens, weil sie Besserwisser und Wichtigtuer sind, ihre Sicht auf die Verbrechen, den „deutschen Katechismus“, wie der australische Autor Dirk Moses das nennt, auch allen anderen und speziell den Bewohnern dieses Südens aufzwingen wollen.